4 Bmir-iu voujmi: XV1V IONE, OKECO.N FRIDAY, Dec. 12, 1930. NUMBER 30 W. men's Topic Club, Rutli K'k'; The VVonu iut Sec. : Club met 1 Vcmlrr the fiixth at tin1 home ol'Mr. Omi'p Kklniann. Aimri- can ArtinU win the mihjcct li cuHst'l. Mm. liif-2 Fnrlaml p.ivi n dintuHsion of MaxfU-M 1'urrish. Mm. Henry Suiousc (lineurtaed Norman Kockwill nml Mrs. Karl liluke ruvo u paper on Howard Chaiiiller Christy. Mrs. Hurler gave m re.'ulinir. The following officers weivikcted:- Von Kt'it maim, jirtsi-It nt; VaiK'aret Wake vice preHiilent; Kuth Koitmann, Seoretary-treu.-ury Thecniliiren'r. ChritmuH party and jtot-luckMiij)-per will he Decemher 20 at Kuth Ktitmiinn's. tiie fi'llowis'k' ciliens of thin district wi iv nimmoncl to the County seat Monday for jury duty:- Kdicar Hall, l'aul HalsitfiT, Mr. inter, 1eanord Carlson, FredCiriffin. lVrt Johnson, li-rt ralmateer and Winer Hall. Klmer Hall waMexuised from service. i;vi:rsoniiomi: mJivNs TV'Jj,k Ilverson home was U'stroTTTy f'rt? early Sunday morning. The fire started from the kitchen utove and w hen dis covered by Mrs. lv.'crson and the children win well underway. The wahinif n.achim', radio, sonic UnMing and funiture were saved. The loss is jiartl covered hy in surance. Mr. Everson who is drill ing, wheat for Kind Swanson, was not at home at the time of the lire. About a year and a half ago the Everson family had their home destroyed by fire and since that timo they have been living in the house on the farm ow ned by Mrs. KvoMon'a ir other, Mi?. Jennie Nolan, deiea; I'd. at picsent they are living in Mr, John Ix'uy's houe on S tond street, lone. Personal Mention M. . Morgan a midair Vt, Mrs. Albert N'ohon. weiccalk l into Washington th? firct of last week ly the sirious illness of Mr. Mor gan's son. Ira Morgan. Mr. Mor gan returned home Sunday, but Mrs. Ntlson remained with her brother. Ira Morgan and family live at Leavenworth, Washington but the patient is in a hospital at Wenatchce, where he has under gone a Major operation. There is little hope for his recovery. TURNER REUNION Vo!. I THE RED AND WHITE 01 1 IU A!. ORGAN i.flONK II. S. SjUlJiiNT IJUDY RI.h TIimincn, I'.ditur Dec. 12, 1030. No. 10 ASSEMBLY MEET The Eriilay aswmbly met in the gymnasium and was pleading ly entertained by a iniscelaneous program. The first and second ifrude jmpils of Mi.:s Knight's room jiresenteil an excellent play "The First Thanksgiving." The pupils participating were appro priately costumed and made a col orful picture as they danced and feasted. The school band played three numbers which received hearty applause. HAITIST CHURCH SERVICES Kev is holding each Sunday evening. Services begin at 7:150 o'clock. Every one is invited to cwrm itnd hvar oirn. STUDENT IUiDY FFTEI) BY JUNIOR CE :3 Friday evening, Dec. th a BAZAAR AND DINNER The Congregational bazaar and (i o'clock dinner was well patron- w 1 VVVilif'K, .v.i .1 . . , till , . , ,, .. i izcd and a good y sum was added j party was given to the entire high , , , i , i, . .U) th! treasury, It wns a merry, school and faculty. ! . ., . . . ,i 4l , i,',- '.rowd thar gathered anound the When the guests arrived at7:J:) . . , , , , . i the building, was yet unlighted ute & i due to the failure of the electric : WM with (k.ccraJ light system and the scarc.ty of (jf m, am, whjte ani, p , gasoline and kerosene lamps in of hc,jy. Even Uie faet that lone1 lOIie, UUL III SUOI l UUIC .-f V l'J i.1 IiRVlTRLY HILT.n.-Wcll all I know ! ; J i '.t what 1 read hi the I'apon. There U some prr-tf y bis stuST In the papers llOW.KliiVH. hilt ltl WS&Wffil Uni,it unjt,r cvtr- Vnrl U i you evcr kin'er lamis were procured and the par ty proceeded merrily. After a was without electricity, Friday, afternoon and night did m t de tract from the success of the af- variety of games had been played lhc licauti'ful h;y WM lhe .uHud.ng H.ngo V.rg.u.alieel R.ftof Mf3 w y ,ul!,rd of and others, delicious refresh ment of cake, sandwiches and lVllowere Kt-rvod in the Dormant.; v. C. W. Cutler of Hcrmiston : room An aUml)t of . ding services at the HapUi t ,.,, lf thet t(mn, WiVa f. Kt( , The Baptist Ladies AiJ Socitcy will hold a food and fancywork sale on SatusJay Dec. 13 at Bristow & Johnson store. Cold Heach. j CHRISTIAN CHURCH eralof the tow ns Ixjys to stei I , ,.-,. he refreshments was frustrated i mcy work sale of the Chist.arv by Mr. Riggs. Many Seniors an I Church, Dec. 20. at the C. W. Frcdimen expressed the opinio.i ,Bvvanson store. that it was the best party given To Prncrv Old Prinli SiiiiK fid print of Ikiwur. Iilrdi ninl iirrxoti.ini'n nrn now do ixipulur fur frutuliiK. It I u!u wurtli while to j ? luke Multablo iinnlfrn jilctun-s or j irliiU, i'rh:ii from iiingaxitiPK. and j J aniliiie tlit'in with a Ikht cunllus of i llijuld nx. Thin trt'iitnifiit will glv (liciii a inrlliM. old tone and will pre- . i . n i . .i ... . I , ,. jiliiiu'd flntilj to tt rial aurfufe before j tin! wiit la iii'pllfd. Simply framed, lln-y will look iliurmliig on the walla . . ... ! " oi a ruuiii. in the gymnasium for a long time. Virgil KsUb "Only Sally Ann" Friday evening, Dec. 12 at the I Igli School Auditorium Leave Worh for the lieppner cleaners at the IONE BARBER SHOP 1 CASH SPECIALS DEC. 13-15 ! The home of Mr. and Mrs. K II. Turner was the scene of a gay f.miily party last Friday evening wher the children gathered at homo to help Mrs. E. II. Turner celebrate her (loth birthday. Mrs. Tu ner suffered a ntfoke of par i.'ysis some time ago but was able to sit up and blow out the can tiks on her birthday cake. There were (10 ccndles on the cake, one candle for every year. Those pres ent included Mr. ndd Mrs. K. II. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lind Ftrom, Lee II. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Ilalph Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N. Turner and children Raymond Jr. and Catherine. Mrs. Lee Turner and daughter were confined to their home bv illness. Cookwilh Gas. See Bert Mason. Golda E. Mumma STATE. ACCRLDTED TEACHER OF PIANO Pupil of Win. R. Brown and 1'iincen StriviU'l tlurke, i:i.US0N and WHITE CONSERVATORY School Credits Given. . ud;o: Main y)tret, 11i.:imistqn, Oregon. i V s ifcxcursion Fares East u Tare td One-Third for Round Trip to OMAHA CHICAGO DCS MOINEt 6IOUX CITY COUNCIL DLUFFS KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS DULUTH ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS MILWAUKEE lU'piiilurc Dales! NOV. 1, 8, 15, 22, 24, 29 DEC. 6, 13, 18, 19, 20 Return limit Feb. It, 1931 Stopover privileges ':.V..Vi...M'. Red & White Coffee. 1 lb. nkti. .35 ; Blue' 3 " .95 j j Prince Albert Tobacco 1 lb. tin .89 I 18 oz bottle Knitits Catsup .25 I 8 lbs. Curve Cut Macaroni .49 j Green & White Yellow Corn 6 for .83 t 49 lb. sack Queen Anne Flour 1.49 i 8 lb. Red Beans 16 oz. Loganberry Jam X. 3 cans Peaches 2 2 3 cans B. & W. Oysters 3 cans Alabama Shrimp 1 lb. Brown Rice 4 stop to figure it out, this old World of ours as a who! la not Hlttlnjio pretty Jutft at the present time. Did you know that there Is an awful lot of parts of Europe that Is just sitting on what the old time Orator used to call a Pow- d r Keg? Well it la. We cant pick up a paper that from one to a hundred dont phophesy that Profperlty is Just around the corner. Dut l':t me tell you that war is nearer around the corner than prosperity Is. I d'.nt mean so much for us right here. Put I mean over In Europe. That Kussia Is kicking up an awful lot of dust, and Germany Is harborin a terrible lot of dlsnatlHfaction, that Hitler has got em a!l stirred up over there. He made a spi rcli last week in which he advocated the breaking of the Versailles Treaty, be said that It was made by a lot of old men, who most of them were about ready to die, and now here was a lot of younir men grown np and they had to carry all this burden, for which they were not directly to blame, and that It was only a matter of time till they ,'ust wouldent do It, they would say, "Well come on France, what are you golns to do about It? We cant be any worse off if you come In and take over oiv Country than we aninow." Then those little Dalkan Nations, they are like a little mess of stray Ter riers anyhow, they Just as well be Cght Ins as like they are. This has been about the longest they have ever been between wars. I see the other day v.bere Russia was Just on the verge cf Invading Koumauia. They have al ways had It In for them and figured they only had to take a couple of days rations and rounds of ammunition and go over and take that Country anyhow. Russia and Poland are always on the verje of war. I remember when I was over In both countries in the summer cf IS. why they ere growling at each olhcr like a couple of Fat Prima Donas oj the same Opera bill, Then Italy Is ranting around down there trying to pick up some more country and outlet for tlieir population. France Is watching them with an Eagle eye all the time, and thata just what Mussolini wants, he had rather worry France than anything, France feels that she would have no trouble whipping them, but it she went down there to do It, Germ r.y would take that opportu nity and Kit at them and she just dont want ti ' v.: to take the chance. Then the j " v.;ikiana feel klnda hemn; i i:- c w i their way, and of course .iu 1 u.ks, there Is nothing that Irkd a Turk ro :.iuch as peace. Lots 0' r - y smart men think that Is one 0. j yiggest contributing fac tors to our present state of economic unrest. Is that all big finance Is afraid of what will happen in the near future, and thry dont know where It will end np. Tbats why everybody la hanging 03 to w.t they got. There is more in the wind than just ou little local con dition over here. We got as much as wo ever bad, there is just as much r.:o:iy. as many to eat, and as many to ted, as many to buy. But still our con ditions are uncertain. Why? Just be cause Its thing outside our own land that is worrying em. Tbey know that signs are not right all over the World. Look at South America. When during our lifetime has there been as many disturbances at one time? No Sir the whole thing is world wide, we art ef fected by it less than anyone. If we keep our nose clean and dont start yapping about somebody elses honor, or what our moral obligations are, we might es cape it. Put its go ing to take better 8Ute:aiansbIp than we have been fa vored with hereto fore. But the way we are now we are mighty lucky to hare nothing but a little business de pression that la bothering ns. But think what those other poor Devils are 'up against. I don't know whether my old friend, Kuute Rockne, and Notre Dame are going to win the world's championship aain this Fall oa not, but be deserves it if tbey don't win another game. For. . . I LI... -!. , Austria, thev just been so bad oJ ""V ineomy o.g iwn in iu taiieo s:nctl thr. last war t!.-t tl.-v knnw then StatC that 8tartS VWS tOUgh teams wrvi!! i nr, av I'm! . ..,Mnt ' r!?nt frni the jump. bj welcome to them. Bulsr.rla haj ! fturted all the rest of them, her and ' iUTKa, and they dont want to loss I 1. . vncil iml their reputations, they vant to no down la history as haUng started all the tig one. Uncle Eben -I believe In tie Ilible." said Uriel F.licn, "nn' I refuse to rjunrrel ultotit It, things It s:tys piMUTnuikpr.' t X U N I CT N PACIFIC .. W. lhuk.Ag.t IBS! I R. ROBISON I AIT. KINDS? IllMl T wr mvjti Ul GRADE MA- i as s s u ? Mnlors rcuround T ' c DONE. Hearings poured! N land fitted to re t 0 TI rv ground shafts. 4.4.4, MACHINE SHOP BERT MASON IONE OREGON ..t:.tt..tttt-jt.tt.n:i4Ha.:i'U.t:'Ut:it.utto' 'if See Those New CIRCULATING HEATERS at Bristow h. Johnson's They will make your house cosy and v. r.u v. this winter and arc very reasonably priced. Watch for our RED HOT Red & White Specials each Saturday nad Monday. We Tty to Please. Bristow & Johnson lone - Oregon W -V iy .19 ! Rll T bi'iiiuse ont of the host X Is TtWsod Is do Wiiv.hlneton Stnr. U I ft i'i x j tk ; V in ' r. as; I. : Ull j I P Hi: m 11 il from the jump. Thea others play Rotary clubs and 'justness col leges till about Thanksgirlng, then have one tough game. Knute thinks It you got a football team. It ought to be a football team from the Fourth of July to Xmas. (5 I9jn. McNaucM Syodicatt, Inc.) Laws nd In-Laws A Jude declares tlmt some law are tiiinl on unmarried men. Rut not half l.i hir.l ah sciiio in laws lire ou luar-Ik-il im-n. rawing Show. SHIP YOUR CREAM TO MORROW CO. CREAMERY CO. Thirteen Years on the Job. We Are the Cause of Your Getting BETTER PRICES Morrow Co. Creamery Co. W. C. COX, Manager. AMBULANCE SERVICE FOR COMFORTABLE, SPEEDY AMBULANCE, DAY OR NIGHT, TELEPHONE 1332 Phelps Funeral Home CAY AND NIGHT PHONE 1332 CUT FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS