lli !ft.Mln,ftU flirt tattl THE STORY Mervyn Holt la ena-aa-ed ty a man calling hlmnclt Maiaroft aa a traveling companion. After a ehort tour their put up at tha Woodooclc Inn on Marratdale moor. They meet, casually,- Mra, Elphlnitona and Sheila Merchl aon. Maiaroft tella Holt they ara hia wife and daughter and that hla real name I Merchlson. That night Maiaroir (alia to return to the Inn and hla disappearance la unexplained. Holt meeta Sheila and tella her of Mataroffa duap pearanre. Holt la queatloned by Police Sergeant Xlannera and a reporter, Bownaa. MaiarolTa murdered body la found. Crole, MaiarofT'a lawyer, and May thorne, prtYate detective, arrive. Valuable dlamonda that Maiarott usually carried are misting. A gun, atolen from Musgrave, la found at the acene of the mur ader. Evidence at the Inquest proves Maaaroff wae Merchtson. H.'a will leavea all to Holt Her man Kloop, close friend of Ma larofT, la In London. CHAPTER V I- f . The Diamond World ! We found Mr. Kloop at half past ten, leisurely finishing a lata break fast, a little, dapper, Hebraic looking gentleman. lie appeared to take unusual Inter est In me a we revealed our separate Identities, and. I remembered then pat the details of Maxaroffs will had pome out in Postlethwalte's evidence ft the Inquest, and that newspaper re- ortert had been present "I only arrived In London last ght," he said, as we seated ourselves. M read about Mararoff In the paper. A strange affair, gentlemen I and yet cot so strange as It seems. Uaxaroft was a careless man. lie was too ready sheer thoughtlessness, you know to let people see what he had on him. And he carried things that I should have kept under lock and kjey. However but tell me how did yon find out that I was here?" j''"We found these lettera of yours In MazarofTs rooms at the Hotel Cecil," replied Maythorne, producing the letter case, "and Judging from them that you were a very Intimate friend of bis, I cabled to your address In Cape Town yesterday morning, and received a reply at night that you were here. You have read up the ease. Sir. Kloop V "All that there is in these papers," replied Kloop. "I see the police sus pect some local man a villager of no very good reputation. May be so but I should say, knowing what I do f MaiarofT, that there Is something deeper In the case than a mere vulgar murder and robbery. Now, as I learn from the newspaper accounts that Mr. Holt was MazarofTs companion In his north-country excursion, and with him all the time at this Woodcock Inn, I etiould like to ask Mr. Holt to tell me two or three things questions that occur to me, you know. Did you ever notice anything to make you think that you that is to say, that MazoroCt was being followed tracked V "I can't say that 1 ever did," said L "You never, for Instance, noticed a man, or men, who turned up with some recularlty at the hotels you stayed at?" he suggested. "Well," I answered. T can only tkluk of this that seems to have any thing to do with your suggestion. We stayed a night at Huntingdon our first night I saw MazaroS talking, evidently confidentially, to a man In the smoking room late that night Then, one day at York, I saw him in conversation with the same mun in York station." "You'd know the man agalnT sug gested Kloop. "Oh, yes a young, falr-halred, fresh complexloned man, very smartly dressed," I said. "A man of probably twenty-five, or so." "Were there any other guests than yourselves ot this Woodcock Inn?" In quired Kloop, "Staying there no," I replied. "People came In, though, for lunch people who were motoring north or south." Kloop folded his hands on the table and looked from one to the other cf us. "What Is In my mind," ho fnld. "Is that Mazarofl may have been tracked to this place, caught on that moor by the man who had tracked him, and done to death." "For what he had on him?" sug gested Crole. "That or something like It," an swered Kloop. "I see It's stated In the papers from Mr. Holt's evidence that he probably had a lot of money, and his valuables on him. Hut do you know If he had anything else anything that would make a man re sort to actual murder to gain posses sion of?" "We don't," answered Maythorne. "The fact Is, Mr. Kloop, we came to you hoping that you, as a close friend of his, could throw n lot of light on MazarofT. What, now, was he likely to have on him?" "I will tell you what I know of MiiznrofT. It tnuy do some good but I think the secret of this business will be unearthed only by getting at Maza rod's own doings between the time ho arrived here In London and his mur der at Murrasdule moor." "You have read what was said at the lnipjest about MazarolT being in reality one Andrew Merchlson? Very well do you know If he was Andrew MerchlBon?" Maythorne usked. by J. FLETCHER ISIuitratlonf by IKIWIN MYERS (, by Alfred i W. N. TJ. "I do not" replied Kloop, "But" he added, with a quiet smile, "I dare say he was. In fact I should con clude he was the Andrew Merchlson spoken of at the inquest He was a bit of a mystery man. But I never knew him as anything else than Sallm MazarofT, and he never said a word to me about his antecedents, during the whole time of our friendship. "When he first became known to me, MaiarofT was what you mlnht terra a general trader, or general speculotor In commerce. But of late years, he had given up all that and had turned his attention exclusively to diamonds. When he retired, and when he came to England he had a certain deal, or venture, or speculation on, and I am Inclined to believe that it has more than a little to do with his murder. "Last winter MazarofT got hold of a truly magnificent blue diamond. I have seen the famous Blue Hope MazarofTi stone was finer, both In size and quality. It weighed, fifty-five and a half carats: its color and bril liancy were superb 1 I don't think indeed I am sure It was not seen by anyone but myself In Cape Town; MazarofT sent It oft to England. He " "To whom?" Interrupted Maythorne. "That I do not know," replied Kloop. Maythorne produced the receipt for the registered letter posted at Cape Town and passed it over to him. "Do you think that receipt has any thing to do with the sending?" he asked. "Look at the indorsement on the back in MazarofTs writing." Kloop examined the bit of paper carefully! on both sides, and finally passed it back with a satisfied nod "Oh.no doubt 1" he answered. "That would be about the date. Sent It to the London branch of his bank, to be sure. The Indorsement proves it, too what could be clearer? 'BL D. L Blue Diamond One," of course." "Why, 'Blue Diamond OneT asked Maythorne. "Is there, or was there, a Blue Diamond Two?" Kloop smiled knowingly. "Precisely what I am about to tell you!" he answered. "There was! in the end. And I feel convinced that MazarofT had Blue Diamond Two, and perhaps Blue Diamond One, on him when be was murdered on the moor I After he got hold of that first blue diamond, he developed an almost feverish craze to get a second. I know that he got Blue Diamond One for what yoa call, I believe In your English phrase a mere song. But he was so intent on getting another blue diamond to match It that he told me he was prepared to go to a great length, a big price. In the end he got what he wanted." "Another?" exclaimed Crole. "Another. And equally fine," re plied Kloop. "I don't know, for he wouldn't tell me, what he gave for It But he got it and cot very long be fore he sailed for England." "You saw ltr asked Maythorne. "I saw it yes," assented Kloop. "So I have seen both. I don't think anybody else has. Unless which I suspect MazarofT has shown them here, since his coming. He bad bis eye on buyers In Europe," "Did he mention any particular buy ers?" Inquired May.r.orne. ."He did not But he did tell me that he had a man here, In London, who did things for hlra, and who was In touch with European and American people of high degree that might be Inclined to give a very fancy price for the pair." "And you feel sure that he first sent Blue Diamond One to London, and then brought Blue Diamond Two In his own pocket?" suggested May thorne. "I feel sure of that," said Kloop. "I may say I'm certain of it And since I have learnt these particulars of his sad fate, I have wondered if MazarofT did one of two things, or, perhaps, both? The first did he get talkative on board ship, end show his second blue diamond to fellow passen gers; the second, did he show it here In London, amongst the fraternity?" "The fraternity?" said Crole, "You mean" "I mean Hatton Garden," answered Kloop, with a knowing smile. "Where, as you must know, the greater part of tha diamond transactions of this coun try are carried out. It will surprise me if MazarofT Is not to be heard oi there! Come, gentlemen, I will wnlk along the street with you , , . and we will see!" We made a little procession along Holbnrn; Mr. Kloop and Maythorne In front, Mr. Crole and myself in the rear. Kloop greeted a man whose fine cloth overcoat was ornamented by a luxurious fur collar and his black satin stock by a blazing diamond pin. They were evidently well acquainted and met with much enthusiasm and handshaking after which Kloop drew his man aside. When, a few minutes later, they parted, Kloop came to us, shaking his bond. "That's a man who knows this place from top to bottom and end to end." he remarked. "And he has not heard of MazarofT and his blue diamonds. That Inclines me to a further belief In what I've been thinking all along which Is that M:;arolT Intended, and perhaps had In view a private deul . Knopf, Inc.) Service. with those stones did not intend them to come on the market This Is tha market! and that man knows noth ing. But there are still other moo." After that he dived Into several offices, and spoke to other men whom he met on the street but we got no news of MazarofT. "The fact Is evident," Kloop an Id, as we once more sought the open street "MazarofT has not visited these regions during his stay lu Lon don, I am convinced now that If he showed his blue diamonds here it was lu prlvute." Then, saying that he must now at tend to his own business, Kloop left us. We three went to lunch. "Well, we've got some Information," observed Maythorne as we settled down at a corner table. "We've found out about those diamonds. I figure up the situation In this way : Aiaznroff sent the first Blue Diamond One, as 1 r :i7 mmim "Were There Any Othsr Guests Than Yourselves it This Woodcock Inn?" Inquired Kloop. we'll call it to his London bankers. Now then did he send It for safety, until his coming, or, did he send It that it might be shown to a likely customer? I think, to a likely cus tomerI also think more. In view of that cipher letter. I think that prob ably for some time Armlntrade, then at the Imperial Banking Corporation of South Africa In London, had not only had charge of MazarofTs cor respondence with the bank, but had corresponded privately with MazarofT. I think that Armlntrade took charge of Blue Diamond One till MazarofTs arrival with Blue Diamond Two, and, probably, during the Interval made In quiries for a likely buyer of the pair. "From all I bear of him, MazarofT was an astute man. He probably fig ured that there was a lot of men here In England who, rightly or wrongly, have made vast fortunes out of the war. Such men as we well know wont to set up In great style, or, rather, they do set up In great style. And the men have women there's Lady Midas as well as Sir Gordons. Now what does Lady Midas want diamonds! What Is a fashionable woman without diamonds? Her hair may be false, and her skin as yellow as parchment but she's going to have diamonds glittering In one and on the other. Now I reckon that MazarofT knew all thnt, and that he considered Lady Midas the customer he was look ing for, eh?" "Well no doubt you're not far wrong," laughed Crole. "Now, If you've got Lady Midas' address In your pocket?" "At present," observed Maythorne, Many Republics Before Probably the first government which con be considered republican In form was the ancient Israelltlsh common wealth or republic, which lasted from about 1101 B. C. to 1005 H. C. About three centuries after this the Greek states, of which Athens was chief, set up what gradually came to be demo cratlc republics. Ancient Curthnge nnd Home were for n short period re publics. During the Middle ages many of the free cities of Italy and Germany set up republics. Han Mnrlno in ltuly Is now the oldest ex Ming republic, while Switzerland has exluted as a republic Mnee V-!!)l. Ac cording to an article In the American Cyclopedia, the degree of popular sov ereignty In republics him varied very widely In the past, most of the so called republics having been ruled by Moral Conveyed by Winter The simplicity of winter has a deep moral. The return of nature, after such a career of splendor and prodi gality, to habits so simple and bus tere, Is not lost upon either the head , or the heart Burroughs, In "Touches of Nature." "Lady Midas Is found at a lot of ad dresses. In the uwetlme, there's spado work to be done In another corner." "It strikes me there are several corners," said Crole, "Up to now, we've had no light on that Mombasa, affair. There can be no doubt that Merchlson was on that ship, that ho slipped away from it, leaving his things behind, and got safely ashore to disappear as Merchlson and reap pear as MaiarofT. Now, why?" "I should say because he wonted to cut clear of Mrs. Merchlson, left at home," said Maythorne, dryly, "lie wanted her to think him dead 1 what did it matter as long as ho was alive? But I tell you he wits always a bit of a mystery man, and I'd give a lot tu know where he went, and with whom he talked, and so on, that day after ho and Holt struck the Woodcock. Ho saw somebody that day who gove him some Information about Mrs. Elphln stone and Miss Merchlson he said as much to you, didn't he?" "He did." I admitted. "Well who was that somebody?" he asked. "That somebody who's never come forward?" Mnythoroe laid down his knife and fork, and bent across the table to us. "Suppose," he said, In a whisper, meant to be mysterious and significant "suppose eh? suppose It was bis wife?" This suggestion aeemed to Impress Crole even more than It Impressed me bis mouth opened and he started. But before he could say anything, a young man came threading hi way through the crowded room and made for him. He bent down, handed Crole a card, ond whispered something. Crole looked at the curd nnd towards the door. "Outside? waiting?" he said. "Bring him In here, Holllnson." Rolllnson one of Crole's clerks went off, on ! Crole threw the card on the table for us to look at It was a very neat beautifully engraved card, giving the name anil addn of Mr. Adolf Frobenlus, SOS Bond street, W, and a very neat, spick aud spun gentle man followed It. "Swell Jewelers In Bond street," whispered Crole, as Mr. Frobenlus, ushered by the clerk, made bis way to our corner; "client of mine, and neighbor of mine, too lives near me nt Wimbledon: smnrt man. Hallo, Frobenlus!" be continued as he greeted his visitor. "Ik-lighted yon ran me to earth. Let me Introduce my friends Mr. Maythorne; Mr. Mervyn Holt I dare say" he added, with a sly smile, "you've heard of both, before now." "Of Mr. Maythorne, often," an swered the Jeweler, with a polite bow. "And of Mr. Bolt since I read In the newspapers of the MazarofT affair. Which offalr, Mr. Crole," he continued, seating himself by the solicitor. "Is whnt I have come to see you about." "I thought so," said Crole. "Cm-sued It nt once. We shall be glad of any Information, Did you know Maza rofT?" "I have rend a great deal In the newspapers about this affair. And I came along to see you, Mr. Crole, be cause I am almost sure that not very long ago, under rnther unusual cir cumstances, I met Mr. MazarofT." "Good!" exclaimed Crole. "But you either did or you didn't Why 'almost'?" "Because," answered Frobenlus, "the man whom I met was not Introduced to me by any name. I Just met him. However, he was a notable man ami the description of MazarofT In the pnpers corresponds with my recollec tions. But I will give yon the facts. During the past twelve months or so, I have had business dealings with a Sir Samuel and Lady Loeke. Sir Samuel Is a self-made mnn; to be plain, he mnde a vast fortune as a contractor during the recent war; he Is, I gather, n multi millionaire. About a year ago be bought Lord Mulworthy's house In Park lane. He and Lady Loeke chiefly her ladyship have had exten sive dealings with me in Jewelry ond plnte. Lady Ixielie has bought a good many Jewels from me. (TO DB CONTINUED) That of United States an aristocracy which Jealously gunrd ed Its own rights but treated the mul titude as little better than slaves. "Beal republican government may be snld to date from the American Dec laration of Independence, and even In the United States the government was largely one of class until about the second quarter of the Nineteenth cen tury, when suffrage barriers beg.m to break down." Eliminating Ground Ivy A simple and effective remedy for ground Ivy on lawns has been found. This consists of a single spraying with sodium chlorate, using 1 to 2 ounces per gallon of water, nnd that quantity of solution Is sufficient to cover 100 square feet, providing a pressure sprayer Is used. If applied with a sprinkling enn, a trl rt more notation will be needed, as that method of application Is somewhat wasteful of material. The leaves should be thor oughly covered. The spray can he ap plied any time during the summer or fall. Since the spray discolors the grass for a short time, H l perhaps best to defer application until lute full. COLIC A' cry In the nfcht may be tha first warning that Baby his colic. No cause for alarm i( Castoria Is handy I This pure vegetable prep, ant ion brings o ilck comfort, and can never da tin alightest harm. Always keep a bottle in the house. It is the life and sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether h's the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipations or diarrhea. When tiny tongues aro coated, or the breath it bad. Whenever there's need of gentle regulation. Children lovo the Fills latermitilon An Interiactio Is a song or chorus or a short burlesque, ballet, operetta or the like given between the acts ot a play or opera. AH must be earnest In a world like ours. llorntlus Boiiar. Old bachelors are women'a rights and widowers are women's lefts. Doctor's PRESCRIPTION when system is sluggish; costs nothing to try When your bowels need help, the mildeit thing that will do the work is always the sensible choice. Take a laxative that a family doctor hat used for all sorts of cases of constipation. Dr. Caldwell's Synip Pepsin is so pleasant to the taste, so gentle in its action, it ts given children of tender age and yet it is just as thorough and effective as stronger preparations. Pure senna, and harmles laxative herbs; ingredients that soon start a gentle muscular action. Avoid a coated tongue, bad breath, bilious headaches, etc. Every drug store has Dr. Caldwcll'a famous prescription in big bottles. Or hut urilt Dr. CalJwtWt Syrup Ptftn, Monlictllo, 111, for a frtt trial bottlt. Trees Given Odd Shape by Wandering Indians In ancient days when wandering tribes of Indians made their way from Indiana north to the bunting grounds of Michigan It was their habit, when funning new trails, to bend nnd tie the twigs along the lino of march in such a manner that ns they grew they retained the ahnpe. In to which they we trained by the savages. There are mnny of these trull markers In western Michigan marking the trails of the Pottawa tomles and other tribes thnt mi grated back and forth before the day of the white man. They still live and are mighty oaks and maples. Despite their crook there Is usually a gxd sawing in the straight part above the bend. But they are treasured aa his toric monuments, reminders of the trail blazers who did not have ax-s or did not care to mutilate the tree by cutting. Mother of Five Healthy Children Speak ,7?V Everett, Wash. The" i nrthing so ucilMUl ill imiiiirr hood ss Dr. Pierce's In rS li tion. I amthe mother Ksi.lAl of five as fine, healthy ytCX'chiMren as any one tfrfyrff Of cou'd with for and I S7 if fa U ''ve rnedicine F I'lfj ff great credit, for I U)k I I Ui V it each time and it Mb Iraae km 14 kept me in such good physical condition tlut I was always able to do my own work right up to the but ever lost my strength at any time, I would not think of going thru expectancy without taking this tonic." Mrs. C ll Armstrong, 2811 Victor Place. Fluid or tablets. All dealers. Send 10c to Dr. Tierce's Invalids Ho tel in Buffalo, N. Y, if you want a trial package of Prescription Tablets. eg I ' tarviit iu iv The Funny Mortal Funny mortal I lie lives In a town where It Is commercial suicide to of fend the Local Big Ouy, and yet feels superior to the free man on the farm. Los Angeles Times. Wisdom Is enly found In truth. (joetho. Most secrets nre greatly magni fied In Importance. Free from pimples! Wbat a relief It la to know that your akin can be free of pimples. Anoint it gently with tUTICXItA OIN TMENT, then waali olt in a few minutes with tUTICI KA 80 A P and warm water. A very simple but eaiiafying treatment of pimples The CUTICL'HA Treatment has been used for years In thousands of homes throughout the world. Soap SSa. OfntnMot ISa. and Sua. Talnia ISa. Pr.jj.rif lorn potiar Drag A Caaaalaal Corpora tloa, Maldh Maaa. CASTORIA 19 f4" . .... aril M It... Br.----- MaMkkMsl 9m hm ffm m f (t II - Ho'HAMVfK taste of Castoria, and Its mildness mikes it suitable for the tiniest Infant, and for frequent use. And a more liberal dose, of Castoria is alwavs better for I growing children than some need essly strong medicine meant only for adult use. Genuine Caitoria always hat Chai. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper, Pre scribed by doctors i Feet of Clay We consecrate a great deal of iiaetiAe because It was allowed by great men. There Is none without his foible. liiiiersoii. The wise too Jciilous an', fools too secure. Cotigreve. The world's nil Inn aitd death the Journey end. Pryden. STOUPPftW uurtvt tnWBMSSI.ni1 act Kill Rats Without Poison 4 New Ctrmtniirti' thmi Won't kill IJveefocfc, Poetry, Dog, Cat, or even Baby Chick K Of tx uhi ehoul 0t homt fcera i piul trr f rd wllh absolute iilflf It 'ontalm mm avail HMa. K--0 la ma4e ol Squill. aa raomfnandff4tr U S.Dil bfAgrtc nil at cur. Jff the Connahle pracaaa which Inauraa mailmam alrnih Tw tana a(ll4 f?l Mia at Araanaat Stat farm. HodrJt of othti WMImaniala. tel m Maoey -Lne'4 OuatsnlH. ImM apon K-R O.tha anginal Squill tilfr mlnator. Al eoaltrr eupplr. drug, ene ar6 Slnrtt 7S. Larae alia llaur limit aa mKh 1 100 Dlraat l t.lf cannot ut plf K ft O Ce,SprlngSIS,0 m I i V) rat i $4 mm KILLS-RATS-ONLY I Via i HLetV mm TvTa PAkKLlTS i'fcPi. "AIR BALSAM $ i Wiaamn DailmS M-wHuttaiHn, Vf -l"1 Imparta Color aad 'Tm Ti 0Ht.'ranJf.dHaJr ilV v3mii (Vm . i-.a...w t. rXOKESTON SHAMPOO MaJ If oaa In euniiaetkxi with l'arkrr'aHair Reliant. Makaaihe hair afl and fluffy, tu ranta bf mail or at dm Drue N.5. lata. JllaouilberalcaUWurka.l'alchog'ue, ne WELL OR MONEY BACK Vmir Filet eflmlrurta nr fee rehaadaat-Si (be tVkm fcN ASM JkA NCI! 1 1 In eckninlircr- in tha l)r. C. J. Due) lanvwe HMt-aarakal method of treat, mrnt (l)d br ae eartuetoly) Krmartialile aurcraa alio Slh UitrknttalaajdCuliHialawnlt. Band TODAY Jc fKKK 100 PKa book siring aViate ma r A a.ihunTrueitaitlmnnUU. coKrTafiTic RECT "iiinil tTi ; " TF1, 1! il.ru onrai) runniin ramnrnir n insi Tim is sea a W. N. U., Portland, No. 20-1930. tft." ifl,.; .2 r e YM - i V" BEE ' JlVeVV