i I SCIATICA? Here It a nover-falling form of relief from datlc paint Tale Dayor Ailrin tnltj and avolJ needless suffering (rorn srlstlra lum bsgo and similar excruciating pains, They do rtillsv; thoy don't do any bsnu, Just make aura It la genuine. t-. .- i .- - - '1. . . . 1 Penally of Succeis It la tlia lurid of tU free uutU yoo become a success, und then you art doomed to address luncheon clubs for the remainder of your life. Ban Francisco Ctiroiilclti. . I . - . 11 For Barbed Wire Cuts Try IIANFORD'S Balsam of Myrrh Al dealer aa eataef4aal to rafaad reef aMeaf tw ate fcn) atna eat eawad. . Mieaourl Philosophy It'i not Hi weather, in where tlifjr live, nor whether they or sick or well, poor or rich, tliat makes people grouchy It's their disposition, Hopkins Joiinuil. ScicntSfii j-eia.' aw"' a. . . FOR CONSTIPATION On the Old Breach Line "la llila truln cur on tlmel" growled (he grouchy passenger. "nli," rcplM tlm conductor, "we licver worry almut It lxlnii on time. We're aiiiUfii'd If Ifa on tlit track." -Slrny Mta. Sweeter Too much to eat too rich diet or too much smoking. Lots of things causa aour Aomuch, tut on a llilntf can correct It quickly. Phil lip! Milk of Magnesia will alkaltntte the acid. Take spoonful of thli pleasant preparation, ; and the lye tern la moo sweetened. Phillips la always rendy to relieve dlitrcaa from overeating; to chock ell acidity; or. neutralize nicotine, remember this for your own com fort; for the snke of thoae around you. Endorsed, by physicians, .but they aps-ays snfj PMIHpi. Don't buy something Vilto and expect the snme results I ' PHIILIPS Milk of Magnesia TIRED WHEN SHE GOT UP Strengthened by . Lydia E. PinkhanVa Vegetable Compound ;.; St. Toiil, Minn.-"I used to b as tired when I (rot up In th6 morning u when I wont to bod. I had faint ing spells and pal filiation. Of course t was my sg.' I rood S Lydin E Pinkham bookjc and sintifld ink ing tho VrgoUbli' Compound threr timo s dny J am now a well woman T I) r e e o f m y nclRhliora know what it did for run so they aro hiking It too. I will write to any woman if Lydift E. I'inkham'a VoKctublo Compound will liilp bnr aa it did mo. ! fool like t young woman now and I thank you." Miw. II. C. JIicnht, 2b0 Tullcr Ave.. Et Paul Minnesota. Ca IW" BIT ' wP I'liP ' K w aaeaia "ai 4 n i 1 1 " rr i niriref MakesIM I 1 1 1 """ OUR GOMIC SECTION Q FINNEY OF THE FORCE ;-ME- THAT IS GOOOl- IT RfALLV 15 1 - '60f1E ADC MAIL-Kit Kl iWO OTUEB5 ARE . I I XTAI J Ikll cTTr.DC.nl...Ht6-Wft XTAI J Ikll cTTr.DC.nl...Ht6-Wft AMO I.W0U6WT IT UP III I II .1 WHY-14AT ABOUT. WDOfl . N I i tT'A see ... S6MG FOLKS CAM PLAV A CCaViET.ArJO PRACTICALLY UNTUOlfcKavUi ,H!' THE FEATHERHEADS High Art FANNY, AN Wfeft FBATTLm T? SHtS GOAE HlGw-HAT, MATS ? ABOOT "ENTOVW Vt WMGS CEAllY I -WWrAAl!-- Sff FIGURES WAT IF SOU CAM IWOSru WHIL&- TUC ACSlHff HC TASTi pJEn;Nf3 TO L!K WE CPSQA AKJO US 1 V; AND 50 ON piZZV FUTURlST AST AKjD Aa "WAT--7 u)HV VOO CAVJ 5WAP TAWGER-tOLOLS A OOT OF AM OPERA WAS fcr"--y X litriC FAT TtlLinl? MflKk 3 EVES AT A TAtU SKiMMV SEE IT WOULU fit The Home Censor DCHT VOU UH' I PSOftf 'COULD SEND TWAT K VJ SCttU)HE&Er.a FINNEY- AMD GET SOME MVSELFL rt? 17 WELL OPECS APE llT5 JUST U6 HEE avi WATCWIN FAMNV CtOO-UOU. SOPQAWEe iHt ihi ! :T. 7 J D -v l Just Chock Full of Jokes 5) rEV Fo Nv, 1HAT& WOT AS GOOD I tjp FiCT.OM !HAT READS 'STftKW nMC Uij6 (life '0 (1 p 1 IT WAS WWWi-- FKFUMDf , i Cpmrnumfe National Movement for Beautifying of Homes Kansas City 1ms had a worthy re minder of the better-homes movement In the exposition thnt was conducted at ConventUn hall. This type of local activity Is being supplemented Increas ingly each year by national ober tnce of s better-homes week. The purpose Is to carry Into every community of the United States, If possible, the goxpel of attructlvenets, comfort, convenience and good order tn home life. This Is effected through co-operation with the schoolx, civic snd other organization loaders. In Mis souri, It Is roported from Jefferson City, more than 150 communities al ready have enllatod In the enterprise for this year. Thnt Is a much largor number than bad become Interested at this time laxt year, wblcb points to growth of the movement. Farm communities, small towns, cities and counties are being organized. - Ileautlflcatlon snd other Improve ment of homes, Inalde end out, the pluntlng of flowers and shrubs, clear ing off vacant lots and removing on slghtllnefls of other kinds all are In cluded In this educational plan. It seems to be the kind of endeavor In which every community of the country could profitably engage. It suggests that the day may come when any city, town or other area that limores such enterprise will become notorious for Its backwardness and Indifference. Kansas City Star. Money Well Spent in Remodeling Old House The cost of modernizing a residence Is low. Only a few hundred dollars may be needed to make a home strict ly up to dute. An Investigation recently made re veals that the average cost of re modeling a house Is about 2,000. This sum covers everything exterior and Interior. The financing of the remodeled house ts taken care of by banks and building and loan associations who are willing to put their money Into such projects for their experience shmva thera that 12,0" 0 Invested tn t.".K) house In creases Its value more than the addl tlon of the expenditure. The house becomes worth 9,000 or $9,000 after remodeling a wise In vestment, as every one will admit. Exchange. Built-Ia Carage In addition to the considerable sav ing given the home builder by the built-in rather than the detached Karaee, the ectlietlc sense Is satisfied by the elimination of that sometimes objectionable little building nt the renr of the yard From the utilitarian standpoint as well as the artistic, the most complete house Is the one which holds within Its wails all the features required for modern living; and with the automobile occupying: so Important a part In our lives, shelter for It should nlso be provided. Gardens, too, occupy an Importunt plnee In the true home, nnd the siiinll suburbm lot cun sometime! Ill afford the square foot of ground occupied by the detached pan-go. The built-in gnrrge.ls apt to be popular with th" garden lover. City Planning Ia:rini A total of nearly 700 centers of varying sixes now have adopted the city-planning Idea. Only about 200 of these have a population of 2.".00( or more. Population of the others ranges down to 1.000 or even less. Communi ties near the large centers have been especially active In this undertaking; but It Is not confined to such areas. In view of such expnnslon. It seems reasonable to export that witliln un other decade the village, town or city that has taken no steps to regulate Its growth In the Interest of attractive ness und general welfare will be about ns backward us the nnt remote rura) communities. Daily Fire Toll A smnll city burned todny-im homes, five schools, five .hurrhes, fif teen hotel buildings, one hospital, four warehouses, six department stores, two theuters, eight public garages, three printing plants, three dry goods stores nnd ninety six farm buildings. That Is the average dally toll taken by fire In the United States. This same destroyer day after day snuffs out twenty-seven IJyes. nine be ing children under ten years of nge. It Is a horrible thing, lire, but Its ruv nges can be controlled. Washington Star. Sla! Trees Important Few features add more P the yard than well pluced shade trees. It la not necessury to plant so many trees that a crowded appearance results but few In proper locations add accent to the landscape nnd an atmosphere of security to the home. Treea may be considered for shnde nst well ns ornu mont and In milking up planting lists, at least one or two should be Included Prosperity's Foundation It Is w Idem ' thnt the home owner has room to regret bis ownership. Once be reaches this state he my then seek other Oeldi of Investment to bis advantage. pipe srlsllko a 'Hot a KLY a old and trusted frier would venture to speak so frankly. A new pipe, of an old one carefully broken la wkK Sif Walter Ralcigbs favorite smoking mixture, change everything. And why snouldn't it? Sir Waiter is mildef and more fragrant. And it Kai the body and flavor found only in the ne$t of Burlcy, skillfully seasoned and blended. Wnat mors could we offer any pipe smoker? Wk4 more could be ask? TUNB IN ' "Hit R.l.lck mn Fidr. to I l:no . m. (Nt Yodr ' d WEAP tMiHM am N. B. C Kid sUrtJJ ZL j. S- . - ra vrx . iv TS 15? and mildit Antique Always in Demand Antique shops have been known from time immemorial. One has boen unearthed among the ruins of an cient PompelL verlW wasasp aiinis m puisome Women Are Always Romirea Tae hie it te be lei mi adnM i You on h e radiant ccmpiexloa t-vd K, cHirm oi TOtnh If TOU ue MARCELLE Fae Powder. MARCELLB rce Powder quick It nucchM xii cotnpltiioe 1 nd brinft out the ewl ctune ttat iwt woir.tn hu. 1 UHni I V Pmr Pnmdmr ih.Vm 1 T jf four ikin ftl Tounget end rou tout Lf A wl' look Tourtrr . ( if Thra Jwofil unit edmire yon end PotHiUr in rsckamitUctndSOcl til ihadctet ail dtalcta. Snd tot f'K litwrai Mmble t eitrf cemUxuHi cKart 1 MARCCLtC LABORATORY C. . !. WNk A CO.. Uuit, II ItM-rVetUe iueancae waa In KiHtCean AiCji, a i t .-i in i i Wbtt Lwborna. Dullat. raarluie jjhane and day -old lutkrra. Writ " lot aw low pricaa. Ioo live de Uvrrf guarantaad. 10 raara' rrpu- talioo rout aaiatuard. (Jay Todd) QUEEN CATCH ItY !42 lit Ave. . SealUe. Waak. BE YOUR OWN BOSS wa&rn Hoffman end PmarH-rltr pr1ns. hat LI. cka.K. aioitln end uaoalln. Write for tret I t- ralur. HOFFMAN PRE.StN(l SfBOilti S4S t.iirkln tit Van Frannaco. CelK, r-.vaivvf-n'Tjj! ' ii iTTtmi'i iiriiwexien Marvel Electric Drooder Heater Cnu be uhkI In ny bot or brooder. Will cere (or I to I'lOThli-ka. Tbemnnt rnnnnmU'l end ;re free hKir drld Prkre CJO ptwipald. 3. O. 1) A-eute Wanted. MARVEL MFO. CO. ' SStLarilnSL ian Francisco, Cat, Take MATURE'! KIMEDI -rv tonight. You'll be "fit , and fins" by morning- tongue clear, headache gone, appetite back, bowels acting , pleasantly, bilious attack forgotten, For constipation, too. Better than S any mere laxative. Al drug f Utt only iSc Male Irut tut tonight FEEL UK 8 A IttUAON. TAKE -- r. a L 111 US? IS I