0 OUR COMIC SECTION yggfc ic. MV NWlft W TftERE VOJLP i AfttS ITE IN THE, . APARTAW ' u--. FINNEY OF THE FORCE Awn mq JUST CAMS TO AKlO ThEkC PUNW JOKE I m am' TAKE WAT JCKf IU BET HE'D PAY A PfitTTV FEMMV FO A JOKE LIKE JMAT ! Vi THE FEATHERHEADS The Oi' Bluff N0U1 TO OOT - f FAKJNV AKlO HER L NTLlECTOAt rw ,i i I l lf.TK.Tn Ill II' I V I I I IH'I hmrwm mm WMtara Ktwipaparratoa Te Home Censor piwmf - v rr mm!... why ME LIKE TTl f . . . At SELL IT IO AL FLO IT WA5 fcM FUt IT tnj Ml- " - - NrAT - 1 Y akV A H fc Y! T?7 1 WAM BOGUS AlQS I I S V VWV.KUxf- Tl - ThiE TUX i - ra V Snoop Won't Be Kidded taXiTYK. .l I . -Ok V -crrn 7- IWJW py NkXI 3rwwi7 -. J MSI I I LA .I'M If WWW. , liiiijiini' ' aLr.L.,.....-,:'' r r - 1 4. r ukuvi tw ,so6-x'MGoiwa LITTLE ME6T1MG OP LEAGUE ...IH FACT. I AM MAKE AM ADUe Community's Big Talk, to Avoid Deterioration There li line element of enthusl- aim In creating greatness, which tor. frequently full in defending and maintaining greatness achieved, sayi a writer In the Detroit News. Tin principle work la the simplex) phas of com in unity life. The young couple with all-absorbing real toll to complete the new house nod view wltb btiKC content iti varnished floors and newly decorated walls and well fenced gar den. Hut too easily they slip Into the re I ii led mood with the sense of an objective reached. The varnish marl ine walls soli, the garden fence Is broken and the owners lose the prldt of poasesslrtn which en me to them lo Die struggle to obtain. Wot dllterenl may be the fate of any civic enter prise however Imposing and costly There ts "upkeep" to be reckoned at an esxentlul with every community un dertaking and the biggest tnult Is tt keep community enthusiasm up to the supporting point. Too often with tremendous entim sliiHin a people bring about change. In their government and establish It Id conformity with high Ideals; then trusting too confidently to the perfect ed machine, forget their obligations How quickly cornea deterioration "Neglect of the city's business bj business men, explains many evils ot which business men often complain, rrltes a critic of civic a.lalrs. The citizen forgets that "Keeping s city great Is a bigger tusk than mak ing It great." Real Estate Investor Must Wait for Profit Ileal estate, like growing thills, re quires a certulo period of time tt mature as an Investment The lengtr of this time varies with the Icx-nthm wltb the development activities In tht surrounding area, and the honesty, tin seriousness of purpose and the flnan clal ability of the developer. While the completion of a new high way or transportation line will gretl accelerate this nuiturlty and thus re dure the logical term for the linest nient, It Is very apt lo be followed by period of reMiM and. In the Ion run, the maturing prorens is prae tlcallv stabilized. It Is much like the forcing of plant life. The harvest may be artmiaii hastened, but at the com of plant vitality, and the plant or tree reiulrf the remainder of the growing season to recover from the exerleiue. Btautify th Horn PUe Many realtor say thai the right kind of planting and gardening mid to- the tlnanclal vulue of property at lease 20 per cent Amateur gurd-ners, however, must be careful to lay their plans skilfully lent the effect be marred and tin value all lost. It I pointed out. The landscape problems of the mniili home owner of course vary greati.t from those of the mun with a largi estate. The latter may go In for formullt) and elaborate effects wtiite f lie wan who has to deal with limited fpacf will Mud bis planting must aerve twofold ruriose: that of being use ful as well hs ornamental Builder Should Leak Ahead Bestrliiloiis providing that lnue in certain arena miifl reacn certain cost level or even be of architectural design harmonious with Its ndiilibo" now control many residential sections throughout the country, but 'here are mnnv n area w ere un uco rr-uii- tlons exist where the entire mutter Is up to the home builder, and where It would pay him to he extra caivrni to see that no mistakes are made lu the improvement he puts on his lot. Deiign Eintil If the garden I to he along formal lines, then there Is a nice little proli lem In ' proportion Itepetlthm. nnl ance, rhythm and accent play their part In the formal design The be holder of a completed garden ma not be conscious of anything run tne beauty of the picture, but the roqulr ments of good design have to he met, if there Is real beauty expressed. Marker on Highway Markers describing historical point of interest for the benellt of tourists are to be erected along Massachusetts highways within a year. One hundred such marker are to be put In place as soon as possible, unit plan call for the erection of HKI or '.fKi more later The markers will be fashioned aftei those now In use throughout Virginia. Home Affect Bodies In order to grow strong capable and stalwart men nnd women. It Is abso lutely necessary for children to have the benellt of good home surrounding and proper home Influences. Healthy Condition Vital Hut few things. If any, contribute to the cultural and rellned tastes of nn Individual more than Inviting and healthy living conditions. Appearance Everything A community s appearance, In flit main, determines property vulue and community vulue. Milk for SolJUrs In the Interests of the agriculture of his country, the Czech soldier will in the future be called upon to fight on milk instead of the traditional Hack coffee of the old Austro-Ilun-gnrlan empire. It Is estimated that the army will drink 7.VIO0 liters of milk a day for breakfast. This meas ure has boon adopted primarily to help the farmer, hut perhnps the sol dier will not object. He will at least know what be Is getting, whereas bis former guexsei at the actual con atltuents of the army coffee varied from dried turnips and mangolds to acorns. It is said to have tatted like all three. FAMILY DOCTOR LEARNED THIS ABOUT CONSTIPATION 7i i-!va ir mmm Dr. Caldwell loved people. Ilia years of practice convinced him many were ruining their health by careless selection of laxatives. He determined to write a harmless prescription which would get at tha cause of constipation, and correct it Today, tlie prescription he wrote In 1585 la the world's most popu lar laxative ! He prescribed a mix ture of herbs and other pure In gredients now known as Dr. Cald well's Fjrup Pepsin, in thousands of cases where bad breath, coated tongue, gas, headaches, biliousness and lack of appetite or energy showed the bowels of men, women and children were sluggish. It proved successful in even the most obstinate cases; old folks liked It for it never gripes; children liked Its pleasant taste. All drug stores today have Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'epsln in bottles. Girl' Mother Favor Golf Slot hers of young school girls In London are favoring golf for their daughters in the hope of keeping them from hockey. Hockey is con demned by many parents because it thickens ankles, damnces teeth, en courages stooping and Is useless In after-life. Many girls In their early 'teens nr taking up go'.f. and at some clubs niother-duunghter con tests are held. Self-Quarrel A man may quarrel with himself alone; that Is, by controverting his better Instincts and knowledge when hrougbt face to face with tempta tion. Channlng. Sweeter Next time a coated tongue, fetid breath, or acrid skin gives evidence of sour stomach try Fhlllips Milk of Magnesia! Get acquainted with this perfect antl-acld that helps the system keep eound and sweet. That every stom ach needs at times. Take it when ever a hearty meal brings any dis comfort Phillips Milk of Magnesia has won medical endorsement. And convinced millions of men and women they didn't have "Indices- Hon." Don't diet, and don't suffer; Jnst remember Phillips Pleasant to take, and always effective. The nnme Phillips is Important; It Identifies the genuine product "Milk of Magnesia" hns been the U. S. registered trade murk of the Charles II. rhilllps Chemical Co. and its predecessor Charles II. Phillips since 1S73. filLLIPS Milk of Magnesia 1 m Mattes L arS ar J P mil itciku r A rVow Exterminator thai Won't kill Uviock, Poultry, Dog; Cai, of vets Babf CMcit K-S Oun bMdbeat the homt.btra of pool try r"d with (twoluU fet fllK (ontain M a41r poleo. K-R O I mad ofSquUl.ae rcommnd4bjrU.S.Dpt.efAcrlcuhara,afidf lh Connabl proctM which Inaurtt mi Kim am rrrnfth.Two cant killed 571 rit at Arkanaae State Farm. Handred af other tettlmonlala. 14 on a Me Bak OaaraatM, Inelat upon K-K-O.th orlflnel Squill exter minator. All pouttrr eanplr. dm, end aeed Storee 7J. Lare alt ((oar time mocri) 100. Direct I (dealer canoot aopplr Ten. K-K 0 Co., BprlngAeld, O. KILLS-RATS-ONLY A Household Remedy For External Ue Only Hartford's Balsam of Myrrh xT rxt far fin MtWj II art nHel Ul tetter. GLY MPLESl ' Naejre'irariifcs-bipiitafeUa I ' roar eomptaiton and paint red roeea i a roar tM. eeUow check. Truly 1 wonderful reeolta louow inorooea ' csloa elceaelrir. Tike auTUDf ' StMIDVtoremlaie t andatmctheaTaareonuiaUreer- f rue Watra the traaafsnmtJo. ' Iry MM laetead of Ben laxative. tii. mit. aarilr ntrtaiie at araiikei. aah Ot rr.EL UKK A mtLlON. TAKK MILL WORKER BENEFITED Picked Up After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veptabla Compound Towanda. Fa. '1 was working In a silk mill and got so tired and rundown I that I weighed only 83 pounds. I was not well enough to do my work. As soon aa I began to take Lydi E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, I be gan to pick up. After bang mar ried for thirteen years, I had a baby boy and the next yosr I had an other bov who now weighs 37 pounds and is healthy as a bear. 1 he egrtable Compound has helped me in a doien wsvs and I hope others will try it too." Mrs. C. B. Johnsok, Webb fctrcet, R. D. r3, Towanda, rennsyivama. Working and Praying Work as if you were t live 100 years, pray as If you wore to die to morrow. Franklin. WELL OR MONEY BACK Vovrr Pile HmttiMl or fee reh;add-ts the Ift'KITTEN ASSURANCE we give In administer. Ing tne IT. I,. J. Lru nmoul Bon-aurgk.-il taethod of treat, meat (Ceed by u exektarechrt Rtmrtabl lucent alio with o ther U eel Hi and Colon e I latent. Seed TODAY far FKkB 100- book slvlna deUlia auS a aj nanuretia 01 icaomoniara. B U LA fx TjmaKwxKrwtmns- wmum RECTAL & COLON CLINIC E2 iawT ot ? p ..ii j aim. Z I tfTTT Tm' Iap Nf fffmm EE YOUR OWN BOSS .earn Hoffman and I'nwin-ilO nreK-tri. ht M'ckini. et.ollliiK ami bUKhvliiiK.NV n( for free lltratur. tit ir r JI AN I'KESSINtl 81 II "Ol. 141 l.aikln at. Kn Pranrlm-o. C'altt PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ReowTee DandmS Slope Hair faUlaJ Impart Color and Beauty to Graf and Faded lltiij ik and SI 00 at DroeewUL linroi Vhfm, j..ritclKnri HI FLORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal f or ttae la connection with I'arker'allsit Balaam. Makcalli h'r aof t and fluffy. 60 wilt by mail or at d (iata. iliacox Chemical Work. PtclwetM,N. Amertnc yalue la all keivy braeda. V hita Leehorae. oulle tt. TverltD 'ten and day-old turkeye. Writ " to. new low price, loo", live Je llvery guaranteed. 20 yean' repu tation yom ealeguard (Jay Todd) QUEEN DATCIIF.RY 2420 lt Ave. - Seatlle, Wash. W. N. U., Portland, No. 22-1930. Safeguard Their Tender Skins by Daily Use of Soap and ill llUCElt Never too young to start using Calicrar.i Seen Sle. fHntnmit We and Me. Teleotn Sle. Pro. orbtore: roMee Dm CtuoilcaJ Oery., Veldea, VtM. J I i i f : .... IlkVJriB