The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 23, 1930, Image 2

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An Ailing
Illustrations by IRWIN MYERS
Sj W. N. U. Strrlc
MtMr Of.
Mrvyn Holt la rttgA by a
nig calling; hlmsair Mataroff as
traveling companion. After
hort tour thsy put up at th
Woodcock Inn on Marrasdal
tnoor. They meet, casually, Mra.
Elphlnston and Sheila Merchl
oa. Masaroff tells Holt they are
hie wife and daughter and that
hie real name la Merchlson. That
night Maiaroff falle to return to
the Inn and hie disappearance Is
unexplained. Holt meet Sheila
and tells her of Masaroff'a disap
pearance. They go to her cousin'
(Verner Courthope) hooting boi
hoping to find lomi word of Ma
iaroff. There they meet Mr.
Armlntrade and Poctor Kccle
share. Holt Is questioned by Po
lice Serreant Manner and a re
porter, Cownaa. Masaroff mur
dered body I found. Crole, Ma
saroffs lawyer, and Maythorne.
private detective, arrive. Valu
able diamonds that Masaroff usu
ally carried are missing. Mrs.
Elphlnstone scoffs at the tden
that Masaroff I Merchlson and
produces apparent proofs of his
death. A gun, stolen from Mus
grave. Is found at the scene of
the murder. Evidence at the In
quest prove Masaroff was Mer
chlson. Hi will leave all to
CHAPTER IV Continued
"You and the deceased gentleman
were very close friends, I think?" he
Mid quietly. "Such close friends that
he leave you all his money a vast
fortune: and appoints you sole ex
ecutor of his last will and testament
and yet never even mentions the mat
ter of bis good intentions and your
extraordinary luck to you!" he said,
w ith what was almost a sneer. "You're
aure about your memory?"
Tm sure of something else than
my memory!" I retorted hotly. "I
know nothing whatever about Masa
rofTs will, I never knew he'd made
one. And I'm Terr sure that if his
will is found, and I have to handle his i
money, I shall Just transfer It to whom
It belongs to his widow and daugh
ter." But Crole ha8 got a band on ray
arm by that time, and was dragging
at me.
"Sit down. Holt, you dd young
afs!" be muttered strenuously. "Sit
down! leave this to me." He, too,
got on bis legs his voice sounded
suave and placatory ts he turned to
the coroner.
"I think, sir, that this has scarcely
anything to do with the object of this
inquiry. I suggest that the inquest
be adjourned until "
- "I'm about to do that," broke In the
coroner. "During the next few days,
more light will doubtless be thrown on
all these matters." He turned to the
open-mouthed Jurymen. "This day
fortnight, gentlemen, and In the mean
time "
I paid no heed to the coroner's
platitudes about keeping open minds
my own mind was in a whirl of in
dignation against Mrs. Elplrlnstone's
solicitor. But when I turned in her
direction, I saw that Mrs. Elphln
stone herself had crossed over from
her seat and was talking earnestly to
hlra. Presently he came up to me,
with a half-amused, half-ingratiating
"You're a bit hot-tempered, Mr.
Holt," be said. "Come, come! I was
only speaking professionally, you
know professional manners, after all,
"Confoundedly offensive, sir, If that's
a specimen of them!" I retorted.
"You were Inferring that"
"Now, now, I wasn't Inferring any
thing !" he Interrupted soothingly. "I've
the Interest of my client to consider.
I say again, Its an odd thing that
Mararoff or Merchlson didn't mention
his will to you. But the whole thing's
odd," he went on, looking round, "and
what I suggest is that we leal gentle
men and the parties concerned Just
have a talk, If we can find a place
to talk in."
I took them Into the private sitting
room which Mnr-aroff and I hud char
tered and I still retained the three
solicitors, Mr. and Mrs. Elphlnstone,
and Sheila. The solicitors did most of
the talking that followed: it was all
about the chances of recovering the
missing will and the possibilities of
settling up the original draft which
was wholly In Mazaroff' handwriting
and also bore his signature If no re
covery was made. The discussion
didn't Interest me: I resolved, after
what I had heard, that I should never
touch one penny of the dead man's
Suddenly Crole smote the table at
which he was sitting. "Who mur
dered this man?" he exclaimed, with
emphasis, "That's the question I Who
murdered him, and why? He was a
man of mystery, evidently. And as
I've asked before was he murdered
as Mazaroff, or as Merchlson? 1 think
we may have to go buck perhaps a
long way. I!ut It seems to me that the
murder must be cleared up as a start."
Just then Maythorne came In, clos
ing the door behind him.
"Gathered anything?" asked Crole.
"Well something," answered May
thorne. "No secret nbout It, fcl'her,
Maimers tells me that a certain man
named Tarslave, Ralph rarslave, bet
ter known as Ratty, who lives la a
cottage on the outskirts of Blrnstde,
has never been home since the day of
that fair. He's a man who lives by
himself and seems to be a sort of odd
job man; occasional drover, game
watcher, rat-catcher
"Everybody knows Ratty rarslavel"
Interjected Sheila. "lie's a local
celebrity." .
"Just so," said Maythorne, "Well,
the police have ascertained that he
came In here, In company with other
men, drovers and so on, returning
from the fair, on the evenlug of the
murder. He was one of the company
to which Mazaroff stood drinks and
cigars. Of course the police have al
ready got a theory they think that
Tarslave, who, they say, has been In
what they call trouble before, aaw
Maiaroff make a display uncon-
"Who Murdered This Man?" He Ex
claimed, With Emphasis.
sclously of his money. They think
he slipped out of the barroom, perhaps
with no very definite Intention; that
chancing to pass the cpen door of this
private room he saw Musgrave's gun
hanging on those books, stepped In,
took It down and cleared off with It;
that he afterward followed Mazaroff
across the moor, shot him dead, and
robbed him; after that throwing the
gun away where It was found, and
clearing out with the proceeds of his
crime. That, I say, Is the police
"And what do you think of It?"
asked Wetherby.
"It's a good theory from a police
man's point of view," snld Maythorne.
"There may be a great deal In It. Cut
speaking for myself, I should like to
know more about the dead man's per
sonal, private history, recent as well
as past One matter In particular
need clearing up. He told Mr. Holt
that he wanted to see some man here
at Marrasdale, Who was that man?
Did he see him?"
Nobody of course, could answer that
question, and the conference broke up.
We burled Mazaroff or Merchlson
that afternoon, very quietly,-and In
the evening Webster drove Crole,
Changes Brought About
Nowhere else, gave In these United
States, Is there such a blend of food
resources and contrasting food tastes
of different racial strains, writes Mu
riel Allen King In the New York Her
ald Tribune. In pre-war, pre-probl-bltlon
days, there wag great pride In
local cookery. Certain dishes were In
delibly associated with certain sec
tions of the United States. One went
to New England to eat clam chowder,
brown bread end baked beans; to
Texas to get tamales; to Virginia to
luxuriate on spicy baked ham and
crisp corn pone. There were, possi
bly, tea rooms In Boston, Kansas City,
or In Greenwich village, which nobody
Backbone of Carnal
The backbone of the single-humped
camel Is not curved upward In the
middle, as many people suppose. It
Is as straight as the backbone of a
horse or elephant. Humps on all cam
els are composed chiefly of fat and
they vary In size according to the
physical condition of the animals.
When they are worked hard and poor
ly fed their humps shrivel up and be
come flaccid. Much of the ability of
camels to travel long distances over
the desert without food and water Is
due to this extra fat In their hnmps.
The surplus fat Is reabsorbed by the
body when the animal does not get
sutllclent food and water. Thus the
hump serves as a sort of commissary
department from which the animal re
ceives sustenance In time of famine.
In certain breeds of sheep extra fat
Is stored In the tall, Puthlluder Magazine.
Maythorne and myself to Black Gill
Junction, where we caught the ulght
mall for Iondon. For Maythorne was
unusually keen on swing the otllclula
at the Imperial Banking Corporation
of South Africa, and ou finding out
all he could about Maiaroff In general,
and the receipt for the registered let
ter Indorsed "BL. D. 1.," In particular.
At half past ten next morning we were
all three closeted with an Important
personage of the bank, who, as soon
as be knew our business, became
keenly Interested about Masaroff and
the circumstances of hla death. I be
lieved he was going to prove a valu
able aid, but as soon as he saw the
receipt and Its date ho shook his head,
"Ah I" he satd. "The man w ho would
deal with MazarofTs account and let
ters, at the date of thla receipt, Is no
longer here. He was Mr. Armlntrade
he left us six months since, to be
come manager of Court hope V
I think it was greatly to my credit
that I controlled my features and the
rest of me when this sudden announce
ment was made, neither staring nor
starting at the mention of Armtu
trade'a name. Even Crole, old and
hardened man of law that he was,
could not refrain from a very alight
start of surprise. Maythorne, of
course, showed no surprise; his face,
always cheerful and bright, betrayed
"I know Courthope'a by reputa
tion," he remarked. "Then you your
self can't tell ns anything very much
about Mazaroff?"
"I can tell you what I know," re
plied our Informant, evidently quite
willing to talk. "We know Maiaroff
as a very wealthy man who bad ex
tensive dealings In trading affairs,
and latterly In diamond! and other
precious stones. In the East, and In
South Africa. He kept bis principal
account at our Cape Town headquar
ters, but for years he has bad a small
er account here as well. Lately, he
transferred bis Cape Town account
here; he also realized all his various
properties and paid the proceeds In
here, with a view to reinvestment In
English securities."
"Then you hold a considerable aura
of his?" suggested Crole. "We under
stand that It is about eight hundred
thousand pounds?"
"About that, I dare say," assented
the manager, almost Indifferently,
"Itather more, I fancy, oh, yes a
wealthy man! And the will, you say,
Is lot?"
"Missing temporarily, we hope,"
said Crole. "But I'ostletbwalte has
the original draft, la Mazaroff' own
handwriting, and signed by Mazaroff.
Can you tell us anything of Mazaroff
"Next to nothing." answered the
manager. "He called here, Just once,
some time after hla arrival In Lon
don. I saw him In this very room.
He wasn't here five minutes. He said
be was Just going fur a tour In the
north of England, and would look In
on his return, a few weeke hence.
And that's all."
A few minutes later we all left
And once outside the great door of
the ' bank, Crole gave Maythorne a
sharp glance.
"Um!" he said. "Armlntrade!"
"Just ao I" said Maythorne. "As you
say Armlntrade!"
"A man might have reasons, when
a man he knows is murdered under
bis very nose, for not coming forward
in Food Associations
knows today, that advertised "real
southern waffles," but the Greek lunch
counter bad not quite erased the Idea
that certain dishes were appropriate
to certain feasts, that certain foods
were traditional mates and compan
ions to other foods.
Eye Never Sleep
What could be more Inactive than
person's eyes while he Is sleeping
soundly? But I'rof. Walter II. Miles,
a Stanford university psychologist, has
completed researches on the state of
the eyes during sleep which Indicate
that the eye muscles perform definite
work while the lids are closed. The
pupils contract, the eyes are rolled up
In the head, then the muscles sur
rounding the eye pucker up. None of
these are relaxation, as commonly
supposed. In fuct Professor Miles be
lieves that our entire sensory system
Is more or less active during sleep.
I'athflnder Magazine.
Mining Rembrandt
It Is not generally known that there
are no fewer than 70 lust Rembrandt,
some of them possibly In the posses
sion of very poor people. If they only
knew, they might possess the where
withal to maintain themselves not only
In comfort but even In luxury for life.
All 70 are described In ancient rec
ords as having been palnled by the
master. One London art dealer has
already devoted many years to a quest
for these lost masterpieces. Some of
them have been missing for centuries.
The principal reason why they are still
missing Is that their owners do not
realize their Identity.
to say that he knows him," observed
Crole. "Hut I think, considering
everything, that If I'd been In Armln
trade's position the other day I should
have said, 'I know this man bo's so
and so, and I'll tell you all I know
about him.' Khr
"I'll tell you what I think,- May
thorne satd. "Armlutradu Is the man
whom Mazaroff wanted to see at Mar
rnsdale moor I Now then did he
see him? Holt doean't know nobody
ktiowj at least, nobody that we've
heard of. Hut Armlntrade' the man I
Armlntrade, as we've Just heard, did all
Mazaroff'a buslnens at the bank we've
Just left It waa Into Armlntrude's
bund that the registered letter of
which I've got the receipt In my pocket
would fall. We must have a little talk
with Armlntrade, But before that"
he paused and waved his hand to a
passing taxlcah "before that we're
going to examine Maxaroff's rooms
and belongings at the Hotel Cecil."
The three of u wero preseutly In
the rooms wherein I had flrst met the
dead man. Maythorne made some dis
coveries that were of use. If of no
great apparent moment. In an old
trunk he found some schoolhooks: on
the flyleaf of each wa written the
name Andrew Merchlson, with dates:
these he handed to Crole.
"There's no doubt whatever that he
wa Merchlson," said Crole. turning
these things over. "It's not likely that
he'd have kept these books else. These
will come In handy to show to Mrs,
Elphlnstone, But I wish there were
more papers,"
Maythorne, however, found some pa
persIn a letter case that lay In a
drawer, unlocked, In MazarofTs writ
ing table. These were letter private
letters, all, with otie exception, writ
ten recently from Cape Town by a
Mr. Herman Kloop, who appeared to
be a close personal friend of Mum
rff. There wa next to nothing
about business affairs In them they
were chiefly filled with gossip, club
gossip, personal details, and such mat
ters:, the ort of tuff exchanged by
old cronl.s. But they had this value,
observed Maythorne he now bad a
name and addres In Cape Town to
which he could cable for certain In
formation about the dead man.
The one letter not written by this
Mr. Herman Kloop was In the same
case that held the Kloop letters, but In
an envelope which bore on Its fl.ip
the Impressed seal of the Imperial
Banking Corporation of South Africa,
with the address of the London
branch. Maythorne Immediately drew :
attention to the postmark and date;
the letter had been pouted In Iondon
on the previous 3rd of January.
"From Armlntrade to Mazaroff,
without doubt," snld Maythorne. Then
bis face fell.
"Written In cipher!" be exclulmed.
The sheet of notepnper was almost
filled with writing. But to u It was
all so much unmeaning Jargon: we
could make neither head nor tail of It.
There were, however, certain thing
on the sheet of paper which were
plain enough. The pajier itself was
the ordinary letter paper of the bank,
with Its title and address engraved at
the top of the front page. The letter
began In understandable English
Ienr Mr. Mazaroff. And It ended In
plain English Toura fulthfully, John
Armlntrade. But all that went be
tween, a hotch-potch of cabalistic
words and figures, wa so much double
Dutch to all three of us.
"A cipher !""r eated Maythorne.
"Mazaroff, of course, would have
key. In his pocketbook, no doubt,
and therefore stolen, . Well ! If more
evident than ever that we must have
a little con verso tlou with Mr. John
Armlntrade." ,
We left the hotel. Maythorne Im
modlotely hurried off to the nearest
telegraph office : be was keen on
cabling to Mr. Herman Kloop for some
highly necessary new of Mazaroff.
And aa It wa then well pint noon,
Crole and I turned Into Iloimmo'a, for
ome lunch.
'Thla I a queer buslnes, Holt,"
aid Crole a we settled down In a
comfortable and quiet corner, "I
mean what we've found out this
morning. You've een this man Ar
mlntrade?" "For a few minutes onty," I replied.
"What sort Is beT he asked. "You'd
have thought that be d have come for
wurd and said that he'd had buslnes
dealing with Mazaroff. Instead not
a word I"
"He look the ort of man who
would probably reply to that that
Mazaroff death was no concern of
his," I suggested. "He gives one that
Impression." ,
"Aye, well," remarked Crole, "we
shall Just have to tind out a few
things leave It to Maythorne."
I left Crole after lunch and went
home to my rooms In Jermyn street.
I spent a quiet afternoon there, and
a quiet evening, and I went to bed
enrly. And at nine o'clock next morn
Ing, In came Maythorne.
"Had a cable lute last night from
Cupe Town," be announced. "Mr.
Herman Kloop I In London -at the
First Avenue hotel. Come olong
we'll collect Crole, and Intervhv
Kloop, at once."
Are you prepared to render
first aid and quick comfort tha
moment your youngster hat an
upset of any sort? Could you do
tha right thing Immediately
though the emergency came with
out warning perhaps tonight f
Castoria ia a mother' standby at
uch times. There ii nothing like
it in emergencies, and nothing
better for everyday use. For a
sudden attack of colic, or the
gentle relief of constipation; to
allay a, feverish condition, or to
oothe fretful baby that can't
sleep. This pure vegetable prepa
ration it always ready to ease an
ailing youngster. It is just at
Mother Love Superior
to Fear of Crocodile
Mentally the South African native
amy not measure up to the standard
of the white man, but on the que,
tlon of courage the Bantu loses little
In comparison with hla master In
Africa, anya a writer In the Boston
Globe. And this goes for the women,
Take a case In point. Itecently a
little black girl ventured to the
banks of the Owaal river, near Bula
waye. Rhodesia. While he wa
tooplng to fill her calnhah a croco
dile glided tip the bank and aelzed
her. fixing it teeth In her hack.
Struggling and screaming for help
the girl managed to free herself for
a moment, only to be gricd again,
thl time by the arm. The mother,
hearing the cries and guessing their
cause, had the presence of mind to
arm herself with an assegai a she
flew to the rescue.
When ah reached the cene the
crocodile had already dragged the
child Into the water, hut the mother
plunged In and attacked the croco
dile ao fiercely that It gave up the
prey and made for deeper water.
The child, minus an arm, I now do
ing well
"Oh "Promise 5ViV
At some rime
in her life
Cupid pleads
to every at
tractive worn
an. No mat
ter what her
feature are, a
woman who is
sickly cannot
be attractive.
Sallow skin,
pimple, sunk
en c-vm. lifn.
In fJp tbrte are repellent. DR.
DISCOVERY I lust the tunic a run
down per ton nerd. It enriches the
blood, soothe fh nerve and impart
tone and vivacity to the entire system.
In liquid or tablets, at drug store.
Scad 10c for Uu package of tab
lets to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, in Buffalo,
N. Y, and write for fre advice.
Gold) Symphony
Fred Stone and hi w If were top
ping overnight In Detroit at one of
those glided palace they cull hotels.
Everywhere gold flasfic upon the
eye; the dining room celling, the
chair and the stairway shrieked In
a golden symphony. .
When they bad retired for the
night, Mra. Htone remarked to her
famous husband that he hadn't put
bis shoe outside the door.
"Put them out, dear," he snld,
"and they'll shine them for you."
"Shine 'em, shuck!" exclaimed
Fred. "I'll bet a dime they'd gild
em." Boston Transcript.
Rat Lovar Prove Nuisance
A woman'a love for rut has led to
a certain quarter of London being so
overrun with tho peat that official
action la to be taken. Thl female
Pled Pljser declare that rats are
charming creatures and she places
food In her ganh-n for them every
morning and' evening. Neighbors
hove protested so loudly that efforts
are to be made to capture the rats
by smoking them out. There Is noth
ing under the existing law to prevent
person feeding any kind of animals
or vermin on their own ground.
Family doctor's laxative
instead of harsh purges;
trial bottle Free
Old Dr. Caldwell' prescription cannot form the
cathartic habit. It can be given to the child whose
tongue is coated, or whose breath it fetid, or has a
little fever. Or to older people whose bowels are
dogged. Its ingredients stimulate muscular action,
and thus aid the bowels to more normal functioning.
The purd senna and laxative herbs in Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin are good for the system. So do not
hesitate to use it when there's biliousness, headaches,
or any sign of constipation.. Your druggist lias this
world-famous prescription in big bottles. Or, xvrite
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, MonHcello, 111., a.trf a
ins trial bonis wiU Is tent to you, postpaid,
wrapper reads. If you ice Chai.
II. Fletcher's signature, it ia
genuine Castoria, It is harmless
to the smallest infant; doctors
will tell you so.
You can tell from the recipe on
the wrapper how mild it is, and
how good for little systems.
continue with Castoria
child is grown.
until A
Duttvi of Hunting Dog '
A dog slionld not be taught to
bring In the game to hi muster,
ay an expert. The reason for thl
I that when (tie dog points where
the huntf-r gi't the game, It I ex
tremely annoying to have the dog
(lushing bark and forth looking for
the game and bringing It to the
master. In (he case of birds, If tha ,
dog goes after the first bird killed
he will usually frighten the rest of
the flock, giving the hunter a poor
chance of bringing down a gn-at
brings almost Instant relief from
terrible colic pains. Banishes heart
burn, nausea, skk headache, bilious
ness, luggih liver, constipation.
I'tvmptly restore good appetite and
, t digestion, and tegular,
,, thorough elimination.
Soil a( alt
good -drug
.. indTrfTr
rr ttfMiurtal'of fx rtu4( -felt
VSJrrKN ASM kAM.E ).- in .in-i.s,ln
. . 4. , .
joaurul im'Wo4 at lt.fc
moL II'm4 W m tsrkulM
hnai'kjN tucw tttn H
tboKx tl and i)lmllmit,
8n UU;AY kw HU B 100.
saufe Jv1r ntuil 4
Kuidmuj ' UtttoiMftul.
. ,,-rrr,, ,7.7, TT7, m XI., a .W.T.-fl
me Soap
yon nJ
foT Xp youf rraapll
tr4 Of bixnlalMh ouf
Tflltft kln ''. "!, math
uuv irK)wh.oufhwllkf
Rath snd slliKnlhi, tout
bod rtdh4.
W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 19-1930.
Wir.U.s W.s for M Ik
An Austrian sclcntlxt claim to
have discovered a method by which
milk treated by wlreh-ss wave of
short length can be kept sweet for
thrco or four weeks. The new "wire
less milk" Is produced by passing nn
Intense beam of short waves through
tho liquid. This Is said to kill nil
germ which cause milk to turn.
The milk. Itself Is not heated by thl
treatment, and dod) not acquire a ",
"cooked" taste.
Few men think their Judgment ao
good that they want people to harp
on It
" socimti