J0 VOLUME XVIV IONE, OREGON FRIDAY, Nov. 7, 1930. NUMBER 19 SECTION RESULTS . IN 10NE C1J Y VOTE J. P. LOUY MAYOR ELECT CKOKGETKANKRE ELKCTFI) MARSHAL FOR FOURTH TIME Thecity election passed off very quietly with ieHults as given be low. Interest was chiefly centered on contests for the mayoralty and rnanshalship, Mr. John P. Louy b.'injr chosen for mayor by a nar tjw margin and Mr. George Frank for marshal by & decisive major ity. The vote cast was distributed as follows: For Mayor: Jshn Louy 56: Bert Maaoo, Recorder: W. W. Head. 9t; frank Robinson, 10. Treas.: Crace Linn, 1)7; scaterinpr, 3. For Marshal: George Frank, 81; P. J. Linn, 24. Councilman for four yr. : John Bryson, 1)7; Ix?e Howell, 88; E. R. Lundell, yijscattering.C. For Conrcilman for two years: Ture Peterson, C5;TedTroge, C3; J. W. Howie, 50; scatering, 3. BUDGET NOTICE CITY of IONE, OREGON Hudget Covering Estimated Ex pontes anJ Proposed Tax Levy of the City of lone for the Year. 1931. 6 Notice U hereb given that on Tuesqay, the 1th day of Decfm bor, 1930. at the hour pf 8:(X) o' clock p. m., the Common Cuncil of the City of lone, Oregon, will meet at the Council Chamber of said City for the purpose of dis cutwinglhe Budget and hearing objeetiouathereto, and ano taxpay er in the City of lone will be heard for or against the tax levy as hereinafter proposed, which has been prepared iu accordance with the provisious of chapter 113 of the General Laws of the State of Ore., for 1921, anp which shows an estimate of the amount of money necesHary to be raised dy taxation by the city the City Gov ernment for the ensuing year of 1921.: Also showing thee prob able receipts of said city other than by direct taxation upon real and qersonal property for the yeo, 1931 EXPENDITURES Light & Power $1192.52 Marshal's Salary 900.00 Recorder's Salary O.00 Treasurer's Salary GO. 00 Interested Bonded Debt 780.00 Intereest on Warrant Eebt 15.00 State Acci. Ind. Com, ... 28.10 Miselaneous Expenses 501.00 S reet Work and Gravel.. 300.00 OfficRent. 30-00 Sinking Ftnd 1500.00 Sotal $5169.62 RECEIPTS Water $155.00 Licence an Fines 155.00 Estimated Taxes 2582.37 Total $5,16962 It itf estimated that it will be necsmry torrise, by taxation, the sum of $5, 169.62, as shown above, after deducting receipts from from ather sources J. P. Bryson, PaulT. Bal- iger Finance Comm 'tut Election Day Observed Election day was observed with great gusto atthe high Behr.ol by taking a straw vote oo sample bal lots; proceeings taking 45 minutes; 9:00 to 9:45 As soon as all the ballots were cast the vote was counted and the and the results were posted bef ore the first period was over. One feoture was that the finals could be had without waiting for the Wednesday paper, The succesful politicians of our immediate inter est wcrr: Governor, Julius Meier; U. S. Senator, McNary; Repre sentative, Stavcr. Kalwh Thomptcn Kenneth Akers who underwent a major operation in a Heppner hospital is making a satisfactory recovery. He hones to be able to return to his home in Ihna by the last of this week. Mr. and Mas. Clifford Christ- opherson were week-end visitors with relatives near Vancouvep, Washington. DR. POlTnG AT CECIL GRANGE Vol. 1 THE RED AND WHITE OFFICIAL OKCAN of IONE II. S. STUDENT BODY Klpk Ttamptra, Editor : Friday, Nov. 7, 1930; ' No. 5 1 Football Practice Mr. Tucker is giving an extra f Assembly An interesting meetinir of fifJ- pils aud instructors was held in fifteen minutes of Coaching to she the gymnasium, Friday morning:, football svuad in preparation for Tne meeting was opened by Mr. the game with Heppner, Nov. 7. Tucker who, aftor a few intrr- This has been made possible by ductorp remarks, gave the me t- the coopeation of all the high i.if over to Mr Rigg?. After sev- school students a3 they now cut eral assembly songs, DonalqHeli- the noon hour to 45 minutes in ker sang "Betty Co-Ed'' and as to make digmsfa, an encore numker gave 'Cuck3r'. j . . , . . , ,. . . 7 . t of f tudents 15 minutes earlier in He was accompanied on tne piaw, by Ralph Gibson. Several grate sdhool boys gave a short play, Weather Report For September. Moroan Station No. of Clear Days 12.00 No. partly cloudy days 11.00 No. cloudy days 8 00 Light Frost 11-12 Killing Frost 28-29 Total precipitation 0 80 Total recipitation since September 1 ;.:....'.. 1.13 For same period last year L 0 44 Direction of prevailing wind N.E. R. E. Harbison, Co operatwt Obsarver. Dr. Poling of Oregon State Col lege will visit Cecil Grange Sat urday night and everybody is in cited to be present Ladies please bring mince or pnmkm pies or sandwiches, fies especially. "Doctor Eobbs" .in which Ctrl Lindekin as the doctor and Fred Rankin, impersonatingan old ma'd were the most outstanding mern cers of the tast. Margaret Crawford SUPERIOR DRILLS Are no Experiment but are the Product of Experience. Tht nanr matteJ.waa. put off till a later the afternoon. Ralp Thompten. Student Body Meeting The monthly student body meet ing wrs held Monday afternoon, Nov. 3, the president. Earl Mc Cabe, presiding. There was some discussion about a carnival or some other means of raising funds for the stuent body treasury and fixing a date for thisto take plate. Nothing definite was decided and tells the Story. P. G.Balsigcr date. Ralph Tbomptea m jjr-S'S rt - - - . t . . .w- New Instant-Light nnJIJ15 KEROSENE MANTLE LAMP A Thins off Beaut and a Joy ftrwarj BURNS 94Air-60il IOvar Four Tlmaa Efflelant IT M But Oil Um lights Entire Room You can read in any part of the room with this won derful kerosene mantle lamp. The beautiful design of the parchment shade conforms with the design on the bowl in such a way as to produce a very artistic effect. It's a pleasure to do evening reading, writing or sewing under the white, soft mellow light of this new modernized Aladdin Table Lamp. No Generating; Waiting? Pressure) Noise; Smoke; Odor; or Trouble It buna common oil (Kerosene), absolutely safe, cant explode. Anyone can operate it. Government tests and scientists at leading Universities show it rives twice the light of the best round wick, ppen flame lamps and yet burns les than half the oil The Aladdia was awarded Gold Medal at the I'anama-Paci&c Exposition. This Store Authorized Distributors for the Aleddin Lome. A full line ef Supplies for all model Aladdin always en band. BERT MASON IONE - OREGON Leave Worh for the Heppner cleaners at the IONE BARBER SHOP Was Ovar Difficult! Many men owe the raudeur of tlialr Uvea to tlit'lr tieirwudom difficulties. Charles lladduo Spurgeon. Golda E. Mumma STATE ACCREDTED TEACHER OF PIANO . Pupil o( Win. R. Brown and Frances Strlegef Burke, ELLISON and WHITE CONSERVATORY j. High School Credits Ghfif. S udio: Main Street, ' I R. ROBISON 4 ALL KINDS! OF HIGH u:: GRADE MA- ::ciiine work:;3" ;; CAREFULLY 1 ::done. " "O ;; Motors reground ; ; O;: Bearings poured; ;m I land fitted to re ' I Aground shafts. ! fj MACHINE SHOP See Those New CIRCULATING HEATERS at Bristow & Johnson's They will make your house cosy and wa in this winter and are very reasonably priced. Watch, for our RED HOT Red & White Specials each Saturday nad Monday. We Try to Please. Bristow & Johnson , lone - Oregon - 1 h ,-.- r. y - , t-fe t ' - . i - ,- ,' J y ; Governor Elect 1 PHOTOGRAPHS Make an Ideal Xmas Gift. Come to 1 anions Studio Heppner - Oregon 123 Main St HEROINE HONORED Carnegie Hero FundjjCom. Make Award of Medal The Carnegie Hero Fund Com mission has ordered a bronze med al Bent ' to Mr. and Mrs. Hallick Stange in redognition of the hero ism of their daughter, Eva Stang Miss Stange lost her Hfe in a vain efsort to save Glenn Robison f com downing in the Columbia River at Alderdale Ferry in Aug. 1929. Mc. tr.6 Mrs. Stange live rt Lon&' i j?. , Washington. Lastsum mer a resrescntative of the Car negie corr n.if jion visited lone and from Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Robison, parents of Glenn learned the story of the tragedy. GIRLT RECEIVE PRIZES The thre 4H club girls of Miss Hildegard Williams' sewihg class who won prizes at the north Mor row county fair atBoardman have received their prize money. Char lott Mccabe, wjnner of the first prize, received $2.50. "Mildred Lundell who won sebond, receiv ed 51.00. Margaret Lindeken, winner of third, received 75ct These thre girls and Miriam Hale aree entitlec to achievmen? which will pe presented soon. PRODUCE WANTED Frawley Clarke Produce Co. of Portland will be represente in this territory as last year by W. M. Eubanks. . . , We sollicit your Produce trade. Get in touch with Eubanks for shipping dates on Turkeys. t51 4i I WE REPAIR Boots, Shoes, Harness Saddles Auto Tops Side Curtains. Leave your reparingat Oscar Cochran's tor Daily Service. S. ff.SToif. HEPPNER - OREGON k If r SHIP YOUR CREAM TO MORROW CO. CREAMERY CO. Thirteen Years on the Job. We Are the Cause of Your Getting BETTER PRICES I Morrow Co. Creamery Co. W. C. Cox, Manager. CL1 Those Finer Points of Service- - By nature some of the jfinest bolnti neceetsarily a part of better mortuary service are more appropriately cared for by a woman. Our trained lady assistant assares these little fineries being well taken care of. Phelps Funeral Home DAY AND NIGHT PHONE 1 332 CUT FLOWERS FORVALL OCCASIONS Hekmiston. Oregon: L