The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 16, 1930, Image 1

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Personal Mention
Mini uementme brenneris the rank of sargent. Mr. Devin
yinting- tt th home of her list. m been member of the for sev
er, Mrs. Lyno Uembeey, on iec ffai mr rirst beInd iocatd al
OOJ street. Hood RIvr huf ut nont hlorf
at Bend. Mr. Devln wis formerly
IClckriml vitit"d recently at the an ione rancner.
home of tbflr ion and deuter-iiH The new Standard Achievmtnt 1 1 Mrs. Grimes daughter.
aw' Mr. tid Mrs. Liun Demo Test were Given in fh 0r...!u The interior of the Ione
Tbe Freihmenand Svpboraorei,
not to be out done by tbe upper
flan men, went" ffi'vlg" to
the eoa! nine abov Hppner on
Satuffldf. They did not get eft
quite id early aa the otheri, but
raaie a longer day of it, atop
piny in Heppner on the return
trip to attend a ahow.
Tali party wai accompanied by
Miea Luclle UhoUn C. M. Oaoieli
Miia Maue Knight, and Lounie
McCabe. The trip were: Clara
N.leon. Jorihine He.l;, Kuth
Keene.1 Charley Lundell, Charley
U'Cooner. Cbarlea Carlapn,
Klwivne Lleuilleo, NormanE)vr
on, Fraocii Ely, Norton Lundel
Elbert Aken, Kaiph Gibaon,
ltl Smoueit. and Joe I EngtloiB
Mr. und Mrs. Pul Baleiger
and Mr and Mr Louie Baliiger
motored to Umatilla Sanbay and
pent a pleaitant day with Mr,
atd I'.T', Hoy L 8k. en. Mr. atd
Mr. Skn are former reaidentf
of lone, Mr. Sken having been
friitcipai of the lone ichoul . for
tt year. He plana on ipending
ni. aummerin itudy atStanfoid
University ana will teach next
year in the Eeeiern Oregon Nor
mal actirol a. La gaaude.
Monday mortiiog Mn. W. K.
Hul'ard recieved notice of the
d-alh of Mr. UnlUrd motfer
Mn. Susie fcuilerd, at hr borne
In Portland, Sunday, May 4. lie
deceased wm82 yeara of if. !
teonepl wti in Hoee City . Vtxk
m 1 aar Mr Iiullari4 Uttad Ma
G0OtBr f rtday Ugbtl. t Wtoviir"" - . , ' " . I crylsg. but blurted oat: -I just loved
I tra tha slar t Ah ta Art I atrvr, I . .
hia wy to Gold Beach,' and aHt ; " " . " . Dt,u 1 r o.t tt
ah. had .at be, in mad health MCHttrrtj. II. V. arooua., wait ow
: '" - . Rleniann." Mr. TiU jatrkk. AI
motion of Charles Devins, a meni I R. M. Akers was a outgoing
berotthe state traffic squad, to .passenger Tuesday for Portland.
The objeot of his visit to the city
was to have dental work done.Sf
Mrs. Carl Leathers and Mrs.
Owen Leathers, both of , Harman
were Sunday guests at the J E.
Crimes home Mrs. Carl Leathers
..... " ' - r I "VI v J(i v II 111 UIC tl4WKl imvuvt w mv. iuiiv f mil
v Whan thm rafnrnarl hnmt tU tlrmt f tl,! ...... A. .. I I Ctmn tm U'm,i !, -nA
- ' . --w I..I..V, vm U una TVCvH 4I1U Uniw"vl ' "tuijl Mrwiiuwiu ItU' vll
I I...U . n.mai ii I .4 am .. i ! 1 1 ' . I 1 . J mi f . 4 14. .1 . t I 1 I
mr iiviii(jiNirj imi n icuiiesudy nu i nursuay win at u iu auiuc mutn uecueu cao
iviiaiivi ur uio. ynuic; - i- jtivrn i n cisnui oraue txamina n4 Deen duhi in
ther, Mr. V. GruHhenn, who hao tir ns Fifteen seventh firaders -a ill Frienks here have received the
been visiting here lotre time, take the state examination in geog announcement of the graduation,
14!.. l.... - 1. Irtnlit. Ik. . . . 1 ! Tt . -I - I Mill ,,tk1ie 1 CI.....
tuns oiauei wvui, uii mi'-i"1 m iuc Bdiiic nine i lie ClOSI " ' iuncc uicomu
... . - I P . . I tn t . Ban a.
the lone school and a member of mg days are busy days in school, uunzei, irom tne WcLaugh in
..... t!r
iui Mvilvn vvuui; At viuu.i iminifwuimmuj nai UUI III vmwii innani,
1. . I.. J tk.. tn Ma r4 M. t."".! I r . i I UlL-i I tt.A ,1 1. 1 . ..
il iu us tungrmuiaieu uyuu inei ' mu fin, laiiiiuuu uii&IOW 1 "J uvi ta mc uauuirr ui
.i t I - n l I. . - tri i... i . m I L . f ... r u .1 ...
winning oi me icuuiarrmp pro " rnuay xnay, me r" ",,u v. i. our.zei, lorm
viiaii t th Karmari And Klock. babv hat been fivpn tho mm, nfler resident nf Irm
growers National Bank of Hepp Edmond Thomas. Mr. and Mi. I ! The friends here have received
t - . m . I P f a ft a . I iL . . . a
ner, for call ciuD aiemoer. 1Mb c r.nsiow and Mrs. r. E Cra w announcement ot me marrlige
vei Miia Cool the privilege of pill motored to baker Friday to l - Thelma Florence Forbs
. t .a I J tt .1 il..B. il. . . . . ffaW.ll f i. a r
auenuing toe annual ii ciua kicci me new grandchilJ. Mr. I"'" (kir- ionn usuen. aunuay.
ummerabooi at Oregon State UrUtow and Mrs. Crabill returned aV H. at Heppner. Miss Forbes
. ... lal.a . .
home Sunday, but Mrs. Bristow Wine only daughter of Mr and
remained In baker for a few days 0- Forbes, she i a grad
Weareiilad to nofe the nro of the tone High School, and
ntd a few months ago made her
. . I - v . . v II Mill y
m-e grma. t.rt, wm WkI wwn ana ner nu$
ei it hir dk. up ciru iittit girl V" bapptness and prosperity,
with put wkkb read, -I i0t ,ou." The young couple will nuke their
IMIIMf I art A I nr.n,.p mirt . I. . .
Sidintf. attended counlv courtL.. ib w nw. " nome on the Ostcen ranch two
when it met Wednesday of last
week in Heppner.
They asked that work be drop
Ct'U'K, Corvailii, June 9 21.
Mam lonites attended tbe Elki
meeting at Condon Saturday af
lernoou and evening. Lieven
wdiw initiated into tbe ordtr. Ai
reiKiitan enjoyable time.
A delecation of aeven ioterei-
ted in the toad north of Jordan
up wl'b not jnt like It
lh toecber itood on . aarlnr: "All
tin dilWrtn who recelTed notr brine
tlnu ta It afina ta if the
hui k-UiuI trvt w 73 lltda rtrli
mA nr, I hi- rra I aeriritf ahnut " W " TMdlUf
. . " I I't you. Oirl A
one ana one nan mua. ine vn.. Aid , wr4.. , ,
to take care Of tha ronm. Cerir tba teacher taked.
hf tbla tlat lit Utile rcllow wit
' Thirteen Years on the Job. We
Are the Cause of Your Citing
Morrow Co. Creamery Co.
W. C. Cox, Manager.
aCaawlaJf aaal Pawar
Tbe aafliiK. "KiiuwIkp ta
ptintt.t la baaed ou t"s In I . !
Uv "I)t flaraalbAa.'' wlilrli la la
t aiB "Nwni ( lpu iHutl mlt
." Ta tiMtaii tuowiit, iit I)1
Vnw)Ml4f In Itatlf ronfari por. but
l.fba raptritjr lo koitw Kiajr be
tHwr, I'ruverbi 24:5 aaji, "A
Mlaa wau l HriB
i Wrt Nelson and Leo Gorger.
latarttiaaiaabla Lattara ,
TLa Ihit V li a form or V, with
whUli It waa fonuarly oa) luUr-
ihaiigcHbly. la tha KITM,lb cmtorj
V rtoit to b ucd by prafarrnca
lb capital fcrio. la dlcUoaarl they
wara not ffjaa tarita Ubabtlcal
poilttou until 1SO0. The T funa la
OU frquMt aa4 la loicrlpttooa.
AaaaaaaVaaVa A A a alvafcafc a
For County Judge
This is to announce that I will be at
s C f ew MneataleiM e V
iUlllUIuaiC IUI UUUIlUdllUll ui 111c piuiidiy;;
election, May 16, on the Republican::
Iticket, for the oftice of County Judge.:;
I'ala Kit.
A-AAAvAA- AAAA-j --AAaliAalaVa A A
l?fffTfTTfTTfT?TTTTf,TTTTT ff f f Tf
eeeee4ee- eee-eeee
Removal Sale
50ct. Sliampoo for 35ct.
50ct. Shaving Cream for 35ct.
50ct. lb. Midjet Caramels for 35ct.
75ct. Fly Tox-pint bottle 40ct.
15ct. ink 10ct.
lOct. ink for 5ct.
Many Other Bargains
at Bullard's Pharmacy
Maaaariaf Maaliaat
Wt gmaibla at oar coiutant cbtci
to taatparaiare. yt an the moon tha
aoon (amiaTtttra la boltar than boll.
tl water, and at nlfht It fraeiet 4-
Idly la tha dttdileat cold tnaclnahla
about 438 dafraaa below aero, llila U
tha rnooa doea oat retain beat,
tbrvwlpj tha lun'a raji back Into
aiiata, Uka a nWrrer raflecta llnht.
Ttiaat fata it bees rerealed bi
a iuatryiMbt laTaotad racentli. It
la m etaialMve that It even taeitures
0a beat af BtoonJbjht wban It reachet
the aaiib. ea email a fraction f a A.
fie Amt It can hardly bt Imarlued.
ei. h
0 fniiMP vnDirt T.
:: carefully ::s
r ' 1 " a
; ; Moton reground ; ;
0;; Bearings poured; ;W
:and fitted to re i:
"ground ihafu, ;;
rnJI s from Heppner
rriday evening at the school
aucitorium the grade band with
help of the high school band will
givt iti first public concert. An
invhat fon is extended to all par
en'rar.d friends. .
Ma Meal Treae V
f 'it Hi lha oirilUaa If Ma
tt the mnilcal trea. Thl.
cltt It a member Af V r..i
ftD.ily. On rlpenlm tha treat nuA,
tpY.l oim at the edaea and th min.i
pa.!ne throujh the openlnga, craatei
me aouno wblcn , flea the tree In
Bajue. lo Bartadoa there la a i.rr.
aliej of theae Uena, and the natives,
natural! enough, believe tha ni.
be hnnted.-st. Mvholai Mafailue,
finsaell Gordon Carter, fumom is a
rl:-r of atorlea for bora, eald It waa
bla experience that bore aaldom re
member tha name of tbe anthora. but
neter forget the atorlei that they like.
"one of ray neighbor boya once
read a Mory ot mlu and told me
about It. The fact that my name was
on the rorer bad been entirely over
looked and b waa much aurDrl"d
when I told him I had written tbe
atory and pointed out my same.
"'Well,', he aald with a grin, 'don't
watte time bragging about this one,
but gft bmy and write aoroa more
like It'"
The Virtue of Promptness
h periupa root apparent to ut when loved oats arc talced away from
ut and arrangement for their last ritti and thir final retting place ia to
be nude. In time of need we aUnd ready to serve you efficiently and
wcU. A call at any time, day or night, will bring us to your assistance
with our complete mortuarial service. We are prepared to handle distant
as well as IocaI arrangements.
Phelps Funeral Home
k3 mi
i , : ?
k .)...
Haw ta Live Laag
The trouble with tbe rules for lon
gevity auggested by centenarians la
that they are contradictory. Their
babita of life differ. All they seem te
have In common are sound constitu
tlens ti nd a good deal of luck. Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
SquirreU Nat ta Blaata
The biological survey ears that gray
aquirrela do not guaw lead sliest Us
on telephone or telegraph ctblea. Rats,
however, will gnaw them.
Nice New Line
Ladies Ready
Wear Dresses
Bristow & Johnson
lone - Oregon
to build, paint, or repair,
we have the materials for any job.
You can also arrange for
j with us
Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
Phone 1123
Heppner, Ore.
You have had rain andyou
will have weeds.
By buying a
If you have a Cheeney weeder, I
can supply you with all repair parts.
lone, Oregon.
wee ee4efeetteV'