OUR COMIC SECTION 'OU call m B LTORT. ifcrct lulTcrinfj brcakl out In open revolt lcforc tlie litilc liomi ii irrctiicvl!y iluttcrcd" by t IiuilunJ'i itronjj pipe - can t omctliitijj le June? Certainly. A new jiij will help, or even n olJ J 'j e iIijikJ anJ filled witli Sir Wilier lUlflgli'i favorite imnling mixture. It iciHy it iniklrr, witli n litiifuc of ('Jinn! in I frjgunce. It really it . popular with tlie multd it ii it it villi tlie imokcr. IT'S 15j rf.vr Vrcr So Bettor Half May Live "Jli ritlilmt Kpt'lld half liU 111- C"IIH'.M "Mow ? "Ilulf of It goes fir iilliiumjr," Go in BUSINESS for YOURSELF Operate our Ten Dull Amusement Machines. A motl faiclnating p time. Tin sensation c( the day' Can Hurt with few machines and quick ly bull J up a permanent butineaa of jrour own. No aaleimamihlp or pre vlom eiperience neceaeary. OlMMMtriMTY to M.IKB SWO lo IOOU W furnish everything. You mult be able to invent $200 or mora, which la fully cured by merchandise. Our Ten Dull Tablet art cleaning up, wherever shown. The world ta muiement mad. Lie the drat In your territory. Writ tit wlr at one tot Cumpefe intormmliot. TOE TEN BALL TADLE CO. 1110 Smith Yoona Tower Wdg. MAN ANTONIO. 1LXAS neaion lor jiuouurnntn A rilunililu university psyel tint declares that chllilriMi nro i n t e . l I holo- most stubborn ut two years, duo to tholr first unconscious struggles to come "personalities." Kxchiingo. be Send for Free Catalog tAK)llhliltrtl()n-I)ltiinlHl, Watrhee anil Jewelry l.arir rat IHamuiid anil Waton Credit lluiire In tlie World. LOFTIS BROS. & CO. Dept. FM 108N. State St. tl.lcio.lll. Irld l'enrl 10c, Apricot 10, I'ninra Se iier pnuiul. Money rorunilrit l( not iiitle fled, N. B. Uoubnon. llolllnlnr. Calif. Homo LightirPianT$125 D.lco aeiierator and Id-roll Wlllerd hut try. Only IIkIiIIy um-d and lo flue eon. ;iilon. for detail aililrcM J. U HCHMID Alnlia Oreaoa. MULTNOMAn HOTEL 4th aad fine Portland, Ore. A tlolvl u-lttir won aire) irrlromm 1'lre.priH.f ltoom-bath 12.00 up W. N. Ua Portland, No, 48-1830. Events r4 fr fH, i 1 hh n Jhr I1 iwv THE FEATHERHEADS au-icqhadUwat idea OF VtJOttS ACOUT HAvN'.O SOrE- OK6 JiirP OFF A PLANE IN A l PAQACWUTfi VsJlW 0U0 ADVtR TI5lr43 OK IT - RtMEMOCR? - S ' IT- Ifl GLAD CU LIKE GAUSS OF COURSE JUSTjy niD PACACUUTfc JUMPfcC. COOLDN'T 5PEL ouq sales CMATTEQ - y 0 Wettera Kewepaper Calea I HIS PREFERENCE Kmlili "llo vim rnra fur niloioil irrviuitg?" Jones "Well, I don't enre for Rrcun onest" A Theory Why do children na tlir-y Rrow oJdor how no llttlo ronpect for their pur enlH?" "rcrlmpa," nnswored Miss Cnycnne, "they set hold of old pictures iitd soe how their purcnts UHed to dress them when they were young and helpless." WnshliiKton Stnr. Holding on to It "Who Is tlw most miserly mnn yon know?" "Did Smith. Just think: When there's n crowd ut the station nnd peoplo are standing lu line waiting for their tickets, he always Keg last o Unit he can keep his money In his BLEED FREELY Surgeon (about to operate) "Do 7 ?i C I) ':. -ffet:.,'-';: .1 WVrifW i .1, ,i in the Lives of Little 'him stAad quQ LINE OF SAMPLES AnmiNn rTTrus. lit 'dkj iw O r? X AND 50 vTHAT YOU I pocket ns long as possible." Travas so, Home. Foul I Stranger Whnt's up with the two old ehupsT Local Resident Oh, they're Just crazy tnnd to fllit each other, but they can't flfiht with their glacses on for fear they'll hreak them and If they tako them off they can't see each oth er. Pusslng Show. Demand for Comedy "Do you object to humorous pictures of yourself?" "No," answered Senator Sorghum. "What the public desires Is comedy. If I could really be as funny ns de pleted by some of these boys, I'd be sure of election every time 1" Wash ington Star. Not Criticising "People spend a great denl of money foolishly nowadays," Bald the apprehensive citizen. "yes," answered Mr. Dustln Stax. "But I don't feel like blaming them. It nobody opent money foolishly It would bo Impossible for some of us financiers to amass such large for tunes." yon bleed freely?" I'ntlent (mourn fully) "No; that'? whut I've been told you always do." Knew the Deacon Itev. Slensby "At the requcHt of DcHcon Stubble, we have Just sang: 'Will There He Any Stars In My Crown?' Does anyone else wish to make a selection?" Sister Spit fire (who has not spoken to the deacon for two years) "I think It would be very appropriate for us to sing: 'No, Not One!'" I A Men A Bully Hear WATST SO WHEN HC -ilC A C 7 FlNfc.rlK ZSl KLAGG 1 A. K I 5U6CST JUMP ! -v NOT CAPABLE MngRle "Heggle says he's lu the depths of despair." Lizzie "Depths? Lie's too shallow minded for that." Lucky "So you are one who hns loved nncj lost?" said we to an old maid. "Well, I may have loved, but sUsce seeing wbnt kind of a husband wlut I lost turned out to be, I am con vinced that to have loved and lost Is better than to have loved and won" she smiled. Paying in Advance "Mo8c," said the Judge sternly, "yon are found guilty of having stolen two chickens from Mr. Harrison's coop last week. The fine will be $3." "Ynssuh, Jedge," snld Mose, plncleg a $10 bill on the clerk's desk. "Ah's giving yo' 10 bucks which will pay yo' up to an' Includln' nex' Snttldy night" NATURAL INCREASE "Which Is the most valuable a Ave dollar gold piece or a five-dollar bill?" "The bill, because when you put It In your pocket you can double It." "Night. And when you take It out you find It In creases." Yeah, What? Ethyl So your new boy friend Is furniture finisher. Methyl Yeah. Kthyl Does he polish or move? Suturday Evening Tost, MM y BAYER ASPIRIN is always BEWARE OF IMITATIONS UnLES3 you see the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package as pictured here you can never be sure that you are taking genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets which thousands of physicians have always prescribed. The name Bayer means genuine Aspirin. It is your guarantee of purity your protection against imitations. Millions of users have proved that it is safe. BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT DEPRESS THE HEART Aspirin la the trade-mirk of Beyer auautaetore of moooaceticadijtatar of ullcy'icaAA Tlie Shaving Cream tliat re mains moist, soflci tlie beard-' and tooihes and Invigorate Hie At all dealers or tent postpaid on dilreea: Cutlcur Laboratories, Miniature Yale Bowl "I want a bowl." "What size?" "Something for midge', football." shin! No more COLIC pains . . . give Castora A CRY In the night may be the 6rst warning that Baby has colic. No cause for alarm if Castoria is handy! This pure vegetable prepa ration brings quick comfort, and can never do the slightest harm. Always keep a bottle in the house. It is the safe and sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether It'i the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation or liarrhea. When tiny tongues are coated, or the breath is bad. When there's need of gentle regulation. Every child loves the taste of Castoria, and its mildness makes It suitable for the tiniest infant. And for frequent use. Powell at Sutter HqqI j rates ttZ ?? : Ij1"'! from i yy irhv 3iji h 'KsS fjlTT''linwiiiprTl niliialin """ii fil "t" 1 li Tl --1 j fcl Hi ft if '' i ' t : '- - ' ( ; '. - . -? v fry? Genuine Bayer Aspirin promptly relieves: HEADACHES, SORB THROAT, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, COLDS, ACHES and PAINS receipt of 33e, Maiden, Masa. Juit the Place for It Miss C'huiiiU'iyh How would yott like to have nty nice slender figure? Mr. r'atteossiun In my arms! -- ,imiWe nan. -z I its I at a.aa AV I n wf" ' - e-'-rtr;i Umofii And a more literal dose of Castoria is usually all that's needed to right the irregularities of older, growing children. Genuine Castoria has Chas. II. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. It's prescribed by doctors! iff ;vsss ii iin ein bM iiHTirt ra liiriir-