IVhrtshcd Every Friday by Y. V. k Editor ruLli-h -r. SUBSCRIPTION One Year Sl.'iO Six Months 0.75 Three Months , 0.,'u) Entered as second Class matu at (he postofuVe at lone, Oregon, under act of March .'I, IS, 9. Friday, Aug. 8. 1930 Polo of Ej:trri Or'nin Polo oiitfinnted In Persia, spreitdiiv fiitm there through Turskesnin ami Tibet to India, wlierv It rkon nn hy Prltlsh cnvnlry otllccrs.' It Iwnme i popular sport In England about 1873 i It J'wu think there is not nneui-l I ploymoiit Just ook Lf' i at these K Hat Rolf FT courses and see the amount of people out of work. Its wonderful ex ercise. You stand 0:1 your foot for hours watchltiR somebody else putt. Us just the old fashioned pool hall moved outdoors but with no thalrs around the wall. SSI' NOTICE Notick Is Heret.v liivn that h G. Frank, lein the leyal own- CluffV rr 01 SIX lots in HIOCK 5, Lexington News P"n.1i"ir the I u ma on at Slier !!.. n , ,. ' " .mm', uiriinn, ,WT 10 f" '' Hill .M.p from lVtlM.dinirWnrW , Oregon, adjacent to McGee St. ',,, .r.nr ..... ;.. ...... .. .1...- Iw Uork 1 - u v 1 v a 1 ' n n v 1 1 1 1 ii 1 u r- & Clark & Linn Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa per Hanging ami General Ke 2 'BOGM BEVERLY HILLS.-Well all I know li just what I read Id the fa peri, and what I hear over the Radio during the various tooth paste hours. I tell you It's a lucky thing for us that people's . teeth are In such bad shape or we j never would get r.uy amusement at all. j In the old days when we did nothing with our teeth till we died off. why we 1 ' had no amusement at all We couldent turn a dial and get our favorites Amos and Andy. Tooth paste has been re sponsible for more good laughs than fiarnums Circus has, and you can use the wrong kind too. According to the announcers, there Is various kinds that cause decay, while their kind brings on added growth, so you got to e mighty careful. Course the best thing In the world In the old days was to chew on a tough piece of steak, or kinder gnaw on and around a bone. But nowadays on ac count of having to buy so much tooth raste why It dont lea.e enough to get the steak to whiten and toughen the teeth. A good old rump ateak would give your teeth more exercise and build up a foundation than a steel tooth brush would. But these lettuce sandwitches Just ' imt offer much resistence to the old Molars and they dont ret much exer cise on them. .Malted Milk over a soda fnitrfnln .not .t1i tt - i , , . , You dont hear so much of prohibition lately. Just drinklns for the novelty of the thing has about wore oh, and the ones that really like It and decided to adopt it seriously have Just settled j down to steady drlnkln? and arc keep ing pretty quiet about it, ( MoNauaM S.iklicau. toe) ill it on the 1-it Uy of July, H);U) Tile with Hie Common Council ot the City of lone, Oregon, his pe tition, asking for the vncHtion of that portion of McGee Street lv mir and being- between.the north erly extetension of the western VV 0. Hill. Wart houses are being regularly visited by state uruin men A. II. Ilanna, gathered samples on I .Monday nad 0. W. Wright made; inspection on Friday. Mr. and Mrn. 0. J. Cox re t n BARBARA KH ti Hi: JUrbarn Ann Ultchie, lot g a rnioVnr. of lone, pNHxei awny at the home of her dHUghtei In 1'ittland AniHiHt ft, mid w hh Snir l ied in I he I. 0 0. CHia tety at Ulif on thtjvSlh. A mulu Mitend el mitic will heuiven next wnk. ione, Oregon. 'oi run IP- win heuiven next wnl x boundary linen of of G Streetand' 7: nn ",,H' tox Kretn II Street in tre Additon .nd Citv ' jTr,a,n,n. "r R,,d Mr9' I)eivi" above (hwratd. "M aad thte l,' Longview ! VVashington. That by order of the Common Council tf said citv duly made' Siinday' ball gome at Ileppner and tnteied herein, Tuesday, ttt resulted in a Ltx ngton victory. 5th GRANGE CALENDAR FOR AUGUST day of August, 1U30. at thelThe boy8 madeniostof th ir rtintil hourofS.tOo'plctk p. m, atlhe' . ,"5l""m,,lina ci.meon 1 " lf IK at n . a... a! IP . . 1 m . ... . " mi " i ur r ut id 10 BIX, Council Chamber in said city, 's A return game will be cahe on I'ltlii nn t nlana eat tnr Itin i . .... u ui mmiii iiciiunn r n n oniuniiAna; AUj Itt.Ah .Cat Kic.S Ranch thttretrt if nv t I ' K C-(ft. F.H pti.lon 1, ,n. , m. in' PROFESSIONAL Ii.'ir.HUJ A.lmisslon ) 0f(iw 0f u, Ci.y l!ordrof the:J CARDS Aus M-Criss-syjntntoialnlcitr 01 n., K u.m-ject to: Craw B,o,.,c,S. . tim, !i JR. j, l CALLAWAY , Dited at hinp. Orr-yon. this 1 t star Mrnnd shoe: at day of J i v. i:C). Briitow & John;.on's j W. W. HEAD . 4 5 Citu kcrvrJer it it Osteopathic Physician Gilman Uuilding I'hvnt .v.l lUbpntt, Ortgoa t IENGINEERING EFFICIENCY MAKES ELECTRICITY ECONOMICAL t V X t I ; X X JACK FERRIS : Dermatician : it pays to look well. "Specialist in Bobs' STRAUSS & co: Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks I It will pay you to see him before ou t J sell your wheat. a. Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, Oregon 4 Your electric service brandies out in all directions. X J A fine balance must be maintained to assure that vou Jand your neighbor may each enjoy its countless advan-j tages equally. Truly the democracy of electricity typifies this threat nation. Like fivcaom oi'on. ; t i wwut ma cu u uiua-tu j "I , 11 i.- vt ...rr as tar as the teeth Is concerned. Th!s ' f K n.rKkf,. a ti 1.1. V.riar routed by Ckt.il. Is another i j'y axailab to all, ready to IV- UiC J as C,Cll fcmiiy Or ill- National dish that dont offer much dividual wishes to USC it! Your every waking anJ sleeping hour is influenced di- rectly or indirectly by electricity. Xoihing has done 5o wuch to bring this about as it; low cost. WHcicnt en-i n 1 nurrrij VVHhK I T.. i J ATTORNEY AT l law. I t IONE CASH MARKET First National Hank UIJii. Heppner, Oregon Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats, Butter and Kggs. 71 ll i JV U A physical resistance to the eve teeth In fact as far as the old Tusks are concerned there Is really no reason for owning them. An old toothless man or woman Is not tn-convenienced In the least with our modern type of food. There is nothing that comes in cans that we. cant bulldos with ease and confort. Our more rough type of food nowadays Is a ham sandwich, and the Boys that slice It fix It so that the teeth have r.o funcUon to perform in its digestion. Most of our up to data food Is ly absorptutlon. It melts in your mouth. J when the oil Tooth brush gets a crack at the teeth its about the only thing they hate encountered since babyhood. You have to brush em for they have had nothing rub up against em lately. A Wolf has the 1 best looking teeth 1 In the world. Thev ! are filwav u-hitn ! Even the announcer wont tell you that there is film forms over thc:n. But on the other band look what the old Coyote misses. He never did hear about Madam Queen, he dont know the King fish from a Setter Pup. He has nothing to console his lontiy hours only chewing on some competi tor. He has the whitest teet:.. ;.ut l,e is not informed (,3 how nn:iv tim-s a day the little Paby Wolves' r.hosild grab a tube of "..v.ver TarniLL" n-d scrape the wlr'l -1 teeth. I !,!. ft, . . ... . ... tuuuifjr uau BUUtj tor a t solid mouth, there is no telling wl-.r.t would become of people's teeth. everything Is sorter drifting to tie I sanitary anyhow. In the old davs ! v.'hen we wa?ent so sanitary, why ; wire strong enough to withstand all i the germs. But nowadays we have to I te careful of the Microbes for If thf y ! get a hold on us we ore gone. We are not physically able to withstand i-,. j In the old days a many a$ wanted ; to could drluk out of one cup, and the i lust one would just shake hla head und swallow down Miko Kobles just as f:;t : as they would acumlbte. But n,,..vii. 1 old individual cup wont go for over ono sitting, or It will knock the second In dividual right Into the Infested class. The old fanhIoned Goard that the v. holi fumily drank out of from birth till death, would kill off mora of the mod ern population than a war. We just aint built to stand the assuMs and bat-t'-'i'iua ot an unvrappc:i-in-p:pfr ron lalnm. But while wo have JoU In strength and endurance we have gained In amusement and Instruction. For there is not an hour of cay day. that some one on the Air doi:t I.cep us warned of what lies in wait for us in case we dont use their rem..:;-. There Is Just more different things that can happen m than there used to be. When You YWt HfnprK' llit At The "Klkhorn Restaurant" CoodMcals Bestof Sen ice Lunch Counter T T ' a vW IJUIIVI tilIU tvja. t J Wc Buy Cream for Swift & Company. X Why nut S-i Your C.v.iiu in Your Ihmc Town? I Heal Estate Insurance Peterson Brothers neers strive at all times to make that cost to you even l wer- with higher siandirds, if that be possible. I A.D. McMBRDO, H.D. Physician And Surgeon it t 1 X i Oftice In Masonic Building I Pacific Power and 1 Light Company j "A ways at your Service" 4 1 X Trained Nurse Ikppner, Assistant Oregon I A. B. GRAY M. D. T ni. c o . 1 iiyMUtin oi aurgeon Ileppner - Or.'jji Classes Filled GOODYEAR TIRES have all thf t,d qnalitties, Materials, Workmanship, And R'rjht Price. A Ajr ir im iiti .... .. Ka z u 1 u 1 ran - ' . 1 , 1 ni ni 1 1 mm mm 1 I. i X Ml t m 1 For Automobile Service & Accessories go to INDEPENDENl GARAGE one Ore. -f::L- -m rifiiiiiiiiTi 1 F. H. ROBINSON Attorney & Counselor At Law Will I'nicil.T In All Th.. Court IONE OREGON I Dr.J.H. McCrady Dentist X-Ray DIAGNOSIS Office; Odd Fellows Bld'g. I Heppner Oregon J.O.PETERSON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. Dr. C. W. Barr DENTIST Phone M 1012 fil'm.!., Blifg. I leppner, Ore. Evenings and Sunuvahy jiuititniesir. lone Independent JOB PRINT : ?! , 1 ; V ! U IONE BLACKSMITH SHOP" We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the instillation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. f vvJ' .... ;l 3 !lttltr.tt.f-.-......... . . ti 4444444t4 1 til ,ll Hotel I one cater to the patronage of those who 4 t"v tt , wish first class accommodations. Cole Smith, Manager. . M-a,a.4 Ma tfH WWWHMttMt44 A A . V4a.44 , .t44m4 Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER j'LOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS .MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AEKMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINOWA WAOONS. Bajtesd Mule Tractor PAUL gTbALSIGER" lone, 'Oregon 1