rr IT?!?! The ONE INDEPENDENT IONE. OIVKCON Tridmy, SmpU 26, 1930 Mm i by tut'.'tre a political f'.iiriaJ.-Flalj. Nothhifi that h morrully wroit, t ail tver bt politically right. Unknown AY WHM, IRdPCIEIRS r,'yy'i-,WiMr.'www'w l MIHIHWIHItfjWIllllWDW lir.Virill.V Hlt.l.S.-AII I know I wlni 1 iikiI lit I lid puptr. About ton dnyi sn) w lind n ti a mm of ti tt w f haiiprnlnt Dili litre lM-l It'i pixlty wrll Imbued iltiwn. Wlicn ltiiie V rtfo-fT Frenchmen wa fly 5.i5 Iiik fna Oceni. and ? t.lmly m rtrtlr V A ,0, knn that hi u 1 1 Imve linen guile Novel ty, Tliliik of Undy mc u( I n r inmeli'i'ly Instead of being mt't. Hut lie dlil mighty ki.iiIuiii lUlnt. a tit lay docs. Whon th)e bo landed In was r Ij: U tli i. tn glv ILivui tu gluil and of welcome, and It t.m real (no. For he I f ir any thing lltkt la tor W X'lod of tlnii wjiethtr he Is the " i ) It r : Yes Kir lit and A 'il ni I'.i.tc. i Well there follow h Inn) h rip hi t'i tua'ko t'.int trip. Tiny were ml aviator tn the lint pla.c, cut tliey hid tn''. every kit ti rrr?-iat''if. tad takn every pim-aMitm. The trouble with most of 111 ullif-r t.M: thiit have failed, they wen by r.ir tkulty unknown Aviators, and ty wti J'J't lu'klok rli.nire, end f ftrc h li'ftby they riniUI r-.nl I'. Vi u ie nhfii those (Vn.rrj com uhaii ;rlni It litre ty t.ay of tho North t'olo aud v.ay itsilr,; iw'..;.'.i Uy t:. way was a rriiit Irlri why that n'lircl Hi French. Ycu Ut a Get man d. imUili'it and even If If wroint t:r Frenchmen will want to out d hltn Now Hut tliry blue It done, I lnui: i tmve In put Up lio. .Ixralluu Inn. aliHt vlnltlnx fj;li:n Aviator. Tliov will t dropping In lirra ao fant t h r 1 Ciovrr Whaltn will liavit tu be tli'k inx bard with botb iiilu. .Vr. JUarit irtllug tluuwo out o! 1'iuticu waa bit bomi uay buck In l!u a: i tha Kifiwbmtn w4rt tatirt I, ;. To t.t'iit on o:-C to t.':;-.l:in.l I.ny m(hl l.liii willi n':i tud evtn at.ci bl in 1 1 wrlle t n: c tbluK abut tlieia, Kraii'-o got m.a r amnrthliiK ba wrote about 'cm. tntf JlDwLnd wftb their minds on wbai rould L acjirplUlicd by pubMdty, n Ibcy bud tern It dona by Amoilca, tin; laid, Sura W. It. publiU any of out pld Tri-nlya you want. Wa will evei writ you on to . ulilUh, yo aheud write w'.ist you waut and tuy as Ion a you like." Well anyhow t!iey lui a tilibty tooJ ipfiidrr. when t'uy b blm a. Outwlda (f Klo Zc!jfe!d b doi UiltiK tn blfcr v. ay tUan an; nina 1 ever knew. " Will let's p t TiBt cl.i tber Is Is tbt piinU. 1 thuuKht v wai t.ilu? to La i;mo Fartii Iti-lli-f to ro,'.i to yen by t!iU aabltath (lay. I'. it li.e ioin. mllnm ai Jut t iitlierlnj t'ata. Titty MtSBBk .li, 'Ve V. .eO w f3 I'lul Met (.'.f!, fe, and I't.itrJ S.Vfi Si-nulnr WcVtrr. rl(ff, ml fur lAi's plriurm k'icm HuJrnti und room mnUt ut StanfutJ inSeriiir In the. gay '90': Juvenile ambitions are aoMnm rei.l-1 hod, buyhood riieams seldom cmiie; triu1, but It in tba unuauul that maktisi lnii?tlnB readlnit, the uncxpncieil that atiruct attontlon. All of which! leads up to the story of two youne tern, v.lio lay bsnnatb tho fibMiilly shade of broad oak tree en the bunt: of tlio Wllluii'ellP river ut Salem 40 years ago and rireitiuod, tits boys will dream when flMilnp;. " One of tho two boys was Phil Mot acbnn. The nthor was Ch.trlog L. Mc Nary. One looked forward to the day when be would be governor nnd alt tn tba rti'dillvo office of tba tule cap! tol, the innJcHtlc dome of which roup above tho roof of the homo In tho dlNtancp. Tba other funded himacli lb the United State capltol at Wash Ington. One of thone dream hna come truu, and tho other bid fair to come true when the bnllol are counted in tbe Novtmibor clwtlon. , Tho two limn, now standing for of .loo on republican rdMte tlclicl, n:' t for tlio I'l:" t tlmo as hoya slioiily sftsT l'hll Metacbnn, Sr., wa chosen s.IiIq troaHiiror In 1800. Churles Mc Nary wa attending school In Salem and living at home with hi wldoved mother. The two youth became al most Inseparable companion! and jetruck up a friendship whlca ai con- won't take tb faiincr'a word for It tbut b la poor. Tbiy bli men to find out bow poor he la. If tbey took all tb money tbey anond on finding out bow h Is, aud rive It tn the Farmer be wouldcnl need any more retluf. Dut aoon as winter cornea be will b 0. K., aoon us auow file ht can kill lUbbltti, that will ba the bit lent relief ba ha bad ao far. Wall tha elections will ba breaking out pretty aoon, and a flock of Demo crats will replar a t'? of Repub lican In qulta a i;v i.l :'.i ii-:i. It won't mean a thin., liny will t l'i Hka all th rest of 't i, k In "n promise and coma oil i-n Alabl't. It the Farmer could I. "vst bl r ''mles he would ba alttlng ;rt'.r. Wben Jimmy Gerard aald that fifty suren men run thla country aver)boiiy thouRbi It wa an ad for lldn pkkUt, to l.a bud to adl ItUhcp Csuiiou aad Al Capona. Poor Jimmy. Everybody Jumped on bl Mlectlons averylxidy tint warn't nientloned. Tb Eenat waa brokii:v hearted In fact Th funny part about th whole thine la, tha one that ara running It don't want their name mentioned not tbls year anyway. They ara liable to sua Gwiard f. ilander. Just back from a rodeo over treat lluU Weitern town called a u ui u c c t, N v. That' a irat 8; at. When you feol that tb peo ple around you are taking too much car of your prl vsts business, why move to Nevada. It' freedom' last stand In America. Yet they don't do ou thing that oilier Bute don't do. 4 " Out' tby leave tl.a fi out iljjr i., -u Yiu can ift a dltorr without I) It".-, a drink without whlspi-rlng and In t on a vom of cbanr wltbout breaking ven a promts. Quit bollerlug about bow poor nff w at and look at tb real troubles of aom of these other birds; down In tb Aritntln nUllera ar guarding thilr President, 1'eru Just i-wrteil theirs on battleship and advised him to head tor Siberia, Ilrasll ti In c huddle, tha Labor Covernmeut In Fug land ara about to Join lit urtrployed, Hearst ba Joined Germany, and LHs bsii ba Joined Russia, so It looks Ilk Mfxlco Is about tb only on with tu trrubl at all. tt IWO. Mc-4u!il .V-itkf, It- ) "1 4 . w k We, us) 4 "" ' v f4 tluu.'d unbroken down to the preaaat i' jr. Afu r three yBrs ut Willamette unb virnfiy, the obleit Inm fii!iwi of IiIrIi tr liamliiK In Ore.m, I'lill Meliirban went to Stanford ii'iKen ily lo atudy lit w. Ciailta McNit..' had preceded blm to Stimford, and ll re the youth ful friendship waa renewed and etrengthpned. Tbe two roompd to fceiher. atudled Inw to-je'hsr.- From Stanford, Phil Metseban r turned to Siilem, and Inter, went to rentinl Ainorloa. vhoi-i he spent a yoir. Clmrlea McNary flnlnhcd hla luw conrNe, entered pnvtlce. roce to the baiult and entered the United Statea aenuto. This fall Rcnntor McNary, now a nntlonnl flKre. In aeeklng re-election to tho aenuto, and bin friend cruel boy hood chum, l'hll Metschnn, 13 the can didate of tho republican party for governor. Numea of tbe two mau, who cs youngsters flobed together on th WIlliMiuMte nnl rs ntndent rcomad tniM'.bor nt fitanford, will rppour oil tbu Banio ticket. .'. ' in all ot hla campiilnna Senator McNary hits bud tba enthURtuutic sup port ot Phil MetucliBn, who bat never, before been a candidate tor any publlo ofIce. In thla campaign, wben bom are candidate, each will have tba iu port ot tbt other. 1 NOTICE of SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE la llf.RF.BY given to tha lil voters of School District No. 35 of Morrow County, SUtc of Oretfon, that SCHOOL MEETING of uld district will ht held at Fone School Hcis on the 30th day of September, 1930, at 1:30 o'cIock In the arer noon for th purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special district Ux. Th total amount of money needed by the said school district during the fiscal year beginning on Jun 30, 1930 and ending June 30, 1031, Is tsUnutcd In the following budget and Includes the amounts to be rccciv4 erom th county school fund, ttata school fund, elementary school fund, sprclal district tax, and all other moneys of the district. IVVien tht budgtt mtttlng Is held In connection with the annaal school meeting, the following provision of of net ha 232, School Laws 192H,thould deobumed; Until ballolt are counted at lent one hour uflr the time set f.ir the meeting In districts of fht second and third classes, any legal voter tflht aistrict shall bt en If lit d to voteupon any proposal UKh'OHK tht MEETING. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1. Ifolance on hand at beginning of school year for which this budget U nude $3917.29 2. From county school fund 1018 57 3 From state school fund 22G00 4. From elementary & houl fund 1527.90 5. For vocational education 6 From tuition for pupils below high school 285 00 7. Fmm county high school tuition fund for tuition and transportation 2C83.44 8. Interest on riepoi s and sinking fund 9. Kcceip.s frt.m JA other sources 10 Total estimated receipts $9,658 2G ESTIMATED I GENERAL CONTROL Elem-mary High Total 1. Personal service: 1. Supetimendcni Sl.'.M. $ 770- $JXX. 2. Oerk S(j. 50 lfW. J. Supplies 20 20. 40, 3. KWcIUUmis and publicity 50. 50. 100. 4. Legal service 20. 20. 20. III. INSTRUCTION -Teaching 1. Personal service: 1. Takfi $12A0 $1440 2 1125 1215 3 1215 1213 4 .'. . 1350 2. SurpUes 100 100 'i. TeMtxMik la 13 Total Expense of Teaching ...$1)05') IV. Operation of Plant 1. Personal service Janitois S340 $270 2. Janitors Supplies 50 50 3. Fuel 350 350 4. Light and Power 100 100 5. Water 50 50 Total Expense of Operation 1910 V. Maintenance & Repairs 1. Repair and Replacement.., loo loo 2. Repair & Maintenance of Creund 15o ISo Total Expense Malnt. & Repairs $500 VII. Auxiliary Agencies 1. Library 2 Library Books $ GO. $ 50. 3. Supplies 35. 35. 2 Health Service 2. Supplies ete. 10. 10. 3. Transportation of Pupi's 2340. 170. 4 Supplies and other Exp. 100. 100. 3 Other Auxilery Agencies 10. 10 Total Expense Auxiliary Agenclts . 3900 TU Fixed Charges 1. Insurance $150. $150 Total FixedChargesV.:. $300 VIII. Capital Oultays , 4 Nw furniture &equipmen' $200. $200 G.Auessmt-nti .'or bettermenUlOO. 100 6. Total cap! al outlays $0007" 13 IX. Debt Service 1. Principal 0" Bondi 2. Principal o- Warrants 4. Interest on Boudi 5 Interest on Warrants 9. Total .Itbt service X. Emergency 1. 3 Total Emergency RECAPITULATION Total estimate! fxpensea for the year $32,044 80 Total estimated icctipts not including proposed tax $ 9658.20 Balance amount to be raised by distric tax $22,386.54 Summary of Estimated Expenditures For school ypar from June 30. 1930. to Juue 30, 1931 Personal set vicei... $15,540. . Supplier :'. li. -G30. Maintenance ani repairs..-.-. 500. Dtbt service 12 455. Miscelaneous... 2170. Emergency ,749 80 Total $32,044 80 EXPENDITURES $1500 7500 . 1955 1500 $12,455 $746 80 $749 80 INDEBTEDNESS Amount of bonded ir.Ji btodntpg $35 '500 Amount of warrant indebtedness 8,715 Tqtal Indebtedness $14,215 Dated this 17th day of September, 1930, Attest: DaJa, M. Corson Ruth B. Mson " Disi. Clerk. Ch.iirman Roard Of Jlrecturs LEXINGTON NEWS Mr, ANAgELLE STRQDTMAN The local grange held its sec oid fall meeting on Saturday evening at which time a large cowd was in attencance and ten candidate received their first second degrees In the order. Following thebusineiiprogtam dancing was enjoyed with refresh me ts servd by the 4 H Club. J. B. Blaes. of Patterson. Wn., it visiting at the bomt of his daughter, Sirs. W. L Blakely. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Broadley have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. 'eo. McMillan, of Cherry ville. Elsie Tucker departed by stage on Saturday for LaGrande where he wilt be a student in the East em Oregon Noamal school for the coming year. J. II. Ginder of Proser, Wash, waialisitor at the home of Mr, and Mis. S S. Sirodtman in T x ington on Wednesday. Mr. Ginder li a long time friend of t he S' root m ins. Teey lived as nei:hto a in P.o-jer, a thriving town in tha Jaople country. Mr. Ginder has bee i routing at the City Meat Mjskct, in Heppner. during the iilness of Prop. Schwarz. H-len Valcntiue left on Satur day to begin hei first year ac the Ut iversity or Oregon. She was accompmied b. Ii-r mother, Mrr. C. W. Valentine and her brother James. Fred Cole accompanied ey Mrs. E M. McKinney and son, oi Mo to, were week end visitors at the O C. Luttetell home on Wil lo Creek. ! Garland Thompson arrivtdcn W Jnesday, f rora McClara, Wash. to i nter ss freshmen, in tbe Lex ington hitrh school. Garland will make his heme with his sitter. Mrs. Elmer Hunt Mr. and Mrs. O. J Cox, are en tertaining Mr, t'cx'i mother, Mrs. Mrs. Suiie Gherkin, of Her m'ston. Speaking of tbe apple country reminds us that we k now a school teacheruptheaewhomadeasma I fortune off of frnlt in one season. .S.ra. E T. Burchell was taken euddenly.il! on Monnay. Accoraj nied by her mother, Mrs. J. G. and Gus UcMill ehe rode to Pen dleton to receive medical atten tion. The doctor thinks her ill ness is due to food which acted as a poison. Mrs. Bnrcheil is now at home slowly improving. John O'Dell of Walla Walla, Wash, made (.is regular visit at the Tnm A Lnm lumber yard on on Thursday last. Lexington high school student boay election nras held on Thurs day. The following students were chosen as officers for the year 1930-31: Fao Gray, President; Vida Bundy, Vica President; Hel en Don rty, Secretary; Ellis May e-, Treaiur, Neva Warner and Mierice Ucaney, Yell Leandrs. Mr. and Mrs Moses Darin ate at home on their Black Horse r.nch afthr an extended wedding in Yellowstone Park. Mrs. Durn before her marriage, ws Mi P. ince, of Junction Lit , Ore. She ii a sister of Mrs. Georg Peck. A Gila monster Is on exhibition in the W. F. Birnett ttore. It was killed by Mrs. Minnie Mc Millnn, whiie on a suay in Ariz on, lastyear. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Miller, up from Salem, are spending some time with their sons.: There will be a practice foo' pall tame between lone and Lex ington on uhe lone field Fridsv, S"Pt. 16 Lexington sportsmen are in the lii I ' each hop ng to bring back his deer. They are Jamei Leach Rostry Gentry, Bill Sanford, rUlphiMcCormick and Lawrence Slccum. CABINET FORM OF STATE GOVERNMENT Further Discussion of Proposed Amendment to Constitution. "The constitutional amendment providing for a cabinet form of government for Oregon woul I also give this state a uepkitmciu of apiculture an agency whic;i coulcr co-operate wiu and make more effective the regulatory a gencies of the U. S. tiepaumei.c of agriculture," ?aya Hector Mac pherbon, chairman oi the joint commission oruadministrative re organization. ' " While some of the state's agri cultural activities are well taken care of under the present boards and commissions system, many are poorly provided for, and others receive no assistance at all, Macpherson points out. The proposed cabinet form of govern ment would give Oregon an ag icultural 'department with a ingle, responsible head, in place oi a cozen, ana would i hmimt a great deal of duplication of traveling deputies, of ttce and of fice hcip, laboratories and labor- tory equipment. Letters received by Chairman .Macpherson from many of the 2i states having agricultural de partments indicate that thev are considered indisDensible. states. E. B. Dorsett, master of the state grange of Pennsylvania. says of the unified department of agriculture in that state that it is "giving better service, is more economical, is easier to make use of, makes the fixing of responsibility easier, and. is more effective as a democratic form of government than the old system of bepaute boards and commis sions." Another letter from II. R. Brush, of Minnesota, say?: "The state grange and subordinates in Minnesota have been heart and soul behind the work of the de partment of agriculture.'' He points out that they get better men who live, up to their obliga tions better under the system of appointment by the governor, and that it is easier to retire of ficials in case they prove ineffi cient. Tif.r CUm'i Klmg of Baa.U To the Cbloaa tb tlr, lot tt Uod, I tbe king of bftitav From childhood the? are tanjht to fear th tlr, and he Is made the bur too tn frighten youngsters. If the ar naughty they are' told that the ' l i hu". (tiger) will catch them, ft per Hgeri ar pasted aver door la China, o that tbe evil spirit. smla$ tha beaat. will fie away. Tb Chines bar great faJtb In tiger bones, claws' and sinews as saed Idne. Sine tb .tiger Is so strong, tbey say, medicine made ot him moat make one strong. TraTtUng saedlcin men with tiger skins stretched on their poles as signboard. rarely wait long for purchasers of their warai Nw fork Times. Fra.aa.Ua' Pr! It wss In 1772 that Benjamin rrsr.'f. lin tried bis band at Journalism for tkg first time, writes Nathan O. Gaodmai In the Raltlmor Sun. Without their being Identified he slipped articles In to the Courant under th nm "Mrs. snenc Dogood." Parading be hind the mask of a shrewd middle aged widow this sltUen-year-old boy curried on a moral and intellectual crusade, Including an attack on "acnl--lars" st Harvard -college, Alrdy Franklin khew how to mix light, amusing ohaerratlons. In serious dls- ; cuaslons without fulling Into burlesque, : ana ne BToiuea Diiierness. . i UM, ! Apt Tkr Few phhises are more apt. than "1)1 tits geese are swaus," which has com down to os through more than 800 year, and, which we understand to practically synonymous with the Una "He is prone to einggerst.? . Like so many other Idioms mw a solid part of our dolljr convertarlon. tbls one wa originally found In a book now considered a classic . It was first used In none other than the funioua VAnutoaiy of Uvlttucholia, by Robert Hurton, over three cefitnrUa lao Ivanam I'll Timsa . i Taaast far UafrtmtaV ' ; Tbim fur lh rall4 iif tliA rurnir " been levied la Kogtaad aistsj 1378,