The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 05, 1930, Image 4

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Published livery Friday by
V. V. Head, Editor PuMish-r.
One Year Jl.oO i
Six Months 0.75
Three Months 0.50
Entered hs seeoml ("Lis math, lit
the posi ih.e (ii ioiif, t .fi;nn, under
act ol March 3, 1 9.
Friday, Dec 5 , 1930
xingicn News
i AM V.: U.i: S rix.iDl'MAN
! in harmony with the Thanksgiv
v mi ntKT of UxhjJ'on school season,
ch; iSvb.p.iritl on WeJnesJay 0'xK UAL. ONK
iv.oon or the r rtp cuve,
h :ncs o .spend Tluk$4ivinjj.
MUs Helen FAvncr was in
I.nuhi and Prof. an. i Mrs. E. T.
hi'cs n:co!Vip.inicd by Miss Alio
M 'nU'umitv went to Portland
T ; v relume ' i.i lime to
take '
.ior d Jiics in the li n!i school
und.v . I
; nV:S Van nkleatul family
ot .t.';Li d are vi:ting at the
h ne of U '.iil.i.n Van Wiuldc.
.' ."o.iiian arrived
nurie o.J i tujrsiJjv to jocr.a me wilh i ,r p.atii s. Miss
Me .Ji! an is kachins for lur scc - 'i yer at Anti ;h', Or pin.
.icU .i p i, Cave .
th r normal i li ,t.d.4 viiig ptu-j.,
,n m A edncs Jay morning in!i.
t ijJu'.o.iur.i A number of
s ;s duiis anJ picis were ivcii
by it; children including a recita
ti ) by the four year o' J JjuhUr
.I Mr. and Mrs. K tp'i Jackson.
The ieults of safety practices
rostered by the various telephone
companies associated In the Bell
System havt received public recog
nition again, this time In Baltimore.
Md The motor reblcles department
of the Chesapeake and Potomac
Telephone Company has been
awarded a bronie plaque by the
Baltimore Safety Council for the
splendid record of safe driving it
has established.
Sirica hbs the fewest telephones
tf the tlx continents.
Arc no Experiment bx ar- ibe
Product of Exptri-ace. The njmj
teds the S'ory.
P. G. Balsigcr
-rij) Cirlnmii Sfjli
lone Independent
-: Dermaticiarr:
It pays to look well.
"Specialist in Bobs"
j have all the grod qnalitties, N VQ X) h ' ffi m
Materials, U M H '; 1 l
I Workmanship,
II And Right Price. JM
For Automobile Service &
Accessories go to
one - Ore.
Locust Chapter, 0. E. S.
At the close of the regular meet-
T . ry i . .. VT - iia
nig 01 lAKUST, napUT 1NO.
0. K. S. hold Tuesday evening,
j November 25, an especially pleas
ant social hour was enjoyed. First
i on the program was a short plaj
i let by Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs
j and Mrs. Elmer Griffith. This
i was followed by old time dances,
ICharLv Notts and his son fur
I nishing the music. Refreshments
! were served. The decorations were
w. C. T. u. notes
Mary A. Notson, Reporter
TJ'.e wet liowl is jn'ttini: loud
( and Imidrr. I'.r. I' iilkersoit. n
I man wii travels annum tie.'
world inve.siiat social cot;
t lit ions snvs it r; rti'inls him of t
j.,n;mi pup " juht in a fence, Ii
i unds as i; .til t!se pups in tlx
i t'iliUirltoi i ::re hcni.' hurt. S
we listen t the wet howl and
;ny if we ; o not think iii4
ilunk tlie wlu l tu.r.itry is in re
r!t airaint prohibition.
Here are some examples of
liow i',ie wet press are trying to
iii'.-i ivi oi"0 i
......... , . i
When the Hriti-li rum run
- i'' ip "I'm A I me is
s nn 1
pun iv t no i nasi suiiru
tlie Vrt press an'
..!?, ;r n:ir.U hn,!
ri,,)t n sink her and lnil it as
dt ion-bred international
i omi hcations; nut when the nine
numbers of the I'm Alone crew
vere sent to jail the wet pres,
orefii'ly suppresses all eoiinec
t 'u of these criminals with the
''Tin Alme nnd it is left to tl
.'rv P.n'cklyn Eairle to assure
!!::'.t tl;e Canadian 'overnmeni
does not expert to (iiestion tie'
jMitliority of the coast iruard to j
' i ire upon the I 'm Al me." i
' When the A. A. P. A., a brew j
ry backed organization, pays,
tor and stag's a wet uprisini; of I
;i scant one thousand people in j
P.est.m it is n fr.uit mc story;
but when twenty thousand Hos- J
t.-n drys have a dry mass meet
im; in the largest atiditoriuni f -r j
bii-li no one is paid, the story.
Cont nntd Frrm Col. 3
Make an Ideal Gift.
Comelo Hanlons Studio
Hcrpn:r - Oregon
123 Main St.
Frav.ley Clarke Produce Co. of
Portland will le rep.rer.cnte in
this territory as year by W.
M. Eu banks.
We illicit your ProJuc.1 trade.
(iet in touch with Eubank s for
shipping dates on Turkeys.
j& Clark & Linn &
Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa
per Hanging and General
pair Work.
lone, Oregon.
Star Brand shots at
Diistow & Johnson's
BEVERLY HILLS-Well all I know
In just what I read In the papers, ntut
what I hear over the Radio, and us tho
pnpers hnvout lind
nnythlng, and tho
static has been tnul.
Istiorance Is pretty
raiiiiAiit. Bernard
Shaw talked over
the Riullo, that wai
the hliili point or
radio broadcast Imk.
Ho niadfi the rent
ot us that some
times U80 that me
dium, tiiluk we all
ought to it'll ro and
Just let him say It.
You know he Is a brilliant old lllnl.
He never says what yon are lookliiK
tor him too. but ho always says what
you are Klad he did -ay.
Italy has liud another hl wedding
Ouo ot the daughters married Doris of
Bulgaria. They went away off down to
some little town In Italy to marry, it
seems there was a Justice of the Peace
down there that she liked. It rallied
during the wedding, which means that
It wont turn out very good But It
wouldent hr-'o ti: :ied i ut ciy good
even it It lnueiit rained, for poor old
Boris Just got about auol'ier w ir .o go.
Ho alnt so old, only about 32. but there
will l j a war pretty soon, and of
course no European war can bo ollleial
unless Bulgaria Is a p. UIclpant, nnd
then noi ls wH ; tle .wn out on his
ear. The ilr t laius " know tho King
of Italy will be tho father of more
deposed Quern Haughtcr In law than
Mussolini stems lli.e :i Is R,dr.
ahmg pretty stiotii;. .''a u picture in
the Movks the othvr day where he
hud an awful nie?s of young fellows
drilling and saluting him. Franco l
still lenry of him. Siio Is afraid to kj
down and pounce on him. for fear tier
many will hop on her during , thc,r
chastisement ot Italy. That why Mus
snlinl traded tills Queen to Bulgaria,
was in cjho of any little national up
rising In Kurope, that Bulgaria wo i!d
resiect their Kataer-ln-law and J ia
It:i!v. Its the oldest line of Hooey ;:nd
! Diplomacy in the world In Europe is
to try and gain Allies by marnaK".
They think If tiny can marry one
ot their Royal Family Into another
Royal Family thtt that binds em
closer. Nobody couldent have
much closer bound togeathcr
Germany and England. They had been
marrying each other like Rabbits fr
generations, yet when the time ;ome
tiiey turned a-;.":!nst each other like
So those poor devils of royal parent
age Just go along, go where they are
sent. I doubt It the gal bad ever seen
this Boris Bird, till he come prssclng
tioivn the center aisle.
Life in Poles' Vicinity
According to the late Admiral I'eary.
ierni!inotit human life exists within
o.r.if 7i inlt'S if Ibe North -te.
yur U found v,l:!;!n ".Vooo mil l
tl:l South (Kle.
Geographical Divis'on
The l.ound.iry between ."niiail.i nr.,!
(lie Fiilted Stales Is mereh n line be
I ... , , ii the teimlnatlon of Ibe t'oltea
Si . :iiul Ho' eoinnirneenienl of t'an
THIS year's winner of the Tullt
zer prize, Charles It. Macauley,
drew the above cartoon, "Enlist
Coder This Banner."
"He's done," they all said three years
ago. "Maeauley was a good man while
he lasted. But he can't come back.
They never do after SO."
In March, 1127, Maeauley entered a
hospital and underwent a difficult op
eration for tuberculosis of the rplne.
For three months afterward ho lay In
ho', with his drawing board ntrapped
;. !,i front of him. Fighting every
iii' h f.f the way, back to health.
"I would not bo alive today," wrote
Ma aulcy to one of bli friends, "If It
v,.,o not for the remarkable advances
made medically an 1 surgically la the
treatment of this u ra'ic."
t :: tt . . :: :: . n . .4:
Nalion.i (Sank Bldg.
t 'ennner
- 1 t
Vhen You Visit Heppner
Kat At The
"Elkhorn IJestaurant"
? Jood Meals Be tl of Service
Lunch Counter
t Physician And Surgeon
Hfice In Masonic Building
ofrained Nurse Assistant
olleppner, Oregon
But we hovent got any time to mens
away our time worrying about them,
What aro we doing light hero in tho
old home precinct? When you read
this, our usual November Follies will
have passed into tho discard. Election
day will be a relle, and we will wako
up with some more of em. There Is a
deal of excitement, rather synthetic.
but anyhow excitement, In soma Quar
ters, as to who will go on tho Coverti
ment pension list after this election.
They tell me New York state Is all
hopped up over tho tlovonors nice, l
dont know Just how Roosevelt will
tare, but I sure do know he Is a lino
high class man. I supposo ho hist a
lot ot support by not spanking Tam
many and sending cm to bed, but he Is
a fine man never the less, and I giiox ;
this other fellow Is too, I dont know (
It looks like the Democrats will get i
in a bunch ot new lies. They always I
',. mighty well on these off years. Wo I
get em In on off )curs and get t in out
on Presidential years. But It glvi
sdiuo people noTtethint to get worked
un over, and get all exetivd over, it
dont moc . i anything. Wo been stag
gering along f ov about 155 years
under every conceivable horse thief
that could get Into oiliee, and yet lure
we are, still going s,ru.;g.
I doubt it Harmons clrce i. or lla;;ea- I
backs wild an!mal circus has housed
as many uinerint
kinds ot species as
has been In our
tlovcrnmenl em-
...... i, .. . .
fV- -'
IM(Jjr uiulliK "3 I
Istence." Yet as bad . "1
;s they are they
taut nil It. i!n
as good as they ui
they cant help It. Isr
s e are just a rivrr
tiowlng along. We
hie a drought!)
year, and we havo
u Hood years. They
build dams to Mop us, but we Just till
up und flow on over em, j there Is
really nothing that can bo done la
n'lout us. We are J'lut flowing to the
: a. Corruption cant retard us. nnd
reformers cant ass lit in, wu ore Ju-t
Hot; In; along in spite of everything,
A good man cant do nothing In office
beeauso tho System Is against him,
and a bad one cant do anything for the
i r a mo reason. So as bud as we are we
"are better off than any other Nation,
so whats the tine to worry.
t'omo preTty near having two holi
days of equat Importance In the same
week, Halloween and election, and of
tho two election provides us tho inert
fun. On Halloween they put pumpkins
on their heads, nnd on election they
don't have to.
(f ll.'O. M,.4U',I Smli,lr. Inc.) I
When a noted 1'a.sadcna architect
recently was called oa the li-lo-phone
and given an order to build a
$100.0011 home, be thought 'hat
someone was trying to play a prut
Ileal Joke upon him. However, the
ordor was a genuine one, and It was
given by Al Jotsoo for a house at
I'alm Springs. Cal. Tho house is now
tinder construction.
They said he was done, but he
wasn't. A few months after he rams
out of the hospital, Maeauley was
drawing a cartoon a day for the
Brooklyn Daily Eagle. For two years
he has been turning out work as vig
orous as In tho days when "T. It." were
the best known Initials in the world,
nnd he drew a cartoon inventing the
"Big Stick." And now, In l'J30 as he
ncars tho are of CO years, this man
who had William MeKlnlcy for a god
father and mentor Iwk H f'anton,
Ohio, and was supposed to be a "bus
been" wins the cherished honor cov
eted hy every cartoonist In America
the Pulitzer prize.
"Sure I'll draw a cartoon," he nald
when the subject was broached. "I'm
an old pal of the Christmas seal. Both
of us have fought tuberculosis."
trot :: nrmu ,: u
if Dr.J.H.McCrady
Office; Odd Fellows Hld'tJ.
I Heppner Oregon J
Heppner, Oregon.
Dr. C. W. Barr
Phone M 1012 Gilman Uldg.
Heppner, Ore.
Evenings and Suiwwy appun'ni? n
( Symbolic Clotli'cf
I The relation of cloll.e lo nalhmitl
, reeiliiii has turned up many times In
Ibe world'H history, I Miring I ho sO'iK
1 gle for American Independence, the
wearing of homespun whs a mark of
i Th? Iliftivt LaJ t i AU Si e
... . . . . . ., .
(' ' "" sah; o S,turM;
! ,,-, ;f lUislint' & Johiwn'n
. ""
: Notice is hereby given that Ihi-undro
signed has filed his final account at admin
Utralor c. t.a. of the rst.ito of Finest Mon
tanden, deceased, and that the Conn! y Court
of the State of Oregon for Moirow County
has appointed Monday, the fth day of
January, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the
! county coin t room In the court house at
. lb ppiur, Oregon, sk the place, ol hculng
and settlement of .ild final account. Objec
, tions to i.i Id final account must be filed on
i r before sal J date.
I.ouli Ilal'-r
Administrator C. t. a.
We are prepared lo take care of your
shatH'ivj requirements by the installation of an
H e'eetric key way machine
ii . ..
' j1
In a wide range ol Sizes, we also nave a iim m
second hand combines for sale. Agency Lr the
Harris Manufacturi:'.;! Companiet new combines.
zy I P nfp.'irt
V li P f
jV-C.;j." A i ''.s. V-r si. ,4 ti
f DfaK rs In
t Krcsh and Cuicd Meals, HulUr and I'gs.
:Vc Hny Cream for Swift & Comprny
Why id Sell our Cream tiMtuir Home Town
tn . i p.i. i
Kcai r,suuc
1 1 Peterson
Before contracting or
selling your wheat it Will
pay you to see L. Balsiger
representing B. G. and Co.
lone, Oregon
t ::t::.t:i;!i:'i:::.::''
Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon
Will tk Represented this Season by
W. M. Kubanks
1 1
pay you
I sell your wheat.
Physician & Surgeon ;y
Heppner Oregon
Glasses Fitted
Farm Implements
Bates Steel Mule Tractor
"vh little space on puevVK".
When inti li'iitur wn.iV wo.
.it'ii tinder Mi'H, Hiibin 'i,ti e
I heir wet view the wet piei
jrive it a two column display
head; but when the Ketienil I'V.b
tration of Wonieti'M ('bibs eu
j hatically declare for the dry law
the story tret u Nimpli' enbium
headline on pao nix.
When Tnininaiiy detlireH fof
btMi.'e it U a irreat event fit l u'
heailbnesi but when tweuly '
thoiiNiind public school lonelier
of the National Kdticatiouiil
Association jro on nvord for I'm
hibilion the wet presn jfive it no
I cudlincs on pa'e lliirlecn.
If it were a fair figdit the ilry
i a "i e w o: Id uiitbiii' ledly wi i ;
but the boo.e buHiness ban nl
vmivi bet a a lawlo btmine m.
mill we will have t look fur
tlu h deee1 lion by tlome who op
bt Id the 1'npior trade.
and a slock of shafting
... .1
PtFricf nr P?
f - . . t
insurance j
Brothers j
t!-sf:rutt ti
to see him befo.-ej sou
! h Robinson
J Allornsy & Counselor
Al Law
I S III I'l'dc'lce In Mi n,H ',,,irlK