The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 09, 1930, Image 3

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Government Cites Convenience
of Heating Homes With Oil
Keeping Up With the Fashions
(I'rtfirad bt tin Oiilint Sihim Lircinl
nf Aiili-ullur.)
There la widespread Interest tn the
now method of heating hnmca by
turning fuel nil, ami ninny typce of
(ill burners have been dealgned Mp
clully fur thla purposo. People Ilka
the relief from the uncertainty of the
ronl aupply, from tending furnace,
taking out nahoa mid other dirty
Work, (i ml ttig possibility of regulat
ing Iho bent automatically.
Tim United Hiiitva Oepartinent of
Agriculture linn made aome Investlga
tlont of oil burner end fuel oil.
These atutltee Indicate Unit this tneth
od of healing U well iiiltcd to the rw
qulrcmenta of many home owner on
account of In convenience andeaaeof
heat ronlrol However, (o obtain
these n (I vu tit n k. th prospective pur
chaser muni be willing to pay the coat
of changing to ilia new aymem. and
MNlhly an Increased nperutlug cost
licfor deciding whether a change to
oil burning la desirable, there ahoiild
Ih a thorough understanding of dif
ferent t)pe of oil burnura, and of In
atnllutlon and operation costa.
Fuel for oil buroera la derived from
crude oil after other products tin v
been extracted, and la aold tn vnrton
grade Tba proper grade for In
Durner Project In Front of Furnaca.
any cnae la (tetcrmlned by the type of
burner In which It la to be used Tba
vaporising type of burner require
light oil which costs mre wr unit
of heat tluin the heavier grades, and
l Household Hints j
A vacuum cleaner la excellent for
cleaning autonioblla upholstery.
A child who la worried. Irritated,
unhappy, or over tired at meal lima
cannot digest hi food property.
To rat raw vegetable la una way to
get tha vltnmlnea and tha aoluble mtn
emit which limy be lost In the conking
Sweet potntoe keep bent If they are
carefully bandied to prevent brulalng
or breaking ilia akin, and If they ara
kept at a medium rnther than a cold
.,.,.1 I.!1 T-
, Plain MouiM Made
(Prttmrt. bt lh tiart Ht(- DPrlmnl
' v ot Airli'ulturt.)
In a good many fnmlllea the boy
that uaed to turn the Ice cream freezer
for the euke of a clmnce at "licking
the (lusher" " wn un', I",ie
nway to college. Or for aome other
renaon. mother does not seem to find
It convenient to hnve deaaerts made
In the Ice ereiun freezer na often ni
she uaed to. IVrhnpa ahe doee not
know thnt very sallafuctory Ice creonn
tuny be frozen without atlrrlng If they
are mnde of suitable Ingredlenta and
packed aultlclently long In Ice and aalt
or placed In the Irnye of the in
clmnlcal nfrlgerntor.
A futrly rich mixture nuiHt be uaed
In these deaaerta mid the Ingredient
carefully combined Properly prepared,
these Ice cream have s characteristic
flaky crvatnlllne texture which la very
much lined. Heavy or whipping cream
la used both for monasea and In com
bination with ecg whites In parfalts.
If used alone, however, heavy ereiun la
too rich tn be palatable, and In cities
It la expensive. The bureau of home
economlcB of the United 8tnts e
pnrtment of Agriculture hna therefore
developed a number ot recipes In
which the rich cream I diluted by the
addition of evaporated milk and thin
cream; or by rich; milk thickened with
gelatin, epin. or flour.
If the tray In the mechnnlcul re
frigerator Is uaed for making the Ice
In icrniTiil these burnon are not
equipped with automatic control, Tha
atomizing typ luiva a motor and
other mechanical device for atoml
lug tha oil and mixing tt with air be
fore delivery to tha combustion chum
tier. They ara generally equipped with
full automatic control, ara less exud
ing na tn tha type of fuel required,
11 ft, i
Ournar Machanlam Almoat Entirely
Within Furnace.
and are leaa given to amoklng and
(HK.tlng berauae of belter comhuatlon.
Knfety la of paramount Importance
In any device to be uaed In the home,
regurdleaa of any edvnntiigei claimed
no home-owner would be Justified In
tnHtnlllng burner thut la not reiiaon
ably enfo. The Underwrltera' luhora
torlea have teated and Hated many of
the humeri now manufactured aa com
plying wllb atnmlarvla of minimum
huxnrd. Iturnera that hnve been no
tented beur mark Indicating the fact.
However, the ebnence of eucb mark
Ing dM-a not necemoirlly nienn that a
burner doee not comply with the re
(julrementa of the Underwrltera' lab
oratories. There are on the inurket a
number of burners which hnve not
been submitted for teat or which are
now on the waiting Hat.
"Mi i , l, ;'i:
wn I'.
k i, '.x. a
r ' 1 j i . a
Food for the Family
To prirv a frltnd, tbr
Ihlnsa ara nriarjr: To honor
him prnu prl blm alident and
lit him la his ocmUIb. Hl
ln 8rli-
Thla la the time of the year when
pumpkin plea flourlah In the land.
Here la one tit to
aerve the moat
honored gueat:
Pumpkin Pie
Supreme. Take
two cupfuls of
,-,.11 ,-iLa,1 unit
tV Vvr browned pnmp-
kin. irtiiecnnnei
variety la ued, cook It down until
It la a rich brown. Heat Ova ega.
add one cupful of augar, one half
teimpoonful of salt the grated rind
of a lemon, six tableapoonfula of
lemon Juice and two cupfuls of rich
In a Ring Mold.
cream the result will be a neat flat
cake of convenient ehnpe for serving.
A ring mold la attractive, or any d
aired mold may be uaed. If the mold
la to be packed In Ice and aalt, the
opening should be sealed by having a
atrip of cloth dipped In panitlln drawn
tightly over It Some other fat wltti a
high melting point could also be used
After packing, the Ico cream or mousRe
must Btand for several hours, depend
Ing on the shape and alze of the mold
Use about three pnrta of crushed Ice
to one of coarse Ice cream salt.
Here la a recipe for a plain mousMe.
flavored with vunllln. I'lnln mnuHHee
may be varied by serving them as
aundues with fresh fruits or with
sauces flavored wltb chocolate, car
amel. juople. or honey. Leaa augai
niny then be used In the mouxse, and
It will be easier to freeze. Sugar low
era the freezing point of un Ice cream
Other variation are also euKgested
Foundation Recipe for Plain Mousse
I cup douhl cream
I cup rich mild or
thin crtnm
I tha Rclnlln
I tbi aiiKnr.
t ks whites
Mi lap mM
tt tap vanllti
Souk the gelatin until aoft In a lit
tie of the milk or thin cream, heat the
remainder and pour over the gelatin.
Add the augur uud atlr until dissolved.
Put the mixture aside to chill. Whip
the double cream. When the tlrst mix
ture ha thickened (lightly, ueut It to
There's sure lots of excitement In
the style realm the days. It socras
that now fashions will Inslnt on be
ing old fuahlons or la It the other
way round old fanhlons Inalattng on
bm-omlrig new fashlone? Anyway, the
revival of long skirts and ihort waists
has about cauaod a near panic In the
mind of tho woman who Inilats she
won't wear the down-to-the-ankle hem
lines and she will keep her "bob" no
mutter how long others let their lialr
grow, and It's been a regular tuaale
between Dime Fashion and her fol
lowers up to now. However, Mistress
Fnahlon seems to be scoring another
triumph, which Is not at all surpris
ing, for her record has ever been one
of victory.
Arguments on both sides are good.
Those on the negative side begin by
saying that the chief aim of woman Is
to look as youthful as clothes and
beauty pnrlnrs can make one look and
that the long skirts add years to one'e
appearance, besides they are not prac
tical. 8o there I
Thnso In favor of the new silhou
ette talk along lines of clothes psy
chology, declaring that the long grace
ful skirts, the slenderizing princeas
lines and form-fitting bodices, the ele
ganclea of detail all tend to create an
air of refinement In charm, a delight
aome femininity, a ladylike demeanor
on the part of the wearer which la
truly fascinating. So there you are,
or rather, I should say, where are you?
There's no doubt about the charm
ing coHtume of black net over satin
here pictured, being a convincing ar
gument In the amrmntlve. The long
aklrta are, after all, very becoming.
Women who bnve laid alrte their prej
udice and are wearing them are real
ly quite enthualaatlc over the flutter
Ing "llnee" which they give.
Attention la called to the elbow
sleeve which style this gown. Just
aa womankind Is trying Its beat to be
come reconciled to skirts that go down
and waUtllnes that go op, along come
milk. Mix all together and fill the
crust for two pies Pake In hot
oven at first to aet the pnatry then
lower the beat; bake about forty-Ova
Tuna and Spaghetti Salad. Take
cupful of tuna fish flaked Into bits,
add two cupful of cooked spaghetti
cut Into half Inch piece, half cap
ful of grated carrot, bit of finely
minced celery half a cupful or more
a few nuts, mix well wltb tulud dress
ing and heap on lettuce. Garnish wltb
stuffed olives This amount will aerve
eight plentifully. Cut the celery Into
Inch atrlpa the alze of the apnghettt,
making the dish most attractive with
the pretty color of the carrot
Engllah Meat Dlih. Those who are
fond of kldneya will not doubt enjoy
this excellent English dish: Parboil
a pair of sweetbread for five min
utes, and cook ten minute In one
cupful of rich toclc Drain and cool.
Prepare a pair of calve' bralna, ua
Ing the anme atock. Wash and clean
a calf heart and kidney; the latter
may be omitted. Slice and cook them
In the atock until tender. Saute the
heart In butter, dip aweetbrenda and
brnln Into egg and crumba and fry
In deep fut Add to the butter In the
MI wouldn't mind a little, trip." Bald
King Snow. "In fact I need change.
And the enrth need a new blanket
Old Mr. Sun ha been melting a great
deal nway."
Old Mr. Sun grinned "Well. he
laid, "I would like to have a holiday,
and If you and your friend nearby
wish to take trip I'm lure I could
have a rest.
"Tour friend would particularly like
to have me take a rest Pin sure of
"I like yon v.ery much," said King
Snow' friend who wo Prince Sleet.
That may be," ald old Mr. Sun.
"but you wouldn't enre to have me
for a traveling companion.
"Put I am not Insulted. I under
tnnd. I quite understand."
"Thnt good of you," said Prince
Sleet. "It show what a nice, sunny
disposition you hnve not to get angry
at such things."
Incorporate air. add the vanllln and
fold In the whipped creum and the
well beaten egg whites The egg whltee
reduce rlchnesa. Increase volume, and
Improve texture. These proportions
will mnke over four cups before fret-sing;
or. If the egg whites are not used,
about three cup.
Hull a cup of strong coffee may be
substituted for H cup of tbe thin
cream, to give coffee flavor. Or. use lA
pound of peppermint stick candy In
Btead of Biigar. for peppermint Ice
cream. One-fourth pound of peanut
brittle finely ground and used Instead
of augur make an excellent vnrln
tlon, new to many people. Mnnj other
variation In flavor are possible aftet
one ha become fuuilllar wltb tbe foun
datlon recipe.
F J 0 ; i
m i t . .'' , ' r:T ' - .- , ,
elbow sleevea to be reckoned with,
and would yon believe It tiny puff
sleevea are "In" again for evening
wear. What designers are doing to
alecves, It would take a volume to telL
pan two tableapoonfula of black cur
rant Jelly; when melted add two
tablespoonfula of flour; add thla to
rbe stock, boll np once and pour over
the meat In a bot dish. Serve wltb
peeled potatoes, baked.
Serve wltb the above meet dlab a
crisp onion and trench dressing.
Tbe housewife who ho well sap
plied emergency shelf is like the man
wltb plenty of money In
the bank, alwaya ready
for emergencies. The
sudden visit of unexpect
ed guests has no terror
for her, for she knows
she bns a supply on
which to depend.
However, with many
things at ber band tf she Is not care
ful, she will fall to remember the
avnllnblllty of such food ss a can of
sulmon. Wltb the salmon add a bit
of chopped celery, cabbage and a eour
pickle or two, dressed wltb the ever
ready mayonnaise or boiled dressing,
and a tasty salad I ready.
With the canned vegetable to be
bought In the market and those which
one preparea at home, one may have
hot buttered beets, carrots In butter,
afipnragua on toast, and oumeruua
Fairy Tale for the Children
"Well," ald old King Snow, now
that we are all ao friendly and polite
let ua talk about our trip.
"Do you want to take any lugpnee
or baggage, or whatever it I that they
call tings am! trunk and botes?"
"Ha, ha, ha," hi Id Prince Sleet,
"you're a good old companion, for you
make things Jolly.
"No, I don't wnnt to take any
trunks or bag along, for I haven't
any other costumes.
"And besides, even If I hnd them,
what would be the use?
"I wouldn't receive any Invitations
out to dinner, bo I would not need
Mr. 8un Grinned.
special clothea for the evening, and
I won't be asked to any dunces,
"How about you, old King Snow?"
"Well. I don't need any beat clothea
for all I am ever Invited to are
coaatlng pnrtlea. and sleighing par
tlca and snowball lights, and at thet
entertainments no oue drcssei up,"
aid King Snow.
Prima of bat are widening, too, a
the picture bo flatteringly reveal.
, Adding a few words, by way of
postscript concerning klrt lengths,
after all the change la not o all-inclusive
aa one might suppose. Sport
clothes, for Instance, remain reason
ably short, four Inchea below the
knee being the average length. A to
afternoon frock they camouflage their
length with uneven bemllne with
deep point and such, the only really
rery long gowns being reserved for
evening and very formal daytime oc
casion. , 1911. WMtora Newipspar Union.)
other dlshe In a hort ten minute
of preparation.
A good sulmon tnlad I prepared
with a cupful of fresh grated coconut
or tbe dried coconut wltb tbe sugar
washed out of It adding a bit of
chopped pickle or olives.
It doe not alwuya happen that
there Is a cold cooked chicken In the
larder. Put It so, there Is chicken
salad or hot minced chicken on toast
served wltfc a few pieces of tender
celery and a cup of tea, making
most aavory meuL
Add cupful of canned com to a
fritter bntter and cook aome corn pat
iles to aerve with chicken or any
meat you are serving.
A can of tomato soup with a bit of
extra seuaonlng makea a One sauce to
serve over sliced cold meat heated, or
any meat louf.
It la hardly necessary to mention
the large range of canned soup one
mny serve. Cue of the good comblna
tlona la len aoup and a can of con
densed milk, heated hot and served
with croutons.
i& 1J. Wwtorn Nwippr Union.)
"So you won't need to be bothered
with things to carry," said Mr. Sun.
"No," anld King Snow.
"No." aald Prince Sleet, as he gave
a cold, cold whistle.
"Let's get started soon." aald old
King Snow.
"Ah. I'll hnve a fine rest while you
fellow are enjoying yourselves," said
Mr. Sun.
"We hnd better ask the King of the
Clouds, too. eh? asked Prlnc Sleet
"Py nil means." Bald old King Snow.
So Prince Sleet gave his long, cold
whistle and then called.
"King of the Cloud. King of the
Clouds, come with your Army of
Itnlndrops, and your own most loyal
self, come for a trip with old King
Snow and Prince Sleet."
Soon along came the King of the
Clouds nnd the Army of Raindrops.
"So we're going to have a trip, eh?"
asked the King of the Clouds. Prince
Sleet and old King Snow nodded.
"And we're going to the earth, ehf
asked the Army of Ilalndrops,
Again Prince Sleet and old King
Snow nodded.
"May we come, too?" asked some
very cold, chilly voices, and they all
aa w the Icicle Brothers coming near
along with old Mr. Freezing-Is Fun.
"Indeed you mny," said Prlnc(
Sleet, "nnd thla will be the right sort
of a place with all the right sort ot
traveler going along."
So they all started, led by Prlnc
They went down to the earth and
hnd a murvcloua trip. The earth peo
ple said the storm was dreadful but
Prince Sleet nnd the others thong?
it W(i8 plendld.
i& 18J. Wwtwn NwpDW Union.)
Town' Buiine Area
Recognized a Problem
TIio multiplicity of tore, many of
which, are not needed and sooner or
later Join the ranks of the bnslnesa
failure whose demise la marked by the
"to let" sign, is one of the problem
with which, according to the civic de
velopment department of the Chamber
of Commerce of the United States,
many cities are now struggling. It
arises a a phase of zoning.
"In several cities," Bay the chamber,
zoning authorities are studying th'a
problem and coming to teritntive con
clusions a to how lare a proportion
of the Btreet frontage In a given nrea
should be allocated to business. The
problem Is the same as thnt of the re
tollers, wholesaler and manufacturers
who are concerned over Irnonmt com
petition and buslnes failures. Bat the
different angle from which It I ap
proached should provide a valuable
means of checking results.
"In one large city of the Northwest,
for example. It Is believed thnt sub
business centers, outside the downtown
nrea, should have not "more than 2 pet
cent of the street frontage of a glveo
area. Studies mnde In the Los Angeles
metropolitan district Indicate that re
tall buslnefs will occupy only about S
per cent of on area, though from 11 to
13 per cent has been allocated to It by
the zoning regulations.
"The basic question I, of coarse,
how many families It take to anpport
a store. The answer, naturally, varies
with the kind of store." Today' Busi
Home Ownership Stir
Pride of Possettlun
"Home ownership vs. rent Is not an
argument" ay a bulletin of the home
builder and subdivides division ot
the Cleveland Renl Estate board. "Th
money difference is not a folr basis on
which to approach the subject or t
arrive at a decision. Possession bring
pride, and pride Is the mother of many
virtues morals, thrift, discipline, self
respect and. In the end, freedom.
"A man or woman experience a
sense of freedom In the ownership ot
a borne that nothing else gives. And
freedom Is the base and the structure
of progress.
"Home ownership correctly mean
erecting a home when some efTort
some sacrifice has been mnde to ac
quire lund on which to build and then
building on the land, the two repre
senting n value. To do thla Inspire
desire, and It Is desire that builds first
the Individual, then the family, and
finally the nation."
Cont'der Human Element
If you Invite a group of contractor
to bid on your hous and they all
submit proposals, based upon tin
same plans and specifications. It il
customary to let-the contract to the
lowest bidder. If. however, quite a
number of contractors ask the prlvl
lege of estimating on your bouse. It
Is not necessary to follow this custom.
In fact, a well-prepared set of speci
fications Includes the following
clause: "The owner reserve the right
to reject nny and all bids." Contrac
tors and builders understand that the
lowest bidder may rot be the one
elected to erect the home. It may be
worth while to let the work to the
highest bidder even though the cost I
sotnewhnt Increased. The human ele
ment thnt enters Into home building
Is so Important thnt you should not
permit a few dollars to stand In the
way of assuring your home being boa
st'y built Chicago Hnlly News.
Home Owners Mile City
The growth of a city Is depend,-
to a large extent upon the stability of
Its citizenship. In this respect Cleve
land's future is ussured because of It
hlsh standing among other American
cities in the percentnge of homes
owned by their occupants.
Home owning Is a factor of para
mount Importance In the civic, social
and commercial progress of a city.
It makes for n more Intelligent and
n more substantial citizenry. It mean
greater loyulty nnd therefore better
government. In the end It means more
prosperity and more contentment of
the masses. Jacob Ilutler, County
Savings and Loan league, Cleveland.
Ever reent and Landicapa
Whether you are planning to com
plete the biilldlnj, of your new home
In the early spring jr In the lute full,
the large family of so-called ever
jrreen trees will, Indeed. All a very
large place In the border planting.
With the taller varieties of trees un
sightly objects can be screened, even
large buildings. With the small ot
dwarf species the ground n ay be cov
ered In sun'lght or In shade, or the
front elevation of the house or (Kirch
given a setting of beauty and per
Consider Hedge Planting .
Too often the hedge Is thought of
only as a barrier u living substitute
for a fence. Put while a hedge serve
for this purpose ao admirably, Its use-,
fulness us an element in design nnd
un ornamental addition In the planting
scheme Is not fully appreciated. Most
every home ground present opportu
nity for the use of hedge planting
which will Increase the beauty ami
I'lTectlveuoss of the planting schema