SUCH IS LIFE-Pcrfcct Papa! By Charles Sugliroc s t' em vwr VOU HAVE A QREAT TIMEJW HAVETM, WITH WOBODy 1?' 1 TO TALK TO 5ur GEORGE VA5MiMGflOM av' V VJ f. life, jH7 ? - m 1 . p lPm : WjS3 nr" wr BEAUTY CAPITALIZED f vvt " s r w . i A photograph of this child, Rita Gor don, so greatly attracted the managing director of Mdand's biggest chocolate firm that he named one of his prin cipal brands "Klta," and used the baby's picture to decorate all his choco late boxes. The child's father dis posed of the copyright on her features for a period of ten years In considera tion of a payment of $2,.VX) per year. Mr. Gordon Is a Tole of Scotch descent Police Chief Defies Bank Bandits Watertown, S. D. Bunk robbers re cently active In states of the North west who attempt to raid any of the three banks of Watertown will have to come to town In a war tank, for WINS TWO TITLES je II . - v. k- - . , ' If Jackie rhlll's of Montreal wno was the only athlete at the British empire games, held there, to curry off two empire championships the high tower laid spring board diving titles. A This Was Reckless Drivins Once ted ... 1 .-. Stalin Hailed as Lenin's Savior ilofcow, U. S. S. H. How Joseph Stalin, undisputed leader of the Soviet domain, once turned barber and cut the board and nnistnche of Lenin Is revealed In a dramatic account of the scone Just written by Gregory Zlnovlev. "I remember how Stalin, armed with scissors, clipped beard and mustache Rt the very moment,' Zlnovlev writes In an article In Tavda telling of Letiln's escape In July, 1017. The arrest of the foremost Rolshe vlk had been ordered by Kerensky't provisional government as a measure of public safety. Lenin was hidden In the apartment of a certain AM douev and a great controversy raged In Bolshevik ranks as to whether ha ought to give himself tip. Zlnovlev gives Stnlln much of the credit for the fact that the leader was not handed over. Lenin himself was Inclined to give up, on the theory ad vanced by many friends that the gov ernment would not dare hurt him. Moreover, the widespread charge that he was a German agent, some of the Bolsheviks feared, would find support If Lenin continued to hide. But Stalin, OrdJInikidze and others Insisted that the risk was not worth It. According to Zlnovlev their work helped the central committee of the they will have to face machine gun and rifle fire. Through efforts of bank officers the police department has been provided with a machine gun and two extra magazines of cartridges for di rect protection of the bnnks. A sei ond machine pin will be kept at police headquarters for emergency purposes. The machine gnn used for the direct protection of the banks has been mounted at a concealed point where It commands the Intersection on which the three hanks are located, and In the event of an attempted bank rob bery the landits would at once be ex posed to the fire of this machine gun, which In nn Instant could sweep clean the street corners housing the banks. In addition to this machine gun pro tection, eli'ht citizens who are expert marksmen and possess high powered rifles have formed an organization and will co-operate with the police and the sheriff and his deputies In protecting the banks. Thus at the slightest alnrm, should bni.k robbers appear at any of the batiks, they would Instantly be under a hail of machine gun nnd rifle bul- HIs Name Is Tate and Tag for His Auto Is T-3 London. Spelling your name on your motor license tag is not a stunt thnt can be done by everyone, yet Harry Tate, comedian, does It Ills, number is "T-S." nnd It took consider able trouble to get It, he says." License department employees, how ever, are usually accommodating when motorists' requests for trick number! are within reason. "We spend a lot of time dodging l.T for the superstitious ones," says one employee. ."We give them any thing they want, If we have It." Bolshevik faction to reach the de cision by which Lenlu was bound that he must not let himself be ar rested. It was after that decision was taken that Stalin and some comrades went to the Allidouev Hat and arranged de tails of the escape. Stalin's tlual con tribution to the plan was to find the scissors and perform the barberlng on his leader. Zlnovlev Is convinced that had Lenin surrendered lie would have been sum- POTPOURRI U -H- M i l l' H I I I r l-i I- H i t- ! I t Bells Although the very enrVy "bells" were . long metal bars rather than the Inter cup-shaped affair we know, the latter came Into being early In the Fourth cen tury. The largest he'll In the world is the "Tsar Knloko!" which weighs 10.1 tons; It Is In Moscow. The larger bolls do not move but are struck to produce the sound. . 1530. Wcitern Newirartr t'nlon.J H I I I I I I I I I III 111 II I II I I H lets from wliKh no living thing could emerge. "We are ready," said Chief of I'ollce Olson, "to make It hot for nny bandits ho pick a Watertown bank to rub." II I J I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ' J The Anonymous t Letter t By THOMAS ARKLE CLARJC t Dn of Mn, Univertity of T IIliDOK. i 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 i n-m I have never written an anonymous letter, iongh I can eaHy see the nd vantages of sueh r procedure. One could so easily l ibis method correct social and civb errors. Jack up one's friends and all without being Ui irunj, ,' lull' A Intn trunliti) iifiinv 1 ' Y son. u woui'i ne cesitllale, of course. the disguising of one's handwriting or possibly the bor rowing of a neigh typewriter or stationery and bor's the mailing of the epistle In some other post office than one's own, but Los Angeles. Dr. William George Schnell, young scientist, claims a for mula to produce light as bright ns the sun'a without the use of electricity. Ills Invention ussertedly Is composed of the Kame atoms which compose the sun. Doctor Schnell, University of Colo rado and University of Dresden grad uate, said the formula really was a reproduction of the sun Itself. "For," he said, "the compounds which make up my Invention are composed of the same atoms as the sun.. In some ways we even have the gun cheated for we can produce a hot or a cold rny 11s we desire." Doctor Schnell said the test of burning wood by a magnifying glass had been equally succersfiil with the sun and with his Invention. The Inventor said he had Illumi nated entire rooms with Ids mysteri ous light find has conducted other "Hard Boiled," but This Rooster Hatches Eggs KInston, N. C Edgar Trotrnun'a burred My mouth Rock rooster, that hatched two broods of chickens last summer, now Is the proud parent of a half dozen young guineas. The rooster failed to tnke as a Joke Trot rnun'a act of placing the guinea eggs under hlin. The rooster, although a hard boiled bird, bus motherly Inclin atlons. - V VI ''sir-' Scientist Promises Wonderful Light madly executed nnd the whole course of-ltussan history would have been different. Stalin's foresight Is thus shown to be In, part responsible for saving not only Lentil's life but the whole Soviet revolution. Thus, lis Stalin's power Increases, more and more stories of his early wisdom and Importance are resurrected In the memories of those who knew hlin In the early days. U. S. Population Center Movei 25 Miles Weit Washington. The renter of popula tion of the United States has moved westward 25 to 110 miles In the lnt decade, census bureau olllclals esti mate. Although It will be several months before census statisticians determine the exact point ropro.entlug the center of population, It Is likely to be close to 11 merit, Sullivan county, Indiana, n town of about l.'OO population, '.') miles from the wesnrn boundary of the state. In 1100 the center (if population was foiiud to be 1.9 miles wet of White bait, Clay townsh'p, Owen country, Indiana. In 1010 it wus In Blooming, ton, Iml. these details would be easily managed by nny resourreful person, no that de tection would be difficult. If not I in possible. And think of the ftdvantagrs ! How easy It would be to prod the Indifferent, to correct the erring, to tell some people we knrw frankly Jut what we think of them, tine could threaten without the slighted physi cal danger, nor need otie be particular as to the language he used. I have always wanted to tell Greene of his grammatical errrrs. He Is a graduate of two colleges and has a string of degrees after his name, but he never gets onto his feet without saying, "L'very person should look after their own business," or, "If any one has anything to say they should speuk out." and so on. Ho seems never to have learned that there Is a definite relation between pronouns and antecedents. An anonymous let ter would do the work admirably, I 11 m sure. Boliins was telling me of certain 'olngs-fin In his neighborhood scan dalous, quite Illegal In fact. He world like to put the local authorities wle to things, but In doing so It might In volve hlin In some person, i embar rassment; he might get big name In the paper, or be called as a wltne- "r stir up a row with his neighbors. He does not want to bo the recog nized cause of getting some one into trouble. Here Is where the anony mous letter comes In beautifully. C'orrlgan Is not doing his duty; be Is lying down on bis Job, If one's eyes do not deceive one; he Is actually not honest. What could do the work bef ter In such a ense and get a moral wanderer more quickly back upon the straight path of virtue than a good hot anonymous letter? It Is personal tests to the entire satisfaction noted scientists. Doctor Kchnell disclosed that he be lieves his Invention eventually will eliminate all forms of outdoor elec trical signs and lights, Illuminate Jreq Produces of I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McMillan of Oakland, t'ulif.. shown with n tree In nelr back yurd which produces sixteen varletlea of fruit. McMillan began he budding on a young plum tree years ago and now It hears peaches, plume. . run'':-', apricots, nid ulnionda of various varieties. Any time of the yent he.-e l fruit rlpeulug On be bruuvbtm. ' r ' ... ... .nj Jvv'uiuA iJ , J HAND-PAINTED GOWN At WW mi! 7 " 'y V.'i,-? A 1 . i-v . -''l Hand painted flowers are ued In an ifiVelhu manlier to decorate tills charming white tnfTets evenlut gown, posed by l'.crnke Claire, motion pic ture star. ly safe, and It might be effellve, or so a good Many people think. We nil get nnonjtnotis letters, or al least tho.-e t.f us do who occupy any positions of public triiiit or Iniluenre. Soiuetltnes III spite of th effort at disguise It Is eay to determine the authors, and In every c . It Is the coward who writes such a letter. The man who writes you anonymously Is the one who has not tlu bmkbons or the courage to stand before you fare to face and say wtiat be thinks. Jl Is not willing to take the rr"ionp!b!llty of citizenship. There are certain evils to be correct I'd, certain Irregularities which should be Called to the Atten tion of ofl'clals. certain facts which he might eal!y establish, but he la afraid. He Is Interesting but he does not illsturb many people, for he Is Just a plain coward. ( Ci 130. W-trn Nmitr I'nlun ) SpsaMng of Tl.irtn F:.!t Lul.e t'lly. I'th. A stiper!L tlous boixlno nicv bi'iu' over a son born tMr. ninl V.r. J;ne A. I'Ider, according to Ir.fonimiloii d's closed until some time nftrr hl blrth, lle was born on Crl-lay the ."t!i, , tnlnules -iist lol.lrl.-lif, end h Is I'm l'.th living member of I. Is dlred family. desirable If it Is due to n swelling brain. Think and study and swell your bruin. homes, cook food nnd assist medical woilt, through Its X-ray qualities, The formula for his light producer Is very simple, he snld, containing cer tain minerals which are mixed with oils and acids. Variety of Fruit 0) mmmmB W A ""'"'''I head Is r-ii W III I I A fSeorgln rtnlesmnn tells the story of nn aged iirgro who saw 11 a extraoi (lin.ii) luoMn; Insliuinent III tho shop of an optlehm. He gazed In open mouthed wonder, an I, turning lo tha optician, Inquired! "What Is II, hesr ' ' "Thai," replied the optician, "Is an ophthalmometer." "Mm'," muttered the other, Ids eye still fiutiiied mi the thing as bo backed out. "slio' (hit's what I' was af eared li was I" LOST HIS JOB Hug You'rv out of a Jtib agnlnt Wh.ii's the trouble! Wood lloier I he Increased use of inctul furniture I Curloaltf I long 10 l iii.uti-d. I fir Tlx I'ovcrlr that sulka about. I put loin nionry In ih rr 1 woiuler who will likt ll cut Sams Fata for Him "Yes," said a sad eyed limn, "I mar ried the widow of a man who was hanged, mid I thought thai In the cir cumstances there would be qu com-part-oils with the late lamented. Il'it I was inlMaLcn." "Did she prale him Just (he sBmeT "Well, not exactly, but we had not been married a month before she do eland thai hanging Was too gixxj fur me." Not tha Bread I.ndy (In bakers shop) Your frctu h rolls are really far loo small. I can put a whole one Into my mouth t once. P.aker I rnn quite believe (bat, miolain, but It's not the f .1 u It of ttm bread. Holing llalv Tliiimu (OoteD burg). A Liltla to tho Good Yes." .iM l ailiiei roin(oel, "I OliCO bought a bol'IIS gold brli k. Hut I've got the brbk." "N there an) satisfaction ll limit "Son.e. A b'l of people Invist In gt trlcli schi'ines and thai I get qnr thing except 11 letter savin', 'Money received.'" Washington Mar. . TOO COMMON Pmighler-Mother, we hud coumion derioiuliiators In school today. Mrs. Noiiveaurli'li-Have nothing 19 do with them. Ethel. I wish you to avoiii everything common, as yoo know. ' Raitraint That frnnknm 1 u villus tnurht Hy sns-s, Iht you'll linva In own; If you mud tvrrythliiK you llmusht They nilshl rinov your tulcphona, Chack Mistress (to new and raw nmld) When you niiswei me, Mary, you should say, "Yes, iiiu'iiiii," or "No, iiia'am." New Maid (obligingly) -Illgluol Leeda Mercury. , , Fast One Shorty I know where you can get a good chicken dinner for only 13 cent a. Sklnney Wh"ie? ' , bhorty At llm feed si ore. - Theory Demonitratad "Do you believe dun anyone mil put people to sleep by nieiiii of hypuo llmr "Yes," answered Miss Cayenne. "Mr. Diilboy was talking 11I1011I It yesierduy, I fell !-.(.,y before ha hud fpoken twenty words."-WiiHlilngtoii Mur, In lha Soup HliigusThe ruce is not nlwuys to the swift. , . .. - .. ; 'dim-US , nh no; the hare. get to Hi v aoup as olteu ua the lurlhjl J llt'trey