!"?" S" THEME INDEPENDENT Published Kvery Friday by V. V. Ili-An, Editor !.l.lihr SUBSCRIPTION One Year Jl.M SixMoniht 0.75 Three Month O.jO Entered as second Cluss math l the postotiVe at lone, Oregon, under act of March .1, 1S79. Friday, Oct 10J 930. Mis C W Swan son son Cat ton reiurn d Monday from ap eas ant visit wi h relatives in South Bend, Washington. Oh the return trip they wtre accompanied bv Mrs. Swanson.s sister Mrs. E. P. Newton, who will visit dere with her motner, Mrs. Katie Petty, and other rela ives. Other guests in the Katie Pet tey' home on Willow Creek are her daughter Mrs. James Coss man and grand daughter, Edith May. Mr Cossnun, who has been teaching in Ca ifornia is now lo cateJ at Eugene where he is assi taut coach at thj Univer.ity of Oregon. Lynn Dempwy and Hill U'ir we e wek end huntors whojom rtfe.l to the mountuinsineearih of deer, t" Mr. and Mtp. Ralph Hfinjs vho have been ftyin for pome time on the Fred Mcmnrray -anch above town, liavq returrnd to their home in lone. school meeting of the leira at era of I) strict No. 35 was ie!d September 30 for the pur est' of discussing the budget and to vote on the propositio of evyinji a special Distrirt tax to cover a deficit mused by an en nade in a former budget. Th1 special tax ca'titd by a vote of 30 7. Weather Report For September. Mokgan Station No. of Clear Days 12.00 No. partly cloudy days 11.00 No. cloudy days 7 00 Total precipitation 0 33 Total reclp.taticn since September 1 ' .33 For same period last year : . 0 02 Direction of prevailing wind... W R. E. lbbison k Co yvrurr Obsarwr. Dr. Clarke. EYE SPECIALIST, in l)ne, Sat. Oct, 11 h. lone Hole'. Rule of Life W'hr.t must I ' "II Hint con wit s me, tv" Wit T o people think. This i, f, n;u:iil.v nriluous In urtuul k: i in In t !lv'. :';il Hf'. may serve ( i'v v,:i.!c inunction l.ttwwi Kiv i-u'iinni'ss. It Is the IwuV. v. I- : you v 'I nlwa.v flml th. v : think thy ' know what I your duty bettor than I you know It. Emerson. PIANO IN STORAGE Looks and is like ruw. Will sacri fice for balance, $163. Terms, 2 weekly, or monthly or crop pay ments Will discount for cash. Write Tallman Piano Store. 393 So. 12 St. Salem, Ore. 4 f i- r r- r i m a I X 4444 4 4 4 x I DR. J. L CALLAWAY Osteopathic PhMcian Oilman Nii'liing I'hotu 9.1 H.-bpiwr, Ortjjoa I 1 It I 4 4 4- x 4- X X X MOVING EVER ONWARD TO YOU SERVICE ; : JACK FERRIS : Dermatician : It pays to look well. "Specialist in Bobs" tSMOOffl V Back of button you press so confidently to put Electri city to work, there is teeming activity. Men are on the move constantly to keep this boundless energy flowing in to your home with seldom a momentary pause and never X a protracted absence! X You snap a switch and a motor whirrs to work for you at a cost of a few pennies an hour! And what work! Clean ing, washing, sewing, ironing, what household task re mains that a little Electric motor can not do? And do it I quicker, better, cheaper! Back oo every motor that moves so efficiently in your in your service, there is a depend- I able supply of energy to put it to work the instant you requir it through the i x Pacific Power and Light Company "A ways at your Service C. L SWEEK ATTORNEY AT I LAW. First Nat ion a tank Bld& Heppner, Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat At The "Elkhcrn Restaurant" Good Meals Best of Sen ice Lunch Counter X 1 .''VKULY HILLS, Cnl.- Wol! nil I kiuiw JtiHt what I road In the win tl.il mIiopIx, ami whut I hold a clinic over at I prowl Mthor and yon. Wull Sir I nuiNi toll you more tilxmt that tnlnlnx town of "nodle," Col. Il wan one ot tlio (n moui m I n I u r c a m p of later days, but hud hi'iu practically don -rt od for yearn, but with tlio Uoinand for Hold here lately there waa a revival cf the famoua old place. Harry Carr. ii'ii) of the bent newspaper men on tl.:.i or any other coaat, had been up there wrltlug wonderful atorlea of what It meant to a mining town to he convalescing, and ahout to ivaeh Rood hrallti attain. He claimed the thing vsa running almost aa wide open bh iv o ot our big titles, that the gam hKns, and drinking was In a small way : a a comparison with New York or l.o Angeles. Well In my times (I am talking like o' o ot the early Plouerra). 1 have .'ii some of the boys foolishly, and at hue otherwise, lay a small wager vt tl.e outcome of what later would i apparent as a haiardoua game. V::d In passing by 1 had peeped In :nl r swinging doors and there would i men alpplng various nectars. Well .ii a. Rogers and I were Just out prowl isg around. We were working on '.Killing a fine old classic, and had !k. u taking a great part ot the Scenes u the original site where the ploy v laid, at Lake Tahoe. Mr. Henry Kins, our Director, had told me that hu hud seen just about all ot my rare that he desired for exterior photo- J& Clark & Linn & Carpenter Work, Painting. IV I per Hanging and General Re pair Work lone, Oregon. Cook with Gas. See Bert Mason. MskUi Best ef Ability '('lie art of being ahl t make good use of moderate iblllUea wlni esteem, and often confera more repu tation than real merit. Moihefouc-nuld. CongretiUn! Preytrs The prayers olVered each il.iy at the opening of the kvhsIou of rongrma art eMeiiiioruiieonn and d'ffer front ay to day. 444444444444444-t444444-e-e-444t4t4e4 i J rrjphlc purposes, and that If I wanted : i could head for home, and aa they -e4-'4-i-- : v"S-i-J-44-4- -). 4 44 GOODYEAR TIRO J h ave all the goj qnalitties, Materials, Workmanship, And Right Price. 1 t ! " 1 T i " lo l. i" Hi ml v i; mm Sin ..... . ... 1 : I i A.D. McMURDO, M.D. Physician And Surgeon Ofiice In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Htppner, Oregon X A.B.GRAYM.D. !; Physician & Surgeon Heppner - Otiin Glasses Fitted F. H. ROBINSON Attorney & Counselor At Law Will I'ruttlce In All The (Nxirta IONE OREGON For Automobile Service & Accessories go to INDEPENDENl GARAGE lone Ore. Dr.J.H. Mc Grady Der.list X-liay D1AGSOS1S. Office; Odd Ftilows Bld'g. Heppner Oregon EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. aaMslssMSMHHsMaiaBajsWSBMeaaBBBHsMsBBManslssM Dr. C. W. Barr DENTI3T rhoneM1012 Gilmsa Dldg. I ii-j-.a., C.C, Evenings and Sunavhy apoinf ment. lone Independent, JOB PRINT I had a few more days work without I! me I needeut be In any hurry to gel J, III IHHIir. 11 VII lli m mm I iftiu M V t j nl'i y. I bet a lot ot you like this too. 1 1 We went down through all the old n-nlv 49 ramns. Slitter Creek. Anaels I : :: "... lamp, in Lauveras, mats me exan homo ot Mark Twalna Jumping frog, "1 fcsllr the storr tKat tVi more to t j make Twain than any other one thing 41 no ever iiu. iiicy nave a rrog uoui-o T iknm vorv wir Vrnr Rlnrlur Vmt J. ..... .w J I - " n - - r. - - 4 Jumping, and wind up by eating an the frogs that had routested, and , everybody wind up with a Frog in t; their throat. Then (Irete Hart was there and all his stories are around In that country. Jackson, one ot the early ones, I had made two ph-turrs tliPie previously, !nd hadent been 'o: i-!: for ten yeara. Then to Senora, another old timer, but which held on fine, and la today a rial little town. Then over Seuora pass. Scenery Oh Hoy what views. Hut Its getting late we must get to Itodie. Ita away over near the Nevada line In the aage brush desert. My wife was afraid to go, aha bad read Carrs articles and ahe was look ing for whooping, shooting, and gam- boleering. Well the poor Devils the light before, Just twenty four hours to correct time announcement, why the Pro-Ill's, bad raided the place, broke all the booie In 13 saloons, put 15 men under 1S00 hundred dollar bonds, and you should have seen the place this night. Orr car was the only thin; moving In the town. Indignation meetings consisted of two and three huddled In front ot what had been a aloon door. It was still lighted up. ;ut saspharllla was their diet. It waa i real surprise raid. The mlnea badent opened that day, for they bad had no nibtenanee for 21 hours and couldcnt work. 1 talked with them, but It was almost like speaking over the body of .t fallen comrade. Their voice was not only reverent but parched. They couldcnt understand why they out of 120 million DeoDle should ha f i natcd Malnst. Whr ahould they bt the only eiamnln nf Pmhihtt tk.. , ,j felt that their work demanded as much or more liquid fortitude as Is !!i allowed tollers on Wall street. Thev j f'tlmnted In low tones the amount of liootieggers that these officers most have passed In their trip away out lit this deaert, from San Francisco where they had come. It will always remain In my memory as the deddest town I ever saw. We used to have a rule that our government wouldn't recognize any new government that had come Into power by force and revolution. Then somebody that bad accidentally read our hlBtory hap pened to ask, "Well, how did our government come In power?" So now we recognize 'em no matter who they shot to ret In. Yesterday we took In gentlna, liollvla and Peru. All you have to promise la that you will buy something from us, even If It's only guns for the next revolution. It RuBHla will Just afcave, and buy i some tractors, we will recognize them. T i Thtira la rn mini, thin., aa n 11,!., n n u STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to see him before out I sell your wheat. 4444444"4444" Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, Oregon IONE CASH MARKET 4 I 4 t 44."444444444444444444444444444444"44 444444444444444444444444444ff4444- Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats, Butter and Eggs. 1 We Buy Cream for Swift & Company. I Why not bell Your Cream in Your Home Town? I Real Estate Insurance ! Peterson Brothers r444444t44444T444444444444444"444 ITS f1 we are prepared 10 take care oi your shading requirements by the instaltation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We aUo have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. J. P. O'Meara, Proprietor j& 4444-4-4444444444-444444.A-a.A4AAa 1 Hotel lone cater to the patronage of those who wish first class accommodations. Cole Smith, Manager. 4 4 8" i;:: g 44444444'4444-444444444r J Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRUJA FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERSVUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WXGONS. Bates Steel Mule Tractor 4- X PAUpG. BALSIGER I ; I6ne, Oregon f 1 i uuiu . v .,v uw, .mug a a u imii an more, as long as he can pay tils way. ( If J0, McN.u.hl Symllciu, Inc.) i vmassMi&si&i aaacra-aama measure rUU4K4UV..4U:j4:i4n4:j