The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 20, 1931, Image 2

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When you suffer from heartburn,
gas or Indigestion, iCs usually too
much acid in your stomach. The
quickest way to stop your trouble Is
with Mi illlps" Milk of Magnesia. A
spoonful in- water neutralises many
times its volume in stomach acids
Instantly. The symptoms disappear
In five minutes.
Try Phillips' Milk of Magnesia,
and you will never allow yourself to
suffer from over-aeldlty again. It is
the standard antl-add with doctors.
Your drugstore has Phillips Milk
of Magnesia, with directions for use,
to generous 25c and 50c bottles.
4th ui Pi Portland, Ore.
A Bole I mcmem mr trrlrmm
Fireproof Room-bath $2.00 up
rhoasantlg of Dollars l"uid fur Joke. Sent
H tor list of buyers and our wonderful eo
snerallv H'llln plan. Soutrn-ru Press
Syndicate, Box 1161. Atlanta, Ga.
jneini or snjiensive onerttton
BOIL prompttysttiwpsKV. ripen
and heaia worst bo often ever
mjht. Get CarboM today frees
drujeist. Grod K torts. bHw,
Sourlock-rlsal Ce Nssrnille,
Ai tiaooTH Dudro Stops Hair railing
Beauty to Gray and Faded Haiti
TTH-nx Vijrm W l . I'at.-rvcrii.S T
oonrctioa with Park er aHair Balaam. M akr tha
hair toft and fluffy. 60 tents by mail or at drug
gist iliaccx CtwmicaJ Worka Fatchoiru N.X
Stair About as Good
as Mountain Climbing
"Only optimism can succeed In the
motion-picture business," declares Ce
cil De Mille. "The pessimist is fore
doomed to failure. In my last pic
ture I had a young extra girl who, 1
think, will some day become a star.
She has an amazingly buoyant out
look on life.
"I was talking to her for a mo
ment between scenes. In one breath
be confided that her favorite sport
was mountain climbing and in the
next that she adored Hollywood.
"'But don't you miss the moun
tain climbing?' I asked. 'There are
no real mountains within thirty or
forty miles of Hollywood.'
" 'But I don't need them here,' she
replied with a happy smile. 'You
tee, I live on the fifth floor of an
apartment that has no elevator, so
( get all the climbing I need and the
mountains are never missed.' "
Those Title!
Professor Ellen, we will go to the
theater today. There is a play for
Wife Keally. What Is called?
Professor "The Eternal Triangle."
Deutsche Illustrlerte, Berlin.
Hit Schooling
-Joe, am 1 the first girl you ever
kissed?" "Yes, dear, I got my tech
nlque at the movies."
Dr. Pierce' Pleasint Pellets are the orit
inal little liver pills pat up 60 years ago.
They regulate liver and bowels. Adv.
Men remember when l bey are for
gotten. When remembered, they,
themselves, forget. Austin.
A man cannot have an Idea of per
fectlon In another, which he was nev
er sensible of in himself. Steele.
-,." ...i
Lucky Find
When we find some slight help
makes a marvelous improvement In
t child, we wonder why we hadn't
thought of doing it long ago.
Here's a good example: "My lit
tle girl was doing fairly well," says
Hrs. M. Soltenbach, 5005 Eralle
Street, Omaha, Neb., "but I noticed
ihe didn't eat right and didn't have
much energy,
"Our doctor had recommended
California Fig Syrup, so I gave her
tome. .She improved so much I
wonder I didn't do something for
her stomach and bowels before. She
has a good appetite und digestion
and plenty of energy, now."
To point up a child's appetite,
Increase energy and gtrength, assist
digestion and regulate the bowels
there's nothing like California Tig
Syrup. Doctors advise It to open
bowels In colds or children's dis
eases; or whenever bad breath,
coated tongue, etc., warn of con
etlpatlon. Emphasize the name California
when buying, to get the genuine.
mm "U I ! il
r, m . t,' .. .:
j The
br Doubladay Porta Co., Ino.
Wltft hit English wit. Cthr.
Ina, and ton, Jm, lUnry llu
I'.ln. Frtnch ttttltr In Caaada In
174J, culttvau a (arm adjaoant
to th TontaUr teljnaurla. A th
ttory optn th Bulalnt r r
tumltif from a visit to th Ton
tturs. Catherlna'i wandarlng
brothar, Hapslbah, mtthra
with prsntt for th family. To
Jaania h fivi a platol, blddtnf
him ptrftct himself In marksman
ahlp. Iltpslbah fear for th
safety of th BuUIn In their
Isolated position. Jeem flahts
with Paul Ttche, cousin of ToU
nett Tonteur. whom thy both
Jor. Next day Jtemt culls at
th Tonteur horn and apologlict
for brawling in front of Tolnette.
Th Tonteur ko to Quebec Four
year past. Vr between Brit
ain and Krnno flames. Jrems re
turn! from a hunt to find his
horn barrifd and his father and
mother slain. II g-oea- to th
n'lneurle and flnds th manor
destroyed and Tonteur and hi
servant dead.
CHAP.TER V Continued
Against this clouding of hU senses
he felt himself struggling as if swim
ming in an empty space. He picked
np his hatchet and his bow and rose
to his feet He had not lost sound of
the mill wheel even when Tolnette's
sobbing had seemed to be at his side.
It was crying at him now, but before
he turned toward It his eyes rested
on Tonteur's wooden peg. It was half
cut off. a mark of grim humor on the
part of a butcher. The mill wheel
was forcing his attention to that fact,
"Look look look" It said, and then
repeated the old song, calling him an
English beast.
He faced it in a flash of resentment,
not because of the wheel alone but on
account of what lay at his feet and
what he knew he would find nearer to
the walls of the manor. His mind
was hurling anathema at the wheel.
He wanted to tell it that it lied. In
this hush of death he wanted to cry
out that he was not of the murderous
breed who had sent the killers. Troof
was over there, in the valley which at
last was well named. His mother.
His father. His Cncle nepsibah. Not
one of them were dead by Its hand.
He hal been left alive by chance.
That was proof. The wheel was
wrong. It lied.
He looked at Tonteur again,
strengthening himself to go a little
farther and find Tolnette He knew
bow !t would be. Tolnette's young
body, even more pitiful than his moth
er's. He forced himself to turn toward
the smoldering walls. Tolnette dead!
His father might die, and Tonteur, and
ali the rest of the world but these
two, his mother and Tolnette, insep
arable In his soul forever, the vital
sparks which had kept his own heart
beating how could they die while be
lived? He advanced, pausing over one
of the slaves, a woman almost un
clothed. Inky black except the top of
her head, which was red where her
scalp was gone. In the crook of her
arm was her scalplfss Infant. White,
black, women, babies the loveliness
of girlhood it made no difference.
Jeems scanned the earth beyond her,
and where the smoke lay in a white
shroud he saw a small, slim figure
which he knew was Tolnette. Another
young body might have lain in the
same way, Us slenderness crumpled
In the same manner, a naked arm re
vealed dimly under its winding sheet
of smoke. But he knew this was
Tolnette, The dizzying haze wavered
before his eyes again, and he put out
his hand to hold it back. Tolnette.
Only a few steps from him. Dead,
like bis mother.
Odd went ahead of him halfway to
the still form and stopped. He sensed
something Jeems could not see or feel
through the smoke mist which un
dulated before their eyes. Warning of
Impending danger confronted the dog,
and he tried to pass it to his master.
In that moment, a shot came from the
mill, and a flash of pain darted
through Jeems' arm. He was flung
backward and caught himself to hear
echoes of the explosion beating against
the forested hills and the wheel at
the top of the mill screaming at him.
He answered the shot by dropping
his bow and dashing toward Jhe mill.
Death might easily have met him at
the threshold, but nothing moved in
the vuultlike chamber ho had entered,
and there wus no sound in it except
that of his own breath and his racing
heart. Odd went to the flight of nar
row steps which led to the tower room
and told Jeems that what they sought
wag there. Jeems ran up, his hatchet
raised to strjke.
He must have been an unforgettable
and terrifying object as he appeared
above the floor into the light which
forced its way through the dusty glass
of three round windows over his head.
There must even have been a little
of the monster about him. Ho ha4
left some of his garments with his
mother and father, and his arms and
shoulders were bare. Char and smoke
and the stain of earth had disfigured
him. His face appeared to be painted
for slaughter and a greenish fire glit
tered In the eyes that were soekUig
for an enemy. Blood dripped to the
ms o
oaken planks from his wounded arm.
He was a Frankenstein irmly to kill,
dlshevelment and fury concealing his
youth, hli stature tnndo appalling by
his eagerness to leap at something
with the upraised hatchet.
If the hatchet had found a brain, it
would have been Tolnette's. She
faced him as he came, holding the
musket which she had fired through a
sltt in the wall as If she still pos
sessed faith In Its power to defend
her. Her eyes had in them a touch of
madness. Yet she was so straight and
tense, waiting for death, that she did
not seem to be wholly possessed by
fear or terror. Something unconquer
able was with her, the soul of Tonteur
himself struggling In her fragile breast
to make her unafraid to die and giving
to her an aspect of defiance. This
courage could not hide the marks of
her torture. Death hud miraculously
left her flesh untouched In passing, yet
she stood crucified In the mill room.
Expecting a savage, she recognized
Jeems. The musket fell from her
hands to the floor with a dull crash,
and she drew back as If retreating
from one whoso presence she dreaded
more than that of a Mohawk, until
her form pressed against the plled-up
bags of grain, and she wus like one at
bay. The cry for vengeance which
was on Jeems lips broko In a sobbing
breath when he saw her. He spoke
7 .
SaTJL? '
She Had Tried to Kill Him. And
He had Gone Away Leaving Her
her name, and Tolnette made no re
sponse except that she drew herself
more closely to the sacks. Odd's toe
nails clicked on the wooden floor as
he went to her. This did not take
her eyes from Jeems. They were twin
fires flaming at him through a twilight
gloom. The deg touched her hand
with his warm tongue, and she
snatched it away.
She seemed to grow taller against
the gray dusk of the wall of grain.
"You English beast !"
It was not the mill wheel this time,
but Tolnette's voice, filled with the
madness and passion which blazed
from her eyes.
With a sudden movement she picked
up the musket and struck at him. It
It had been loaded, she would have
killed him. She continued to strike,
but Jeems was conscious only of the
words which came from her brokenly
as she spent her strength on him. He
had come with the English Indians to
destroy her people! He and his
mother had plotted It, and they were
alive while every one who belonged to
her was dead 1 The barrel of the gun
struck him across the eyes. It fell
against his wounded arm. It bruised
his body, Sobblngly, she kept repeat
ing that she wanted to kill him, and
cried out wildly for the power with
which to accomplish the act as he
stood before her like a man of stone.
An English benst her people's mur
derera fiend more terrible than the
painted savages . . ,
She struck until the weight of the
musket exhausted her and she dropped
it. Then she snatched weakly at the
hatchet in Jeems' hands, and his iln-
Specialists Seeking to
Ancient literature, telling of the
adaptions of honey to suit the vary
ing tastes and needs of past centuries,
provides clues which scientists are
now following to revive old uses and
to develop the present possibilities of
the product
The early Itonwins In their writings
often mentioned the honeybee and
honey. Among the products they
mentioned frequently are water honey,
salt-water honey, water mead, rose
honey, honey foam, and honey vine
gar. The United States Department of
Agriculture Is studying the chemical
properties of honey and methods of in
ducing chemical changes In It that
will open the field for new honey prod
ucts. Specialists are perfecting meth
WNU 8ervtca,
gers relaxed about the helve. With
a cry of triumph, she raised it, but
before the blow could descend she
sank In a crumpled heap upon the
floor. Even then her almost uncou
selous lips were whispering their de
nunciation. He knelt beside her and supported
her bead In his unwounded arm. Foi
a moment It lay against his breast
Her eyes were closed, her lips wers
still. And Jeems, sick from her blows
remembered his mother's Ood and
breathed a prayer of gratitude because,
of her deliverance.
Then he bent and kissed the uioutti
that had cursed him.
Tolnette was alone when she awoke
from the unconsciousness which had
come to easo the anguish of her mind
and body. It seemed to her sho win
coming out of sleep and that tho walls
which dimly met her eyes were those
of her bedroom in the manor. That n
truth whose evidence lay $o horribly
about her could be reality and not a
dream broke on her sense dully at
first and then with a swift understand.
log. She sat up expecting to see
Jeems. But he was gone. She was
no longer where she had fallen at her
enemy's feet. But Jeems had made a
resting place for her of empty bags
and must have carried her to It She
shivered when she looked at the mus
ket and the stain of blood on the floor.
She had tried to kill him. And he bad
gone away, leaving her alive)
As had happened to Jeems, some
thing was burned out of her now. It
had gone In the sea of darkness which
had swept over her, and she rose with
an unemotional calmness, as If the
tower room with Its dust and cobwebs
and store of ripened grain had become
her cloister. Passion had worn Itself
away. If a thought could have slain,
she would still have wreaked her ven
geance oo Jeems, but she would not
have touched the musket again that
lay on the floor.
She went to the head of the stairs
and looked down. The son of the Eng
lish woman had left no sin except
the drip of blood that made a trail
on the step and out of the door.
Exultation possessed her as she
thought how nearly she had brought to
the Bulalns the same shadow of death
which they and their kind had brought
to her. The thrill was gone In a
moment. The red drops fascinated
her. painted brightly by the sun.
Jeems Bulnln out there with her
dead! The boy her mother bud tried
to make her regard with bltterneis
and dislike from childhood a man
grown into an English moniter! She
struggled to bring back her power to
bate and her desire to kill, but the
effort she made was futile. She fol
lowed the crimson stains.
AH about her was the haze of smoke,
soft and si HI In the air. In the dis
tance, obscured by the fog which rati
from the smoldering ruins, he s.iw a
form bent grotesquely under a bur
den. It wus a shnpeloxs thing, dis
torted by the sun and tho smoky
spindrifts dancing before her eyes, but
living because it was moving away
from her. Behind It was a smaller
object, and she knew the two were
Jeems and his dog.
She watched until they were blotted
from her vision, and minutes passed
before she followed where they hnd
Jeems must have seen her, for he re
appeared with the dog like a were
wolf at his heels. lie had found a
coat somewhere and did not look so
savage, though his face was disfig
ured and bleeding where she had
struck hlra with the barrel of the
musket. She tried to speak when be
stopped before her. Accusation and a
bit of ferocity remained In her soul,
but they were Impotent in the silence
between them. Ills eyes meeting hers
steadily from under the lurid brand
of her blow, seemed less like a mur
derer's and held more the gaze of one
who regarded her with a cold and ter
rible pity. He did not put out a help
ing hand though she felt herself sway
ing. He was no longer youth. He
was not even Jeems Bulaln.
But bis voice was the same.
"I am sorry, Tolnette."
Extend Use of Honey
ods of making honey candy, and some
manufacturers already have secret
processes for making this confection.
Many housekeepers now use honey to
sweeten beverages, cereals, and cakes
and generally In cooking. It Is also
used as a sirup on waffles and hot
cakes. Eminent physicians proclaim
that honey contains the most benefi
cial of the sugars.
Chinese L'psticW In 1730
Among tho Chinese paintings on
glass recently shown in a London gal
lery was that of a Chinese young
woman at her toilet in a well-to-do
home. Although the date of this pic
ture Is about 17:i0, the miss wus usllig
a lipstick with ali the skill of a mod
ern flauuer. '
Daddy 5
raiiy Tale
CUmlatMlf ft VlltIM NTVUtH HVtnw i-n.i-n
Some squirrels heard a great many
sparrows fighting about some crumbs.
They came along and blinked theti
eyes and waved their bushy tails.
"It's a good fight," said one squir
rel. ''Let's rush In ami rescue th
crumbs while they ur fighting.
"They won't see half the pieces
they have dropped. We will be nbl
to get It all away from them or least
almost all and they will never notice
It at all.
"Ah, let's do that.'1
"All right," said a second squirrel,
and all the squirrels said it would b
quite tho finest idea In the world to
get the crumbs from the naughty
They were absolutely sure that tht
sparrows wonld not notice them, for
by the way they were quarreling th(j
showed that they were tremendous!)
! pn ii n u,i in in mil ii mnniij'niii; ii
Th Squirrel Hurried Off.
Interenied In their fight ami were no
ticing nothing el He.
"This way This way!" railed the
squirrels who were leading the oth
ers. "This way, this way," they all an
swered, and followed along.
And with their eyes blinking, their
tails raise 1 high In the air, they start
ed to grab the crumbs.
But oh me, oh my, that was only
the beginning of a far blcger fight.
The sparrows will fight all day
gainst Mich other. They will quar
rel and grab each other's food, but
the moment another bird or any other
rreature comes Into the fight they
will all Join together against the out
sider. There will be no taking sides then
Enrh sparrow is for all the rest of
the sparrows.
When they saw that the squirrel
were trying to enter the fluht and get
the bread crumbs they paid all tin-It
attention to getting the squirrels
And with so few squirrels and so
many sparrows the squirrels hurried
The sparrows were far too strong
fighters for a few squirrel to stand,
anil there were such a lot of spar
rows. Oh, there were so many of them.
And when the sparrows bad all
won the fight, and when each one had
stood by the other, they began onc
more to fight over the crumbs, against
each other!
But tho crumbs were pretty well
scattered by this time, and the spar
rows-had had enough fighting, even
for them, In one day, so they all !
gan nibbling at the crumbs lying all
about the ground.
And as for the squirrels well they
went back to their trees and found a
good feast awaiting them.
In fact it had been ready for them
when they had gone off to tight th
sparrows t
Vhlch Is the oldest tree? The elder,
What tune mukes everybody glad)
What ship does everyono like)
What Is that which has a mouth,
but never speaks? A river.
Why are some boys like wool? Be
cause they shrink from washing.
You can hang me on the wall, but
If you take me down, you cannot hang
me up again. Wall paper.
Why should ladles squeezing wet
linen remind us of going to church 1
Because the "belles are wringing,"
Why are washerwomen Uie greatest
travelers? They are continually
crossing the lino and going from pole
to pole.
What Is the difference between an
honest and a dishonest laundress)
One irons your linen and the other
steals It.
Why are washerwomen the silliest
of women? Because they put out
their tubs to catch soft water when
it rains hard.
How many bushels of enrth can
you take out of a holo that is thrct
feet square und three feet deepl
None, II hud all beeu taken out.
0 -Y . : V j V i lt '
To have plenty of Arm flush and tni
ilillity to do a big day's work and (eel
"like a two-your-old" at night, you
must relish your food and properly di
gest it. If you can't eut, can't sleep,
can't work, just give Titulaa tho
chance to do for you what It lias dona
(or millions,
Mrs. Fred Weetin, of 387 K. 57th
St. North, Portland, Ore., says: "Tan
laa cured my stomach trouble com
pletely after three years suffering. It
built mo up to perfect heullh, with a
tain of 27 lbs."
Tanlao Is wonderful for Indigestion
gas pains, nausea, diulmw ami
headaches. It brings back lost ap
tite, helps you digest food, and gain
strength and weight. No mineral
drugs; only roots, barks and herbs,
nature's own medicines. Less than 2
tents a doao. (Jot a bottle from your
druggist. Your money back If it
doesn't help.
ft- -'nn
m ft h
Willi today fin FKI K b dwriMim the III.
C J. llrun turnout nin-uilkal ii)ihiJiil Irml-
Inil I lies and mhrf KciUI and
Loin ailments, khkh uu
,t ilulwl. AlHiHfidlIUnf
our kh II m aiusm r.
o null if hnw irvfi. (lit
r r- a iiMri .mi i ,m ir .M n 11 r.
aunsii J" "J ,f " ' '"''
Attuning new ,iw Pti. e on
WorMs' Itacnri! W, L, tie!
nil hravy tirrcilt. IW'i
live OVIetery (unratileod.
10 years reputation your
auf,guuril. Agem wanted.
Ql HIT Ht HY...Jar TM
frCO Ursl Avnu Seattle. Wash.
Caught tb Raider
When sinus and other warnings
failed to halt raids on bis henhouse,
Milton Strevlg, farmer near York,
Pa., planned a trap for tho Intruder.
Warned by the trap of the presence
if the visitor, Strevlg armed himself
with a shotgun and culled on the
alder to come out of the chicken
coop, Uecelvlng no answer, Strevlg
;atitlously opened the door, expecting
desperate rush. Instead large
ipossum scurried out. Strevlg $lwt
It Its hhlo liiensured 40 Inches to
'ength and 21 Inches In width.
mil Rats
Without Poison
A tVotv Etitirmlnaiorthat
Won't Httl Uvemtocb, Poultry,
Oog; Catat or even BUtby Chick
K R Ocanhe Hard shout ttie tinrrve m or poul
rr yard with abwluta Si.lrlr as It contains B
leaifly polio. K K Ota mail of S-iulll. as rtconv
Iwmlrd by U.a Drpt.oi Afrk ullurt.oven (trie
sndnthe Connahle irorra which Inturrt ma a
Imum strength. Use j by County Aer-nt ire mnil
al-sllllng campalgne. ttoaey-Sadl Cuarsnte.
Insist neon K K I), the original Squill ester
tilnator, All ilruKitiats.r-miltrysuftily and seed
bours, 7V, II 7 Z in. Illri-.t l( ilr.lrr caliuol
'upply you K K O Co., &irlngftc!d, Ohio.
Charge the Motorists a Fa
Jaywalker So many people are
truck by autos while ullghtlng from
street cars.
Htreot Cur Official -Yes, but those
peon I c have paid their fares. It's
Mils running over people who are
waiting to get on that makes me
'iiud. Pathfinder Miiga.llii',
Our Unknown Relative
Not one person In ten can tell you
the names of their grandparents and
where they were born, American
None but the guilty know the with
ering pains of repentance. Ilosva
Sluggish Intestinal aystcms lower re.
slutance to colds. Cleanse them with
Fccn-a-mJnt, the modern chewing gum
laxative. Gentle, safe, noa-habll-forming.
More effective because you
;icic it
sna n
:X "r . .
tVJ'JMh u r- I 1 mil iiMeja
many om tAiJu.
Itlr me ctNiiiNf TTT
fFcetfa:mint 1
I Tht Chewing Cum
J, I'vr Adulti and ChiUien j j
Sfy No Taste Jpfl
mrmmwmn am in mm iimm