The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 28, 1930, Image 3

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    To bo a
Healthy Woman
wafcfi your BoweUI
Wlint slmuM women da to keep
tlu'lr bowel tuovlitic freely? A doc
tor should kmnv tho answer. Thnt
li why puio Hyrup I'k1i In no
Kih xt for women. It Jiint suits their
iltl tt'ii t organism. It U tho pre
scription of 1111 0I1I family doctor
who li 11 h treated thousands of volu
tin patients, iuhI who a spo
clul study of howi'l trouble.
Dr. CnldweU's Syrup IVpHln I
made from fresh, laxative herbs,
pure popMn mill other bunnies In
gredient. It doesn't slckim or
weaken yiii, No restriction of
hnblt or (lift nro neeesmiry while
tnklng It. ISut ItM acllon In thor
otiuh. It curries off tint Hour tillo
mid polmiiioim waste. It doe every
thing you want It to do, It In fine
for flill'li-fii, too. They love It
taste, let thi'iu hiivo It every time
their tongue ure coiitcd or their
kin Im snlluw.
When you've n nick hendiu ho, cun't
fat, are tilHoiii or sluggish j and at
thl tljlirn when you UK! tmist pt to
he constipated, tnke a llltln of thl
fiiimmi prescription (nil druggist
keep It ready In bltf bottle), and
you'll know why Ir. Caldwell'!
Syrup IvpMln la the favorite lax
ative of over a million women I
Da W. B. Ouo win's
A Doctor Family Laxative
Aclics and Pains
DR V thrrn out with a "counter'
irritant." Dimming mmcular
lumbago, imi-nril anj (tillnrtl Krnrr
ally rrsjMn J plrnjntly tociiod old Mut
jcfulc. call it a counter-irritant,"
Iwcautc it grti anion nJ ii not
jtut a salve. Muitrmlc hrlpi brine lore
nrtl and pain to tho surfarr, nj thus
gives natural relirf. You ran frf I how ill
warming action prnrtrairi anj Stimu
late MinhI circulation. Hut do not Hop
with one application. Apply thii inoth
init, cooling, lirahng ointnirnt ifrnfrmiily
to the aHrtn area ornv every hour
for Jive hours. l'inl by milliont for
over 20 yean. KrconuncnJcJ by many
doctnr anj nursn.
Krrp Muitcrdc lunJy ; jan and tube.
To Mothers Musterole is also
made in milder form for Inibiei
and small children. Ask for Chil
dren $ Mustcmle.
as Your Back
Given Out ?
A Hml Buck Mny Warn of
Dihonlcrtd Kidney.
If miserable with backache,
Madder Irritations ond setting
up at night, don't takechancesl
Help your kidneys at the first
sign ofdisorJcr. Use Doon's Pills.
Successful for more than 50
years. Kndorscd by hundreds
of thousands of grateful users.
Get Doun's today. Sold by deal
er! everywhere.
A vnmEJic
mc Mum's
Cure Your Own Meats
QmWltd k liuUhti e) 40 Ymvi ExNrianu
intlltitfnaahlf to 1'onntra
MlHtrhvra unit t-'nrmert
THilonk (Mliiri follow lw ttmituti iiforaiilini
I'nit pi lect to pay for nieutt.
Helpful hint! in rictrrnilninK qunllty.
Kecriptn for cuiing meiili and aumgra of
rminy kiml.
Why ini'iili spoil In curlnij proems, end
ninny oilier thln ronfrimlinM country
people who winli to euro their own luenta.
What every prtnon killing Bnd curing thcU:
own nu'iim Hlinnld know.
In m rurely bound lKk. Price $.1 hy mnll
prepaid. Money 01 der, hank druft or check,
.1. V. MAIN
704 Iwli nullilliig rortlnnd, Oregon
WNU Brvle
(Cpyrlilit by Kvalyn Ciriilil.)
CHAPTER X Continued
Pho picked tip her fun, her llttlfl
on tin pnrty Iiiik, giving a tnHt look at
her fucn In the mirror. What wna
behind those eyes fear, unrest, ap
peal? Hut with her first question It
was gone. Hhe saw herself as she
was, toiJi'Miik'ly beautiful with the per
fection of maturity In the body of
youth. With a sweep of pi.SKlon she
threw out her arms to her own linngp.
llnpplness wns her right. Kli would
take It now In whatever form li entne.
Nothing could hold It back from her.
Then ahe made a little prayer, "O,
let mo be happy I"
Khe wns atnndlnff there when the
knock mtne upon her door.
How strniiKe to see her own fnco
whiten nnd whiten; to ace her own
eyes widen and grow dark with fenr.
Kenr that had been nt her elbow
through this hour, lurking beyond her
In tho corners of the room. Unnamed
fenr that her Inner self bad known of
and tried to warn her of, but which
aho would not heed. It was strnnpe
to watch tier own fnce'ilke this, mark
ing the change of Its emotions as one
would watch a stranger's face.
"Come In," she said.
The door was not locked. Througn
the mirror that she still faced she
nw it siowiy open ano; snw a man
atnndlng on the threshold of her room.
He was a short stocky niim without
age and without memorable feature.
You pass twenty like him any after
noon without seeing one of them. Yet
there wns a look of strength, of re
sistance about him that made Itself
felt throuk'h his unremnrkshle per
aonnllty. As he ndvnnceil, closing the
door behind him, she retreated. Her
arm touched the iiuim of gnnletilu
and the contact releuNt-d a burden ot
heavy perfume. She heard her iiume
spoken nnd murmured:
"Yes, I urn Undn Itoth."
I'rlun wss waiting for her at the
etitruiiie of Die hallroom as she knew
be would be, lie looked at her unx
lously as If aware of smne viik'ue ill
terullon In her features. This was not
external for her cheeks were deli
cately colored nnd her eyes softer and
more brilliant than ever. She smiled
but there vtns a colducHS In her smile
that repelled the wurm eageruess uf
his creeling
He bad waited a long time nnd
neither men nor lovers like to wait.
"You are late l.lndn."
Her while shoulder moved with an
Imperceptible shrug. "I found that I
was tired of iliiucliig. I wns In half
m mind not to come down."
The puzzlement of his eyes deep
eiicd. That nftcrnoon she had prom
Ised to meet him here; It was ar
ranged ns If they had pantied hours
In the planning, and now this. With
that faint, Innimprc hciiMlhle smile she
walked with him tliro,i-li Hid length
of the room to the group where the
presumable host cm wns to he found.
It was one of those odd gatherings
where anyone who nsks properly for
an ln ltailoti may llnd a welcome.
The lady whose name appeared on
the curd was n shy, bewildered person
III a frock that had seemed very lino
at home hut was unite lost and efTaceil
nmong the frocks of guests whose
names nnd faces were equally strnngo
to her. People kept coming nnd gtv
lug while she smiled mechaiilcully.
She did not know who Mrs. Itolh was,
or how she entne to he there, but she
welcomed her with the rest,
Mmhi saw a dozen faces Hint she
knew nnd smiled nt each of them In
turn a smile ns Icy mid Impcrsonnl
ns the hospitality they shared. Then
from the blur of moving (inures sh,'
snw Converse, his face distinct In Its
purple outline over the enormous
white expanse of linen spread upon
Ills breast like a shield. As their
eyes met his own sent a shaft of
malice to meet her Impenetrable calm.
She smiled disdainfully. He should not
know even now that she was afraid.
Then the music caught them mid
she wns moving nvny In Brian's iirms
for the Inst time, kIio thought dream
lly, threading through the crowd of
unhappy, bored, unexclted couples who
niiido their way joyously nhout Hm
perfect Moor to the rhythm of a per
feet nrchestrn.
Ilrlnn'a arm held her like steel. She
nnd remembered It ao well ; longed for
It neulnl
"What have I done?" he nsked.
Hut she withdrew herself ever so
He stopped nhruptly. They were
near a pulm lined nnte room and he
drew her Inside with on unexpected
determination thnt controlled her
Studied dellanre.
This wns n new Brian. She waited
In silence wondering how she would
do what she hud to do. "Is If neeca
anry to be rude?" she murmured.
Tho room wns a small cozy place
with love clipirs nnd n deep divan
shielded artfully . with screens utul
the Inevitable; tuba of Indoor ahrub
which so delight tho furnisher of
hotels nnd the givers of bulls. Almost
us 'hey entered a man passed the
door glancing In nt them In a casual
sort of way. Ho was a plain unim
portant person whoso expression re
mained unmoved even when his In
curious eyes met Linda's. There was
another door Just behind the dlvnu
where she nnd llrlan sat nnd she
Imagined that ahe heard It open
through a surge of drowning music.
Hut slid wus playing with tho pearls,
colling them through her long slender
linger nnd she did not turn her head.
Ilrlnn'a strong profile etched ngiilnst
tho thick green background. The boy
ishness so much a part of him had
vanished suddenly nnd In Its plnc
was something new and disturbing.
P.oucnth the dull acho In her breast
fear began to atlr. If he would not
take her for what she played nnd go?
Memory leaped from some still place
to remind her of that time when she
had lain In his arms and ho would not
release her In spite of ell her silly
fright If she could give herself to
those warm arm now; If she could
shield herself against the strength of
him I
Of what was she thinking? She
thrust these I mn glnl iik from her In
terror. That way lay a danger of
which ahe dared not think for she
had no doubt of what he would do
if he knew the truth.
Khe was to be tempted. He took
her bnud nnd would have drawn her
closer to him but that she resisted.
"What has come between ua since
this afternoon? There alwuy some
body a crowd I can't get a word
with you alone." He bent hla eye
deeply Into her and she lowered her
quickly to bide what he might rend
there. She munuged a luugh, an un
real sound.
"That la what one must expect In
Washington," she said lightly. "It I
the life you have chosen. Don't tell
me that you are tired already." She
Th Door Was Not Locked.
wns overacting but his bewilderment
saved her from failure. Ills eye
were a little more than she could
stand. "That Is whut Washington Is
for crowds," she said. "Why else
would one come?''
"Not you," he said earnestly. "You
did not come for that reason."
That gave her the opening she was
looking for. "Why else?" Her tone
was so Insolent that he flushed dark
ly. Hut he wns brave enough to
go on.
"You came because you loved me."
Ills words poured over her I ) a flood.
She bent her bend so that It was tm
possible to see her face. "Linda,
don't let us take refuge In evasions
pretenses, now 1 1 have been so hap
py. My 0 dl I have been happy,
knowing thnt you cared.
"I have seen It In your eyes. At
first . . . that night we were to
gether In the snow you seemed a far
away ns the stars and us cold. Hut
since then . . . you have beeu In
my arms I I know that you are a
woman . . . that you live "
She managed to s.iy, "You are try
ing to tell me that I followed you
Significance of linked
S' in Mayoralty Chain
The golden chain made of linked
S'a has been used by London's chief
magistrate for nearly 4D0 year. The
existing chain was bequeathed to the
ninyornlty In ISIS by Sir John Aleyn.
who hml himself been lord mnyi 20
years earlier, and wns worn for the
first time by Sir William I.nxton In
1510. Sir John Aleyn's bequest took
Its curious form by reason of the
popularity of the "S" design In Tudor
times, when, together with the Tudor
rose, It wus the cognizance of the
royal house. Hut long before thnt the
"S" was a rellgloub symbol, nt a time
when the unlversnl piety caused every
piece of Jewelry to convey some heav
enly Rlgnlflcrnce. It Is the Initial let
ter of Sanctus. or holy, which start
the hymn, "Sanctus, Sanctus, Snne
tus." chanted by the priest In celebrat
ing mass, From this the "8" came to
he regarded ns tin emblem of the
Not Those Chicks.
Jud Tunklns suy he' nstonlshed by
the ease with which, a hen can ninn
n Ke a big family of chicks. Hut thou
chick don't know anything about
automobiles nnd night clubs, WkmJ
lugtou Slur, ;,
V',7. 'toot
howW all
Standard American
If your dealer hain't this knifa In stock, send his ever had for $1, return the knife ond your money
name ond a dollar. The knife will be mailed of will be refunded. Addresn Remington Cutlery
once. If you don't think this is the biggest value you Works, 951 Barnum Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn.
O 19)0 LA. Co.
Why It Two-Dollar
Bill Known at Jinx?
The fact thnt the corner of the
new two-dollar bill are being torn
off to avert bad lack apparently Just
aa often a wa the case with the
old two-dollar bill lets the New York
World to wondering what could have
been the origin of thl belief In the
two-dollar bill's bad luck:
"For a long time we accepted the
common explanation that a two-dollar
bill Is ao 'easily mistaken for a
one-dollar bill thnt It may be paid
out as such, but after careful exam
ination of the varloua bill we con
clude that this explanation is a little
"In general appearance, It I true
that a two-dollar bill doe bear aome
resemblance to a one-dollar bill, but
Doctors everywhere are prescrib
ing thl cew treatment for colds:
Degtn when you feel a cold com
ing. Take a tablespoonful of Phil
lip' Milk of Magnesia, morning,
noon and eight, the first day. Do the
same second day. Then only at night
Colds reduce the alkalinity of your
system. That's what makes you feel
achy, feverish, weak, hnlf-slck. rhll
lips' Milk of Magnesia Is alkali In
harmless, palatable form. It check
the symptoms of colds by restoring
the alkalinity of your system.
Relieve sour stomach, Indigestion,
gas, over-acldlty. All drugstores.
V wewv at utwow
For Tashes, ecxema
,'i t'l BiMiMK"! I r 111 II 'i fi V f 11 1
i if J(- fV
f a. ri HE
i ' iTiii
figuring skin irritation. Bathe with I utlcura Sioapand
hot water, dry, and anoint with Cuilcuro Ointment.
Belief comes at once and healing soon follows. Cut leura
rwpnrntlone are essential to every household.
to Your
" fc-LU J'
f n
no more than la borne by a five-dollar
bill or a ten-dollar bill
"All of our amaller bill, In fart,
bear a close resemblance to each
other, In color and design ; every citi
zen must long ago have got Into the
habit of reading the number on the
bill that he spends, and the chance
of hi handing a taxi man two dol
lar for one dollar I very remote. It
I one of those things that I sap
posed to happen but rarely does.
"Then why the superstition?
"It must have an origin, and we
should like somebody to tell us
3,000,000,000 PickUs
An average yearly production of
about 3,000,000,000 cucumber pickles
In the United State la some evidence
that the American public Is fond of
good pickles, and It Is probable that
consumption could be stimulated, the
United States Department of Agri
culture says. The annual crop Is
grown on about 74,000 acres, yields
about 4.000,000 bushel, and return
more than $4,000,000 to the growers.
Bright Editors
Some time ago Clement Wood, the
writer, purchased a farm and wrote
Invitations thereto In Terse, sending
copies to a number of editors. Three
editor promptly returned the verses
with regret thnt they were not de
sired for publication. But one editor
accepted the verses and sent Mr,
Wood a check. Collier's Weekly.
la Paiiing
"Been West, eh?" ,:
"Of all the things you saw what
Impressed you most?"
"An Indian wearing a straw hat"
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Fnnt location h AvffcnJ
a fa hub o (A ihappm
W (heurae dttrtt ot
fodny pork block.
Convenient qorvq Jvtt
9troa th (treet
Sinql room with both
2.50ond up
Double room with both
3.50ond up
Concerts twieo efoify
on 25.QQQ onpn
Nvi 'ae,'rfiJH rJ
and all forms of itching, burning, dis
i mm
Soac W". Olntranl V. and m. Tmm BW.
PropriatanTrxtaT Oni Oaaalaal 0orpontti ataldas, BUM,
1 4-
You the -
Inc. m
After a boy runs away from borne
and come back of hi own accord,
he I a better boy.
41 nV
Fir dote soothes h
y Relief GUAR
ip" KH1 Rats
O Without Poison
A flaw txttrmlmmio that
Wom't Kill Lhnmfek, PomHry,
Doom, Cms, wi Bby CAfeAe
K-R-O eo b utti iboirt th hmc. btro ot pat
trr r'i with abtolut ufr It contalai M
SaaaUy jilm. K R O to md of SoatU. m
oauntDded by U S Dept. of Af rtcultur ood
tht Connobl proceo which Inwnt mm limora
treorth. Two eina killed 57 rat at Arkaoaal
Btata Farm. Hundred! ol other teatunouej.
tel4 m at Money-Back Guarantee.
Inalat upon K-R-O. the original Squill eitermt-
oator. lie. Large tite uour ume aa mucnj
All poultry aupply, aruf, ana ea (torn, nw
direct from K-R-O Co, Springfield. O.
iT4 t vmTniTTrr ii 3 --i
1 is k,t j--
Letten and namei and adtfretus of tinndrrdt et
grateful patkaU conialned in our FREE BOOK
on Krcrii ana conn aiunmui
alio detail of Ih. C J. Deaa
non-aurulcal method of treat.
men i. wnicn ww uh uliuhv.
Send fnr It today and learn of
a- a. fiiV r-K
VI C WTlffH Thi UPH xfW "T,W9
" iCtirn weiTtw
i H l 11 111 11 lllW " "
, i TIT
vv rue i vi
titxrstl CATALOG
Modern Accordion Co.
J148 W. 6Jrd St. QUCAGO, ILL.
Mm, Women. IMS start you In buila.
Hale I3S or mar per week. Writ for
MmpU.lltS Venice Blvd.,Lo Angslua.Oallf.
linn rAi OAmtf
m ruu ununni
Barnm. usadrair stop, uair raiOM
Imparta Color and
tTS JL.I G nd Fadl HaM
FLOKLi I ON SHAMPOO Ideal for ua la
Connection with l'arkm'i Ualr Balaam. Make, the
balr anft and fluffy. 60 ernta by mall or a. drug
gilt. UiacosCbemkalWorlu, I'atchotfua, N.Y.
4th and Pine Portland, Ore.
A Hotel srAor) arou art) irvlcomo
llrrproof Uoom-bath $2.00 up
W. N. U., Portland, No. 40-1930.