Vl'Ca-K OUR COMIC SECTION t "Will- have )Ai finished) that YOU don't hire to tA th ol J briar outdoors if you 11 tt with SirWaJter Raleigh's tobacco. Wivci like tie fra grance of Sir Walter busbancU say it's tKe mUtil, melloweit imol that ever came out of the South. An4 the gold foil wrap ping iruide tie tin keeps it freak to tie Terj laat pipeful. Sir Walter can bring your pipe out of tie woodihed into tie paxlafi OarOIATIOM, Ifhrtlt. Iff At SlItV<ER Raleigh Smoking Tobacco It's miUtr Mn Art ml Hbnilmrm fur Mt1m llml Inft loo. prayr (r, Umli pwr atrvra 4Imm at kom or In Faith Van. Inrluia. Hab.l milk, MC I. Ilollnt.r, Calif. GMIQMB Qmmn BmttHtry HusfcUa fr rMllry Prcflfs R. I. Reds, Uarrad Rockl, WhluLaghorns IHromcara- (uHy anparviaad floefca of Urga blrdiand tnatura braadait. Including; worlds rae ord strain. AUo W.L. puUata, yaarllng hane and day-old toikaya. Writa fur pricae at one aa evarything points to (TMtly Incraaaad damand. Prompt 100 U dall vary guaranteed. 20 y aara' wonderful reputation your eaieguard. JayTHd QUEEN HATCUERT MI Sit Ave. ItaMU, Waah. . tlumaa Natura "It gota my gout to have Tleaae re nilt' on tli bottom of bill." "Tea. It makes you feel yon never wanna go there and have anything chargod agnlu." Cincinnati Enquirer. War ee Tula from a eut or bumT Cole'a Carbollaalve alopa pain InatanUy and haala quickly without a eear. Khd It handy. All drug. lata, o aad SOq, or J. W. Cola Co Hock ford, 11L Advertisement. Na Hop Husband Did you got a mold from the rvglatry office? Wife No. IIuNbond Weren't thore nny thorct Wife Dorens but e hnve bod thorn all. Knaper (Stockholm). Girlhood The trying Hma in a ynuiig girl's life it reached when Nature leada her un certain atepe serosa the line which divide! girlhood and womanhood. Neglect at thla critical Deriod la largely responsible for imuch of the mlaery of women. Often there la need of aome aafa, arrerurtheniofr tonic to overcome the languor, nervousncia and diitrea' girla commonly experience at thia time. Dr. Pieree'e Favorite Pre emption soothes the nervea,encouragea the appetite and helpa the entire wom anly organism., ,Jt ia purely herbal containa no narcotic, nor any harmful Ingredient Dryggiita. Tableta or liquid. Send Dr. ricrce, Buffalo, N. Y 10c If you desire a trial pkg. of tableta. I a -T f "1 Cold ' At flmt alirn of a eold. take Nlt . N ATURt e REKIBT-tha lax-, tire that thoroughly olaana jrour InUtatinea. ltlathaone uard jrour health. Mild. 10 NIGHT safe, purely veetable, 'ro MORHOW ilaaait-2C, O ALIUOHV For Sale at All Druggist. aw r jt a 01 ' " 111 ii i 1 1 i a iii i a in, i . i i i ii i, i Events in the Lives of Little Men (6TaK W H P t A FINNEY OF THE FORCE Nothing to Be Done About It AlwTT Mr-fu.-r.-Uf r$ JV1 uHlVeo GcKl- .1 ( UTtttI WCAuSVtl,3cOtfJV!- iKVtoUtWrt?!- 7 ( T'fXf'yX'JfSA Uo4CA4BWM6WK. 1 f Ki0ARoUlWM-6iU.WTVtl V Tutt RAPPuJ Oi DOCAV ; f I MHT KMOU) VI WIU GlTTDJ UJ J JW iwkw Tt. JI m5ct w(W a TouciMoxj w VUU Hit K, I'llX KSoX Gut SI SiAJCSN. I geoXftL-AU'lUVt Uffl BaiTlTtJl'UJuIUAVSlb) A Waatarm Kitnaw n.lla T U l-i LL I t! i. 1 "M - aVtl THE FEATHERHEADS That Kind Hangs On and On ( l0AOFPErJUB5E, ( STlXiGy ALV RlSWTrF Mil I WNVT-CAN'T W6)r rj AGAlXJ WHM If i Iit' faSMio1A8LC-) lJ KAIU RIGHT ?.- J W. FU0WS HAD A T-r rirn 1 nurse amd all shh J fH.L. ., 1 I HAt WAS A TOMOft-y . y ' ' ' I r y WLL.,M.FAWEaEA0. IT LOOKS HOWS WE LITTLE WOMAXiTliKE A LONG V Frt ? - LWGECiMG ILL- 1 1 M t FMtara Nawapapar Unloa waaKaaiaBBHamdariaWLaLaBMi.aHaBJaWejLM V00 S, A FRIEND . " . a a 4 1 f)Cs - A MaFHAOtU) 10AS IAJ PERFECT fifSOJff WiW A TUMOR OQ some tlIini xirtTiftxiS AGO- AND Wf-b 1 out OPT' AGONY ticKl 1 i 1 J0M 1? f r Y - V 'lalfl4Ja''--,, T Weed less Main? Teople are often too ptrtit with paln Buffering when there Ta"nO need to iuf fer. Shopping with a head that throhei Working though they ache all ever. - And Bayer Aapirin weu34 bring n mediate relief! ?; i. The beat time to take Bayer Aspirin Is the moment you first ieA the paint Why postpone relief until the pain haa reached ite height? Why husitate ta take anything ao harme7 Read the proven dircrtiornfc check tig colds, easing a acre throat; rriwvuij headache and the pains of tteuraigia, neuritis, rheumatism, etc; 1 . You can always count 03 its quick comfort. But if pain, ia of frequent recurrence see a doctor as to iU tause. Aapiria la tha trad nark of Bayer Mamrfaetma of MonoaeatlcaAUtaf pf SaUqrUcadd Proud Datifoation Andrea del Sarto was designated the faultless painter." Coast to Coast good Grocers sell and recommend Ituss I'all Iilue. Better ralue than any other. Adv. Getting to work early Is Itself an Inspiration. Money in Bananas CooTxntlv plaa ylalda Irnasdooa oniu nWa and aMrkMlna baii.n. Crop tbtra batta. Xom do mo work. V aontklf pi a. proLti pT tour lanM bmbi tlut .Kcuid aara te&i ta iUJJQ raarlr lor roa wuaotit hiniMr axpata. Tkia ia a aouaa mi gutair Enaxad oicMTTaUvaiT aasaav opentioa. Baw nimm lavwltilxia nvtti BorkiM Ir tlEXICAN ACRiCU TTRAL LAND CO. toe DUOMC ttaak Balftdfna, ntUbih, Pa. Love and a con;h carmot be hid. vn lib, i Molhers don't neglect your child's COUGH or COLD rOOD olJ Muiterole now made mili' VJ er for babies and tmiH children. So pleasant to use and ao reliable apply Children'a Muiterole freely to the infected area once every hour Jot five hours. That's the aafa, tore treatment that millions of mothers and leading doctors and nonet recognize and endorse. Working like the auto trained hinds of a muaeur, thia famoue tlend of oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other helpful, ingredients Brings relief naturally. ; It penetrates and atimulates blood circulation, helpa to draw out infection and pain Keep full strength Muiterole on hand for adults and GuT drea's Musterole for the Cttle tots. All druggists.' Tablat Honors TalaTi'tion To mark the spot . here J. L. Balrd, the Scotch Inventor, first achlered television, a tablet on the wall of a building at Hastings, England, was no- relied recently. The ceremony was one of the few occasions In history where a living man bad a tablet un rolled to his memory. Alimony a Soothinf Syrup Ilortenae Yes, and thy -say hei mother brought her up of soothln sirup. . ; Marjorle Yes, and aW; that sh needs It she Is nit gettlngv'uny sooth lng sirup. J '.. ' llortense Yesi she Is stie Is get ting alimony. New Bedford Standard COLIC arnaui aayr sJ 3 mtarn X cry In tKe nigKf may Be tht first warning that Baby has colic. No cause for alarm if Castoria is handy I This pure vegetable prep aration brings ouick comfort, and can never do the slightest harm. Always keep a bottle in the house. It is the safe and sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether it's the stomach, or the little bowels; colic 0 constipation; or diarrhea. When tiny tongues are coated, or the breath is bad, Whenever there's need of gentle regulation. Children leve tha Hum NotHcot fmm a I "oaforSuJ mmitMiS 4 mm. taste f Castoria, and Its rrrildnesj makes it suitable for the tiniest infant, and for frequent us And a 'more .liberal , -dose, of Castoria is always better.' for growing children than some, need lessly strong medicine me'STii'only for adult use. Genuine Clstoria always has Chat 11 Fcher's signature on the wrapped Pre scribed by doctors I , '".rim 'M