St 11 VOI.UMH XVIV IONE, OREGON FRIDAY, Aug. 22, 1930. NUMBER 10 FRANK A. LUNDELL IIONORLDONNATALDAY Mr. Frank A Lundcll was hon ( red on his eighty second birthday anniveisaiy laf t Sunday by a sur prl&e patly at tin home of his daughter, Mr. J. K Swanson. The troup was composed of the children, rand children and ureal ((rand children of Mr Lundcll who gathered tocelehratc the cccas'on They enjoyed a bounteous dinmr as well as an afternoon and even intf of pleasant association. Those present were: The honored guest, Mr. Frank Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. 0 K. Undstrom andchildren, Mr and Mrs. b . K Lundell and thil dren. Mr. and Mrs. 0 L. Lundcll and children an J family, Mr. and Mr A. W Lun Jell and children, Mr. and Mis Cleo Drake and son Mr anJ Mrs. Frank Lundcll and son, Mr. snd Mrs. J K Swanson andchildren, Mrs Llmo McMillan and daughter. Ad itional Ktestet were: Mr and Mrs C. W. Swan son, Carlton and Norma Swanson an; Chas M Wagner. Lat- In the evening the guests elepaateel after wishing Mr. Lundell many happy returns of the day. For hunter license sec Bert Mason. PROF. BUKKOUCIISliKUi: Mr. ard Mrs Glenn Burroughs and son, Llc of Kirksville, Mo., arc visiting at the home of Mr. Burroujjk-' .weids, Mr. am Mrs. French Burroughs on Khea Creek. Mr. lUroUfcls is anii-stiuctcrin hUioty at the North Missouri S ate Normal School at Kirksvi le a positioh he lias held for seveia yeaas. His sehtol wot k will reopen Sept 8 lie and hi wife plan on leaving hire a'n-wt Sept 1. MUS. SASGKNT HKKi: Mrs. Cecil Sargtr.t and three smrll children arrived in lone, on Saturda , from Fug. and were over .Sunday giie::. i.s the home t I rs. Kosa Jackson. Mr Sai gent has beui this locality timeout the harvest season and at present Mrs. Sargent is cooking for her Itusbatu's harvest crew tn the Allen Gordon ranch. SEED GRAIN Cleaned, graded and treated. Culbertson 's machines. I'lt.'l Swiinson's iic-Miitn 11- J. C. Culkron. Willows Grange A larne erawd wan ouebt U II. K.C. program, Sulurduv i vi'i.mi,'. All enjoyed the priiKiMin and tin firm dunce follow ink'. Cranio r, don't for't the pro lira 111 un 1 entertainment on ik xt Saturday evening when tne sit ters honor the hrottii ra. AH lunh s ih younger member an well ib married women will be taxed 10 cents to defray expenses, to re member your purees please. All indies are requested to tiring cakes for lunch. Coming events of interest to Iniliaiiori in ail degrees in Set; tember. Moving picluresby the Ch cke-r Board Poutry Company. i'omoua Grange at Khea Cr. k Saturday, Oet. 4. l'lay ( Aunt Jeruisha on the War 1'atli ) and Carnival. North Morrow County Fuir at LJoardman, September liTand 13. Personal Mention Mrs T. If. Crabi!! has received word that last week her daughter Mrs. Karl Wright of Baker, had been removed from the hospital to her home Snr time ago Mrs. Wright fell in such ; wyasto receive a broken leg 7 : re was z minor break just beh.w the knee and a jagged break just above the ank'e, which necessitated the in sertion of a silver plate. Mrs. Wright's recovery has been flow owing to the operation necessary in placing this plate. Flmcr Griffith and daughter Virginia and Katiicrine, returned Monday from a short visit in Fort land. Mr. Kittie Turner, win l:aJ been a guest in the Griffith home for some time, accompanied Mr. A kouiI rain visited the lone SWIMMING SEASON CLOSED hi ctkm Monday niKht and all I ar ... 7-7 ; , ii is mva namiKer cioauei ner swimming season with an ail day swim at. the Heppntr swimming pool, Tuesday. All mothers of Miss Balsiger's pupils, pp.nt the forenoon at the pool, lunched at noon in the park and met again iHt the pool in the afternoon. All (those present hart a pleasant day Miss Ba!iiger's work as a swim minp instructor for the lone jounar folks ha.Oieen greatly op predated. Star Brand shoes at Bristow & Johnson's vent operation wete rotpped If. D. McCurdy has ttone to Omaha with a shipmentofbheep. Mhh Arleta Karrens and hr lit 1 11 sifter. Dorothy returr ed to (one last week after a pleat ant vint in Newbertf, Richard I'eteason of Monument . tvna vicitipir his rm ther, Mis. li'a t'eterfcon.Jon Friday of last w elr. Mrn. Ted Smith left Monday (or Portland where ehe was cal! ee ly tihe deatti of her parent?, Ur. an'l Mrs. G'ant Conway of !eherK, who were ki!!ed in an Automobile incident, Sur daj , n t!ic O.twcxo Wilson vide highway. Friends hen-have received wen! that Mrs. John Cechran recently underwent another op;atii n 1 NORTH IONE IMPROVMENT CLUB Another interestirgmeetirg of. the North lonelmprovment Club was held Friday afernoon, Aug. 8, at the home of Mrs. George Gross who lives just off the new gravelled spur road that leads to Ella. This new road gives the Gross's a very desirable location. At the Friday meeting the club rules were revised and discussed. Brin was enjoyed and t numor 0; .Hpriir? was given by Mrs. D in 1; er. Refreshments of Continued on Pg. 4 by the Ladies Auxiliary. finished hai vesting that dav and M! vrtiir ki.r I 1 I tin r. a V f A u U U'flllM I.C.iil BliLi'.' iuss visiter in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sa-ent and children of Kinzua, am Air?, Clarra Cawrse of Crabtree, Ure , were week end guesttin the-home of Mrs. Kosa Jackson. Mrs CiAne is aster of.Ct-cil and Fiovd Snr gent. - Jurior Mason had a toni: ptr alion the middle of the week. lie is recovering nicely. SUPERIOR The Drill tnat does Use BIG JOBS easier, faster and more accurately ' V. G. Balder for the l'j.'U crop. Mrs. Alice Wiles is at hone . r . . . a . il weeks cooking on the Hartv Yar M Mr. and Mrn. X M. Morgan ol of The Dalles frcnt ore t iiihl I est week v illi iluir daughter, Mr. A. A. Un lei hill. Mr. tn I M"9. Culver Ward and -nail daughter, from Tenneeee, II. C, Mnrrny andlterrvl Murray of Walla Walla Walla visited briefly last we k at the Karl Mur ry homenoithot' i:ne Mr, Ward i a sister of H. C. and Farl Mur rav. Darry Looereran left the middle of last week lor The Dalles where hi has carpenter work to do Mrs 7,vna Kennedy who was vUitina friend here, departed last week for Milton where t will visit with her lister before rturring to her school work at Aberdeen, Washington. Mrs. Ken nedy made the trip as far as Fend leton in company with MrB. C. W. Swanson, Norma Swajison Mrs. Frank Lundell and Mrs. Frai k Engelman. Mr and Mrs. Seymour Wilson and son F a ci fo Huntington He toll, California, are visiting fr lends ani relative? at Morgan. Mr Wilson is a'so looking after his ranch interests in Morrow Count) See Bristow and Jolmson,s Saturday an Monday Specials. R. ROSIGOn , ALL KLUb$ OF HIGH X CM WW. MA T v. CHINE WORK?" CAREFULLY t 0 it; Vi it ' tf. U o a: to DONE. Motors reground Bearings poured re and fitted to Cgrcumd shafts MACHINE SHOP nell ranch. ' 1 1 EITNER C LEAN ER S As j'ood u'ork on ladies' ap parel as on men's clothing and Quicker Service than cisuhcre. Griffith to Forlland, from thtrc'h . jj beinjt cred foi i:i a going to Forest Grove. I hospital and at last reports was Mrs Leona Withers of The recovetir.g nicely. Dalles was here last week looking Fred Hood of Hillsboro wari in after her wheat harvest. Mrs. Wi.Icme last Friday on business eon thers owns the land being fanned nected with ths Fannie 0. Rood by BerganLcdbctter. estate. CECIL NEWS ITEMS George Kitctiie ol rorllan l was vv. r. lioney andsonjuim h. iu town on business the first i f the Honey of Gresham ate but-ir.ess Mrs. George KretS am) Ctlil-I iUifnr- in tnno nvor Ih wik drtn, Mancell amtMarjoii went Thwc wiU be a dance Saturday end. 10 to Forliaod, V'eoneidaV, re Lht, August 23, in Legion Hall; lW foreman and crew from turning home on Saturday. Wide unjcr the anspiees of the Ameri-the Mirk Weatherford ranches in the city, Mance l had his 1-)',, Legion of lone Music by vW was in town on Thuisday of last reined with glares bo mat Donj Knghts, and supper served ! we. k. They stated that they had ai'I ttu ready to atari pchuui. Mr. Uutn-ck re-turred home on WeJnieday after tpendii g the paH tew weeks in the IVhCielon country where he t.e ped in li e wheat l.arvett. Kay Dar.and tpent the week tr.d as the guest ol Roland lu beck, cominuout with Mr. Hubeck aulurday evthing. Mntn Suane acccuipariifd iiis brothers lo Wu la Wuiitbau.iuay to i)j ai the bt'UbiOe of then nu.ili er, wlio u seriously ill ul u boa pittai in that eity. Mr. Kiu.x, lormerly of Aid ktun. h. a cuie of the Call) herd doting Mr. Shane's absence. 0. L. Lundell and pot s hav beer. euv this wee''l rebuilding b.tJ.o u.. llu-lu mt ranch I tity found the-job lei. ly big as i:e tiniuirs bed lo te placed under the decking. Mrs. Rett Wamn and li ce, ,0 JianS.U i-'t F.'v at the 11. 1'. lUveikost home on I Sunuay. theoccafton being young ft I'e ic's turthduy. Mr. and Mis. John Iluneek made a trip to Uoatdman, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Lundell and tot s were memberi1 ot n fem ily reunion in lone, Sunday, tbe occasion bi-iiip Grandpa Lundi li'i 82nd birihoay. Thirty four rela tiets maU' merry till a late hoot all wishing Mr Lundell many more birthdays. FOR SALE A Parlor Organ. If interested, call em or wrde to Mrs Fd Kel M.Q ler, lone, Oregon. f j Mrs Duii-y D. Daley, diaighter l(l ! O 4 1 1 SHIP YOUR CREAM TO MORROW CO. CREAMERY CO. Thirteen Years on the Job. We Are the Cause of Your Getting BETTER PRICES i Morrow Co. Creamery Co. V . C. Cox, Manager. --e ifw-,-4, '", wiw. w:, . j a. I a Vegetables A-Plenty Big, tender beets, carrots.bnge, grem oi iors; cuenmhers. green bears, parjr.ips squashes, etc., Cool ingA Whs. Everything fresh from thei iJ the earth here Also for sale Ohio Improved Chester White pigs, from regis tered stock, a good deal cheaper than sending away for them. At the Windsor Castle K.-nch down the highmay i mile below the Klcvator i)P ()p- ) PERFECT CONFIDENCE To always serve those who call upon us to the best of our ability, and to make each service a stepping stone toward their Perfect confidence is the desire and constant endeavor ol our or ganization. Phelps Funeral Home CAY AND NIGHT PHONE 1332 nrr for am. orrA.;io'; MATERNITY HOME , Mrs.FreJ Ritchieanuui:ei that slis will rzziiii maternity! f leases at her home on Second St., lone or, if desired, will oj out on such cases. l'ri;csai ol air. and JM 1 8. Wiluam isexion, o i . . .j . .. , ... . i. i .. i . .. i !Mi uepiirieu iupi wren uh ner imine in Los AiiKelea after ppeudinr a pleasant month's vacation with relatives in Oregon. As Mis. Da ley arrived nhe was net at At linuton by Mr.". Sexton and the i two ladies went on to Pi nil 1? City wheie Mra. Sexton's other ehii dren live. Later they etme lo lone and from here Mis. DuW y took htr departure. Mrs. James Lindsay yf Port land wan a week end visitor in the Carl Harlow home on Third Street. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Tajni ani bjii Paul of Hillsboro wete week e id visitors at the home ol Mr-, Payne's parents, Mr. and Mr8. V, K. HarbiHon at MorRan. A Cook with Cas. See Bert Mason. right. ! i ivi 1 tl i1 Nice New of Ladies Ready to Wear Dresses at Bristow & Johnson lone - Oregon FOR Package Drugs Household Remedies Rouges, Face Powder and Creams, Lip Sticks and Other Si) ,h I PREPARATIONS Call On BERT MASON IONE - ORFGON i