w mi twin 4 volume XV1V IONE, OREGON FRIDAY, Nov. 14, 1930. NUMBER 20 I0NE HOTEL BURNS SUNDAY MORNING THE RED AND WHITE ANCIENT HOSTELRY TOTALL DESTROYED Vol. 1 Oi l ICIAL ORGAN oNONE II. S. STUDENT BODY Kilpli Thiminn, I'.Jilor Friday, Nov. 14, 1930. TO THE PARENTS OF CHILDREN Lexington News I Miss AMABELLE STRODTMAN No. 6 Since the of having your chi!-( A weiner rost was enjoyed by lOren's welfare as to health, certi- the members of the Lyal Boys and jt'cu to by your family rjhvsician1 Junior Cents dasse of the Lexind FOOT BALLGAVVE , ics to bin knee and walkf-J across quatcr Int foiled to make the . hasten questioned in the County ton Church ofChrist. The members The last football jramc of the ' the field an if he was pr-vr off Htcond 'touchdown. Troe; Court sersion of November 5th, 'of the hteh school sotnt a Eke evi n The lone hotel was complexly m-a.son, lone vs. Ho)ipner, wis me naia; &Btau was ho cKvery iicppncr's playing was well or- il should be of Intercsl to all to'lng Friday, on Kerervoir hill, destroyed by fire between sevin played before a very larfe crowd ( substituted for smouse to tlecive ganized they never threite.ud know that Dr. A. B.Gray was: "Ah, Kay", a mysttery andcom andeighto'clockSunrH.vmornini.df upcctators on Iones field, i the Heppner toarn to think that the lone goal line except once tn: present the next day, Nov. Cth, 'edy drama, will be presented by tn a 7-0 victory for lone. This came had been looked forward to with great ant'cabation and pJn It is beleved the fire fct irted from an over heated stove. The hotel had been closed while some repair work was being deing done, and K. II. Stiles, the man who wis .ed to be as fully ns exciting as it doing the and preparing his own in the building. The fire was der wnv when dencuved by TS.j r.djoining building occupid by : Friday, November 7, and resulted the substitution was for McCabj the Hecond quarter. work, was sleeping was expected to be. his own meals I, Ione's kick was reeeved by un Heppneron their own 25 yard "" line and was held fur a stnal gain The f i ret two quartets were When the ball was tmareJ McCabe ran down tne fieln for ,a pas; from Swanson who was on the other side of the field. McCabe was tackled on Heppncr 7pard line. Ileppner redieved th-j Farrnes-I ballon downs and immediately j jy. y punieu ouios uanger. lone s punt Officals were as follows: Draper-re fere; K. Lundell-umpire; LINE UP E.; wa-s not run back very far and beutifullp excuted end runs by Engalrnan-L. G. Richie-C. Fradk Fngelri. 14 larime was t, ,UalIy hard fought, neather team riimuL'i'd bv f re and water. There ;shwiiu'unv ainivrisi!:iJil.mlvim M-r:ibn nnrl l-'nl.iinU trir.U k.. Estabe & Rmouse R was no wind that morning which jta., though lone showed a' ball over the Hemmcr iroal lint.: Clark-It. T made it smible to keep the lire djght edge in play in abilit. In the fire from spri'dmg. 1 he loss, both j, iiii:irtcr Inn vutil u to Mr. Faank hngleman ami to fak(J JJay whieh roHultc.tl in a Jack Camble. owner of the hotel (pU()ton t.I)pm.r.a 7 yarc lim, binding, is jH.rtly covered by in- fttm lhl,ir mvn 4;) J;inl il (i surance. ( In this play McCabe faked injur- A iiart of lone hotel was builti ,r, "".. 7 f,. ... 1 i ii j i I lie llaptist Ladies Aid VunltnuvJiUlY 1 . ....... Micuey win iuiu a I mm and fanc work sale on Saturday Dec. l.'J at IJristow & Johnson torc. scoring the only tochdownof thi E eron-R. F, gamd. The conversation was Fwansod-R. H. made by a pas, Swanson to Fubanks-F. ; Eubank. lone again threatenc i Akcrs-Q. : IK'Itpner's goal line in the 4 h McCale-L. II. i i open court, and was asked his the Senhr class of L, H.S. onFri openion as" County Physician 'day evening' Nov. 14, In the audi that should a parent take their' toriur.i An Emission fee of 25 chid to their family physition th. t and f! ' r--1 ' V'H be charged. j aid the qhysition should sign a; The gruJ school football boys I request to the school athorites te met theirs?: mj defeat, 13-0, at t j have the chile exensed from the hanJ., ..I Heppncr, Thursday, jsnch games as basket ball, base-jon the Rodeo fitld. The boys play j ball foot-ball or other straneons ins in all of the games of the seas i exercizes, should such request be will beiwarded lett -rsat the end ler.forsed!! ;of thw f otbal! season, j Dr. Gray, after marking that Mr: an J Mrs. M L. Rowel, ac ! he unstood import of the question com mnied bv MrsE C. Frank of aod afttr starting in a clear, for-; (one, were visiting at the ranch ceful imqortal maner, his reason home of W. H. Helm on Saturday j for such an ojenion, said the While returning to his home in jchild shonld not qlay or ingage; Hermiston on Thursday last.D. A. ;in the for bedin exercizes rrohib- Cibbs m -t witi an acciient. The Continued on I'g. 4 J Continued on last Pg. BUDGET NOTICE CITY d IONE, OKKCON HuJg't Covering FMimatcd Kx p:.ucs an3 Proposed Tax Levy f the City of lone for the Year. 1931. Notice is hen by given that on Tues lay, the 4th day of Decem ber. lj:ti, at the hour of 8:00 o' clock p. in., the Common Council of the City of lone, Oregon, will meet at the Council Chamber of said City for the purjH.sf of dis cussing the Budget and hearing objectionstheroto, andanytaxpay er in the City of lone, will be heard for or against the tax levy as hereinafter proved, which has I em prepared in aecordan'.ewith the provisions of chapter 113 of the General I.iws of the I t'.te of Ore., for ULU. and wh':h shows ,,r, ..utimntK nf the r.nK'V.nt f money necessary to be raised by taxation by the city the City Gov ernment for the ensuing yi-ar of 1U J1. Also showing the able reccints of said city th:m by direct taxation upon real and iersonal property fr th ? yes r liM EXPENDITURES Light & Power $111)2.52 Marshal's Salary DJ0.00 Recorder's Salary ...00.00 Treasurer's Salary . ).) Interest on Bonded Debt 780.00 Intereeston Warrant Debt 13.00 State Acc. Ins. Com. ... 28.10 Miscdaneous Expenses . . . .501.00 Street Work and Gravel.. 300.00 Office Rent. 30-00 Sinking Fund , 1500.00 Total 151(59.62 ' RECEIPTS Water $2,729.25 .Licences a d ."incs 15'). 00 Fstimnted 't axes 2582.37 Total $5,l(i9C.2 It Is estimated that it will be nocFflary to raise, by taxation, the sum of ,2,r8r) 3,', as shown alovc, after deductinjr receipts from from other sources J. II. Bryson, Paul T. Bal- tiger Finance Committee Statciman'i Tact Won Friendship of Dickens Cluirlf I lk t-ti m, ii wi-ll known, Inn) very linle nt 1r imlltli liinn. In ili'fit, llinniulniiii nil hi writing lliln ilUiliiIii, which miinuittft fri'iini'iitly to uio-r d!nMist, In n-rtiftinl. It wim but imliirul, IhiTcfnre, that rn-mli-r I Ma hi el I nlnjiilj nmii' under bin (Ire. 1'i'fiTi lui; to the MulcHimit! on - In prUnto I'ouxt'inulliiii, be PVe hlilrrly of "I hut iIuk" rarrj Ins ii In juirlln. iiiciit. Within h few tuoiit Iim ho nut 1'Urtn'li for lhr nrt tlni(. Ilf rmihl liardly tn write to frleml. - hut it delightful fellow he In! Whnt a pity It In Unit be Kliiitilil -er hnve iihntulolieil llteriitttre for polith'!" Th( Incident U KlutilfU'Miit frmii to MiiniloliiU. It U nnother utrlklnu llltistriitloii of bow a ii ui u hit; nd broiiil mid nymptithetlc riioiih to ron wive "Poinhey nnd Son," "I.lltle m.r rlf nnd "Oivld Coiierf1eld" ii hnppy to enrreet r lmtll,v I' inned crriiniHitH ImpreHnitiu. And It I'ne.iU u.;.n the niuve dexterity of I'.enjutnln IMsniell. It It evident thut the retnler tulked tmt of polltln tbut day to Chnrle IMikem, but nf literuturc. And he Drob- nmdc of hlin n friend. Oisraell win ,i .,r iilnnyn niHklnsr friend Jtint like that i X t. SPECIALS FOR NOV. 15-17 i i Oumlm Wui Id lleruld. PHOTOGRAPHS Make an Ideal Xmas Gift. Come to Hanlons Studio Heppncr - Oregon . 123 Main St. PRODUClfWANTED Fraw loy Clarke rmluce Co. of Portland will be representc in this territory as last year by W. M. Eubank s. We wdlicit your Pnxluce trade. Get in touch with Kubanks for shipping dates on Turkeys. Leave WorK for the Ileppner cleaners at the IONE BARBER SHOP Red & White Coffee, lib $0.35 White Wonder Soap, 3 bars .13 nt c 1 1 7i -l i. i i n " " Oval Sardines, 2 for .19 Red &Vht.PNiUButter lib Glass.23 Red Mex. Bean?, 81b for .49 Pink Beans, 81b for .59 Tour Loaves Pendleton Bread .30 DRESSEDTURKEYS WANTED Swift & Company Will Receive AT IONE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19. Phone for Prices IONE CASH MARKET Phone No. 32 - lone, Ore. -iU.-n fc , . .,..y,.,(J,,,P ri.-v -4-u f JtJin f-u ryu rwxyH i f WE REPAIR Boots, Shoes, Harness Saddles Auto Tops Side Curtains. Leave your reparinjat 0;car Cochran's tor Dally Service. t Best Cane Sugir, 71b S. t. IIEPPNER - OREGJN 3 4?iU" tt:' vt' vit:-- BERT MASON ME OREGON 1 1 1, k Gol la E. Mumma STATE ACCREDTED TEACHER OF PIANO Pupil o(VVm. R, Ilrowii and Fiancti SI i lend Burke, ELL'SON and WHITE CONSERVATORY High School Credits Given. S udio: Mnin Street, IlEitMisTON, Oregon. td I. R.ROOISON X t ALL KlNDb;; f OF HIGH :: T in TAn f " f OJCIIINE WORKJ PARFFIIF J.Y t a t .A. A a. t Motor rccround T ltparin nniirpd? W IDONE. it Iind fitted to re ground shafts. MACHINE SHOP I See Those New CIRCULATING HEATERS at Bristow & Johnson's They will make your house cosy and wrrro U.ls winter and are very reasonably priced. Watch for our RED HOT Red & White Specials each Saturday nad Monday. . , WeTty to ricase. p. Bristow & Johnson lone - Oregon SHIP YOUR CREAM 9 TO MORROW CO. CREAMERY CO. Thirteen Years on the Job. We Are the Cause of Your Getting BETTER PRICES Morrow Co. Creamery Co. W. C. Cox, Manager. it Tiose Finer Points of Service- By nature omc of the finest boints neceessarlly a part of better mortuary service are more appropriately cared for by a woman. Our trained lady assistant assares these liUle fineries being well taken care of. Phelps Funeral Home CAY AND NIGHT PHONE 1332 CUT FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS