ti'm - . THEME INDEPENDENT Published Every h'riilay by W. V. IIkad, K.litor lVblish-r. SUBSCRIPTION One Year J1.M S;x Moruhs 0.75 Tliivr Months 0..V) Entered an second Clfss tuath at thr postcliii'e ai lone, Oregon, under ai t of March , IS79. FriJayrN'"o'v"aC19:ffl Turkey Shi ;:ncnts abxmt normal. The birds have Personal Mention Mrs. Carl Leathers ar.d daujrn- te: of Hani man visit recently with hands spill oni Grand jury will meet in Hepp- ner, November 28. Several of our W, C. T. U. NOTE3 Mary A, Not sod, Kcportcr WantedPersonal Liberty Backward, turn backward, oh time in your (Unlit. Give us tJie old saloon just for tonight. Live us the odor vhat floats thru the h;r mother. Mrs. J. E. Grimes. Stale beer unsteady the floor. iiilC IIS thr nt.tllillitl MliMi ut.li-t..r,'i,.T out (townspeople have been subpocn anoui. Give us the drunkard asleep in the i gutter, Give us the foul words the sodden sots utter. Backward, turn backward, and let ' us axain See in our alleys the drink fuddled I men , I'lirust front the door of the corner Lexington News I r 'perty of Grandma Boolicr. lul Hurchfll wIki fomul NN. AMABH.I.K STROUTNAN CfMcou w ,,,, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shrlcvcr m day 't week, It itonv.wliat returned th last of the wick after i "proved in health but is Mill tin a ftw days visit In Poitland. ab c 1,1 be (ni- Tnc dause of Mr ' II. .11'.. I i . Mr K. T Ini!li.thaheincon.;.,,M,fc"", ",IHM ,s nm l',c Personal Mention Contmiud p,( m Col. 3 u Portland Imspitrl where hIic mi re. went an opt rat'on, Friday of hint week. She had jronc (low n a few tliiyH enrlitTmid her husl aud wan culled there when it wan fine I to her home for a few days kt,,wn 1)1,1 11 U 1 ,UH,ht ,0 k" f oun.1 that an oration was not by illness but Is ble to be about ,l ,,IS luiirt' I ewnry. C. W. Montgomery has rented galn. 1'it.l Me.Mtiiruy hua jwt etni- The inter class basketbaljj mts M)I,ch mM- SCTOKMKNT lu;.i a-to-latc lionera on Ii.h began Monday when the Juoiorsj Nllllt, hereby given that ih.undJ?V,,,0W Vrvvk rtt.nc!, 1,10 built!" i ntf was erected la accordance with 0, S. C. plans and has con- . ... i sauKin. been in good condition but tl e After his money is spent, all too soon luve us the drunkard $ home, haunt oi thspair, Give us the drunkard's wife, haggard with care. Give us the children whose father has spent Over the bar. food and clothing and rent. backward, turn backward. Time let us on.-e more. See the saloo- keeper str:d by the door. Trying to lurt nen and boys poiiiR by. Like a fat spuur awaiting ;he fly. Give the pocK '. as empty as air. After the pay i',,vl. Is kit wit'., aim there. Rackward, turn backward, oh Time. in your flight Give : .s the old saloon, just for to- nii h'.. I'y Artemisia Andrews in News Index Sumner, VYashitiKtuii. Tbosf lines bring: to mind the places of drink in the old divs. nl.'ces that ncvr could he made Ifcent even by a prominent lerjiyir.an who tried opening 'hem with hymns and prayer. It would seem' like akiti God to bless theft, debauchery and mur der. The very men themselves laughed the thing down with cuin. There is something about 'he selling rt booze that defies 1! .".tterapts at pr.'ce has been lower than the growers hnl hoped to get. - Ituj I'urutma SU- Baptist Church the evening Rev. Cutler conduct ed services at the Baptist church. As long as weather will permit Rev. Cutler plaus to hold preach sng services each Thursday ever ing in lone. Every one is invite d to here him. Rev. Cutler pas for merly pastor of a large c iurch in Kansas City, but felt called t ) help the weaker t in r.hes of his denomination so he resigned his pastorate and is now working with the Baptist Publication society. He goe from place to place in a chapel car. At present he and his wifo are making their home in the car but are holding religious in the church at that place. Uuy Chriitmt Sjtli ; BORN, TWINS Mrs. Dale Ray has received the the an louncement of the birth ( f twin "boys to her rjn and daugh-terr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William B.ashers of Hood River. The ba bies were born Satnreay, Novem- the E. C. Sperry Building on the not in side ot Alain Street and has opnea a i run ana vegetaoio statu?, if cored a 'J)-b lead over the rresh iimd hat filed hit final account . admin Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). Hnghesof met )n Friday the Senilis won i""rc. t. . f the ett of Fnet Mor i'ortland wese guests, Monday, at the J. E Grimes home. They wore o.i their way to Monumei t Mrs. Helen Fi rrens is swnding ! The regular basket ball practice county court room in the court house .t thu lK,ult' business quite extv n- the last of this week visiting ht r will besin soonafterThanksgivine. Hppn. Orenn. ,th pUce, of hcrinu sivi-ly. sister. Mrs. Elbert Colvin and her I Mrs. Ceore Allen spent I ili'ay "'" ' "'J '. Objec- 7 ,..,, . (f cw. e y daughter, Genevieve, in I'ortland. 1 eceiiins at the home of her douKh ; "T" " ". j " mu" 01 ",ru m ..v..,.,,0vlwlliaiiU,i0. ... Mrs .anus (. owns 111 1 Urn 8-7 irotn the Sophomores wl o ,a,u,on''lt,fi,JnJ 'bat the County Court crete flwrs and sawdust filled were in the kadbj one point un. 'm IT !" Cr"i K"lk Zt wi" ,",ure lw0 1,un'lrai it with her daughter, Arleta, in Salem. t Cole Smito drove to Portland, Wednesday, to bring his daugh ter, Mildred, hone for the "i'.ianks givinj vi.cauon. Mrs. Alice; McNalb anC James Warfield were Thanksgiving vis itori in Pasco, Washington at the home of the Chas. J. well family. J. Giin.cs tice.Vtij made a trip Uickreal, taking tne Dempsey furniture down by truck. hi 1 Ahalt has returned to his home county. Bill was care-taker' of the Kties Brothers' shn on t1eamml.rranBl.iMonlanaanJL.ne. Improvements are coma up ivvuiuwi v.vn niivu iir ' - t ... 1 T neep were shipjnd home. ti.elyat the chicken laim 01 Jim Mrs. Dell Wara is a patient tyJWren. which Is situated on the ner. The L 11 S. Girls' volley hall team played the first '?mc season on Thursday when defeated I lerpinr 3-0 I low.r e the airls were net so lucky Mt.n day when they journeyed to lkpp r.erto loseo-T. lVasVct tall It r the girls will beam soon after ihe Thankfgivinavacatlon Those mak ina the volley ball team wet e Amy Strodiman, Edith Tucker, Grace Hurchell. Faye Luttrell. Lavtrne White. Naomi McMillan, Ruth Lufrell Heulah rskelson and Er l.oult HaUlyrr AJministraU r c. t. a. xcill hold ,1 )( stilr on tutun'tiy, . 13, at Jlrislou' O J his 'i Store Ml 4 ILNE BLACKSMITH SHOP We are prepared to take care of your thattlng requirements by the Installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting In a wide range of sires. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. urjz? J. P. O'Meara. Proprietor j& : n regulation. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grimes left. Wednesday, for Poi tlnnd expect ing to return Sunday. They went to visit Mis. Grime;' son, Louis P.-Ip whh hna KtJon ill fnr enn-.o ber22. They weighsd 5 pounds, f , . . , 2 ounces and 5 pounds 7 ounces. treatment in a Portland ho . a, swpecuvely and have been g.ven for the thn?e me names 01 uonaia ana ueioert. Mr. and 'Mrs- Rny and Claud and J Gladys Brashears motored to Hood River Sunday to wake the acquainance of the new arrivals. I I SUPERIOR DRILLS ; Are no Experiment but ar-' ihe Product of Experience. Tht name tells the Story. P. G. Balsiger "Pro.C.th.dr.U" An Kpisiiiil church taken over hj liilnp tmd ustM as hU chief church vhcii there Is no ratlilrul In Ms rv-I (Iciitiul city Is cnllfil 11 (irit-ciiiliHrat Buy fi'mai al PROFESSIONAL CARDS lone Independent JOB PRINT JACK FERRIS -: Dermatician: It pays to look well. "Specialist in Bobs" PHOTOGRAPHS Make an Ideal Xmas Gift. Come to Hanlons Studio Heppner - Oregon 123 Main St. IONE CASH MARKET I Measured and Tested Service PRODUCE WANTED Frawley Clarke Prodm e Co. 0 Portland will be represente in this territory as last year by W '. Eubanks. We sollicit your Produce trade. Get in touch with Eubanks for hipping dates on Turkeys. j7 Clark & Linn & Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa per Hanging and General Re pair Work. lone, Oregon. Star Brand shoes at Bristow& Johnson' 1 GOODYEAR TIRES have all the xood qualities. Materials, Workmanship, And Right Price. j For Automobile Service & Accessories go to INDEPENDENl GARAGE hue - Ore. The measure of Electric Service is accurate as your ': i r" s weights or your marketman's scales. Every meter is doubly inspected before installation. Peri odically it is tested to ensure that sou pay only for service you actually use. No matteo what amount of Electricitp you make nse of, its cosi dwindles to nothingness compared to the convenience you enjoy througn it. Is there any thing that brings you more at less cost? t 7 Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats. Butter and Ife. I jVe Buy Cream for Swift & Company.! Why tut Sell Your Cream in Your Home Town? Real Estate Insurance Peterson Brothers Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L Balsigsr representing B. G. and Co. t IPacific Power and Light Company "Al:v2ys at your Service" lone, Oregon t ti . n :: r. n u xr ttr n a a , n m a a m i "i? C. L. SWEEK ATTORNEY AT LA'A'. Dr.J. t I : First Nationa Bank BIdg. tfleppner, Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat At The "Elkhorn Restaurant" tGoodMeals Best of Service t Lunch Counter A.D.McMURDO,M.D. I Physician And Surgeon tOftice In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to see him before vouf J sell your wheat. 1 4. - J, t m - " " y TT l . 4 X1 j"iTtTTHB 'I n mc"raoy : A.b.bKAYM.U. H F. H. ROBINSON DentlSt i i Physician & Surgeon X-Ray DIAGNOSIS lj Heppner Oregon Off.ce; Odd Fellows BU'g. ft Glasses Filted ; it. r 1 Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. Bates Steel Mule Tractor J.O.PETERSON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. Dr. C. W. Barr DENTIST I'honc M 1012 ' Gilnuo HIJg. Heppner, Ore. t Attorney & Counselor At Uw Will l-rm tW lit AU'lVC.Mirrn IONE OREGON X EvenliiRHunJ Suiuvby appinfme n i. "i j I I 1 1 : i I Heppner, - Oregon PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon