OUR COMIC SECTION H'" A ! sua. ,Ti-i n.'nngiatr un , ICOStlCSS CHILDREN CHILDREN will frf t, often for no nnpurcnt reason, liut there's al ways Cuntorinl llurmlcss n the recipe on tbo wrapper; mild and bland es it tastes. Hut ill wtitlo action soothes youngster more surely than t uioro powerful medicine. 1 hut's the beauty of this special children's rnncdyl It may bo ftlven tlio tiniest infunt an often as there is need, la caws i4 colic, diarrhea or similiir duiturbancc. it is invuluublo. A coulcd toiiKtio rails for Just a few dros to ward off count iimtion; so docs any sumption of bud breath. Whenever children don't cot well, don't rent well, or Imvo any llttla iict ilils pure vrgrtable prepara tion is UBuulIy all that's needed. August Day Eventful in American History August 3 has proved to be such an v Mil ful date In American history tlml the Wur department has Issued a Ions comment on It, Incorporating the following farts: It began the World war, which con tributed most to American hletory. It marked the opening of the Pan- ma canal. It marked the peace treaty 1.13 years ago between the government and the Indians of the Northwest, giving us Ohio, Indiana, Wlscomdn, lilchlgnn and wcntern Pennsylvania. This treaty followed one of the most terrible and diniructlve Indian wars In Arm-dean hUtory, In which George lingers Hark, "Mud" Anthony Wayne and others distinguished themselves. Real dyes givo richest colors I FOR every home usey Diamond Dyes are the finest you ran buy. They contain the highest quality anilines that enn be produced. It's the anilines in Diamond Pyes that glvo such soft, bright, new colors to d rentes, drapes, lingerie. Diamond Dyes are eaiy to use. They go on smoothly and evenly; do not spot or atresk: never rive things that re-dyta look. Just true, even, new colors that keep their depth and brilliance In spite of wear and wsihing". 16a packages. All drug stores. H,SK t Quality for 50 Yiar$ Ended Long Family Line The find noble family of Sweden ha: been extinguished with the death of Count Magnus Bnihe. Keeping a time honored custom, the fiiio-yeiir-old Prude coat of arms was broken against the coll'.n nud the nrctdtUhnp threw the key to the burin vault in a nearby lake. Impotiille Task lou can't blame a woman for feel In hrr huMmnd Is unreasonable when ho Im lnts on her loving til in as be does htniHclf. That's one thing a woir.un can't do even with a hulr pla Cincinnati Enquirer. Uie for Spiders Webs Strands of the webs of spider nrs Ofccd for cross lines In mlcro.icopes, range finders and other exacting In strunients. The web Is wound cn card like thread. Makes Rapid Growth r.nnilioo grows to a height of more thnn 1(K) feet In Ceylon. It has been known to grow as much ns 10 Inches In a day. Among other evils folly hns also this, that It is always beginning to live, Seneca. MILL WORKER JENEFITED Picked Up After Taking Lvdta Pinkham'a Vegetable) Compound Towsnda, fa. "I was working In a silk mill and got so tired and rundown that 1 weighed oidy 89 pounds. I was not well enough to do my work. As soon as I began to take Lydia E. link ham's Vegctablo Compound, I bo gan to pick up. After being mar-rii-il fur thirteen '"""th, rV r iAiiJl years, I had a hfihv hov and tho next year I had an other boy who now weighs 87 pounds and is healthy as a bear. Tho Vcgotablo Compound boa helped m in a doscn wave and I top? others will try it too." fans. C. D. Johnson, Webb Street, It D. tfO, Towands, Pennsylvania. 0 iOO MlMtR? HO, lit riCK- 1 ft OUT rAV Star j l I 1 -v FINNEY OF THE FORCE w? "h- MATT. SiT. OL 4fif. Vi Ml U AGuiUwUVtlOAlTVlL R NOUJ 6lT T$.M0Pfit Wijjk TAKtS GOV AT VIZ CVGC.VcvO RUH ThE 5C00? UP THE POUtaH ly A THE FEATHERHEADS TutTut! Insubordination tOs. FELIX -WAT HUMaEa. VjLL- WUAT AM I V5r8rffioaTW5' cactTW touch loiW V:v VATTaAT PlPf "S W FlOORT-IMEAvJ-- WE WANT TWE FLOOCiMO " . . i WT BACK-THATS TM6 MAlJd . w ALL kI(j4T; - WING f-VtiU CAN tITU&t? CALL - v t DfSUf " C Wstsra Kmptur Cuoa Wl-U f Vi g Crff eTteftrg. Our Pet Peeve vz: j& mm u rmmm V ACM ANP I MOW r rAAKwd A FOOL 'MS W VAvlKkvf lViaywA)d VtA pro'T moosio UrM HCtO-UP K.t GAT - 1 r vw"Mowon'-1-A,,l '" 0 IK, 1 I Wirr-n rr i i r i v ' i ' L 1 i U 7 0 rVS w Si'. J WK- IDEA J SELLING A Finney's on Duty, Too 00T AI fW cue. 1 MC ACRCST r i i i if 11 I M1UC - HAl -Oi vfEWflr AT HOMfe it.iap I 7 - A fAV-WAGOVj - AM' ME WITHOUT. iOIKS A CAOMP- r Ti 1 : : 1 I 'IT I I mf Lill :ii.i:l.S :l B is" "Blighted" Areas Due to Imperfect City Planning The causes ond cure of "blighted' urbim areas were reviewed et the To ronto meeting of the National Asso ciation of Heal Etitate Hoards by Ilnr- laud Ilurtholomew of Kt. Louis, noted city tilumilng eriKlneer. He snld the symptoms of such a condition are frequent vacuncles In property and a Ri-nernl appearance of decay, with little proc.et of a re newed imtrket for the district The cnim be attributed to uncontrolled bir;e scale growth. Skillful city plan iiln, he said, is both the cure and th prevention. "Much Is snld and written today npon the subject of decentralization of cltleo," Mr, Tartholoinew said. "At the ncces to the downtown dis tricts becomes liicreetdnly difficult, new ftrowth will undoubtedly take place In outlying oreas, but before we advocate and .encourage too extensive decentralization of our cities we need to know very much more about them. Our bllpht dlHtrlcts are largely the result of opening up new areas of un limited size." Remodeling Offers No Problem to the Wise Many old houses over the country built long simple lines and kept In good condition, are exce!lent for re modeling. There Is hardly a city oi town where there ere not fine old places waiting fur some architect with taste to make them into modern at tractive homes. Tl.e owner is most fortunnfe whe recognizes the right kind of old hone befme be buys It for alteratlnn pur poxes and who knows what to do with It after he has bought It There ari Iwo Important factors In remodeling Flrr-t, to get a house with possibilities; second, to rearrange the exterior and Interior with the necessary plumbing heating and lighting In an effectlvt way without excessive cot or unnec essary tearing down or destroying. These results are not hard to ac compllsh after a little study r.nd everj owner who contemplates remodeling should give consideration to the pror lem before he buys a place. Dot after Matter of Remodeling Louise I'argelt, home builder editor it the Chicago Tribune, predicts 1H".0 111 be the greatest rehabilitation year In the history of tl.e country. "We lee remodeling made simpler and tu-ire profitable for the home owner every pausing season; that Is, remod eling when n house has successfully passed two tests. For usually a home must be adjudged structurally sound L' It Is worthy of being remodeled, and also noi require more than one-third of Its Interior to be torn out. Thert sre exceptions to this general rule, at to most rules, but. on the whole. It It I fairly wife one to go by. Indeed, In I most remodeling campaigns, as little s possible Is torn out of the old place but much U added to It Instead." Paint at Protection Molstuie. the mot of ail I rouble with lumber ntul ineiuls, is the enemy ol svery property owner. In sections of ihe t 'iritry where the temperature varies with Ihe seasons, excess moist ure In the air Is Inevitable. For this reason, building materials must be protected from tho weathering It :aiisea, and paint. In this connection is the Ideal preservative. It senis the pores of the wood and forms a pro :ectlve coming over metals, thus pre senting the entrance of moisture, and :he progress of weathering ami rust ing, t'sed on concrete and stucco, paint prevents surface cracl.s. damn lefs, and subsequent crumbling and fluking off. Towns to Avoid And the Joke of the load Is the small town that erects a "Welcome" sign and follows It up with nuothei announcing a speed limit of "twelve tulles per hour." Thai Is no welcome to the tourist. And there are othei Injunctions concerning cutouts nnd the like. Most towns admonish the motor ist to protect Its children but the town lights every effort to protect those children by routing the hlghwar out side the city limits. Lincoln Slutt Journal. improve Horns Grounds Old lawns should be gone over care- hilly. Unsightly depressions which canned be removed by rolling can be eliminated by lifting the sod. tilling with good soli, and replacing the sod Where this Is Imprnctlciihle. tine loam can be spread over the lawn to a depth of tlnee Inches. The exisilng grass will force Its way through the new soli. Value, of Facs Brick Many old houses have sturdy frames, despite the shabby and old appearance of the exterior. Given a veneer of face brick, these houses will put on an appearance of new nnd will give service thnt compares well with un entirely new home, for the brick exterior provides protection ognlnxt the elements end lakes on added beauty with the years. Community's Handicap An ugly, disordered, unpalnted and neglected community ttlllea ambition the real foundation of prosperity, PRESCRIPTION in use over 47 Years Really Helps Bowels Don't you want this way of mak ing the bowels behave? A doctor's way to make the bowels move so well that you feel better all over I JJr. Caldwell's Syrup Tepsln doesn't tarn everything to water, but cleans out all that hard waste, clogging your system. It cleans yoo out without any shock, for It's only fresh laxative herbs a famouf doctor found so good for th bowels, combined with pure pepata and other harmless ingredients. A doctor tXould know what U lett for the loueU. Let Dr. Cald well's Syrup Tepsln show you hovr soon you can train tho bowels to move freely, erery day, the way they should. It's wonderful the way this prescription works, but It's perfectly harmless; so yoo can use It whenever a coated tongue or sick headache tells you that you're bilious. Fine for children, too (It tastes so nice) and they ought to have a spoonful the minute they seem fretful, feverish, or sluggish, or have a sallow look. You can get the original prescrip tion Dr. Caldwell wrote so many years ago; your drug;Ist keeps it all ready In big bottles. Just ask for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, end use It always for constipation. Da. W. B. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative HAHFORD'S Calsam of Myrrh Tbo H.el Dr. F. B. Duude of Kolse. who re cently discovered In Oregon a car load of fossilized scales of the mesothrorlum, tracodon and other enormous prehistoric lizards, said la an interview in Warm Springs: "You can tell a tracodon's scales from a nicsothrorium's as easily as you can tell a white man from a col ored man." Then Doctor Daude chuckled and went on: "Take a colored man's leg. It Is planted In the middle of his foot, lie has as much foot behind bis leg as before It, "A colored man was waiting down the street one day. Suddenly be looked round and said: " 'Roy, git off niah hceL Git la tlrely ofr.'" Spent Evening at-Horn rie My dear, I got a coupla tick ets today She Good! Are they for the opera 7 lie No; one was for parking too long, and the other for crusMug a red light. New Species The average American Is a mm with both feet on the ground ai d both hands In the nlr. Life. A word to the wise Is sufficient) and to the timid, a mere scowl Is. Aspirin BEWARE OF IMITATIONS OENUINE Bayer Aspirin his been proved safe by millions of users for over thirty years. Thousands of doctors prescribe it. It docs hot de press the heart. Promptly relieves Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache Leaves no harmful after-cfTccta For your own protection insist on the package with the name Bayer and the word genuine as pictured above. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture cf inonoaceticaciJcstcf of tulicylicacid I? f3 H 6162