The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 31, 1930, Image 2

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    Happy Again
"Nothing seemed to r,ras r'ottT
Joan," says Mrs. James W. Nolen,
313 Ceanter St., Dallas, Texas. "Sh
as feverish and fretful. Her appe
tlte was poor; she seemed bilious.
"A child specialist recommended
California Fig Syrup and It certainly
made my little plrl happy, well npata
In hurry. We have used It over
three years for all her upsets."
Mothers by thousands praise this
pure vepetahle product. Children
love it Doctors recommend it for
feverish, headachy, bilious, consti
pated babies and children : to open
the bowels In colds or children's"
Appetite Is increased by its use;
the breath Is sweetened; coated
tongue is cleared ; digestion and as
eimllation are assisted ; weak stom
ach and bowels are strengthened.
For your protection the genuin$
always bears the name California.
-- On Shipboard
' Aff alle I'assenger Your husband's
a poor sailor, I believe?
Imposing Ditto Indeed he's not
lie's a rich produce merchant.
New MedJdaa CaWaat BaHlle
FEE..A-MI.T rdu SOi
Tba tiitht ud Fjnf Way
MUkaAapirta Talut 2it
Total Tatut 73
Feen-a-mlnt UAmeriea'smost Popular
Laxativa. Pleasant, aafo, dependable,
con-habit forming. Keep it Bandy in
this attractive economical bottle.
Aipergum Is the new and better way
to take apirin. No bitter tablet to
wallow. Effective in smaller doses for
every aspirin use. At your druggiat's or
lit Nfta Hi Street Newark. N.J.
An Old Friend In a
New Dress
is now prepared in con
vrnient, palatable, choo
olate coated tablets
packed in small bottle,
feach bottle contains 79
tablets, or 3j doses. Slia
a bottle into your hand
bag. Carry your tnedi
cine with you.
During the three trying pere
iods of maturity, maternity
and middle age, this remedy
proves its worth. 93 out of 100
report benefit after taking it.
These toilets are just as elec
tive as Vie liquid,
Vegetable Cb&qxnmd
BREMOLA make old akin young. It positive!)
accomplinhra four things (or it u a akin tonic
a tissue builder, banuhe pimples; and a tkir
vhitener and rVjfl'irtiator or money refunded
Thousands of women detx-nd on Kremola tc
keep their tkin youthful. Ask your Druggist, 01
direct by mail prepaid. Price $1.25.
Write for FREE"Brtj Wr to lane Kay. cart
Dr. t. H. Berry Co., 2975 S. Michigan Avt.. Chicago. Id.
"Sad about Grace."
"What dow?"
"She's assembled the clothes for
mountain climbing and now she's In
vited to go on a yacht."
asii Coqs
and colds wear down J
your strength and t.'-tr
vitality. Iioschee'8 V 1 V V
Syrup soothes instantly
ends coughs quickly. Re- A J
by Evelyn Campbell
(Copyright by Kvelyn Cambll.)
WNU Service
Love's Labyrinths
Her Slop laujjed m Utile, hut she
StUTeiied as she entered the hotel. The
elevator was directly before her and
she could have gained It with a few
stops. She turned, however, ami
walked toward the grilled eneloMitc
where a gentleman, a lesser gentleman
with other dimmer llgurvs, was
stalled In that curious haughty si
lonee that Is nocullnt lo high miceil
Linda's walk was one of the rarest
qualities she oossosed, She wax
tall and slender (Hat she seemed hi
ways about to liend anil hreak timloi
the demand of effort. Her wraps were
always slipping from her shotiU'-rs
but never did. Her eyes, halt vein-d
Rppeareil. lo see nothing, hut slie tool
een dislimtly the looks that followed
and greeted her. The bellboys on their
iench were wtitchlng tier turilvely ; Hie
eeond genlleinan Ht the desk leaneil
on his pointed elbow lo listen to her
iiid watch. All of them saw the new
expensive hat and the pearls Kllpplns
from her rich fur.
"My letters, please." Linda's voice
was sweet and wry low. She spnke
as little ns possible to such persons as
these. The lelters were in her hum),
S"d she was turning away before he
jald "Thank you" In a negligent f ine
as though that grilled-ln group had no
oieanlnu for her.
They looked after her hopelessly.
She seemed rich and prosperous. The
clerk looked doubtfully nt a letter that
had been separated from the rest;
3nally he tucked It away In a private
pigeon hole. It would not do to make
I mistake In this case.
T.ut Linda knew nothing of this. She
passed on to the elevator, leisurely ex
(mining the letters In her hand.
Linda no longer occupied Cousin
Amy's house when the family were
jw-.iy. The fiasco of her marriage
a half-told secret, discreetly Ignored
by her relatives, whose number seemed
to have dwindled perceptibly. It is
Dtie thing to clmpen n and champion n
youi g girl, very beautiful and pathet
ically poor, but quite another to he
responsible for a widow, however
young and beautiful, whose affairs, to
say the least, ore lu a muddle and
deeply mysterious.
Cousin Amy ltulston told some of
tiie others that she always felt a cold
chill dojvn her back when she heard
Linda's voice In the hall, so it bap
pened that by degrees her own voice
became so cold, so brief, that Linda,
not wlfhing to give pain, refrained nl
most wholly from communication with
her sensitive relations.
She had plenty of friends. Any
woman free and pretty, dressing more
than well and seen at her best every
where, Is bound to have friends nini
Invitations. Only to Llndn the peop'e
who took her nhotit and entertained
her seemed oddly less like friends than
adversaries. It was a curious foe! ins
that bad grown upon her lately. S!i
wus always on guard, always htandltu
off a little while she smiled and talker
softly. It was as If n hundred pairs
of eyes were seeking for a crack In hoi
armor which fhe was determined they
should not find.
For a long ' time she had had s
splendid time. She was not In the
strict sense of the word a woman of
society. Rather, she took what she
wanted of society and let the rest, the
bores, the dull parties, Hie commit
tees. aloo. The people Rhe was seen
with were usually charming, tlmugl
some were a little vague about them
selves. There were always pletiiy ot
hosts, dazed by the ease, the grace ot
Linda and her friends, who were quite
ready to pay for the pnrfy.
It had puzzled them all that she had
not married ugaln There must have
been plenty of men to marry her
rich, desirable men who could give
her the setting she deserved. Cut
Linda was faintly amused tv this won
der. Talk of marriage always brought
poignantly before her the vision of the
aftermath of her twenty-four hour
honeymoon. fr It had lusted no longer
than that, she knew.
Hut after she met Brian Anstey she
began to think of marriage again.
Not Consciously, though. Marriage
as a form or ceremony dlrj not enter
her mind. She would have checked
the Idea In Us birth. If her conscious
self had not been drugged by the art
ful subconscious that knows so well
how to take Its victims unaware.
Linda could have argued herself out
of lovt with a poor young man If love
had riot stolen upon her and blinded
her eyes with lieaiily and silenced her
lips und deafened her with dreams
She never thought if marriage but she
began to chafe ul the life she led.
The handsome rooms she occupied
strewn with costly trilles. prisoned her
restlessness. She wearied of going
about and wenried o( her gowns aid
tb meaningless jargon of her friends
She hegar to think ot quiet, cool, sltn
(ile spits; to vlsnall.e what she had
never known. She found herself re
rnemlierllig every step ul thai (ill
g'lmnge made with Uriah Anstey in
that siiowy dusk, and the little houses
Willi il.eli lamps and red fires. She
would h ri uce herself from these mem
orlca try to elude them, try to hate
them, bid It was no use. Time and
lime again they returned, each time
Kith Hie humble plea of pen' e.
Kbe dressed herself carefully for
Nut lh t dinner with Brian. II would
be simple, because be must not spend
much money entertaining her. She
coniantly remembered that he was
She chose the plainest frock In her
wardrobe, anil had . ii--tii-tnue to
look mere lovely than ever against Its
plainness. er beauty shone starlike;
she had not quite lost that faint exag
geration of every point that women
always found a Haw. At the last njo.
nient she Hung the double strand of
pearls Courtney Itoih's sardonic pres
ent around her neck. She was trans
formed at once to splendor, but when
she saw this she tore them roughly
off and tossed them Into their cn!.
She wanted nothing like that lo have
a place lu their hour.
She knew from the llrst that Hrlan
adored tier, and so sweet was the
knowledge ol this unaccustomed gift
that she yielded deliberately, ehedmt
her eyes to consequences She thought
she couhl draw hack In time
One night there was a party with
the I'Yittivsses, and she watched Hie
pretty hb-iid gill grow pale and llusli
under a word or look liom Itrlaii, who
was eniiicly inu onsi Ions of It all. '
"She loves h;iii." th. light l.lnda.
Tool little thing ! She li .s everything,
she bus done everything to please, and
I who h ive d aic nothing -"
She f.-U suddenly b'ni.blcd rtftd
ashamed She ought to g-i away and
"Because She Has Money." Linda
Finished as Frankly as He.
leave these two alone. They would
come together as naturally as two
birds alone In the sky.
"I'tetty. aren't they?" said Simon
Fentress at her ear. Ile was watching
I'.rlati and Palsy with a rather sar
donic smile that he ufterward turned
upon l.lmla.
"Youth Is always charming," sha
How those beady black eyes looked
into her.
"Ni'W. you are youn?. too, only a
couple f years older than Pulsy. and
vet you are not youthful. You've been
taught things my girl will never
'i'.etanse she has money," Linda fin
ished as frankly as tie.
"Not entirely. It isn't In the child
to know She likes musliu frocks."
His eyes traveled over he'r long, grace
ful figure. "How shortsighted nature
Is! If you had been born my thilgh
ht" HI kindling face, bold with
the light of adventure, said what a
splendid life they would hnve had I
What worlds would have been con
quered !
"You think I hate muslin gownsl"
said Linda with her faint smile.
"Unless they are made In Paris."
"You think I could not endure pov
eity'f" she persisted.
Ile looked at her a long time. "It
would be a great waste, my dear, he
said gently, as If he was sorry for her.
Senator Converse did toil remain In
Ignorance of all this. Ile fell at tlrst
into the natural error of Imagining
that Linda was attracted by therlamor
of the Fentress millions, but this im
pression did not survive watching her
dance with Brian Anstey one night
Scotch Freebooter Marie '
Hero of Song and Story
Itob Itoy (Hubert McHregor or
t'umpbell), Scotch legendary hero, was
horn In Iluchanati parish, Scotland.
IH71 ; died at lialquhldder December
J 17:51. He was the younger son of
liotmld McHrcgor. a lieutenant colonel
In the urtny of .lames II. He got his
name Hoy from his red hair, and
adopted Cumpbell H bis surname.
After the accession of William III be
obtained a commission from James II.
and in HilU made u descent Stir
llngshlie. In 171- be vus evicted and
outlawed on a charge of embe.'.lemeul.
Ile became a Highland freebooter, and
was Included In the act ot attainder.
Under the protection of the duke ol
Argyll he continued to levy blackmail
on the Scottish gentry. Ile Is the suh
lect of a novel by Sir Walter Scott,
published in 1N1S; of an opera by
I'lotow (IS.".'.') and ot several plilji
Washlngton Star.
Wrong Start
If more ami bettei home training
were given to youngsters between the
ages of one and six, less respotisl
tdllty and blame would be laid umd
school teachers for giving them t
"wrong start." Omnln Hom.
f'Mil W
rS-V' i A
iwu i twin li
v v I ' .J
What a Tornado on
(rrrrwt by th National Dm.tiihlo
S,'lt). ulillull, li, l')
W1IST INI'IAN hurricanes are
not new factors In the life
of the Caribbean. In the
season that Is peculiarly
their own (there are "hurricane
growing months" Just as there are
"corn-growing months") they hnve
probably been Mowing up from the
Culf of Mexico, the Caribbean sen and
the tropical Atlantic since thoo bodies
of water and the American continents
have existed a matter of some hun
dreds of thousands of years. The
first such storm on record devastated
parts of Cubit In l i:H. I'.ut only a
relatively few of these many poten
tial destroyers actually work their
destruction on land and even fewer
reach the territory of the Culled
States. TlioM' destroying winds are
confined almost wholly to a period
of three mouths of the late summer
and early autumn.
Thus they leave the West Indies,
Florida and the other gulf states frcu
from danger during the late autumn,
the entire winter, and the early spring
when that area attracts Its greatest
crowd of visitors.
The warm seas eastward and south
eastward of the Uulf of Mexico are
the birthplaces of the hurricane.
They are the rsentures of atmospheric
pressure and ttnperature ; and these,
two factors are varied by the sun
beating down on the expanses of At
lantic water and the land mass of
our continent
They are probably jretitle little ed
dies of air at tlrst. but gather mom.
entum owing to differences In tem
perature and air pressure, until they
become gigantic whirls sucking air
toward their central vortices like nar
gantuan vacuum cleaners.
Swirling Winds of Great Speed.
The observer In the path of a hur
ricane can hardly believe that these
destructive winds are swirls, lie sees
the effects of, ami feel, a straight
blast of air moving at great speed,
overturning ships, trees and buildings.
If tie watches long enough, he will
lee this destructive blast almost com
pletely reverse Its direction. These
winds are created by the pumping
force of the central sw irl ; ami while
the center Itself may be moving across
rountry at the leisurely nite of eight
or ten miles an hour, the winds rush
ing Inward from all directions to dis
appear ti(i the "spout" reach terrific
i peed. The usual maximum speed Is
100 miles an hour. The fact tbnt the
hurricane at San Juan. Porto Hleo, a
few years ago blew nt a rate (if 1,'!2
nd perhaps 1.7) miles an hour stamps
this storm as of extraordinary vio
lence. One of the most striking facts In
regard to West Indian hurricanes Is
the marked concentration of the real
ly destructive ones within a few weeks
of each year. A study of the hurricanes
that had occurred since 1SS7 was
made by the United States weather
bureau a few years ago and It was
found that In this long period not one
torm of known hurricane Intensity
bud visited the West Indies and (iulf
regions during the months from he
remlier to May Inclusive. Two other
months can practically he eliminated:
November, with only two hurricanes
In nearly forty years, nnd June, with
six. Not all of the few November
und June storms reach American terri
tory. July Itself is rather u pour hurri
cane month. Less limn a doy.en July
hurricanes have been recorded In the
Inst forty years and only part of them
reached shore. The real hurricane
season starts In August, reaches Its
peak In September, and ends during
October, One reassuring fact Is that
when the hurricane season In at Its
height the greatest percentage of the
utonns falls to reach the gulf or At
lantic coasts. Many curve hack Into
the ocean even as far east as the
Their Origin and Course,
r.etweon July and October of every
year from (J to 10 hurricanes are born
somewhere between Florida and Afrl
cb, usually to sweep westward, then
northward, and finally hack iiortheasi
ward, their paths forming pretty Ue
curnte parabolic curves. The primary
Land Looks Llka,
factor In the careers of these stormn
Is believed to be an area of high at
mosphcrle pressure, or "high," that
exist practically permanently over
the Atlantic north of the tropica. a
other words, a great blanket of heavy,
sluggish air lies continually over this
area. Along Its southern edge In the
tropica heated air, rising, latise lit-
tie swirling disturbances which are
the si-eds of poKslble hurricanes. Put
there Is a certain Infant mortality
among these stormlets, especially In
winter and spring. Then the Atlantic
"high" extend In a broad bund ou
Into the North American continent,
forming lu effect a wall of heavy air
i Inch the Ntorms cannot pa- s. Con
fined to the tropics, they are dissi
pated without causing the I'nited
States any concern.
Put when the bent of S'tmmor has
warmed up the land the "high" with
draw to its ocean home, Jutting out
like an air peninsula toward America.
The atmosphere over the land be
comes an arena for shifting "highs"
and "lows." !t I as though an at
mospheric football gtmiB were In prog
ress. The newly born storm of the
tropical Atlantic regions seek, because
of the general drift of the attnospherp,
to move northward. The "highs,"
whether stationary or In motion, fur
nish the Interference which they must
tlodge. The weakest place 111 the de
fense Is between the permanent mid
Atlantic "high" ami the American roast.
A great many tropical hurricanes,
therefore, move east to avoid the
mid ocean barrier and then dash
northward well east of Urn coast,
causing no damage on land. Onco
around the end of the "high" they
swing northeastward, and some con
tinue tn even Into F.uropv,
Some of the iiorms do tmt have
smh plain sailing. If the Atlantic
"high" extend farther weslwurd than
usual the disturbances most awing
over the hind to round the end. It
Is upon such rather Infrequent oc
casion that the Atlantic and (iulf
coast sutTer.
Tornadoes Are Local.
Quite different from hurricanes are
the tornadoes that cut narrow swaths
from time to time In the Interior of
the United States, The favorite haunt
of tornadoes In the United Slate In
clinics the states of the lower Missis
sippi valley and the eastern portion
of the Croat Plains states, poll) to
the west and east their occurrences
are fewer.
Tornadoes are strictly local storms,
bred usually by sultry and humid
weather. They strike most often In
the afternoon, and almost always take
n path from southwest to northeast.
This direction In the United States
results from the fact that "lows" drift
across the eastern part of the conti
nent almost always from southwest
to northeast and that the tornado
(a secondary disturbance attached to
the "low") takes the same direction,
The rapidly swirling column of air
which Is the heart of the tornado Is
usually marked by a funnel shaped,
black cloud of vapor. This whirling
mass sucks air from all sides to Its
lower end and then up'vard. Kven
heavy objects fly toward the column
as dust panicles and hits of paper
fly Into the throat of n vacuum
Most of the deslruciiveness of tor
nadoes Is traceable to their reduction
of air pressures when their centers
pass over or by an area. The press
ure being suddenly reduced outside a
building, the air Inside It expands and
pushes the walls down or the roofs
up-1 be buildings really explode be
cause of the release of what amounts
for Hie moment to the "cotnpresHiid"
air within them.
Sometimes tornado clouds go skip
ping or bouncing along, working havoc
where the lower end touches the
ground, and leaving tverylhlng unni
Jurod where the end lifts.
A distinction must be made between
the velocity of the air rushing hito
the funnel, mid the speed of the fun
nel Itself moving over the earth. It
has been pointed out that the former
velocity, close to the funnel, may ha
that of a rille bullet. The funnel It
self, however, seldom moves more run
Idly than 110 or 40 tulles un hour.
li i,i ', I
If ... . 4 ' ' i.
Prescription gives
Bowels Real Help
(Train your bovvela to bo regular j
to move nt the aamo time every
day; to bo to thorough that they
pet rid of nil thQ waste. Hyrup
l'epsln a doctor'" proscription
V 111 help you do this. When you
tako this compound of laxatlvtv
lierbs, ptiro pepsin nnd other val
liable Ingredients, you are helping
tho bowels t help themselves.
Ir. Caldvvell'i Syruji Pepsin I
the Biinslhlo thing to take whenever
Jcu ore headachy, bilious, half
plck from constipation. When you
Lave no appetite, and a bad taste
rr bad breath shows you're full of
I'oUououa matter or t-mir Idle.
lr. Caldwell studied howcf
troubles for 7 years. Ills pr
rcrtptlon always works quickly,
thoroughly; can never do you any
1. a nil. It Just clean you out nml
Fvveetens the whole digestive tract.
It gives those overworked bowels
tho help they need.
Tako some Ir. CuMwcir fyrup
l'epsln today, and e howr fine you
Jiel tomorrow and for days to
come, (ilve It to the kiddles when
they're sickly or feverish; they'll
llk the taste Tour druggist baa
tig bottles of It, all ready for use.
Da. W. B. Caidhih i
A Doctors Family Laxative
Posthumous praises t,re like gold
arlp- on a hearse,
t : ry
Real dyes givo
richest colors!
FOR every home use. Diamond
1'yrs are the finest you can buy.
They contain tho highest quality
anilines that ran U produced.
It's tho anilines in DlnmonJ
I'yes thnt Jtive such ft, bright,
row colors to dresses, drapes,
lingerie. Diamond Dyes ire easy
to use. They go on smoothly and
evenly; dj nt spot or streak:
never give things that re-dyej
look. Just true, even, new colors
that keep their depth and brilliance
In spit of wettr and washing. 1J
J c a ages. All drug stores.
Hist! Qua!V 6r 50 Ytcrt
Have Clients with
$1,000 to $1,000,000
to Inrcst
In Patents, Formulas, Copy,
rights and Partnerships any
where. What have you?
130 Bush Street
San Francisco Calif.
A genuine Hotter Half Is not al
ways trying to nsike the Other Half
admit It.
A Nebraska farmer killed 10.1 rata
fn 12 hours with K-IU) (Kills Itat
Only), tho product mado by a special
prooesa of sulll, an ingredient highly
recommended by the U. 8. Govern
rnnnt. It la sure death to rats and
mice but harmless to dogs, cats,
Iioultry or even baby chicks. K-Il-O
i todav America's most widely used
rat and mouse exterminator. Sold by
druggist on money back guarantee.
tjftrri and namn anil aihlreiMt nf humlrrili nt
grateful pallcnU contained In nur I IIOoH
on Ktnal ana Lelon aiunrntu
alio drtalla of lr. C J. IXal
non-turiilcal method of trrat
mcnt, which wa uu eulutlvf i.
Stnil for It today anil learn nt
our Witrn i;n assukani h
r" A T T wsiTind
VOli'il If ATI II A I CAUff
. rT M man. wrnjntvi
"- 7 J V I ri i u - II. t-
-rsTD7 atWUIUfSiBiiuruii nuiim uaair vbuihih
Hi? .1 lmn.rU Color and I
f 1 Baaiit? to Gray and Kd.d llalri
wr and 1 .mi RC oratf sl.M.
'" " "" ' UN SHAMPOO Mrl for uh In
omncctlon with I'arlmr'allairtlalaam.Mukaa lh
biCr anf I. and Unify. 60 rent by mull or Kl droit"
(lata, illacoxCbtuiical Wurka, l'uU;hususM,)b