I. int lUHh mmin mi i'ublislu'd Every FruUty ly W. W.Hkad. F.litor IVj!ishr. SLIBSCKII'I'ION One Ver $1.50 Six Monih ..0.75 Three Months 0.M) Entered as second C!.iss inatu. t ihe poatclfiee m lone, Onon, under act of March ;:, isry. Friday, May 9 19S0 FOR SALE' . Piano in storage. Looks and is Lke new. Will sacrifice forbabr.ee $168 00. Terms, $2.00 wetkly Will discount for cash. Write to Taliinan I iano Store, 3lJ3 South 12th Street. S;.lem, Oregon. Star Brand shoes at Bristow & Johnsons Making Good... inn A. W. NOK.3LAD Keep him on the job! kdrhi An GOVERNOR co.MMrrrrr KENNETH D. HAt 5FR, C7 OVjm. 5AMVT.L POV Ell. Swumr, Mn. G. J. Frsnkti. tZw tr. M. H. Lvnoat, Snnury Htdnrttrtl JO.l I Viitfn.k TT.. ATwwr5471 i PORTiANU.ORiOON' PtU AJertucrr t) 4? f rr . w ' 1 in J .11. . I covEiiivons C H A It L E S H Alt It All taatisifaii si -1 1 il,i) licst cxen i,!ii'iis the j .I.rit cl the ij-p "On- .1 ward 0::Ri a?" i Who has ha! the !; '(s. executive, and ' .':tti ve experience? Who has letri thf .-nn h i alvocic of Aiicrican i itf,l "liiJustr.iiV.ze Oregon H.ili-J'r-:vcrn.r C'iud, h. I). K 'Mu lrn, M;imi(?' r, iinjtc i I ll'.tf-. I'uitiuiid, il'C'A ? hr , ' Si' fi ' ;;;,r!s::',-!" ! My,t I ' " - - o ,i i i s "ir, c ' jr t ' - j u a at "a ms xr Clark & Linn Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa per Hanging and General Re pair Work lone, Oregon. '7s wiv'v f ft at hmnl Ccit-miUorcstan For tin- first 'time in the I uVory of the Wist u Western i:.n .;,tt'h Utlliaii'.s Oi-rjjtni-i Viee Chairman of i.u" l.c .NaHonai r, .n.ittee. Durins the a.M sit Conn lie I- ... .... Kiv' Urn... . 1 . . , :mu , wormy enterprises. Ills -rv e ! v' :!hl1ul Vil;,l'y or finauec'l rn: imeruiion i( any kiiui . recleri him r"i:i. thai O.ijon keeps its iin por am ., , in affairs . r !:,. Hoptil.lie.n National Con., niiioe an.i : ..; ei'uens ot .1- s!;,!e ns tU cout.nue to have the iK'iicr.l of Mr. Williams' influ.i ee 11: Washington. l. C 1 Void UX V???.?ris, RTjp I u.J Adv C;:;r-n ronnnitlrp, :.! ... IWir. tt.rUiy Taller Hlcj. l'u. lUn.J, Oi.. JUST A rH'.V EXAMPLES Cf whst the 0:-: :?n F sss thinks of Hcp::!;!ic:n Cir5-.''.':Jc fcr Covcrr.or entrust its gov ernorship to him Corbet M itvvi'l be in mility pocd HciHs." Sheridan Sun. "The fact that Harry L. Cotbctt was the only senator in the 1927 lcf!:s!ature v.-ho r:'u.cd ta accc-!t th? extra n.w which the legislators vo.cJ io nis aisacvamasc in n-r, c::-y.,n to procure the rcpub- 9 lican gubernatorial ncr.urx::::n." Ashfcnd Tidings. "Searching thresh cM cf vv: utterance; made by candi- I dates wc t.nd in the Cc.vc".: p! "it form a gem to consider." f Mamatn r-aic n;ra:j. ' With Mr. CorteSt Covem-a' u.e;e should be no pyramid ing cf bond is:u?s. but thj.c vDu'd be ways and nv:an$ devised for Ie3itin-.ate. S2fc development." Malheur Enterprise. "The scnc'.t plitforn that has eaie in tni , generation is the cne put tor.vard by Harry L Coreett. rcpufc!ic3T candidate fcr Covernor. If there is any buliwah' in i .vr hive not been able fo locate it and that is a most ur.u:u3l thing for a candidate." Corvallis Gazette Times. I I I Vc?e fcr Harry L. Corbett j 8 vmn .uv , cori ' ' t f rjovr c-,tr. , rtovd J. CoM, KiolJ ifCr. 1 j j lv (rbtit ill' f .. I'. itlan.l, ore. 9 -M K.im FINER dmmMMtsA TIRFS a-: JfeCt mi at few INDEPENDENl GARAGE one - Ore I -. ' ' . n uiii tlltlll ii uiv AtlllMIIIII oars of unselfish service to .. ; ... ' " rw1 "a "He (Co-fcett) sys that the state will be ad vanced more by hard wcrk than oratory."-- Grass Valley Journal. .'M-s themselves should not work i been icsucd by any candi - I A i LOWER rw ppices GOODYEAR PROFESSIONAL CAHDS ; f DR. J. L. CALLAWAY I Osteopathic Phvficbn Osteopathic Physician Gilman Hitildinji IViune 93 llebpntr, Ounou JACK FERRIS ' : Dermatician It pays to look well. "Specialist in Hobs" C. L SWEEK t ATTORNEY AT I LAW. I First National Itank liKIrf. j Ileppner, urcgon When You Visit Ileppner Eat At The "Elkhorn Restaurant" I !? Cood Meals Best of Sen ice J I i i. r - t I A.D. McMORDO, H.D. j IMiysician AnJ Surgeon I Office In Masonic Buildinif I t Trained Nurse Assistant Htppner, Oregon A.B.GRAYM.B. I'hysioan & burgeon Fitted Glasses F. H. ROBINSON Attorney & Counselor At Law W II! I'ructhr III All I'hf f..iir(n IONE OREGON ; Dr.J.H.McCrady j Dentist X-Rjy DIAGNOSIS Office; OJd Fellows UWg. t i HePP"er 0fegn J. O.PETERSON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Ileppner, Ort'Kon. Dr. C. W. Barr DENTIST I'l.onc M 1012 Co.ie Apt. Bid. Heppncr, Ore. . Evening and Sunavby aipointmfnt. lone Independent JOB PRINT j A-;k for a l'lmo demonstration ,fct Bert Mbmoh's Store. NOTICE OP noD satt. r.'OTiCK Id HKIiiijiV OIVK Hint ll.fi uti'lt-rolniif il will rtirclvn rmlrii tililrt tii.t'l 10 o't lo k A. Jl. tlui 71 duy of -Muy, and Inuiifidintnly UiM-nflir lll llld If TPiVl'll Will l) lll;( . I,,K- '(1 hy Dm Counly Court, Ht tto Cimtily 0,urt iioom In tlin Cmirt llim;n In HippniT. Orison, fur Ilie purnlm.Mi! of an Itwuo of bbiuJn of Morrow County for tliii tonHlru Hon of puriniirn-nt idikIm Micieln in V.w Hum of Fifty ThoiiHuml iJollurii i(j,ixj(i), (mid liomlfi to he in ileiiofiiiiiuiions of Klve IlundiPit DolPir (.iXi) eucli, tiumltfn:(I 1 to 1WJ, jln bIvh, tu bmir dute, Jun 1. Ml.'io, and to fnalure werlnlly In tiiinimii:.il ordfr nt lh rntfi of Two TliouHuml Klvo Hiin dr( Jx,.im ($2.r,iil) on tho (lint day if Juris In eiuh of tlm yur !.! to l'jr.O, Ini-HiKlvn, mil d boniln to Ixmr Inlcr (t nt tlin rate of not to pxcend five hud wm-riiilf pi-r rout (Wj't,t ver mi lium. fjnyuUn iionil-tinniihlly on fhf fit Mt Juy ol June nnd Ixicmlipr. pilii':liiiil nnd inti-ntot pHyHblo In Unltf.J HttM colli nt. tii'i cilice of vn Cotni' Ti tMHuver In lli'iioncr. Orct'on, All bldi muxt ho uiic'Hi.l'llonn! nnd cr.imi)aiilii(l l,y u cuilillnd chuck for Tho Court rciicrvps tlm rlnlit to re ject ny nnd nil bldn. Th aiiproviiiK loKftl opinion nf M!Hr. TphI, Wlnfn'c, Mi(!ullh t P!iulr v.'l)l bo fuinlilieit the i.uccfm.ifui jlddor. CV M. ANDrJni'ON, County Clflrk, Hfppnw, Oregon, UarcJ bUU Mulrf Tracior h , Anyprl ,n nwll IrU-.J . m ,0 "TT T ' l"' Implement Slurc. ?! A! It man n, The Sitivatiim Army . f ',,ut.. c,.!..,, ....... . Nipclflon1! V.rt la CkI!. lvt-nne.POror.." Ii Cook lth tfas See Bert M M v i. 1 . 1 1 Uk I Ii4.mil II, r ,1mii linn .1 tiii'i " ' ' i STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you sell your wheat. ' "t.tr ..t.jj.it..it.jr..4i. it Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to sec L. Baisiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, - t t V . . .i H ionecash market . ... -..... .. . J t JDealers In Fresh and Cured I ! We Buy Cream for Swift & Company. v Why not Sell Your Cream in Your Home Town? I Real Estate Peterson Brothers T 11 . - t aic snaiiing requirements J..-..!. I. I cK-tuic Key way maenme an;i a stock ot shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines fur sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing 1 I P.O'Mcara. Proprietor &. Hotel 'i e cater to the wish first class J n Cole Smi'di, Manager. ill til Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER I'LOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WCONS.. Betes Steel Muk Tractor PAULG. I lone. Bkfui SUtl ,Muhi Tracior li Tim hunt heiii'hiL' Nmi i'iiii i'ii Dm , I niii'hnnit St. Ilel.'iia (let.iln- I.", t in, nmi Nnimlt'im tlli'il .Miiv !. I'i'Jt. iiiiniii kt .... till.! II lnitC lilt..M to see him before ou 4 .,' jj it.::jiu-tt it u-ttti Oregon . Mt if Iluif.-r ;.n,l I'.i.k Insurance -4 JJIV . I 4.1 'jv.ircu io ukc care oi your Dy the installation of an 1 . M 4 Companies new combines. lone patronage of those who accommodations. 11 BALSIGER Oregon t i rv li ! t" T" T" T ' T ' 4" u 4 tt 44