The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 07, 1930, Image 3

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    ii n ii I, -1 -
I iV. Hv' I
J ft
Musf vatch fcowek
As wo grow olilcr the bowel bo
coiuo iimro sluggish. They don't get
rid of all tint waslo. Homo days
they do not iimvo nt nil. K( older
jiMit)u need to watch their bowels
ciiiiNlniitly. Only by doing this can
they hoj.o to avoid the many form
of sickness mused by iiinl tpntloii.
Whim your bowels need help ro
member a doctor should know what
Is bent fr them, and get a bottle
of Ir. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
from your drugstore. Syrup Pepsin
i a doctor's preicrition far lay.
glng buuxli, good for nil age.
No restriction of hublts or diet
I it necessary while taking Fyriij)
Pepsin. Miido from fresh, lnnitlvu
herbs, pure pepsin mid other vulu
libla Ingredient., It Is absolutely
uf. It will not gripe, sicken or
weaken you.
Take a spoonful next time your
tonguo In runted, or you have a
bud tnst In your mouth. It clears
Up a bilious, henduchy, dull, wenk,
gansy condition rvery time. When
you so how good It tastes and how
nice It acta, you'll know why Ir.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is the
world'a most popular laxative for
every member of the family.
Oa.W. B. Caiowiu
A Doctor1 Family Laxative
Disseminating Scripture
The American lllhle society says
t tint there are mill ninny dialects
Into which the .Scriptures have not
been trnnidttted, but they hnve been
translated Into more than 4.VI lan
guages and imitiy thousands of dla
leet. If troubled with backache,
kidney irregularities and dis
turbed ilecp.don't take chance it
Help your kidneys at the fint
lien of disorder Use IXmm'i Pills.
Praised for SO year. Endoraed
by thousands of grateful user.
Get lAwn'i today.
K-R-0 (Kill. Rata Only) killed
238 rata in 12 hour on a Kansas
farm. It ia the original product made
by a special process of aquill, an in
gredient recommended by U. S.
Government an lure death to rata and
mice, but harmlcaa to dor, caU,
poultry or even bahv chicka. You can
depend on this K-It-O in a few
years has become America's leading
rat and mouse killer. Sold by all
druggiaU on a money bark guarantee.
Jumping the Centuries
The Sxo-ch'uen province In Chlnn,
without a single rnllrond line, has
established airplane transport lines
connecting the principal cities of the
Truo dyes are
easiest to usel
Drosses, drnpes or lingerie look
Mew when they're re-dyed with
Diamond Dyes. No apottinfc '
streaking: Dover a trasojt that
re-dyed look. Just rich, even,
bright colors that hold amusingly
through wear and washing.
Diamond Dyes are the highest
quality dyes you can buy becaxut
thty'rt so rich in purt anilintt.
That's what makes them so easy to
use. That's what they've been
famous for CO years. 15 coat
packages all drug stores.
Higltst Quality lor 50 Yuan
Have Clients with
$1,000 to $1,000,000
to Invest
In Patents, Formulas, Copy
rights and Partnerships any
where. What have you?
130 Dush Street
San Francieco Calif.
X ' f II ll TOtCtS OONTA li tA ..k li; Itje'
rnj M KUM -HONS , ( ! A UarfttT W TowM NtKT i'
y. r ' n -Wis for a hot ,hr week AwowtcooiOGsr a ;'
-Mfkm Ik -Mm
40U Jtmryr AM mk
L7S?T, lVn rV , AoVTTin -A RaO- , sMCOOTXNT N VllS CASE U i
I J I T I i I
BAG MCS 5M00P 10ANED MC.W' X 2 )
r-1 01 HOPS IT DOCS Yl 50Mt GOOD I ( S
ni Awl WHUT VSl I
Wwilll BLA1IM SOAM'SOl-l lo
111 J , vLAAKCD!!-' J UJ t
A (i
fl V.'uattra NiwspapsrPatoa
Tfie Home Censor
r 'ii'i 1 iii -r-jh ji - i
By Capt. L R. Claud Robinson
T.V CEYLON uiuny of the rivers
uhoutid In allU'iitors which come
axhore to bank la the sun, all with
their beada turned toward the water
except one of them who arts as a
watchman nnd whoe snout Is turned
toward latid. When he gives the signal
of danger there la a general atampede
Into tlu rher, They are so numerous
that one hardly thinks them worth
pnwder and ball, and their hnrny sides
make It more trundle to kill them than
they are worth, A friend of mine,
when patrolling one of these rivers,
bad a very narrow excape. Ills com
panion, who was walkiiiK on the oppo
site bank, took a shot at an alllxator
rik'ht In front of him; and Instantly
the ball cnmlieO Into the branches of
a tree under which my friend was
walking. It had been deflected from
the reptile's back.
There Is s method of catching all!
gators which alTords some sport to
thoe who are Indifferent to the suf
fering It entails. You take a live puppy
and strap him on to a raft formed of
two pieces of tough wood lashed tn
the form of a crosa. You sharpen all
the four points of this cross and
fasten to It s hank of twine s yard
lung to which you Mttach a rope. You
then floot your puppy, who i of course
yelping loudly, on a still pool or bnck
water of the stream, and tie the end
of the rope to a tree. You then see
that your revolver Is nandy. and with
a half a dozen or more natives you alt
undei the tree and atcb.
In a few minutes a pair of enormous
Jaws appears above the surface of the
water; the puppy disappears Into
them, but they do not close with the
facility with which they open, for the
cross has stuck In the brute's throat
and the strands of the bank of twine
have got between his teeth. You now
lay onto the rope with a will, and
slowly draw the ni. muter
ashore, while he lashes the water with
bis tall In lniHtent rage. When you
have got him on shore, you keep at a
respectful distance and take pot shots
with your revolver at bis eye. If you
keep on doing this long enough you
will finally kill him. Those who nave
tried this M.rt" say that the life of
the unfortunate puppy can be saved
more often than not.
The alligators In some of the rivers
of Ceylon are so voracious and. nu
merous that the natives, who are very
fond of bathing, stake off their bath
ing places. From these stronghold
you can safely taunt an alligator
should he come and poke his noe be
tween the bars and sniff your tempt
ing flavor even jabbing at him with a
knife. Neur the mouths of the river
the natives think It Is safe to bath
without the protection of any such
device, as they believe the water Is
too salt for the alligators and too
fresh for the sharks.
WHKN I first set foot In Bombay,
ignorant of the East and oat
urally uuahle to speak a word of
lllndustanee. I was confronted with
the uaual problem for the newcomer
that of selecting a "bearer" or person
at servant From among the many ap
pllcants who pestered me for employ
ment, 1 chose a man who I afterwards
learned was probably one of those
"untouchables" or low caste Hindu
who are so much dosplsed hy the
cuHtes above them. My reasons for
selecting this man were threefold: hie
knowledge of English seemed tolerably
good, he wus a convert to the Chris
thin faith nnd his testimonials ap
peared to be highly flattering.
At that time I was Ignorunt ot two
ve.y Important facts, namely, that ax
a rule only low caste Hindus forsake
their own religion usually. 1 regret to
say. with the ulterior motive of secur
lug employment with a white man
which they might not otherwise ob
tain, and also that testimonials are
commonly bought and sold In the In
dlan bazaars. This fraudulent dis
posul of recommendations does not
appear to be prevalent among men
of the real servant cluss, Hindu or
Mohammedan, who are usually unable
to (ipeak English owing to the custom
of British otlliiiils of almost Invariably
addressing them In llliidiistanee. In
the circumstances It was not surpris
ing that my newly acquired treasure
should vanish on the second day after
my arrival, taking with him as sou
venirs of myself a gold watch which
had belonged to m.v grandfather, an
expensive outfit of tropical clothing
purchased In London prior to sailing,
and other Items of lesser value.
Warned by this experience. I care
fully selected a Mohummedan of the
name of helouah. who was unable to
speak English, and despite the dltllctil
ties of communication beiween us. I
never had cause to regret the choice,
for he proved to be un admirable and
loyal servant.
First Impression of India are usual
ly formed at Itonibay; mid no more
lovely gateway to the wonderful land
to which ll , gives entrance could be
wished for J thlin this verdant city
which encircles;-the blue water of Its
splendor harbor. , j, ; ..
tiQ. 1830 WtmU-rn'Ni-Jvmiapti Union.
. I 1
Arthur had a bad case ot measles,",
toys Mrs. Clara Gilliam, 1187 Bow
doln St., Des Moines, Iowa, "lie
was having a bard time until I gave
hlra California Fig Syrup. It regu
lated his bowels, seemedto glvsj
LIm new strength and energy.
"I have since used It fop nil hl
colds or upsets, and It has helped
make hlra the healthiest boy I know."
For over fifty years, mothers hart
praised California Fig Syrup, 'Doc
tors advise Its use when children are)
bilious, headachy, constipated; and
to keep bowels open during colds or
upsets. Every child loves Its rich,
fruity flavor. It Is mild lo action.
Look for the name California when,
buying. That marks the genuine.
Before Aaattbctlcs . ,.
Uers Is grim reminder of . what
operations meant before anesthetic
were known. We have a large bell
at London hospital which was rung
before every operation, and contin
ued ringing until four portera ar
rived to bold the patient down on
the operating table. Rumor tells that
every patient who could do so at
once left the hospital on hearing It
Letter hi the London Times.
NtvMtdkiMCsMMtBoUU "
IEEL.A.MI.T riim 501
Tb Bif in d r w.r
ToUlVtlut 7 Hi
Fea--mIntIsAmerica'smort Popular
Laxative. I'leuant, safe, dependable,
oon-hibit forming. Keep it handy tn
this attractive economical bottk.
Asperzum la the new and better way
to take aspirin. No bitter tablet to
swallow. Effective in smaller dona for
every aspirin use. At your druezist s or
111 NartkUUi Street Neirfc.N.J.
Populatioa of World
A memorandum published by the
League of Nations states that the
population of the world Increased
about 3S.000.000 between 1028 and
1928, which la an average Increase
of about 1 per cent a year. The rate
of Increase was greatest In South
"I took Lydia E Pinkhara'i
Vegetable Compound when I
was tired, nervous and run
down. I saw the advertisement
and decided to try it because I
was hardly able to do my
housework. It has helped me
in every way. My nerves are
better, I have a good appetite,
I sleep well and I do not tire so
easily. I recommend the Vege
table Compound to other
women for it gives me so much
strength and makes me feel
like a new person." Mrs. Lena
Young, R. i, Ellsworth, Maine.
VV. N. U, Portland, No. 43-1930.
4 tf 4. k !