THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Fridny by YV. W.IIkah. K.litor IibU.sli-T. SU -rK I J'T ION ' One Year $1.50 Six Monih 0.T5 Three Months 0.,".0 Entered a second Class mntu at tl ji)!itnffire .ir lone, Oregon, under .ut ..! vh ;i. 179. Friday, May 8. 1931 In our desire to L-vierei fid th pendulum lur. swig in j ivor i.f the prisoner and far auiy )om the protection of .wiety. PresUent Hoorer Eat Pride of Oregon Butter and Ice Cream MAY 22 TO OCT. 15 RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31 LIBERAL STOPOVERS Summer excursion fores east da4y on Union Pacific's vonderful Portland Rose cr.d other fine trains. Scenic route. Short side trips enable you to visit... Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryct Ca.iyon, Rocky Mountain, Grand T'on and Ytllowiton National Porta. Informa tion and vacation booklets or, rc : net. Ol'ND TRIP TO DLNVKR 7.It OMAHA 74.KI KANSAS CITY.... 7.a ST. LOUS S4.C1 CHICAGO 8.l UX.1ROIT 10.? CINCINNATI .109.71 NEW ORI.FANS.. 111.6 CLEVELAND 111. IS TORONTO 1H.2I ATLANTA ... 119. PITTSBURGH ... 123.17 WASHINGTON 11. 17 PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK 1S1.BI BOSTON lifl.SI UNION PACIFIC 7. U'. IIOWK, Agt. IONE - J& Clark & Linn Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa per Hanginand General Re pair Work. Aermotor wind mills and Fair banks-Morse gas Engines at P. G. Balsiger's Here you ccn narr.e your price end still ds cido.. . ."I vil! buy only THE leading make cf tire . . . Goodyear' INDEPENDENT GARAGE lone - Oreaon ' T A Mrs. Pcttcys Dies ! Pendleton and John Ganger of I John Day. j Mrs. Petteys was a true pio-j neer mother, loved by all who' j knew her, a loyal friend to every ! jono. The profusion of beautiful i flowers and the large number of 1 people present at the funeral ser- j , vice bespoke the high regard in : which she was held. She was in-1 deed "faithful unto death", and! Ithe text around which Kev. Ben : ton buiit his sermon, " He thou i;athful unto death and 1 will give thee a crown of life", was indeed a fitting one Out of town relatives who were present at the funeral services ot airs. Katie Petteys were Mrs. truest Newton and Mrs. Jalmer Koski of South bend, Washing ton, Mrs. James Cossman of Lu gene, Mrs. t:?;-cr Hanson and Uene tngel i . i urtland, Ld (jejrj-c ue.iger, Mrs. Edna Lrum ana Mrs. uootrc Ganger of John Da.. , .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ganger Sr., iur. i.u Mrs. will Ganger and children, Mrs. Carrie AicNeil, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Sparks a-id son, Mr. r.nd i.irs H. Sharks Jajk Sharks. i:rs. John Muirat.J Arthur Ganger of Pendleton. Following the funeral service at the ceniett ry the relatives gath ered at the old I'etteys home t r the evening meal. Thirty-nine were prssent. Farm Service by a Bcnh A farm sorvico di'parlr.'.nt was in.Tjpur.ilrd a year aso by a bn'.: in OIjTrpia. W a.'hir.ton. anil a farm apro.r.tod. CIjsc co c?rat:on has beta maintained with the statj college ext.-tssisa crvlc?. Work.ii Cairyinj i car ried cn In conjunction with tlio Uniry Herd Improvrrr.r'nt Associf. tiori. Also a pasture contest waj hold In cooperation with the four bar.ka in tne county which offered prizes amounting to $100. W'crk in poultry wa3 carried on in coopera tion with the Co-operative Poultry Association and assiatanca wr.a given In organizing an econoirio conference for the benefit of berry grower. The farm advisor of the har.k U active in the Agricultural Council of tha ccr.ty composi-d of farm and other organizations interested in ??ricultt:ra! d'velop .nent, and also in the Kr.rmcri' laarket. Six hundred farm bu.:: ;icss analysii blanks wore dijtri'j i ted while farm account bookj a.vl I ou'try record booki were al-o pro idvd to farmers and h?.ve been holnful In gtartinjj many farmer :n keeping busincii recori3. , For Sale One N7 International Combine $800 cash jtahes it. or termsmaybe arranged. Particulars at this office. IMvODUCE WANTED i Frawley Clarke Produce Co. of Portland will be rerescnte in , this territory a.s ku;t year hy W. ;M. Fulanky. I :-o icit yo'.u Pi-( trado. IWfW WWW. f ' $M HTn'Hf WikA t lit '','..?' V.l Tdy.t AY W n::vt.Ki.v im.Ls.-woii Rinunuw is Just wln.i 1 read lu tho paper. Ihu-h so much c.slamUy hero tlio lust weuk. or so that lu hard to dlu much chi'ir t u I mmrlsliiiifltt out of tho 1R' prints. Tool Knuto Kaikno so updet everybody that wo Just ut Rcl over It, ospei'lally tluwu of uh who hud the Rood lorliiuc to know him. Tho more you think ( him tho moro re markable ho be comes. You know ho dktcnt Jiut have tho big team una uo aulis, be hud dm ot cm, lkunitory teams, clus teams, Every kind of team, all but KiUtemiiy teams, they dont have them there. . 1 think his greatest feat was Ms last game, that was out hero with University of Southern California. Here wo thought out 1 re had tho grea 'at t i t..ui ever represented the tjat, tremendous Stadium tilled, Notre Dan . hail it 1. t a tuitiu in tv.o .-oars, and this was their lust. It was the last for a lot uf their bit; Stars who were gradt.atliiK- Iiockno wki tr"tel to l". Tio night before over llu- i.'u.o I io nd' iltted that he tiiCotu iiu.eti o. - chance. "Sa voldl Is out; ho was our mainstay. Then on the wuy out wo lost our full Laik by illness. Wo have poiio throu; h a to:;sh a .aon, and we Ju.t couldeut slay on i(Ue to long. The i:.ys had to have a let down. 1 bavo risked too much of them this seusou with the terrible schedule they bud, and it j.;-t is i.ot iu hunnu lielnes to keep up tliclr pace till now. We have i!Jt to lose, and we want to lose t' ; ..u hi preidence to anybody else, i.j a L'i'g tr;.iu trip out here. Its iiivli wanner liero than back home, and tho h-at is ai;.:!nst the bjyn, bt.t v o will j;; t n;ve you the host v.e gt." Now wlat oti'.er coach on earth cou'.d Kivc such a strij;ht;o. ward talk r.s that, uud not have every word swul lowed hook, line and sinker? Then this last line he gav uj that nlslii hrrorc. "Now there is goitu' to bo a lui of heart-aches tomorrow afieruoo'.i arttr that g.ixe. Great bis stron;: youn;; men are coining Into the dress ing rooms and break down and cry. Hut my buys c3n It a Utile ...lier becau.'e t.ny d'ld ip..ct to v. In, they have bt- eled theniKclvos to the defeat." V.'el! here we are all packed iu tlio stands, really pity Inn those poor bo)k from back there, a:.d hoping t!"t the (.'..l.iornla boys wouldeiit scriou.,1) l: ;rt any of the m running over the::; WW k 1 11 IONE INDEPENDENT JOB PRINT pTj; .f(Mp )f ATKMITH QHOP" We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an e'ectric key way machine nnd a stock of shafting in a wiJe range of sizes. We also have a list of second hanJ combines fur sale. Agency for the Harris Manuiacturinc? Companies new combines. 1 J. P. O'Mcara. TI?E fiNDEPLNDENT j $1-50 A YEAR ? When You Vi.-,;t Heppner Eat A! The "Klkhorn Restaurant" -JGoodMeals Hestof Service t Lunch Counter ? f t I? I A.D. McMURDO, M.D. ; ; Physician And Surgeon t Joffice In Masonic Building i i Trained Nurse Assistant lkppner, Oregon j i o tho way to tho goal po..U. Well t on the very first play California turn t hied. Well from then on It was Jut too bad. You never suw a team beat cu so cool and deliberate like. Notre Dame huddltnl for a vhungo, und when they come out of It they would walk as slow to their pluees, and that got Cal'a goat. They finished by Not , Dame beating thorn !?". It wuxi.u j the score. It was the deliberate ttmi mechanical way they did It, It was u machine doing things where the oiti j t were trying with their hands. And here was a great thin:; he did. I as each one of his Stars that would be taken out of tho game In the Ian halt and It wns their lust gume for Notre Dnnie, he would Jump t:p from tho bench und go out und meet him ! nnd hug him, you could Just nee tin affection that he had for each one. und It was conveyed to that whole uudlcnce. I will never forgut when little Carldeo. (perhaps the j Held Ueneral thut ever plaed foot I hali left th t'Md. He hrd played a j whale of a game, handled his team I uncanny. There Is a lot of drama in : a player like ft at leaving tho Held f . ; his last time n n College p...ycr. 1 think Itockne pulled him out Junl ti get him that great Und as he h tt the Stadium. Well wln i old "Itock" went out and put his arms around that little Carldeo and walked him off the Held. It wasnt an ovation, It wiin bur rlcane. We (lldent kii v then what wo wi limklng at. We thought It was the xit of anoth'.T gnat QuarrerbacU. Hut wo was look- liii? at the exit of r? - 1 , Knute llockue. He l, was hugging his 1 i ' Inst Player, line fry y.ung men all over ( the I. S. can feel I !.a.-k and cherish the hug they got i n their last game fn ni "Hock." Hut .-w II:. 'n f';,rl. C.fl j that got t!e la ; hug. H. ro he v, is rl,;!it on the cn-Jv. lie h i I U ;:t :i the Coa t, ;;i . ! tej'iij for a two year no (lefir.t lot'. :d for Notre Paine. Hut the t. l.jlo ot California lovid lilm. for thiM i.Uiit on the radio he apologised for llie !.: of the score and said, "I bad to make It big for Conch Jones will mal e It bigger than that nsalimt me ne.t year." Due lone Ranch Hand In Kanas was supposed to have been the sole witness to Koikne's iuhI:i,:. Hut thats not so, eighty thousand f us '-.v M.i parsing out. his l.vt rnr:. . . ::1 It will stick with ii through life. (V !'!!. M Na i .( i-t, Ir. ) For DRM'ERS to P. G. Hal- Proprietor !7 ; - A s a M E1?..,jL a : lit ! Dr.J.H.McCrady!jiLGRAYM.B.!:i Dentist X-Kay DIACXOSIS Office; OJd Fellows HU'tf. Heppner Oregon J.O.PETERSON EXPERT t WATCHMAKER T AND i JEWELMY REPAIRER j Heppner, Oregon. yi ! Dr.CW.Barr J! DENTIST j! PlioiieM012 Oilman BUg. Heppner, Ore. f Evtminjo nnJ Sjnivby appoiiinntn i j s. u hear your voice on (Sunday May 10) Next to a visit in person, there is nothing quite like your voice. Inter-city telephone service is fast, clear, dependable. Operators are glad to make every effort to serve your needs. The Pacific Ti:i.khionk Ami Thj:;iuh! Company V7 "THE PARK" lONE'SNEW HOTEL NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Ralph Harris - Manager First Class restaurant in connection Operated by Mrs. John Grimes Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, Oregon STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon "Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you sell your wheat. . - lhy5 kian & Surgeon Heppi lcr - Oregon G lasses Fitted tt f Farm Implements J VUIiCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, JsTAR and AERMOTOR X WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. I Bates Steel Mule Tractor TmjTgTbalsiger" lone, Oregon Xet hei- to see him bt'fore yout - ........ . C u nnrmrPAii Attorney & Counselor At Law til I'nu-ilif In All Tin. '')lllpf IONIC OREGON i .1 1 v i I 8 t,j mwwMMwwHmttHHHmmwmHi II