The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 26, 1930, Image 5

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manes i
Next tlmo a coated tongue, fetid
breath, or acrid k)ii give evldencn
of sour stomach try Phillips Mlllc
of Mhjiiii'hIh I
(lot acquainted with till perfect
null nclil Hint help the syutciu keep
ouud mid sweet. Tlmt every mom
ell need ut time. Tnka It when
ever a hearty moul bring any dls
coinfurt. Phillip Mlllc of Magnesia )m
won medical endorsement. And
convinced million of men find
Women they didn't have "Indigo,
lion," Imn't diet, nnd don't suffer
JuHt remember Phillip. Pleasant to
take, und nlwny effective.
'J ho iiiiiiio 'litlll pit In Important
!t Identifies til genuine product
"Milk of M.iirticMlu" ha been ttia
U. 8. roglHtered trnda mark of the
Charles II. Phillip Chemical Co,
and It predecessor Charles II,
Phillip slnco 1373.
, Milk ,
of Magnesia
Ml Y-"r BBSs
r vi
t v
Witts today for KHIT book aWrtblnf h lay.
C J. Deea bonus Noii-eairgkgl mtthnd of trul.
Ing lllrt wl other KkUI ani
totoa ailments, likb we hm
tKhitlmly. Al gltes details f
fin matter h severe, l
Mwke (lira Mueey (telling lUn.llrh I'aw.
4lttrv1 at Kvrt'ofy a ur. J Ila qui. k
Ir. letf .rfll Mami-la fra. Wills tmlay.
D .Ur l i. la r , j (u at. Trny HI , l hi. ana.
fUalnlrea Tnhlrelntha, l"IWllnt. I arfuU
IMIe mi alalii. lug ca.h, cIaIIjp emiunle
lima, l 13" gul. k . II. .n. t.lue ll.inua
t-m. Utile tn.lay. SUallileaa Lilian I o , lit
ltra.1ay, N. t.
Poeitlvely rrarfiratea from the akin all tan, truitb
(Mt hn,aMlliw toniU-iin.iiimilr,rrrtna.rtc
At dtuf ami dqit ei.itre i.r lir mall. I't .
irr Mlahlaaa Aa. Chiwg. Id.
French Sailor's Unique
Reward for Heroic Deed
The rrwunU of liernlini urn nt nl
wnya wlmi they uliould trn, tha l'lill
OBophcra will tfU jnu nnd thoy
riitght cite very Imndlly the rei-cnt
cniie of dipt. Luden Sliillicrt, innr
liter nnd Mpmnter. Cnptnln Mill
licrt conimnndi (lie renciio tug IruUc,
atntluiicd In the luirlmr of I! rest. An
BUS cnll Hiked through a rnnhiif
Htorin. Ciiptnlii Mnlliert wna sleep
ln( hli lil oIlNkln, at wn III crew;
all lie tin d to do wn ciiHt off front
the dock, widt h he did He rendered
aid to the utenmer In dlKtre; lie at
moNt loot Ida own ahlp In the violent
aen ; he limped brick to port 43 hour
Inter without food or aleep, ex
linuated. And whnt ImppenedT The
port outliorltlei fined 1 1 1 m (too frnnca
($-0) for croHNlnu the brenkwiiter
without a permit I Tho coho cnused a
acnndnl lui enough to rench I'nrl.
and the flue, luckily, wna remitted on
the peronnl Intervention of the min
uter of llmince.
It Taktt Punch
"Mudnm, thli tmnxfer hns ex
Tired." "Well, you enn't expect much eUe
with tlirt rum go poorly ventilated."
II. k M, MiiRuzlno.
Mora Thn a Fra Country
Victim I think jour hill U ruther
lilKh, doctor.
Doctor Well, yon know thla la
fee country. Ilrooklyn Rngle.
Somewhere, aomotlme, when nohody
notices, a hoy (eta the crlmo bug la
Ids noodle.
Lunntlc hnve luihlla tlmt nro the
fnoHt fixed.
brlngt almost lnstnnt relic! from
terrible colic pnina. Uanishca heart
burn, nausea, nick headache, bilious
ness, sluggish liver, constipation.
i'nmptly restores Rood appetite and
m digestion, and regular,
fMrJ thorough elimination.
Sold at all ,
dnjsL Quickly!
Events in ths Lives of Little Men H
coox. some L vM s mfn wmml Vm&fP
wait? jf Mmidf Wmm 'I
(c-prrukt. t iV. j -mwr---
" o KAftl-Kuy.voo A I VAUU.'j
Mi so roxwv.sTcurnMG ,,11 J
AQooxiO AS iao06U VOO HAD J I wHs SRJTTiKJG -w
Jllson "Sho always thought hc
could get any man she plened.M Mil
son "Hut never ptcused any nun,
Juit for Riding Now
Man (pointing to old enr) I pro
posed to my wife In tlmt car.
Friend I auppose you keep It for
Its memories.
Man We keep It to ride In.
Getting a Quick Send Off
"Old Man Urlggs pimsed away quick
ly, didn't lie? The doctor was there
only om o to nee hi in."
"Yes, medical science has nuide
wonderful strides forward of late."
Taking All of It
"Lady," said the policeman, who
hnd motioned her to atop, "how long
do you expect to he out?"
"What do you mean by that ques
tion?" she demanded Indlgiuuitly.
"Well," he replied, sarcastically,
"there lire a couple of thousand other
motorists who would like to ue this
street after you get through using It."
Seeking a Demonstration
Llttlu Arthur (reudlug book)
Pupa, It says here "The beast In man
awoke." What do they mean?
I'apn What do they mean? Just
go over there nnd set down on
ummmn's new hat and you'll And out
Weighty Problem
Chorus Girl So you really think a
massage machine will reduce my
waist. Where can I get one?
rroducer I Just saw a stouin roller
go down the street
Syghcr It must be wonderful to he
popular to have a large following I
Hygher Well, It's ensyl All you
have to do Is to buy n lot of thlngii
on the Installment plan I
nmny trial mnrrlnges? I don't think
ho." He "Well, however regular n
mnrrlnge nmy be It alwnys becomes a
Needleit Surprise
Smith nnd Jones, Ltd., received a
"We are very much surprised that
tho money we hnve demanded so often
has not yet arrived."
They replied shortly nnd to tho
point :
"You do not need to wonder; we
Felix Gets a Rise
nohson "I suppose you followed
everything In the show?" Thompso:
"Not so there's only one glrHn ths
outfit I'd even follow across tli
Got the Low Down
Friend Were you witness to Inst
nlghts fight?
ltodgers (with black eye) Yes,
was a witness on eye witness.
A Propotal
lie (buying typewriter of young
saleslady) "lo you know what I Hit
best about this utuchlue?"
She "No."
lie "You."
have not yet sent the money." Berlin
Lustlge ISInetter.
To the Rescue
Junior, Just out of the bnthtub, was
wnltlng for his mother to dress him.
Suddenly he rushed outdoors and re
turned with his cnt.
"Why did you run outdoors without
your clothes on?" asked bis mother.
"I saw Mrs. K. slapping her broom
against her porch and didn't hnve
tlmo for clothes," replied the defender.
Uncle Sam Planning to
Take Water Fowl Census
The biological survey Is undertak
ing what, on the face of It, seems
like a hopulcs task, yet which Is
merely a question of ratios, provid
ing the sportsmen of the country co
operate. L'ncle Sam wnnts to know what
the water fowl population of the
country I. To find out, 5,000 ducks
will be banded nnd hunters every
where are to be requested to report
any ducks killed bearing the bands.
If, for Instance, COO banded ducks
were reported killed and at the same
time 6,000,000 other ducks were re
ported bagged by hunters for the
year, It would mean that there are
42.000.000 ducks In the country. liy
a careful check-up each year It wUI
be possible to obtain a fairly accur
ate estimate after each season of
Just whnt the duck population Is.
The same would hold true for
other migratory water fowL Exchange.
Motor Rock the Cradle
Mother who spend part of their
day In rocking the baby now may
turn that tank over to the electric
cradle and go about their bousewtf k.
The cradle, consisting of a bassinet
mounted on an upright frame, differs
little from the conventional kind ex
cept that It contains a motor con
nected to a rocker arm, which func
tlona when connected to a light
socket In the base of the stand are
handy drawers for the baby's cloth
ing. Popular Mechanics Magazine.
Most Perfect Arms
Arms of which the armless Venus
de Mllo might have been proud have
been found at Milan, Italy. Italian
painters and sculptors agree that
Slgnortna Cobelli, noted Milan
beauty, possesses the most beauti
ful pair In the world. The ques
tion was settled by a vote of the art
ists, which gave Slgnorlna Cobelli
a decisive majority. The search for
the most graceful arms has been
conducted throughout Italy for sev
eral months.
Man Kept Alire by Mud
After belug completely submerged
In mud to his chin for 15 hours,
Charles Ilawley, aged alxty-seven, a
blacksmith of Selby, England, was
found In the bank of the Ulver Ouse
nearby. Dr. John Gillies, who at
tended him, says Ilawley'a life was
saved by the coating of mud, which
kept him warm and caused the blood
to circulate.
Altogether Too Latf
When tire broke out In the home
of Peter Ursl at Berwick, Pa, the
first men on the scene became so oc
cupied flkhtlng the fire they forgot
to turn In an alarm. Fifteen mln
utea Inter some one recollected, but
by the time the firemen got there
the house was In ashes.
Not a Philanthropist
"Would you lend money to a per
son In real need of it?"
"Certainly," answered Mr. Pinch.
urn. "The more a person needs money
the bigger the rate of interest he Is
willing to pay."
No Place to Rett
If you will work hard until you
reach the top, you need to work only
twice as hard thereafter In order to
stay there. Lafayette Journal and
Courier. , "
Oh, Dear I
Tarent (anxiously) Nurse, Is It
him or a her?
Is'urse It's a them.
If the ancient Greeks had had
railroads, they would have gone
down to the depot at train time.
Some men never let a woman boss
them except when they're sick.
2100 Putoa & 4h Ave, Siotu Clry,
f'I began to take Lydia E
rinkham's Vegetable Com
pound at Change of Life. Now
I take it every spring and fall
and it keeps me in good health.
I am able to take care of an
eight-room house and garden
at the age of 71 years. I will
praise the Vegetable Com
pound wherever I go for it is
a wonderful medicine for
women They should give it a
good trial by taking about five
bottles." Mrs. Clara Riley
v- 'si) rv A
- ,;x in- .s
PHILDREN hate to talce medicine
as a rule, but every child lovei
the taste of Castoria. And this pure
vegetable preparation Is just as good
as it tastes; just as bland and just as
harmless as the recipe reads. ' i
When Baby cry warns of colic,
a few drops of Castoria has him
soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Nolh-,
ing is more valuable ia diarrhea.,,,
When coated tongue or bad breath ' '
tell of constipation, invoke its gentle '
aid to cleanse and regulate a child's
bowels. In colds or children's diseases,
you should use it to keep the system. .
from clogging.
Castoria is sold In every drag stores
the genuine always bears Chas. IL
Fletcber's signature. - -
Lincoln and Jefferson
Records shew that Lincoln and
Jefferson were the two Presidents
who did not claim church member
ship. Country Home. "
He "Klssea sre the language of
love." She "Well, why don't oil
say something?"
That Cockney Accent
School Inspector Now what sort
of dyes do we get In England?
Cockney Boy Wet 'uns I '
Kever go visiting some one when
the temperature is at 100.
Really, the very best lemon pte
must be eaten with a spoon.
ejfcdivc in smaller doses
ph" mil Rats
kl2 Without Poison
4 ew Exltrmlnmtoe that ,
Won't Kill LI f took. Poultry,
Doga, Calm, a even Bmby Chicka 1
K R Ocan baoatd about tht homt. barn or poul
try yard with abaolutt safely as It contain! ma
isMif pelM. K R O Is madt o( Squill, as te
ommended by U.S. Dept. of Ariculturt nndtr
the Connablt proeru which Insures mail mum :
strength. Two cans killed 97 rats at Arkansas
Stats Farm. Hundreds ol other testimonials.
told on a Money 'Back Guarantee,
Insist upon K R O. the original Squill trterml
Dator. 7Sc. Large site (four Umea as much) S2.0.
All poultry supply, drug, and seed stores, e
direct from K-K-O Co., itprlngfield. O.
W. N. U, Portland, No. 37-1930.
21 E. Ross St, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
!'I was very nervous and
rundown and weighed less
than one hundred pounds I
felt tired and weak and I often
had to lie down I took Lydia
E Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound because 1 read the ad
vertisement in the paper. Now
I eat well, sleep well, and have
good color. In fact, I couldn't
feel any better and I weigh one
hundred fifty-five pounds. Iam
glad to answer letters from any
woman who wants to know
more aboutthcVegetableConv
pound."-Mrs. Bertha Stephen
Rrv5?J lrw?v
0 m3r tataiftiSM
She "You say there nro a great
aai I aiiaii nil-"" v- J ' ' "