THE IONE INDEPENDENT IVblishpd Every Fridiiy by j W. V. UtAO, Alitor Publisher. i SURKIPTION One Year $1.50 SixMonihi 0.75 Three Mouths 0.50 Entered as second Clns tuntti at (l'l-ixistoffire at lone, Orrjton, under not oi , .iicl';l. 1S79. FriJay, Apii. 10, 1931 Lexington News Mis Amabel StroJlin.-n Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Warntr motored to Walla Val!a on busi ness, Saturday. Orville Cntsforth and wife are i he proud parents oi a daughter born on Thurs jay last A daugh tcrwas born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilcox on Saturday Miss Helen Falconer and Mrs. Claaence Howell were business visitors in Per.tilettn on Saturday A short Easter program was presented, Snnday morning, by the members of the GiristLn Sunday Schorl The prorcm is as follows: Hymn by the choir; p ano solo, Mildred Sanford; duit, Mae Gentry and Ruth Dingcs;rec itat'on, Danny Dirges; sc.iptuie verses, GirN' Class; recraiior, Louise Hunt; song by Primary and Beginners Class; reading by Amy Strodtman and Solo by Mrs. ft. F. Parker. R H. Lane relumed, Tuesday, from a week's visit in Portland. The Sensor Class of Lexington High School sponsor a Vaudeville show to be presented in the audi torium on Friday, Vpril 10 Th. admission fees will be 15 and 35 c-nts. Mrs. Lou Edwards departed the first of the week for San Francisco to attend the funeral of her moth er. L F, Hennerson, veterinarian, of Spokane. Washington, was mak ing inspections in this community on Monday. iliss Ann Blahm, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs Adam Blahm wj united in marriage to Clifford Shaw, on Saturday afternoon it Heppner. Savages and Ui We incuse (.avae of worship In,j unly the K;iirit or devil. Tliouh tlioy may dUtlnjuisli hot U a good r.nd a bud. tlioy regsird only that whii-h they fear, worship the devil only. We, too, are cavnti in this, dolnjj precisely the Siiine tiling. Thoreati. Would MU Loit Trail It hut hern estlniutfil dial if the annual eiirn!ii; of the people of the t'nited State were In one do'lar !!!!. Bud panted In n strip, they wouiJ reach ml i.r H ERc you your price and still de cide,. . ."I will buy only THE leading make of tire . . . Goodyear." INDEPENDENT GARAGE lone - Oregon ft F. L. KUNS DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS Funeral Services at Heppner Under 1. O. O. F. Ritual. F.L. Kunsa prominent ci'izcn of Lexington, passed away at the Heppner hospiLl on Sunday, the !fth of April, after a long lilt e;s j He suffered en attack cf influ enza over a year ago ind compli cations followed which caused his d-ath. Funeral services conducted by the Rev. W. W. Head were i held in the I 0.0. F. hall at Hepp ner on Tuesday Morning Mr. Runs spent most of his li e in this community. For sometime he cperatcd a ranch but of Hi years has been manager of ih Lexington Transfer Company Fe issurviV;d by his widow and two children. Personal Mention Linea Tiocdson of the Fch high school leeching staff, spent the week-end at t .e home of het parents. Robert Grahil who is attending school in Portland, f pt nt the w. k end with relatives in lone. Mrs. Earl Wright and two chil dren of Baker are guests in tin home of Mrs Wight's parent. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Grabil. David Grabil is so far improve, n health that he has left nhe Hen ner hospital a' d s again athonu Bankeri Favor Public Supervitioa Present laws adequately enforce' contain ample provisions for govern ment supervision. Bankers univer sally balicvo ia strong, capable brnk!:.;T departments manned by officials with the discretion and courage to enforce these laws and act under them ai t:.e common welfare demands. They Le lieve that these public official should be paid sufficient salaries to command the services of men ot character, ability and a resolute spirit of public service. They believe also that the banking dc partmenta should be kept free from ail political or other special Influence in order to bo able to act at all times wfth single-minded Independence solely for the benefit of the public Interest. Although banks in the United States operating under state or national char ters are thus subject to supervision -f public authority, they are sirlct'.y pri vate business enterprises. They are twned by their stockholders and ad ministered by officials chosen throuli the boards of directors which their stockholders elect. No bank is owned or operated by the United States Gov rmnent, nor, with one small exception in a western state, by any state gov ernment. The function of coverntuent in banking is to promote and enforce careful banking administration through the 8ytm of examination and super vision which I have described. This, lowever, docs not relieve tho indlvldu 1 depositor from the noccsalty cf judging and choosing carefully as to .lis banking relations, just as In his other business or professional rela tions. He must Inquire for himself Into the character and type of institution and men he shall do business with, satisfying himself as to their reputa tion, reliability and capability. These qualities are essential to complete the element of safety and dependability ia any human Institution. can name V mmm AY Wni& IR0GIEIRS BEVERLY HILI.S.-Woll nil I Int Is just wh.i I read lu the Papers. U( course tho most assurhig news of the past couple o weeks was the ad; journlnit ot Con. gross. only was , That wajeiif news, that nu achieve; It looked fos l PIT - V. 1'-. "- !i vc ; v - awiiiio there tnuC J.j the Hoys were go mg to ie ou uur hands from how ou. ure did get a batch u( the uiontj money ever appro prlated by any Congress, not cveu ex4 copting war times. All we have to di is niaKe H i,r C" i ana mey sure uu distribute it. Of course as usual lu the last min utes ot congress why they dldont pasrf any of the bills that they should have., passed, and did pass all that luy shouhlent. Now take the Lame Duck Ulli, thats the one where tney want to do away with elec:iug a man one year and 1... e hi. a seated ou his drat UrauJchild'a Birthday. Sonatoi Norrls had a nitRh'.r good Illll In thue to do away with that very Lame Duck term. Well the House voted It, and the Sen a'.e Vtrtcd it, but one made a slight clnnge from what tiie other had P.:.:m I, so tint ui.'Biu that It had to gj t6 v,hat is called c inference, thats one of the things that Golf Tlayers are always lu when you go to their olilce). Well do you know as bad us the country wauted this l.ill j assed so that Cotieress would meet on the fourth ot January, Instead ot waiting till the fourth of December, and the President was to be inaugurated on January the 14th, just a little over two mouths after he had been elected, that would have done away with the plan of what to do with our presidents uftcr the time they are elected and before they are seated. You see Its awful embarrassing the way It is, the President that is In kinder feeU like a has been, after they have elected some one else. Se That was all remedied, and then they go Into this Huddle in Conference and they dont get It threshed out In time to get it passed. There was downs of em like that But it was such a relief to get em away that we all felt mighty grateful. I was glad to see SmeClcy Butler get out of his case as be did. You know that felljw just belongs In a war all the time. He dont belong In Peace time. He Is what I would call a natural born Warrior. He will fight anybody, anytime. But he Just cant distinguish Peace from war. He car ries every medal we ever gave out. He has two Congressional Medals ot IONE INDEPENDENT j JOB PRINT ICNE BLACKSMITH SHOP" We are prepared to lake care of your ihdlh'n requirements by the installation of an e'ectric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. J- P. O'Meara, t vm r r i corcif- t ATTORNEY AT LAW. J First Nation Hank BUa. Heppner, Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat At The xiKnorn Kestaurant jGoodMeals Bestof Service Lunch Counter ilD. McMURDO, M.D j ii Physician AnJ Surgeon JOfiice In Masonic Building rained Nnr-;p Akfnnf Ilouor, the ouly uuiu that ever got em a double ueador. You give him auothcr war and he will get htm an other one. 1 dont know htm, novel' met him. Hut I do admlrv him. lie Ih a mighty useful man In a war, and as we are always having em why I con sider him a very valuablo man. We are liable to scare lilm up some thing before long. We are looking around now to see where we cau got lit one worth while some place. Kveu our Scouts tor tho Marines are having trouble locating places tor them to go, tills Is about the first time that they havent been employed. We are even getting tired ot continually lighting with Nlcaraguans. We always have to 1 ukt them 0 th(!U u ll0 bKRr ; bu,u ut , M whenj wt ,r, tmMW . , ,..- nf What other scauda! we got? Oh yes Almee's daughter married the Purser ' on the boat that they went to the Orient on. 1 kinder thought Almoe , would grab off that Captain, but sho dldent. Right bete under our nose at I the Old Soldiers Home, lu Sawtelle, they bad forty hit by that Juke" j paralysis, that.) the disease that or-, iglnally started In Oklahoma and as Incidentally cured or helped at Clare-; more, by the Radium Baths. Where , is our laws In these Dru3 Stores that they let em sell stuff like that? We sure do miss Ms. Klnstuln out here. He was supposed to come here for a real and want ed to be let atone. Why my goodness, he just went out ot his way to And something to go to, and Pictures? Why he would go search- i g for a Camera man it none was i is around. He sure f did make himself a , good fellow. Is a mighty ant little fellow. This writing Is going to be mighty touch with no Congress to pick ou. I joke about em. hut you know at heart I really like the HascaU. They are ull right. It one wants to uo right, our ) political system Is so arrange that he rant do It. The minute one wants to do what ne one else has been uccus- i tomed to do, why they call him an Anarchist. Some ot the old timers 'epped ant at the close ot this oae j and that was kinder sad In a way. It t must be a mighty fasclnatlug game on ! those old fellows and Its tough to have I to bow out ot the picture, and mighty tew retire rich, so there must te a lot more honesty among them than we give them credit for. Well so lorn, lets see what the new week brings forth (ft I9JI. MrNuifM SrariHiU, lac.) Proprietor j& f'inaatttt i Dr.J. H. McCrady Dentist X-Ray DIAGNOSIS Office; Odd Fellows Uld'g. " Heppner Oregon J.O.PETERSON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. 1" ii" I i tow 'i Ai M i WM: "r i ml: p'-t j v : Dr. C. W. Barr DENTIST I'hone M 1012 Gilman Bl.lg, Heppner, Ore. Evenings anJSiii7by a;)p)inlmen it t Tiir vii auf 1I1L IULVHM11 AlUUlLi) BRING CLEAN, QUICK COOKING THE KILOWATT KIDDIES are symbolsof service ; Electric service that converts thousands of tasks into ! self-doing services. Invisible as they are, countless Kilo- watt Kiddies spring to your service the instant you sum- : mon them. Command Charley and Clara at any time ' the cost is little their service is limitless. BE Miles away at the bridge party, the club meeting, ; anywhere, confident that the Kilowatt Kiddies will at tend : to the cooking in your absence. Chasley and Clara Kilo watt are real economists, to The ELECTRIC Range : they symbolize actually saves food by reducing cooking shrinkage. Yourmeals just about "cook themselves" ; through the time add tempeature contro's the Kilowatt : Kiddies can be depended on to watch,- whether you are there or not. Electric cooking is as modern fs the 'morrow as con venient over other methods as the ordinary stove was' over the caveman's fire,- as economical as only Elec tric Service can be through special low rates for cook ing provided by the Pacific Power and Light Company "Always at your Service" PRODUCE WAN 1 UJ Frawley Cl. rke Produce Co. t.f Portland will be roprosrnte in this territory as last year by V. M. Eubanks. We sollicit your Produce t ratio. Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, Oregon t iittafjuttrtit - " STRAUSS & CO Grain Dealers, of Portland Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks T 1 1 I ' l r ii win pay you : : sell your wheat. 4 i n i in it I M m mm mm mm umjm m mm i T I a H m a 11111 1 H M mh Physician & Surgeon Heppner Oregon Classes Fitted 4 U I i ai in implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIMn Mil F C UINHMA UM.Mvfc I V A 1 WWW II I11V11JI Iff JJi J J, Bates Steel Mule Tractor att innniro : ! r Pride of Oregon Dutter and cm Cream Acrmotor wind mills and Fair-hanks-Morse km Engines at P . G. bolster's A ratt'Ujrjt ii'tt.n.tivt'i to see mm Derore you F. H. ROBINSON f t Attorney & Counselor At Law tll I' In AUTImHWl IONE OREGON m I A PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon - Bwtsaa'a.Maaaj Heppner, Oregon t 4 tttt H