The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 07, 1930, Image 5

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Get poisons out
of system. . . .
Doctor know (hat
(hla modern iclcntille laxative
worki efllclcntly la tmallcr
doaea becauna you chew it.
Safe and mild for old and young.
Soviet Ceaatrie
The Bovlot union Incluitm ill con
stituent republic, tha Itumluo roptib
lie (K. B. r. S. a), Whit II oasis.
Ukraine, Transcaucasia, Turcoman and
Usbek, Tk It, 8. r. B. II. Include It
tutonomou mrulillra, Haahklr, Tar
tar, Klrghta, Pageatan, Crimea, Ya
kutsk, Karelia, Chuvaah, German re
public on Volga, Ilurlato-Mongolla,
Kaaakakala. Th will inn la of popula
tion In IVM was 147,013,0(10; tlicra
wer 12 different antliiialltU with
140 languages, Th Tartars ara Mou
lollaaa; nMat of tba Afghan art
Aryans, though som of th tribe of
tfuhHtilalun ara of Mongolian origin.
.... u-i
BflMMMtMH PtMlM In Hll9
a IhaaaanS OS
I bin OmhMI
Fw, f-lual lota a,wh,l av -
Vkui MBt u f nli-JiiI Kmn.'a.
rwl a Wihiil W-aOTt or prawa wa
ant la Ika lmaat al Nwii x
MM-Nia N-jua n4
AUUnf w warw.
at all vmva mwu
I au w ,
W HaJUMla,
la M
1 waiia at,
The Hard f Haari.g
There ara 15,mo,oui person In th
tnlted Btnti-s who ara bard of hear
big, according to Ealelle Hamuelaon,
Instructor of Up reading at Columbia
anlverally. Tbea partially deaf Indl
rldnala, aha Bare, conatltute an enor.
eioua problem In retarded education,
limited working ability and wealed
Da.k With PaFrt
After a girl left Kiinlaklllen. Ireland.
M a train for Ix-rry to ratrb a liner
mind f"r America recently, her
frlenda discovered that aha had for
gotten her paaaport. Her brother
aiounted a nvli rryele and epeeded
(lie 00 miles, arriving with the paaaimrt
two mluutca brfwra the tender left th
Coast to Coast good Ororera sell and
rem ru mead Una Halt nine, Bettor
ralu than any other. Adv.
To Be Eaact
"What do you mak a week Tanked
I Jndg of an llallaa organ grinder.
Twenty riflNar, aara."
What. fM for grinding an organ r
"No, Bare; not for da grind, hut for
la ahnt ap an' go away." Th It
torder. Willi EvWeatly Kaaw
' Teacher Willi, ahnt la a skeleton?
Willi (After carefully ronaMerlng)
I'lcaaw, air, a akletn la a nmn with
hla Inalde out and bla oulatdea oft.
Chicago Tribune.
Few Muik 0a la Canada
Ther la but one herd nf muak men
OiKin th Cnnaillun mainland Them
ar about iBiO animals In the herd,
which la now kept In th Thelnn gaum
in net liar. T near Great Hlava Ink.
neglect a COLD
DTSTRESSINO cold In eheit or
throat-that o oftrn UiHa to
aaneehina acrioui generally mponda
to goad oil Muirerol with th tirat ap
plicMion. Should b more etTectiv if
uiM one every hour for ftvt houri.
Working lit tha traim-J htndi of a
fnasteur, thia famou blrnd of oil ol
tnuttard, camnlior, menthol and othrr
hrlpful InRredienta bring rrllcf natur
ally. It penntratea and atimulatea blood
circulation, help to draw out infettion
and pain. IW by millioni for 20 yeara.
Jlerommenrkd by doctora and nurwi.
KacpMuitcrolc handy-jara and tube.
To MotheriMutterolt it alia
truutw in milder form for babU-r
end tmatt childrttu AikJorUiU-
Crtn $ MUlrcrow.
ar yure. mvi t.
CawnKr k BaUt
la tka aiually qutat bom of
rtar. Mr. Tvlllvar of Had Thruab,
Iowa, bla aiotbarlaaa daugblara,
Malaa, Miriam and Kllan "Oln
a Ella" ra buay " rooming'
tbalr alatar Marjory for partlcl
patloa la tha "beauty paaaant"
that aranlng. With E4r Ji'k
aon, proiparoua young farmar,
bar aeoort, Marjory ! tor
tka anticipated triumph. Over
work baa aarloualy rTartad Mr.
Tolllvar'a ara Marjory wlna th
baauty prlaa, 1 10 00. th glvaa
tha monay to bar father to con.
ault Cblaago apaelallata Otnaar
meata Alaaaadar Murdoch. Mr
Tolllrar raluroa, th doctora (I,
lag hit llttl bop. Ulniar lata
a Ida for Tareona Horn
for tha Blind" and aollelta fund
Bha lata raaalta at one. Hla
I aiarrled and lave th par
aonaga. Mr. Tolllrar goaa ta
Bdly Jaekaoa'a farm for a raak
Hiram Buraworlh la angaaed aa
autxtltut paator.
CHAPTER V-Continued
"Tea, inch a olra man. Thal'a
roar bathroom yon needn't b afrtitd
to oa It, It goea wltb this Mota W
bar am. ther on at tha back. Uur
kT aoiptlad th duaet for you. and
th bnreaa draw era ar amply. W
bar auppcr at all o'clock, and- Oh.
I forgot to Intrmtnra tli glrla. Hut
they dldol com down, did IbeyT
Beneath tha bed. Marjory wrilhod
hi hlileaa fury it th poor womaa'a
Battering antlety. Itui ah went out
It iatt. and doeod tbe door behind
br. Marjory lay rigid beneath th
bod. bating th young preacher, bating
alia Jrnktna. draplalng brraelf for
kar chlldlab curloalty. liar only hop
a that quick wilted Ulnger. mlaalng
br. would gaea her predli-tment.
and dru a aehem to get u new
boarder ont of th mom for a whli.
Onforrunately, Ginger waa la a pra
llramont of ber own.
But Hiram Rurkwnrtb knew noih
bg of rtie anpleaaaat compUi-atlona.
Ha pot bla bag on a chair, and
ypeod It, IHaurely. Then h went to
tha Cloaet. and looked In. Oaiaed
to tha wtndowa, and liwked out. Blond
befor tha hookaheleea. lamtnlng th
title of booka. now and then taking
bat a rnluma for a brief Inaiiertlon.
"Oh, dear hearen," prayed Marjorr.
'don't let him get Ineplred to writ
I aermon."
Illrarn Duckworth left tba book
ahoiroa, and bad a hk at tb bath
room. II waa whlatllng aofily b
Iwwea bla teeth. No hyma th tun
that ba whlatlod. amthlng light
aomethlog catchy, wltb Mlllng ra
toacea. Preoently b tiruk Into anng,
low anog. barely mc than a bum. In
B plmaant low Tote.
"Now I aak yon Tory con Men
(tally Alol ! wrt r "
Slowly, b reruoTed bla coat, shook
It out, and bang ft over th bark of
tha chair, and took oft hla collar and
la. from bla bag, h drew nut a
frh lot of tlea, and m lev-ted on with
Mr discrimination, hla eyea flnihlng
gulck comparlaon In color tones from
aot to II.
"Oh, I hop ho Isn't going to change
hla clothe," thougtit Marjory, ami
Mint her eyea very Unfitly Indeed.
II I ram Ruck worth wrul to th bath,
room, and turned bth faucets Into
lbs tab, Marjory could hear the
trickle of tha water over hla Angers
ka b reated tlta warmth of It.
" 'Tery-con fldenthilly
Marjory, beneath tha bed, was
bathed In cold perspiration. II cam
deliberately back Into tha room, look
I hoe front th bag. remivd th
ahoetreos noisily, shook nut fresh
Ihlrt and placed them la tha drawer,
finally, from tba rack, he chose a
thick bath towel. Marjory watching
through tha sheltering lac frlny anw
blra retnra to th bathroom. The dor
would ha clot lit HI hand waa
oa th knob. Tea, ha pulled It
ilowly, It waa ajar a llttl Juat a
rary llttla
Th diMir slammed shot
Not ona Bioment did Marjory Tol
liter linger beneath that bed. Bh
gathered loyal her all her lllh young
mnarlea, and with 00a vigorous Jerk.
profiled ber slim body from h.
Death the bed In the direction ol the
door, tbe hall door. Hlie lwtx-il to
her feet, and flaahed Into the hallway
Hiram Duckworth hearing the allghi
sound, the click of tbe latra. openeii
th bathroom door.
"Tear he called. "Whal Is Itr
The door to the hall stood open
Re crossed th room, and looked down
tha corridor. At th farther end. he
aaw, ar thought be aaw, tha firing
French heel of a whit ellpiier.
"Haunted," he auld to hlmeelf
"Tttat'a nice."
Bat when be weot bacn Into the
room, he at only cloned the door,
carefully, but turned the key In tbe
lock aa well.
"1 aak yoa very con fiden tially
wolotled aofily aa ba tamed
Ethel Hueston
IlluaTNitlona by
Irwin Myei'
Htrrlll Co, W.N.ll, ftt-ftviet.
back Itilo the bathroom " 'Axol-sbe
sweet r "
Mlaa Jenkins bad gone straight
from ber reception of the new mln
later to th rescue of (linger Ella,
for eh had rightly Interpreted both
the sudden crash and the cnaulng
sllenc ss indicative of disaster In
that direction. CnfortuoHtely for
(hat young person, the apple barrel
had nails In It, nails that alack In
ward, tilnger, bleeding on both arms,
bruised on bolb kneea, and altogether
furtnua, was further annoyed by th
fact that she wss pinned Into the bsr
rel by the Intnrnlng oalle. At every
alight motion to citrlcate herself,
there wtre ominous little eounds of
tearing cloth tpelHng ruin for the
summer frock. With Miss Jenkins
help, however, ehe managed at last
slowly, not without rain, to gel her
self oul of the barrel with only a few
minor rents and amine of blood upon
the precious garment.
Borne two hours Inter, lllrauj Hue.
worth, with bis aval Ingratiating
smile, stepped ont onto the rambler
ahaded veranda, where hla eyre fell
a Km a pleasant picture. Mine Jenkln
aat In a low rocker, carefully mending
Hiram iuekworth Looked Hard at
a tore new summer frock, while Olo
ger. In a plain flame-colored amock.
aat 00 a stool shelling peas. Aud In
the hammock, tne a'ltn foot croaeed
over th other, both whit anna ovae
ber bead, lay Marjory, ao still and
lovely that Ulram llmk worth caught
bla breath at alglit of her.
"I beg pardon b nld pleasantly,
"may I com out I don't hnv to stay
In my mom until supper, do IT
Uurjory sal stiffly upright In the
banimirk. 0 Inter shook the dual ot
tbe garden from her bands, and sat
th pan of pens on Hi floor at her
slda. Miss Jenkins flushed and flut
tered anxiously,
"Of course not," she elamniertd. "I
menn, by ell means. Come right over.
I was going to Introduce yoa to the
girls, anyhow
lllrum Ituck worth Joined the imall
group In the shadowy comer.
"This Is Marjory. Marjory Tolllver,"
fluttered Miss Jenkins. "Not the old
est Helen Is the oldest, hut she's
married Marjory la one nf the twins.
And this Is (linger Ella. Ellen. 1
mean. We Just call ber (linger. 8he's
the ha by."
Marjory Indicated the other rocket
wltb a graceful geatnr of a white
hand. "IK alt down," ah anld.
Hiram Duckworth looked hard at
"Twins," h anld. "It doesnt seem
Mnrjnry'a lovely eyea questioned
him mutely.
"Doe aha, th other twin, look Ilk
Seam of Burning Coal
A nnluue Auatrnllnn phenomenon Is
the "Itumlng Mntitiiuln" at Wingen In
northern New South Wales, which
scientist say has been on fire 1.000
According to a party ot geologists,
who have Just returned from sn ex
ploration of the mountain, ears sn
Associated I'rea dlapatcb from 8yd
ny, there lies below the eurfnee a
burning coal seam. Long before Ru
mpenn settlement In Australia "Rarn
Ing Mountnln" whs known to the
aborigines, and to them It owe Its
name, Wlugen, signifying "fire."
The geologists report that tb sum
mil present th appearance of the
U'brta ol a vast block of buildings
consumed bj Bra wltb aa eapioalun 01
Oh, no, do Indeed, not a bit," chat
tared Mlaa Jenkins, "Just th oppo
site, you might say. . Miriam la stlU
and dark and"
"Miriam la very brainy," Interposed
Dinger quickly.
"I thought rhers couldn't ba two,"
b said, In a tone of great relief.
They talked together In tba com
radely fashion of pursonage people
Hi world over, as a fumlly, ona to
"I wish I could see yoor father to
day," be auld. "1 should feel more
at home ta bla pulpit If 1 knew him
personally. Don't yon auppoM we
could rent a car tenlght, and drive
out to aea blmJ If U U not too ferr
"Eddy Jackson would com of aa,"
aald Ginger.
"Tub Andrews would take na," atig-gest-td
"Mr. Tolllver would be ao pleased
aucb a aJce man,' aald Mlaa Jen
kins. "Can't we Just real a ear? I bat
to bother your frlenda and it wouldn't
cost much."
"Hut when yen tak ont tea dollars
for board." aald Olager warnlngly.
"Or perhsps Mlaa Jenkins ber forgot
to tell yon about It," Marjory added
"I don't recall that aba mentioned
It," ba aald pleasantly. "It aeems
very reasonable Indeed."
"Hat when yoa oMislder that yog
only get flfteen- (Jlnger'e role
trailed off to a etgnlflrant lleoca.
"But wo dedded that If yoa ob
jected, w would keep yoa for tight,"
encouraged Marjory. .
1 shouldn't think of objecting." ba
ssld. "Quit the contrary. I am aara
putting op with me I worth oven
"And 1 will do yoor Isnndry with
tha girls'." added Miss Jenkins. "And
there really rant much to apend
money for ta Bed Thrush.
Tbef told him of their father, ot bis
patience, bla faith, bis sees of hu
mor. They told him ot Joplln West,
bury, and tha new church. Tbey told
blm of Eddy Jackson, at Pay Dirt.
"And whoaa boyfriend la Eddy
Jackson" ha asked, reflective ayea
oa Marjory, altrug stiffly erect In tb
"Nobody'a. Eddy Jackson teat that
kind." anld Ginger Indignantly.
"1 may as well explela Ginger. I
mean Ellen, right at tha start," aald
Marjory, Isaghlng. "She ta against
boy friends. She thinks tbey ara aim
ply dlaxuatlng. And she thlnka tba
rest of us even Mlaa Jenkln ar
simply man-mad. (linger tnPok a
man who 'paws' should bo abot at
sunrise. If not eoeoer."
He smiled anderstandlngly. "And
who. then, la Eddy Jackson T
"Kddy Jackson, exclaimed Ginger,
wltb ona of ber broad sweeping ges
tures, la father's best and decreet
and moat Intimate friend, a genuine
character, and no base pretender."
In tb early evening answering their
meek request over tba telephone,
Eddy Jackaon, boay with hla aipert
menta. aent one of the oollega eta
denia la hla car for them and tbey
drove oot to the farm, Eddy waa still
buay In tha ra bona tori, bat Mr. Tol
llver waited oa the porch for them,
with Miriam, and this to Ginger's
Sieecb!eaa fury Alexander M unlock.
Wlthoat a word to any of them, aha
marched Into the laboratory, com
pletely spoiling a doles te experiment
"Eddy Jackson, yoa double-croaeed
"1 did Dot." h denied, quickly fol
lowing ber line ot thought "1 dldot
Invite him. Ba came oul by himself
this afternoon, and he looked at Mi
riam, and etayed. I donl think bell
ever go home again. And betridea,
you dldnt tell m to keep blm away
from anybody but Marjory."
Tills Ginger could oot deny, ao, with
her usual eang frold. shs dlsmbwed the
entire subject, and led Eddy out ta
aieel the new minister.
Illram Ruck worth shook bands with
him cordially. "1 sta glad to meet
you." ha aald, "and I Ira look tag for
ward most keenly ta knowing yoor
futber, I bav beard aothlag hut fb
recital of hi rare virtue since I
reached Red Thrush."
"My fntherr Eddy was nonplused.
"Ton must he mistaken. 1 bare no
father, my fattier Is dad "
"Oh, I heg pardoo. I as I am ml a
taken. I Inferred trat It waa your
fmlier tuey aw rely spnka of blm aa
Kddy Jackson. Mr. ToUlvar'a particu
lar friend and crony."
Eddy looked unutterable thing. "Ob
yoa meaa ma. I am Eddy Jackson.
Tb only one."
"You! Rut gracious, they aald
Wall. I nmleratand- My mistake. I
sea, excuse me,"
"1 know." Eddy Jmksoo laughed.
"Too moan Ginger Rll. Bnra. 8h
puta me, and ber falher, and Moae
In the aa me daea. We're all arch
angela together."
Keeps Mountain Warm
two thrown In. Brook and team
continuously ar Issuing from differ
ent points, and there ara namerooi
deptstts of alum and sulphur.
Th hurtling seara probably la SO
reel or mora in thickness, say the
geologlflta. and la being ennaumed at
(he rata of from 134) to 180 yards each
century. Th warmth of th mono
tain In winter rim attract cattle,
horses, and wild animal
"Deb tares''
Th word "debenture" mean a ,-tisr
tomhnuee certificate given to an Im
porteror an exporter of goods t
the effect that he I entitled to
drawback oa lb duty assessed.
"Lucile is the
Happiest Girl"
Bo many mothers
nowadays talk shout
giving their children
fruit juices, aa If this
were a new discov
ery. Aa a matter of
fact for over fifty
year, mothera have
bean accomplishing
result far aurpasslng anything yoa
isn secure from home prepared fruit
Juices, by using pare, wholesome Cali
fornia Fig Syrup, which la prepared
under the most exacting laboratory
supervision from ripe California Flga,
richest of all fruits In laxativo and
nourishing properties.
It a marvelous to see bow btllous.
weak, feverish, sallow, constipated,
under-nourished children respond to
Its gentle influence; how their breath
clears op, color flames to their cheeks,
and tbey become aturdy, playful, en
ergetic again. A Western mother.
Mrs. H. J. Stoll, Valley P. O, Ne
braska, aays: "My little daughter,
Roma Loclle, was constipated from
babyhood. I became worried about
her and decided to give ber aoma
California Fig Syrup. It atopped her
constipation quick; and tbe way It
Improved ber color and made her pick
op made me realize how run-down aha
bad been. She la ao sturdy and well
now, and always In such good humor
that neighbors any she's the happiest
girl In the West"
Like all good things, California Fig
Byrup la Imitated, but yoa can alwsys
get the genuine by looking for tba
name "California" on tbe carton.
w niaa ajejM
ka tk Dc.Cl.Daaa llama
na aanftral aialhai at Iraa.
aaaa. (IW Mr aa aadoaWalrt
IteBWcaM MKcaw aiw attfc
UMrKtrtaiaoil Coloa tlkaant.
6a TODAY for FKKK 100.
Mending Fiahing Net
Not for Modern Wire
The modern wife Is hsndlcapplng
fishing In the Fife district of Boot
land. Aa unprecedented situation la
developing ta several fishing towns
due to a ahortage of women capable
of mending the herring neta. The
shortage became acute during the
preparations tor the fishing now In
progress at Yarmouth, whea great dif
ficulty was experienced la obtaining
the necessary assistance to repair the
nets. When a well-known Cellnrdyk
fisherman waa naked to glv a reasoo
for the shortage, his reply wsa given
In three words, "The modern wife!"
The young fisher girls hare nevet
learned to mend the nets, and conse
quently the services of the older wom
en, whose number are steadily dimin
ishing, are In great demand. Appar
ently there la no desire among the
young wlvea to leora this duty.
Dainty white dresses for baby or
daughter made beautiful by Buss Ball
Hlue. Tour Grocer has It Adv.
A Siga
Judce Thonuia r Grahstn, Ban
Francisco's "great reconciler" he has
reconciled hundreds ol parted couples
said In an argument about mar
"The young are too cynical about
mnrriajre. A girl of seventeen or ao
asked a grass widow of twenty-seven :
"'When a good man makes love to
you, Is It always a slip) that he wants
to marry youT
"'Yes, darling,' laughed the grass
widow, 'and when he stops making
love In yoa It Is always a alvn thai
the marriage hia taken place,'
Tough t
Chicken waa aerved In the seaside
boarding house, but well, It might
have been more teuder.
"I don't know much about these
things," one man waa heard to any,
"but I feel sure that bird enme from
a bard boiled egg." Urdon Tlt-Blta.
Garfield Tea
Was Your
Grandmother's Remedy
For every stomach
and Intestinal 111.
Tula good old-fashioned
herb home
remedy for consti
pation, etomach Ilia
and other derange
ments of the sys
tem o prevalent these days la In even
greater favor a a family medlcln
thsa In yoor grandmother's day.
give quick.
Pleuant. sooth-
In and healing. Excellent for
children contains no
fi u r i a fu 1 1
'f i - ' J.
used for 6) yesrs.
and ooe sues,
V--i . .
-- saa knot arrtn rM3
REmfj COLOrl U1N1C
eaa-rrpw VTt .ra wmwl
"V vir, .. s
. aw- i ar a T k-
a, ' i i in
f Instead ef iaacatra kaart ds
sraaaants tak aafa. aoIM. aaralr I
i vegatssi waTWBia- BSMBBT i
sad gat rid af U bewsl sntaiaa
' tkat tha travbl. Matk-
r lag Ilk Ml fee blMaonaaa, alk i
AaaVmnUu mh IS MaWaWiaia
nn La a a toman, tamm
r 1 ,t
Vasatlea Hla Traaa
Tree like bomaa beings, should bo
allowed to have a vacation occasional
ly, aetodlng to Geoge P. Weldon, Bote
pomologlst Southern California's cli
mate ta too good for a number of va
rieties of peaches, apricots and apples,
and If something bappena to prevent
tba treea bearing fruit for ana season
they show renewed life and greater
production tbe next season, according
to Professor Weldon.
This "vscstlon" for tha tree may be
occasioned by a severe winter, which)
would cause tha tree to lie dormant
Is Your Rest
Deal Promptly with Kidnty
E bother with UadbW Irrlta,
-iona. cettmsr vd at tualit and
constant backache; don t take
chanraa Heap war kidneye with
Dean's Pill. Uaed for more than
40 you. Endorsed th world ever.
Sold by dealers evorywbar.
50,000 Users Endorse. Doan's:
Johm Craanar, X N.
pat mm ia momd akapa aad I aa and
taaa anaraTliMaa wa sae laaaila.
Ufa in a Orel.
New York atate haa just plsnted Ita
first treea oa ita first state-bought land
under the Hewitt act and 470.000
young treea are to ba set out on 530
seres purchased In Cortland county,
reports tbe Farm Journal, which ob
serves: "Our ancestors tolled might
ily to get rid of the treea and get tha
country Into farm land. And here we
go hack-tracking to get the marginal
farm lands back Into trees. It's a
great life!"
Largest Rail read Station
The i'enntylvanla terminal In New
York city la the largest under ona
roof, but the Grand Central terminal
In tbe same city baa two levels sod
twice as much floor space. New York
"What Is your book sboutr
"Marco Polo."
"Aud bow doea that differ from tbo
regular gamer
lydia L PinkKam'g Vege
table Compound Is t wonder
ful medicine at the Change of
Life, I would get blue spells and
just walk the floor. I was nerv
ous, could not sleep at night,
ana was not able to do my
work. I know if it had not been
for your medicine 1 would have
been in bed most of this time
and had a big doctor's bilL If
women would only take your
medicine they would be bet
ter." Mrs. Anna ' Weaver,
H F. D. Na a, Rose Hill, Ioua
aataraa later aa
.Ml ,1 IM&. Itn,uv,ata.
PtORUTON SHAfFOO-M"l lor m ta
annaarllDii wllk Pwkart Hair naiun. MiU
bair aoti and Oiittr. aaata r mll of at
alM. UUau Uaamkial WaaU, faubunu, K. I.
w. n. iCfoHmx
SbaaidMi A
IniHawaaalU. la., ajm - mm li !
ad UaKkaTai Uaay
bans aaa aaaaiiaii atdnamt. I Ml
luad aat aad ka4 mm Daaa'a PUk
t-CH f han