The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 06, 1931, Image 5

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Mothers Watch
Children's colds
COMMON head coIJi often "lettle"
in throat unit elicit where (hry
may become dangeroue. Ihm't tak a
thane t the (nit millle rub on
Cliililrcn'i Muaicrule onc awry hour
fur ttv hour t.
(liiUmi'l Mtiaterote ia jult good old
Muarerole, you have known to lung, in
milder lot in.
Tina f.uiHiui blend of oil of milliard,
rainihnr, nirnihul and oilirr iniirtilirnt
bring relief naturally. Multeiole get
anion hrcunril iaan:ientiric"COUflft'r
irritant" nut iuit alve-it pene
trate! and atiimilair blood circulation,
help to draw out infrrtion and pain,
keep full Itrrnvtll Mutlerole fin liand,
for atlulii and t he milder- Children's
Muetrrole for In ilo ton. All driiKitiiia.
Lif Savrr'e Good Record
In tiiu IiihI acnaoim t'apt. Sam
"oihIiihui, mtlng H h life guard ai
take lloputi-img, N. J.. ha the rcc
ard of iiving :2 Uvea, lit tint will
'.cr ht follow the kii tti! prfelun
In Florida. In nil the year he tun
Sonet such woik he ha received only
wo gift, n Milxt watch.
r Dont Risk 1
ml . a A. I
Klilnrjr Piort!Ti Are Too
hrriou to Ignore,
If bothered with bladder lr.
ritatioru, setting up t night
and comtant backache, don't
take chanccil Help your kid
neys at the first sign of diiorder.
Uae Vmn'tVUlu Succeasful for
more than 50 years. Endorsed
by hundred! of thouiandi of
gratrful users. Get Voan't t
day. SoM everywhere.
Wall Slyla
TIiito are rahlilima In Invent nunt
qultn ai much aa In dri-mus or
houfica. Ami Wall Strwt atyli'8 arts
aa fli kla na tlnwo In f nicks. Worn
ati'a Home Compunlou.
I'm Eacouraged
"Sctilitili r in a KoniuH, iHii't hf ? '
1 gin-. co. Ill wife told nio jt-a
tonlny tiiu! In' illiln't know Imw to
build the furniicn !lre."KM'hnni;e.
Doctor's 3 RULES
Big Help to Bowels
What a Joy to have the bowcla
move like clockwork, every day I
It'a eaay, If you mind thene almplo
rulea of a famous old doctor:
L Drink a bl tamhlcrful of wa
ter before breakfast, and ev
eral tlmea day.
2. Get plenty of outdoor excrclaa
without unduly fatiguing your
aolf. 8. Try for bowel movement at
exactly the aam hour every day.
Kveryone'a bowela need help at
t linen, but the thins to uae la Dr.
CuIdweH'a Syrup Tepnln. You'll
get a thorouKh clennlng-otit, and It
won't leave your Inaltlea wenk and
watery. This family doctor's pro
scription Is Just freNh, laxative
herbs, puro pepHln and other help
ful Ingredients that couldn't hurt
a child. Hut how It wakes tip thoae
lazy bowels I How good you feel
with your syatem rid of all that
polaonous wnate mutter.
Clean up that conted tongue,
sweeten thnt bud breath, and get
lid of tlmau blllotiH headaches. A
little Syrup Pepnln will soon free
the bowels from all that wants
matter thnt mukes the whole sys
tem sIukrIhIi. .You'll eat better,
Sleep better and feel better.
You'll llko the way Dr. Culdwell's
Syrup PepHln tastes. The way It
works will tlollght you. Big bottles
all druBHtores.
Da.W. B. Caldwell's
A Doctor's Family Laxative
W j" - " X.
iff in
Plains of
James Oliver Curwood
by Doubled Dornn Co., Ino.
WNU Brvlc.
With til 1CiikIIi.Ii wit, Cather
ine, mt urn, Ji'unn, llnnry liu
lain, Kri'in li itlli-r In funu'ln In
l it'), cull I vntcta a farm adjacent
tq Hi Ti.ntriir nail! neurie, Aa tin
luijr I'Vi i (he 1 1 it l I are re
turning from is vllt to tha T"n
1bih, i'mhrrir'! wandering
liKillifr, 1 1 f ') h, trueta lhm
wlili irmiii for the family. To
Jx'ina t.a give a plat-il, t. ill .1 1 n k
linn i.i Tin t hi in i-II III tiiurkurnati
alllp III pfllillll frnia for Hi
afnty of Hi Itiilaina In ttn-lr
Iniilnml punitliin Jrrn.a (IkIiU
wlih 1'iiul Tactia, enimln cif Tol
nitln Toiitrur, whom tln-y both
adore. Nt ty Jciik ralla at
Iho Ton tour toon anil aioonltra
for l.r.mluK tn front of Tnlmtta.
Tin 'lontcura ko to (jm-brc,
CHAPTER IV Continued
Thin ilWi'ttMnii wiiit the bi'elntilng
of iiinilliir i!m-M In .Ifcnrn' life. It
lOaci'il bi'foro tiim rertnln ilfllnite ob-
lljrntloim of tnnrilirio'l which even bin
miitlior ht'il to recognize, tlinuch ahe
wniitfd to bold lit its ni lonu tin poa
xlble In hl l.-iylmnil yenr. t uirlnu
lhi ni'Jil Jiur lie tnnile aovcnil trip
utih Hep llmli. foliik' t Allmny nnd
it far im the ciniiitry of Ivinmylvnnlrt.
Ijii'li tlinc tie ri-tiirmnl to h! lioine
omi'tMnj held Mm more ebmcly to It.
In the nut ti nut of 17." I, nfii-r four
yenra lit aclil. Tolnette n-turned to
Tontciir nmtior.
I'l-iica iiii.l bnpplea .lay over the
ISIi-hilli'M. It tjii't been a splendid
iciir for I'niiirp ulotie the for frotitlera.
U'uliltu'ion bad anrrrinlered tit Fort
Ni'ce.!ty, ntid VlllU ra wn trlninphntit
at l ore Imhhh i e. Ilnchind and
rrance rre atlll playing lit the hypue-
) rUy ef friend' lit . While they played.
thruMlng nt encti ether nccretly nnd
In the thirk, tint an F.niiUth flag wan
left waving bi'jond the Atlehnnlea.
French arm and Indian diplomacy
were vlrtorlotia aliitig the Ohio and
westward to the plain. The pollrlei
of the I'.rltltih royal governor were
nllemitltiK their Inlhin allle. and In
pplte of their million and a half popu
tlm Miintn t eighty thotiaand In New
Frani'e, 1'lnwlddle hud frantically
railed upon Iceland for help. In re
aponae, Fnglaud was Bonding General
In a dntitile rejoicing over Tolnette'a
hoDieeornlng and hi country's mcces
at anna, Totiteur planned a levee and
barbecue at the elgneitrle. Ilepalhnh
wa awny at the time, which disap
pointed the tmron, who tnlted thnt
Henri and hi fnmlly mnt attend the
celebrntlon or he would never cull
them friend again.
Jeenn felt a thrill growing In htm
a the day drew near. He wa no
longer the Jeems of I.uaaan's place a
he set out In the company of hi father
and mother with Odd pegging along
faithfully at hi aide. In January he
would be eighteen. The alert and
alnunu grnee of one of the wild things
of the forest was In hi movements.
Catherine was more than ever proud
of hi in and rejoiced In the dentine
of his build, In bis love of nature and
God, and In the directness with which
his eyes looked at one. Hut ahe waa
not more proud than Hepalbah Adam,
who had seen In this pupil of his fleah
and blood the qualities and courage,
the lock, stuck, and barrel, as he
called It, of fighting man.
Jeems waa anxious to see Tolnette.
ut with this desire there remained
Bona of the old yearnings which had
once oppressed him. She whom be
was going to regard today was a
stranger, ene Into whose presence he
waa determined not to force hlmaelf
gain. This resolution waa not In
spired In htm by a lack of boldness or
an uncertainty as to his own social
fitncRS. An tmmenaa pride upheld
him. The spirit and freedom of the
forests were In his blood, and behind
these wa also the spirit of Hepslbah
Adams. He knew that ho could meet
Tolnette coolly and without embar
rassment should they chance to stand
face to face, no mutter how splendid
she hnil grown. And he realized there
must be a grent change in her. She
was fifteen now. A young lady. At
this period of his llfo, five years
seemed a long time, and he thought It
was po8lblo he might not recognize
An overwhelming moment of shock
sel.ed hlin when at lust he saw her.
It was n If a yesterday of long ago
had come back Into this today, as If
a picture which hod been burned nnd
arattered Into ash hud miraculously
been reatorert.
She whs taller, of course. I'erhnps
she was lovelier. Hut she was tlio
seme Tolnette. He could see no
change In her except thnt she had bo
eoiue more a woman. IlepHllmh's
work, his own, his freedom, nnd his
courage were dissipated like dust as
be looked at her, and once more he
Celt himself the Inferior being offering
her nuts nnd fenthers and maple
og-Ar and proving In hi childish way
that she might smile on him, This
was not a new Tolnette removed an
other million mile away from him, a
be had supposed she would he, but the
old Tul nolle, roiumiinillng him to
slavery again, and making his blood
run hot In hi body,
With a group of young ladle from
the neighboring selgneurle, she had
come down from the big house, and be
wn almost In her path, with Peter
I.tiheck lit his side. It was I'eter who
advanced a step or two toward them.
ICxcept for his action Tolnette would
not have turned, Jeems thought. He
pulled himself together and stood with
tils bend bored, a cold and Impaaslve
In appearance a a soldier at atten
tion, while hi heart beat like a hum
mer. Tolnette had to face h'.in to re
turn hi companion's greeting.
It was. Impossible for her not to sen
liTin when alio made thl movement
lint there was a slowness lii her dis
covery, an effort to keep from looking
ut him which wn more eloquent than
word. It had not been her desire to
speak to hlin,
If he needed courage, It wn this
enlightenment which guve It to him,
He Inclined hi bend when she met
hi gaze. Her face was Hushed, her
It Mad Not Been Her Desire to
Speak to Him.
eye ni;low, while hi own
cheek tmre only the color of aim and
wind. He might never have known
her, so uiiiiiovei did he stand us she
went on her way.
She had slightly nodded, her Hps
had barely formed a name.
Later, after the feast on the green,
came Toiiteur's spectacular feature of
tho duy, a military review of his ten
ants, willi wive and children wit
nessing the martial display. The male
guests, who hnd drilled In their own
selgneurle, Joined Tonteur's men.
Only Henri ISulnln and Jeems were
not among them. Henri, sensitive to
the fact, and to save Catherine from
the hurt which might arise because of
It, had started with her over the
homeward trail half an hour before.
Jeems bad remained. Thl was his an
swer to Tolnette contempt that he
wa not of her people, that hi world
wa not circumscribed by the pettty
boundaries of the Mgneurle. He stood
with his long ride In the crook of hi
arm, conscious that she wu looking
at him, and tho Invisible shafts from
her eye, poisoned with their disdain,
stirred him with the thrill of a pain
ful triumph. He could almost hear
her cnlllng him an Knglish beast again.
A coward. One to be distrusted and
watched. He did not sense humilia
tion or regret, but only a final widen
ing of what had alwuys Iain between
He bore this feeling home with him.
It grew ss time went on, and with Its
growth an Increasing restlessness came
over him. News creeping through the
wilderness and reaching every corner,
like the whispering winds, kept an un
quenchable heat under the ash of these
fires, fanning the embers Into flume In
spite of hlin. Secrets were no longer
secrets. Humors had grown into facts.
Fears had becofne realities. England
and France were still playing at
peace In their mighty courts. In the
sunlight they were friends, In the dark
they were seeking each other's lives
like common cutthroats.
And the thirteen little Colonial gov
ernments of the Knglish, quurrellng
like small boys among themselves, Just
beginning to walk alone, feeling the
significance of the new word Ameri
can, chented by their parent, laughed
at by their parent, hated by their
High Place Accorded
A Scottish naturullst, roving the
wild western land of the Infnnt re
public 103 years ago, brought the mo
Jeotlc Douglas flr to the knowledge
of the stiontlfle world, nnd for all
time It will henr bis name. Of David
Douglas It Is said thnt he "contrib
uted probably more tlmn nny other
one man to tho knowledge of our
northwestern trees nnd plants."
Returning home, ho Introduced the
noughts flr Into cultivation in Grent
Britain, nnd the Scots value It highly
for finish and furniture. Now comes
the sequel, In this edltoiinl paragraph
from the Seattle Times:
"A shipment of a enrgo of Sonttle
mnde furniture to Scotland has more
than ordinary significance. The or
tides tite all made of Washington
flr, a wood held In higher esteem In
Scotland tlmn walnut. The purchasers
spec! Hod that the wood should be In
Its nnturiil grain, which everybody
knows Is bonnitful, We are familiar
parent, still yearned for the love of
that parent as children have wanted
love from the beginning of time, and
were loyal to It.
Ko tragedy began to move, to build
out of death, out of betrayed confi
dence, out of dishonor and fraud and
pitiless murder the American and
Canndjim button of the future.
Klghly thousand French and more
I hnn a million Knglish In the New
world made ready for the sacrifice
Massachusetts enlisted one rnsn out
of eight of her male popnlaton. Con
necticut, New Hampshire, Ithod
Island, New York, and the others fol
lowed her example.
Children, loyal, proud to fight and
bating the French ferociously I
Then came Braddock, preceding
Wolfe, to coll them "worthless trash."
And -New France, a glory of sun and
land even now gutted of her pros
perity by corruptions brought from
Louis and La Pompadour, sent out bet
own son to fight and kill, valiant
glad, confident and hating the Eng Implacably I
With them, on both sides, went In
dlnn from almost a hundred tribes
red men who had once found honor
In fighting, but who, now skulking and
murderous and vengeful, found theli
souls In pawn to the gnat White
Father across the sea who bad pros
tituted them with whisky, bought therr,
with gun, maddened them wltb
hatreds, and who paid them for hu
man hair.
Of these thing Jeems was thinking
a winter grew Into spring and spring
Into summer. Only love held hire
from leaping to the temptations whlclt
.were drawing closer about blm, love
for his mother whose happiness
r marked the bezlnnlng and the end ol
all action on the part of her meu
folk. And In this hour, when thre
out of four of the fighting men alonf
the Klchelleu were preparing to Jolt
Dleskau, when half of nls acquaint
ances at the Tonteur selgneurle had al
ready gone to fight Rraddock, whej)
the forests trembled at the stealthj
tread of painted savages, snd when
the Frenchman who did not rise te
hi country's cnll was no longer a
Frenchman, Jeems observed that the
strain upon hi father wa more dlffl
cult to bear than hi own. For Henri
In splti of his worship of Catherine,
wn of New' France to the bottom ol
hi soul, and now that other men
were making a bulwark of their bodiei
against her enemie. hi own desire tc
make the same sacrifice wn almost
beyond the power of hi strong will
to control. In their year of comrade
ship, Jeems and his father had nevei
come so near to ench other as In these
weeks of tension.
Almost a painful to them as the
sting of a wound was the day when
Plesknu came tip the Itlchelleu with
host of three thousand five hundred
men and made forever a hallowed
ground of the Tonteur selgneurle by
camping there overnight.
When she knew they were coming,
Catherine bad sold :
"If your hearts tell you It Is right
go with them!"
ISut they remained. For Henri It
was s struggle greater than DIeskau
fought, greater than that In which
Hraddock died. For Jeems It was lesi
a torment and more the mysterious
madnes of youth to tramp to the
clash of srms. For Catherine It was
the gehenna of her life, a siege of
darkness and uncertainty in ner soul
which gave way suddenly before news
which swept like a whirlwind over the
Cod had been with New France!
P.roddock and bis English Invaders
were destroyed!
No triumph of French arms In the
New world bad been so complete, and
DIeskau. the great German baron who
was fighting for France, moved south
ward to crush Sir William Johnson
and his Colonials and Indians, plan
ning not to stop until he had driven
them to the doors of Albany.
With him were six hundred and
eighty-four of the loyal men who were
beginning to call themselves Cana
dians. Tonteur rode over to bring the news
to Henri Hulaln. To Catherine he re
called bis predlctlou that the English
would never pet into this paradise of
theirs. Now the whole thing was set
tled for many years to come, for
DIeskau would sweep their last enemy
from the Champlaln country as com
pletely as a new broom swept her
home. He had sent almost every man
he had to the scene of fighting, and
only his wooden leg had kept him
from Joining DIeskau.
Even Tolnette had wanted to go I
Majestic . Douglas Fir
with the cargoes usually exported
from this state, but when a new line
nnd new market are Involved there
Is good reason to reJoice.',
America' Largeat Iiland
Isle Roynle, Michigan's beautiful Is
land In I. nke Superior, often Is spoken
of as "the second lnrgest Island In the
United States" Long Island, N. Y
being the largest island. But the sec
ond largest Is Whldby Island, belong
ing to the state of Washington, ac
cording to the American Geographical
society. Whldby Island lies across the
entrance to Puget Bound nnd Is so
little known that geographies and at
lases differ on the spelling of Its name.
Gold Mixtur
Green gold consists of gold, silver
and cadlmltim, and sometimes copper
Is also ndded. The degree of the green
color depends upon the percentage of
the metals used with the gold.
The daily press tells of increasing numbers of cases of
eore throat. A sore throat is a menace to the person
who has it, and to those around him. Don't neglect
the condition. Check the soreness and the infection
with Bayer Aspirin 1 Crush three tablets in tumbler
ful of water and gargle well. You can feel the im
mediate relief. The soreness will be relieved at once.
The infection will be reduced. Take Bayer tablets for
your cold ; and for relieving the aches and pains common
to colds. Bayer Aspirin brings quick comfort in
neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, etc. Get the genuine,
with the Bayer cross on each tablet:
East Indian Potentate
Richest Man on Earth
The result of a survey by the Unit
ed Press to determine the world's
richest man were recently published.
First on the list was this name: His
Exalted Highness Asnf Jan Muzaf-for-ul
Mulk -Wal-Momallk Nizam ul
Mulk NIzam-ud-Daula, Nuwab Mir Sir
Usman All Khan Bahadur Fateb
Jang, 44, the tiizam of Hyderabad In
India. His wealth In gold bricks and
coins Is estimated at $l.)0.0tK1.0tltt
Qis wealth In Jewels Is uncounted. Sea
ond on the list comes John Davison
Rockefeller. Jr. He Is followed by
Henry and Edsel Ford ; next Is John
Plerpont Morgnn. Relow this quin
tet come Sir linsll Zaharoff and hi
highness. Sir Sayajl Rao III. the
maharaja gackwar of Raroda. Time
When there's distress two hours
after eating heartburn, lndlgesUon,
gas suspect excess acid.
The best way to correct this is
with an alkalL Physicians prescribe
FiillHps' Milk of Magnesia.
' A spoonful of Phillips' Milk of
llagnesia In a glass of water neu
tralizes many times Its volume in
excess acid ; and does It at once. To
try it Is to be through with crude
methods forever.
Be sure to get genuine Phillips'
ililk of Magnesia. All drugstores
have the generous 25c and 60c
bottles. Full directions in pactage.
Hint ob Safety
She Did you read In the papers
that some , people were poisoned
through eating chocolates?
He I fancy I did, but what about
She Nothing, except that I was
thinking er how safe we are.
Dr. Pierce's Fsrorite Preacription makes
weak women strong. No alcohol. Sold
by druggist a in tableta or liquid. Adv.
"Capping" Oil Well '
It is possible to cap an oil well and
atop the fio.v of oil a given period
of time without Injury to the well's
producing capacities. There are ap
proximately 828,200 producing oil
wells In the United States.
No more
COLIC pains
. . . give Castoria
A CRY In the night may be the
first warning that Baby has colic
No cause for alarm if Castoria is
handyl This pure vegetable prepa
ration brings , quick comfort, and
can never do the slightest harm.
Always keep a bottle tn the house.
It is the safe and sensible thing
when children are ailing. Whether
It's the stomach, or the little
bowels; colic or constipation; or
diarrhea. When tiny tongues are
coated, or the breath is bad. When
there's need of gentle regulation.
Every child loves the taste of
Castoria, and its mildness makes
It suitable for the tiniest infant,
and for frequent use.
Or Harder
Bride Tbeae eggs are very small.
1 must ask the egg dealer to let the
hens sit on them a little longer.
First dote aoothe to.
Relief GUAR
he 41
At all
R m -J
1 S m
Writ today for FREE book dcacrtUna the Dr. .
C J. Dan famous non-wrskril nctbnd o treat.
In ru tod etna KecUl and
Coloa aUaaeata, which wt aae
exctutlvrty. Alio lm drtiili of
no matter now uvere. OK
r r- a nl
. lava, c...
K Goaraateo of 100 Liv Ckiclu
ai tbi at of t0 wek. Bab? chlcka from
Hanaon'a World Famona Laahoroa. with
trapnmt racorda of 260-J3T W par
tha dllvnr nptuai to four atatlon.Prlc
are yrry law ror aood quality rhlrka.
Wrfla for trr '4n Tta.r.
Boa IMA .... ninlura. VVa.ll.
i Make tnony this year aellin;
I the bent chlcka hatched In
"lithe N. W. JO year' rDuta-
Lia'tlnn for oualltvand fair
in". Write now for our
eelllnf plan.
Ql-EEX HATCHERY... Jay Toatd
220 Flret Avenue Seattle. Waeh.
W. N. Portland, No. 7-1931.
Love's Young Dream
Is there any thrill In the world like
the thrill of discovering that a beau
tiful young woman cares about golf
the way you care! Collier's Weekly.
rM.r'.'rrr" i
La"""" --
, Mff
And a more liberal dose of
Castoria is usually all that's needed
to right the irregularities of older,
growing children. Genuine Castoria
has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature
on the wrapper. It's prescribed
by doctorsl
VJki a
u mi
rlr 1