4 J0 J VOLUME XVII! 10NE, OREGON FRIDAY, May 30, 1930. t if COMMENCEMENT AT" IONE IIIGHSCh'OOL Dr. Griffin of Reed College Delivers Address Supt. Rodgers Presents ' Eighth Grade Diplomas (The Twenty-second Annual Commencement of lone Ilifih School was held Thursday even InK, May 22, in the school audito rium There were seven mea.bers '' la the .'class of -1930; Mildred Smith, Mary Healy, Bculah Petty; jwlin, Harold Kincadc, Gene Ertfel nun, Keneth Smoiue and Keneth Akers. Keneth Akers completed bis course at Cluislnus time and received hi diploma but wai not present at Comnuncement. Or. L E. Ciiifirt of Reed Col- lege. Portland, delivered the ad dress. The decorations of cut (iuweas. greens and class colors were beautiful. Following is the program: lYocc&sional. Mrs. Clad ys Drake; Invocation. Kev. VV. VV. Head; PiaauDuet, Mildred SmiUt aud Mary Healy; Salutatory, Mil dred Smith; Class History. Mary licaly; diss Poem, llarotd Kin cald; Class Prophecy. Beulah Pet tyjohn; Class Will, Cene Eogel man; V aled ctory, Keneth Smouse ITami solo, Mildred Smith; Ad drs, Dr. E. L Griffin; Presenta tioa of Diplomas, Mrs. Margaret Iliikt; Kenneth Smouse received the scholarshih which is present edeach year to the student mak iug the highest gttde. y '";'" Mrs Lucv Rodgers, the eounty sclwiol superintendent, was pies eat and presented eighth grade d'-kmas to the following named students:Berl Akers. Henry Hat che, Arthur Crawford Alvin Cool, Donald JUIikcr and A frcd Nel son. Principal Earle A. lirown presented certificates of perfect attendance to Walter Corlev. Sibyl Howe!, Eleanor Ruth ul lard, Kossbelle Perry. Eugene Normoylt, Kollo Crawford. Helen Smouse, Miriam Hale, Waiter Brktow Harold Buchanan. Cene va Ptttyjotm and Beulah Petty John. Those who failed la the eighth grade examtntioa may take an eth'r examination June 5 and 6. Personal Mention- , Mr ai.d Mrs. Louis Baliiger motored to the valley WedhesiJiy While Mr. liuUigcr transact bueir.cMln Portland, 11 n. Halnl AT Will visit her parents at New her. Thv expect to return Sat urday. . John Drigtr of Salem Is town. Mr. Dnser is an exprln ted warehouse man an1 ha work d in oar warehouse in previous seasons. ?'" I Gora-e Kly and son, Francis. departtd Wednefdiy or Salem to visit relative. Mrs. Fred Niehcor. is very ill and the first of the week was taken to the Heppner hospital or treatment. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warfield ro turned, Monday, from abuBinm trip tr Peck, Idaho. . , , Charley pvens of Brnd wan - . .... culling- on 'ld fnenda here the flmt of last wees. IU was accorn psm'pir by his wift and step dau ghter, Nellie Larson. MRS. BECKNER . , ENTERTAINS , m ivirf. Lee Heckner md' a a tumptsout chicken dinner at hr plamnt ranch horn, Sunday to the following kueU: ilr. end 0. W. Swanson. Carlton ami ma Swannon and Mrs. Jnntsr Koki of South Bend. Wash.' Ibe iouug people returred to lone to Ionri the afternoon in time for the hall game hut Mr. 'and Mm. Swation and Mr, and M re, Uecknr took a lonp Hv thru the wheat field. Everywhere they found the wt eat in upiendid condition. ... c T. M. Benedict of Lyle, Wash tauten was seen on our streets Tuesday. Star Brand shoes at Bristow & Johnson's dene Corley of Portland is in lone calling on former acquain tancea. Frank Colvin and son, Virgil. are renewing- old friendships in one. The Colvirs ar on home g ound when they are In thii part of the state, I. II RobiiOn, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Kaiph. Harris' mo tored to Portland the first of it w,fek. returning Monday.' Mrs. Feray Baetlemay and youM aonf Maya jrueste at the home of Mrt. Bartlemay'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Mor Iran, , T.il...L U..ii-j i . . .. 'irwuiui nunsro is sperainir a fw days on the Frank Your ranch in Eihtmie. fcleanor and Wallac Bullard I- st Friday of last week for Hood River where they will atay at the home of their aunt, Mra. Frohn. Ordie Farrens and Clair Younjr hnv heen vacatiorinif in he muuntains, The., ball game last Sundry b'.tween lone and Fonsil was a twelve Inning game. Up to the twelfth Inning the ncore was a tie, 1-1. la the twelfth inning - - Ty . ii rrrur K?e ronSJi iwo run and the finial score was 1-3. t; 1 1 .. i .... . . and Akers; for Fossil If uss and King. Sheep Shipments Fred Buchanan has returned from his trip to Montana when' h wnt to help prepare for th arrival of the Krebi Brothets h"ep. He reporba phnt of feed on the nnw graiing lands. Tom Btimer sufiered a heavy Iuk in hipping his sheep. Abnt three fundred'died from cold while entusing tha mountains. Krt-bs Brother and Minor lost hut one ee and three lambs. NIMBER50 7- i ...... 4 w. - Laxton Mc Murray, Blaih Black well and Wa.ter Kubanks rre in Urppner this week on Grand Jury duty. Miss Mildred Smith went to I'ho Dallea this week to attend hitfh school commencement at thatplace. Her cousin. Misa Irene Hoh is one of the graduate. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey-Holstein cow. Gives four gallons of. miik per day with a test 4i. AIsoTB tested. T. C. Trofie, lone, Oregon. LOST Somewhere between the Murray ranch and lone, one 18 foot log chain. Finuer please notify Jim Warfield, lone, Oregon. Hazel feldman (OR.LLlS,ORE,May30 li zd Oiral FelOnun of rn'tive hr ceMie? lien) Ocejion Sute C'oileu at the hi ii i.ijtt at.i.lial cuiiiiiici.tcnicfit xuii,'g hu e Jun 2. A tot4l of i6d studenlH wiil i.e fc-ttarci'd aegrtes by Trtsioent V, J, Kvrr in the lOiStnttt gran tug schoola. The school of com rc leads with 10y graduatis, itr the school of eoinnetrrinit duating D2 in four dfcparlmetl h. iuurial arts 12, civil eiigmeer It d 24, electrical engineering 27, aid mechanical engineering 29. 1 Ii ime econoraicf foilowa with 77 Vuvational eCncatioti 08, agricul ture 39, pharmacy 30, forebtry 21, chemical engineering 18,and toiuing engineering 7. Twenty fUht Kraduate Btudents w.ll ie Ci ivf master's degrees. Mis Feldman will be awarded i. pharmacentical chemistry. tut has deen prominent in ac 'vit ea'during her course here, 'wk been a member of the Sophomore Cotillion and Sonbo mure Insignia committeea. She is a netnber of Rtw Chi, nstionoi! honor fraternity in pharmacy, the Pharmaceutical association and has been president and sec retary of the Teminid society or members of the Eastern Star SMe is alao a member of the Wo t SHIP YOUR CREAM TO MORROW CO. CREAMERY CO. Tliirteen Years cn the Job. We Are the Cause of Your Getting - BETTER PRICES Morrow Co. Creamery Co. W. C. COI, Manae'rr. ' m... MEMORIAL DAY FLOWERS For beautiful and fragrant flower for tbk or otber oalon. xrndui your order. A wide variety of both cut and potted f kmen offer you an opportunity to obtain Just what you want Phelps Funeral Home CAY AND NIGHT PHONE 1332 ""'If ttHIMIIl BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME r WITH BRIGHT COLORED SHINGLES (right over the old ones) or A COAT OF NEW PAINT MAKE IT A HOME YOU WILL BE PROUD OF Mel ovj the materials at the right prices. Cook with Cas. ee Bert Mason. I ,i Removal Sale Bullard's Road Oil Remover 75c. Bottlesor 55ct. ',, Another Cut in Wright's Liquid Smoke , $125for90cL Squibb's Mineral Oil $.00Jor55ct. Dandelion Brand Butter Coloring V 35ct Bottle for 25ct 1 25ct Ink Tablets for 15ct; 15ct Tablets for lOct; lOct Tablets for Sets. P-st Cards of lam Uatvest ttc.t formerly Bet, now 3 Jor 5 Many OtheiBargains at Bullard's Pharmacy '4 l R. RODISON - a I ALL KINDS X OF HIGH til 2 r.RAnp MA. lO I ILU f CHINE work:5 X CAREFULLY ts done. i Motors rcground Bearings poured:: m land fitted to re t tground shafts X 444 rf MACHINE shod itian auueuc aaaueiiti on fttifi itaa j. h " bn on the co-ed hockey, dasketif HeVmerPlanmaMill&lAimhorVnvJ t miX ' ' . J "wv M s f 1 ball and rifle ttama. She a mom btrof Kappa Delta aocial ity. As a graduate of Orepon State Collie Bchool of pharmacv Miss Fthrnan will be well prepared to etitt-r her chosen lUld. The institution anks as one cf tl t foremost state colleges in the couoirv both in the reputation ol its jtracuutt'8 and in the i.um ber of students. The course in Pharmacy prepares both lor ihe practice of Pharmacy in the drug business and for scientific fields Continued on last I'fi. i Phnno 7 797 It 4 HHHHW4WWffmfWftM M I M M 14 w: Removal Sale at Bullard's Pharmacy. Inves.lgate for your- You have had rain andyou will have weeds. Nice New Line of Ladies Ready to Wear Dresses at Bristow & Johnson lone Oregon PREPARE FOR THEM By buying a CHENEY Rotary Rod WEEDER If you have a Cheeney weeder. I can supply you with all repair parts. GET READY NOW. MASON 1 lone, Oregon. i I wmt4t4t