The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 21, 1930, Image 4

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    "the ione independent
lihliithed Every Friday by
V. V. I Ikad, Editor Piihlisher.
One Year $1.,'0
Six Months 0.75
Three Months ,: 0.50
Cntered as second Class matt, at
the postclfii-e at Ione, Oregon, under
act of March 3, IS 79.
Frulay, Nov. 2l7l$"0
Fameut Makers of "Comici'
The remote aneeslry of the Amerl
run serial comic would Include the Air
lift's of "The Hake's PmKress" and
"Marriage a la Mode" of llojamh, the
work of IJowlandson and Crulcksliank
and the "Kohert Macaire" of Ihmmler
mid I'liillpoii. The Indiciums product
tlrst found expression In the back
pnges of the American magazines of
the later half of the Nineteenth cen
tury. Examples of this early work
were Palmer Cox's "The Biwvnle"
nnd the sketches of A. B. Frost. It
was in the DOs that the comic serial
found Us wuy Into the newspapers.
"The Yellow Kid," a creatlou of that
decade, contrlhuted to the collage of
the term "yellow Journalism." "The
Yellow Kid" Is generally credited to
K. F. Outcault, who was the orlsimuor
of "Buster Brown." Frederick Burr
Opper. E. M. Hawarth, T. E. Powers,
Clone Carr, create- of "Lady Tountt
ful," and Carl s.lmlt. ereitor of
"Foxy Grandpa." were oilier ou:ta!)d
lnj comic artists if the period.
Dicktni, ths Arittocrat
No little consternation will he cause !
among the admirers of Charles Dickens,
who have always regarded him as an
out-and-out Democrat, a lover of com
mon things and simple peorle, by the
discovery that Id the later years of
his life he adopted an Imposing ar
nmral device to which he had no
hereditary or lesnl rU'ht. Va It
snobbery or merely whimsical fancy
that Induced him to embellish his en
tire library with a crest, depicting a
Hon holding In Its paws a Maltese
cross? Terhaps the noble crest on his
dinner service helpel him to forget
the labels on those Interminable rows
of blocking bottles at Uungerford mar
ket. Dickens' crest remains Dickens'
secret. London Morning Post.
Historic Saint CkapelU
Saint Lewis ot France wanted fo
build a shrine worthy of containing
sacred relics of the crown of thorn
and the true cross which he hud
brought from the Holy land In one
rf his crusad "S. So he built La Sainte
Chapel! in Paris in the purest gothir.
which was at Its height in his day. It
Is hard to believe that It is now six
hundred arid fifty years old, having
survived three fires, the Ilevolutim
and the Commune. Restorations have,
of course, taken place, but thousands
of American tourists will agree that
this one gem of architecture Is worth
the wbola trip across the Atlantic. Its
rose window stays la the memory a
long as Ufa lasts.
lone Independent
: Dermaticiarf :-
It pays to look well.
"Specialist in Hobs"
hive all the gbml ;(;.'..
And Right Price.
For Automobile Service &
Accessories go to
lone - Ore.
m - - - - . .
itrmrm '- r-
tk nhutvu ill Tho Dallas, whi-ro
t i a ..,: it, ...
was hold. At this mooting Pastor
Hutcinson was elected moderator
and Deacon A' S. Roberts scribe.
A panquot was served bv The
Dalles Church jrreetinjrs of the
churches at Kreewater nnd Hood!
River were bought by pastors nnd J
I peoqie ann an inspiring nouress
. i li
was delivered oy Dr. Walker, the
minister of the First Conjrretfu
tional Church pf Portland. Ione
Chuseh war represented by its
pastor, V. V. Head.
Opouum Among B.inant
Small snakes, often poisonous, nnd
very law spiders are often accidental
ly Imported with haiinnas, hut ns poth
snakes nnd spiders can live for many
weeks In a half dormant condition
without food or water there Is no rea
son why such Journeys should not he
made successfully. It Is more surprls
li'S to (hid that dilicute little tnam
ni:!s will sometimes survive the risk
encountered In the out tins and han
dling of the hunchr-i. transport to the
ship, and voyiv- ! vt"tl weeks tit
steady low !.:. venture l:i the hold.
The City of ! I.Tr mife: : reivnt
!y received n mnrjte opov .m which
had reached " e fit y in a hunch of
haiimins from :' -: i America, mid -nt
it as a gift to til,- l.' i.!i oo, w in-re
it Is now safely hoiked.
An Indian Dancer
1 watched the dancer tiri with curt
osity, tiicn fasi ination. Here was re
lease and rapture. As she danced on
and on to the mule of her drunken
drummers, some rhythm or re'lj;i.n
from the night of time soumlod on my
skit: and gathered Itself Into my
;ll!ses. I could feel as well as tier the
beating of the drums. . . . Thos,.
infinitely stthtle movements slid Into
ay soul and spoke to me of times loiu
; iist, when the rhjthms of tli Imdv
ve:e worshiped In the pantomime of
i'r -.tioti, and I'avld danced before th
dl.u" of Jehovah. Somewhere hi sp:i' i
hese s;ie!ls survive, for their dellir'.t
's deathless. Penpal I.ancer, by I'.
Veats-I'.row n.
Inn's Many Famous Gueiti
The I.iou inn at Shrewsbury, Kti
nrd. "till poptibr with tourNN. U,
titcrtiKlicd fatuous per-oiis for nior.
than n century. There lieorge I
iiancfd before the battle of Trcf.iI;.Mi
:nd there Painlnl once played. In
yuincey spent a n!;ht at the Lion an-'
IM.-raeli was there in his tarly du.v
In WIS Charles Pickens, uecoinpn
tiled by "Phi.," was accommodate.'
it the Inn and wrote to his d:nuhte
f "the strangest little rooms"
' how the windows bulged out over t!n
tre't ns if they were the stern w'.n
ilows of a ship." The ballroom, de
.igred and decorated by the Adum
brothers. Is ftill ned for d..ii Ihlv
Too Much for Him
They hid eilmhe.I as near n (ley
'.a red to the crater of the volcano. It
'tis smoking ominously
"Let's go down and back to Mir
Imtel." he said suddenly. "1 rju
'tin I watching that thing any more.'
"We've climbed all the way up her.
:itid now you want to go riu'ht back."
lie demurred, "li isn't tlutt you're
afraid, is It?"
"i Hi. no." lie replied. "It's only that
1 can't endure watching Unit crater
Miioke aftpr I've found that I've lift
my tobacco at home."
J& Clark & Linn &
Carpenter Work, Painting. I'a
per Hanin anJ General Re
pair Work.
Ione, Oregon.
vS'.ar Brand shot: at
Mristow & John:.or'n.
r.-. j-'t fTi.' . , z
f k '11 t
V..'. K'y
P"J a rs ra r
Vj I.
t ti. le ..
To oil points in r
and oil Union
f v'tT: -o!r,l$ in
Departure dalett
NOV. 25, 26, 27
Return limih
DEC. 1st
U N S 0 N
j. w
I o A.
Wi'linj to Rctl Fame
on One Great Success
Th::t the coinpo't'tioti of music can
be protlti-lile when the work of the
eoicpoMT is popumr is uiiueiiiatiie. nui
the fi'iv fortunes that have been made
by eotnpoM-rs generally have tn-s-:i
Mart til rather than built up by ttie
prot'.ts of their music. Uoilnl Is t'on
enilly supposed t,i mve niaiie h Irrue
fortune out of his opera, but lie him
self ndtnitte.l that while he had iotl
lr.; to coii'plain nloiit In this ropeet
his wealth enme rather from a num
ber of successful speculations to
which be was Introduced bv "in of
the Cothschlld family. It Is prolmhle.
too, that In bis speculations, us in his
uitisie. he knew when to stop. When
he had finished "William Tell" nnd
seen that It wns a great success lie
never ullelliplcd i tlo-r opera, t Imiiiiil
lie lived nearly forty years lunger.
When nsked ! nil ndiulrvr why he
did not try to repeat this sms-ess.
knov.hi'." his own limltntions (the chief
of wl.hh was laziness), he replied.
"Why bunt the hare when you hare
killed (lie elephunt?"
Two Million Persona! Visits Retired
To Replace Telephone Number Cards
To make nearly two million per Atali wouId ,oon u Tehrii Tn
onal in order to replace th. new pl4n permi,s th, of ,h
number carda on i nearly two million lame namei wUn dtlllf
telephones In New York City and , nurflerals. for .ereral central of-
which fates the New York Tele
phone Company and which must be
completed before the end of the
year In connection witb a chance In
the plan of deslgnatirg central of
firea. The number card is the little
plaeard which appean on each
telephone and tells the number of
that telephone, and while subscrib
ers' telephone numbers themselves
are not to be changed, the new cen
tra! office , designation must be
shown on every number card.
New York City's telephone system
has more than doubled in size In
uo years. Each central office has
Us own came, and of almost 200
central office designations now In
use, more than hi f hare been added
during this period, and (0 more
must be added during the next five
years alone. T'-'-e la a limit to
mo numneror i":'.t!e names which
ran be found for central office use,
ad undjr the ;.t-in,t method this
I C. L.
i LAV.
First Nationa
Bank BIJtf.
JVVhen You VLIt Heppner
Eat At The
"Elkhorn Restaurant"
JCoodMeals Hcstof Service
Lunch Counter
j Physician AnJ Surgeon
kOffice In Masonic Building
Trained Nui.' Akfnnf
- uoii'tUIti
illeppner, Oregon
I .
r-r"i'n -mif ' t 'Hit
W. 0, T. U. NOTES ,
"Has inuliibition Imicasfil think-;
iti)', in uur colleges?" 'I'liis i(tietiii,i
was put to I'U'ltlino II. o, (iite u!
.inei iin's greatest loothall coaches
and a man niost capaWe uf answering
coticctly. "I )iviilcdly no," said nt
who upon I'ntei'inu tin Univrtsily oi
Michigan 2) years ; took untrain
cj hoys and in 5 minutes after lie i
l.tinleil -jimonc; them had rvrry man
on the gallop. "Hurry up! hurry
!" he conimatnlcvl like the crack
of a w
was a national figure
team made a national
I he became "Hum
V . o
up l ost.
Now Ann Arbor has .OOO.lKh). 1
worth of buihlincs ;ttut 5,('(K) bov
can play at once. All this equipment
is paid for from u.ite receipts in i
'real sense the creation of this inn
jawed tw inklin-cved man. I'ichli i,;
II. Yost.
Yost sas liijuor is no pro! Km to
ihitn. "I faced it and made my dec- j
j::!Mi when a ho that I'd never tiiuc'i
the stuff and I never have." S
' "I'm interested in it on acvoint -if
1 1
Hoys ail boys.
When a Ui In sized the thin,; u,
fur himself. "I v,v men goi:t into
the s.iiimns.
ictn ro
there robbed mentally, physical';.,
morally and finaticialh . I saw th.i;
the hipior Im-inrvs was t'.ic im'.i bus
iness on earth that wasn't wiilin;; ti
stand up its finidvd product as at
itKertiNenicnt. Instead it wou'd t;ke
a man, strip him of everything b.'
had that would make him a mm.
take his last nit Lie and throw him
into the cutter."
"(let a true s:art aid let
aniie. ne tells oitn:' men.
I" Athletes
don't di ink?" he
nif.l "j
nsked. Ilardlv at all. 1 ou s?c t'.."
drinker eliminate himself."
Do oti kn iw m "ti drink I rtw ei
eas-ns ? "N'er few of them. I'll
"Mid ones not at all. Much l.-i i
it than in the o'd days. We're
i; e a far l etter perce-ita;: i uccr.
under proltibition tliat' iiud-r an
:ltn law that .ittrmntcd to rc'"
"Regulatory laws in ttir old davs.
1 id y on ever hear of a s,ilonn keeper
v. no paui any attcnn.iti to titose law-,
"Wh at do vmi think of lealiiu:
. i - i ,
but nnf 'allowing saoHm-1
slr.l '"'Kir H't'-'f'X" (i-y-
it make what
same thinn" di
it is called?
.hired Vnf.
s the
J.n .,. -1 I'.iew (ni.i ruin v'pit.n
I" l ll't'l IIM MII'J v ) "os 4,n: U.m-i
"lltlov s ijoio-ll ii ii.o; li "ii,ii!
j.;io.i o-i i' ii.mi p,i .um.i ,v
under the new plan.
each office will be designated by the
prcaent name and a numeral for
amp!e. the central office name
WOHth becomes WOrth 2. In the
future, as additional central offices
are established in the same general
neighborhood they can be glvea
the Mme name but with a different
numeral, and the time bay come
when there will be central offices
knuwn as WOrth 3, WOrth 4, and
so on.
All told, what with permanent
eards. temporary cards, party line
enr is. and others, some nine and a
half million cards were printed.
Sow telephone men are In the
process of making personal visits
to Insert these cards In 900,000 tele
phones In Manhattan, 663,000 oa
Long Island, and 200,000 In the
nronx. It is the biggest wholesale
change In number cards on tcio
phones In the history of the bunt
I Dr.j.H.Mccdy
; iciiUM t
Office; Odd Fellows I'.ld'g.
i Heppner Oregon
Heppner, Oregon.
. Dr. C. W. Barr
I'lione M 1012 (iilnmn lilJg.
I lej pner, Ore.
Evenings an J Sut.ivdy a;);) ji itm.- n
lc. SUtU, All Yenr
Xkiilers are iihle to enjoy lle-'r fa
vet lie sport all the year round In
cave In the Carptithlati iiioiiuImIiio In
Hungary, the walls and floor of I he
cavern being covered with frosl erys
tats even In the stunnicr tliin1,
Sanguinitry Dstilo
March a, I hl.'l, was called "Sad
I'iiIiii Sunday," hecutiso I he Imttlo ol
Towton, the most fatal of all the lint
Hen In the War of (ho lit s look
place on that day. Over ilT.iniii Dm:
lisluiien were said to have been slain
In this battle.
Unlt.d AuttrUn CitUl
The cities of Hudii and Pest ore on
opposite sides of the river. Sotnctlincn
one Is HpoaklitR of one elty particular
ly, mid soiiietlmes of the hyphenated
entirely. Ittldil 1'est.
Are no Experiment lur ar- the
Product of Kxperieac. Th
tei '"i th S orv
P. G.lialsitfer
nam -
rJ3li.i xti nt nir(nit'Pfl OI 1 1 VvA
We are prepared to lake t are of your
slut'lMvji requirements by the Installation of an
f'cctrlc key way machine and a stock of shafting
in a wide range of sires. We also have a list of
second hand combines for sale. Agency for the
Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines.
a? I V fVMp. - M -
J Fresh and Cured
We Ik.y Cream for
J Why r.-J Sell Your Cream in Your Home Town?
1 Real Estate
; j
Before contracting or
selling your wheat it Will
pay you to see L. Balsiger
representing B. G. and Co.
Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon
Will Be Represented this Season by
W. M.
It will pay you
sell your wheat.
iA.B.GRAYO. il
I ...
Physician & Surgeon
f Ilcppncr - Oregon
X Hcppncr
Glasses Iwlted
... .
444444444444444444 4444444 44444444444444 4444444
Farm Implement
Bates Steel Mule Tractor
lone, Oregon
Ar.iMmi "Sv)itio!ri.uin"
An A lull school U eoudtietKil mil of
doors. The children mid lenelier niM-e
ell eross leitced on n grass mm on the
ground, IjI'Ii elilld enrefiilly renioios
his nIiooh mid places llieui behind 11 tit
lii'l'nre school liei'ltN.
'MJoJ'ei" nnd "lUr rin lt"
Mcloilles lire produced i,v Holes Hi
m n. sluii, I nriiioiiles by notes In com
I I 'iiMoti,
Color in Can '
'. "i 'l i t cm ii to lie nIi ,;ulili'l,v free
from (lie color uiilnlloits Unit uTl'i'i'l o
many ilomestlealed niilnml melnii.
Ism nnd iillilnlsiu. I'.lncli eiiinels. pre.
siiiiinbly tiieliintli s. nru rare. A breed
called Nubian camel Is of n very 11,'ht
shade. This seems In be u regular
color strain, however, nnd not n case
of nbllnlsm,
SacU'y't S,itndii rUcord
Inning !! W'.'rld war Hie Soeh'ty
of I rleiids n. live In lief work In
l-'ni'i.-e, (!er nativ Hull n t. I'c'atid and
Uniii. Alter the ' ! dh' a gr at
,),.,,! ,,f r iiHtrnctlon work, hospl'iil
winl, nnd relief work am Mitf Hie
:! PmnriHnr
I3-alfr.s In
Meats, Butter and Kggs.
Swift & Company.!
to see him before you?
: 4;v
Attorney & Counselor
At Law
Will I'ntcil.e In TheCuiirie
.tttt4444 t-M-44444