The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 17, 1930, Image 3

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    J- I
Friday, Jan. 17. 1930.
CvnliuuiJ frum I'g. I
forct the law pertaining to such
' Alio that t copy of the adopted
resolution be sent to the subordl
note granges for their support.
3 A resolution of thanks to
Lexington Grange for their royal
hrspitality, delicious dinners and
pleasant entertainment
The following program was pre
t:red to a full house in the after
Sort .' Granite
(loading (Jeo. Wicklander
Rodin it. Mini MontRbmery
Fiatio Seleclio i Mat Gentry
Kendititf.... ....... Mrs. Gillespie
Son Ma e Q .rtettej
K port on Seattle Co ivcnlt n, 1
fceiirs. Device and I). Wright '
Talk.... "The Federal Farm!
Marketing Act.".... C. W. Smith j
Papr.."The Set Up Nfcenir
to Market Whn' Under tl" Ag
ricultural MarkiliiK Art."
Burton l'ctk. !
VoealSolo Mita Ruth Ding
Addreia W. W. II. at
In the evenine the fifth degree
wiii beautifully exemplified by
Greenfield Grange to a clase of
82, the large i clars Morrow Co.
Pomona hai erer Initiated.
The drgree of Pomona wa
Illustrated by be.u.ifui tableau
representing "Fidelity" and
Th slippery highway waf the
C use of three Aatomo'.iile wtecki
near loot last weak. A caa went
Into the di'.ch and was Dad v
wrecked near the Frank Maion
ranch on Rhea Cre k. The wrtci
a wai called from Heppner to
moa the dammaged car. We un
deritand the driver wai unhurt
A few miles below lone, the same
day. Mike Roweil had a wheel
torn from his ear. but noane was
ihjurad. Near town a ear driven
by Robert Marty, of Pendleton,
eellided with a car diiven by Al
Headrickson of lone. Beth cars
were badly damaged ao1) a wreck
er crme fcom Heppner to move
c jootooooeooooooooooooo x
The Lighted &
Lamp I
ClX-yiCAn-Ol.t) (llimy dug her bnre
brown Iocs ImIii Iho cool green
dampness of the ki'iims where the (lew
was beginning to Kut tier. "Auntie Km,
Whyn't JTou get you n liualiucid 7" she
asked ut thu woiniiii who nit In the
willow rocker on the porch above her.
"If you did that 1 could hive a really
truly uncle like tint rwt of the girls
end hoya In our crowd. Didn't you
ever know anybody Unit wanted to be
your huMhiimlf Didn't you ever think
about (Htlug murrlcil?"
Kmlly llargreuves cuine and ant on
the top porch step to item the tide of
eager questlnua,
"There are rooklce In the big itnne
Jnr, Glnny," she sulci, "don't you wont
ni! And will you Unlit the letup
before you coin out agalnT" The
handful of cooklea filled the child
mind wlib other thoughts, and ahe
rurled up lu the ,iW.v.g arms, alwp
lly, when ahe rc'iimed lo I he porch.
Hut ahe had i limed Hie train of for
bidden niemoi " tor her limit.
lu the lot mi one lile of Hi house
a baseball gain- was III pmreas; hut
ii flarknrae fell It veil into bliu I
I nun ' tin IT, criirk ihe hlp. and a gen
enit scuffle. Lights pricked out In the
wlndowa of other lioimea along the
ahnded ;rtreot. Hut llargreawV
i n; -r moon of r,.dlnne wna the flrat
lo hue.
In the lilili church on the other
aide of MIm llurgreavea' home the
holr had nil for practice for the
liet day.
They choae a fnmlllar aulhem for
the coming Uj Dudley Hiuk'a ar
rnnzeinent for "My Itedeemer and My
Lord." Through the wide-open win
(low a of the church came the worda
and niUHlc to the listener on the llar
greavea porch "That hervafler 1 may
meet Thee" the child atlrred In Em
ily's i.rtns aa a faint "Hoo Hoo!"
sounded from acrnaa the street
Kinlly'a voice waa carefully pitched
aa ahe anawered the hall "Let her
aiay with me tonight. Shea aaleep
now." Hlie held the wurm Utile body
eloae and gave heraelf up completely
to the memories that aometlmea would
, "iMeer uhiiih, ' wua me reyiy. "e iria
trucked, moat everybody thinks, dime
, here to live neur her brother aevarul
! yenra ago; Just after the war, I guess,
i I don't remember very well I wasn't
i home at the lime, She piny, a regular
game with b"r brothers kid every
Bight something about lighting the
lamp. Him. less she la, at that.
Maybe I ah'ddn't hare culled her
thut. Jim llargreavea would break
every bona In my body If be heard
"llargreavea !" the stranger leaped
the hedge at a bound, and ed ncroaa
the grass, now wet and sparkling In
the moonlight with the heavy dew, to
where a woman sat In the radlanc. of
the yellow lampshade, a halfnwiike
child eliding from her lap.
"Muinmle." aald Glnny, aa she crept
Bp the atepa of her own poich a few
minium luler. "I bet Auntie Kin's go
ing to get her a husband. There's a
man nvei to her house, an' he'a got
hsr In his anna an' she's laughln' an'
eryln' like every! bin', all n once
He'd be an uncle for me, wouldn't her
Coming to
The Dalles and Pendleton.
Dr. Mcllcnthin
ie Isuiiul Mii!icis tor tb
s fifteta rtsri
will be at
Tne Dalles on Wed. and Thu.
Jan. 29-30 at the Dalles Hotel
from 10 to 4. At Pendleton on
Fri. Jan. 31 at the Dorion Ho
tel. OfTUs lloan: ..! ? ,
N.OWg far Canluna
Dr. Mclkwhta is a ngilar grsdut ie xdi
tiae sad asrgcry aad it KcMMd by th ruts af
Ortgoa. Ht doss aal opfltu tor ckreaic appta
atirui. gatl hmms, ulcm efnut, ttmib ar
lis kat to bit rmlii MaoWel rvwlu at i.
Ui. collector of the County of Morrow, Stata of Oregon, tha aamc being the amounta then due and dolln
quent for tax for aald year, upon the real property situated in Morrow County, Oregon, being assessed re
apactlvcly to you, aa la hereinafter 'ol forth in this aummona. t , , ,
You are herohy notified that In tha subjoined tabulation of thla aummona tha left hand column of the
r.ald toDiilotlon vnder the worda 'Aaeaaed Owner and I'reaeut Owner" la correctly represented and aliened
the nume of tha person to whom the respective parcela were assessed for the year 126. aa ahown br ths !
rolls of Morrow County, Oregon, hlch name appears dlractly opposil. the deacriptlon of tha tract under
the column ' description," and following and directly under and beneath aald nam. af the aasessed owner
as aforesaid, la the name of tba preant owner of auch tract, or having soma right, title, lien or InUrest la
aald property, If different from the taaeaaed owner aa ahown by said aaaeaament rolla. That In the eolumn
ae.t following In aald tabulation under the word deacriptlon, .how. and properly allege, the de.crlpUoS
fLmXWJi trcU' ,",r',n M,,!rr'4 ,0- That In the aald deacriptlon In every case the capital lettera N"
W 8 E mean and are equivalent to the four polnta of the compta. "North" "Weaf "South" "Beat M
and In every caea the abbreviation "II of W" meana and la equivalent to the worda "Klght of Way" end In
VtT't " .""''"""Ik" wna and la equivalent to th. word "Block" and In every cai. the a"
brevla Ion "Inc." meana and fa equivalent to the word Inclusive, and In every case thi i abbreviation
(.ovt meana and la equivalent to the worda "Oovernment of th. Unlt.d States of America." Following
each description In the said tabulation and reading from left to right therein, the column headed ''8.e "
todlcatea Section number. The column hwded "Twp" m.ana and Indicate. Townahlp, and the letter. N or
n Indlc.tea flou h and North of the baae line. In the column headed "Rg." meana and indicate, th. Ranee
Eaet of the Wlllamett. Meridian. Th. Column headed with the word "Tax" Indicate, the amount In doU.r.
and cent, of tax due for which aald certificate, were iaaued upon the reapectlve tr.cU referred "to and
rot opposite .aid um In tha column headed deacriptlon. Th. word. "Pen. and Int." Indicate, tha Benalte
and Interest accumulated upon the respective amounta from the date of delinquency to June Sth 192S Vnd In
.WMt,rf",, ,TUI- !,t'""""' ,ndlC,,w nd corr,ct" wP"ll the total amount u 'die
plaintiff for Irrigation district taiee, together with penalty and Interest to the th day of June llli
upon the respective tracta therein dc.crlbed. In the eolumn next following t n.'.er tl e worda Vsaed for
the year" Indicate, and correctly represent tha fear for which aald taxee wore aeeeed, and for whl' u
aald tax became due and delinquent, for which aald eertlflcatea were lrned That a cre-v tea tke
reference to Lot and Block In aald deacriptlon are aa hown on the map. of the Oregon Lan1 end Water Co"
5v;fc ,.dlnprohp:rr;,u, Moffono,wrwr,t:,,w"or otKoTrr Cou,,t)r 0ruor' Bor rtieui" incri
Aasesaed Owner
t'reaent Owner
See. Twp Rg.
Certificate of Delinquency No. ti
T. J. Curtis
Hoy A Amy Duggan
A. 8. Andersen
. It. 8. Howard Jr.
strong a McNaiichlon
Trust Co. l.add Eatatc Co.
L. A. 8ybouta
Total for tue
' yer.
KE?4 8E4
I 4S IS ' 64.05
i: S It 164.00
11 4X tS 164.00
! JO.
Max Aamua
Ktewart Wilson
Veo. C, Howard
NWK 8Ei4, 8W8E4
N of Canal.
t'H 11 4N 21
147.00 11.11
Pavld E. Lofgren
11. J. A. I.ytle
IS. E. K. Mulkey
Beaale O. Mulkey
Annie H. Retta
David iDfgren
14. Claude II. Kurman
R. M. mayaa
Francla J. Btayaa
14 Mike Mulllcan
A. W. Cobb
i?i NEK, E'i E,4 BW
' f :
e:-r r r- i , - . i r
Y. 10 Acrea SWU SW'K 11 4N. 25
4N 25
TV V4 1-ot 4 Cov't.
II 4N 25
Mr. and Mn. Elmer Grtlfi:b,
ao4 their family came to apend
tha day with her. Tbc self mUd
I aeata brought a roaated turkey
and all the fiiin'a for the dinner.
Tha occasion waa Mr. Hawk's
- Work on the lone Bndman
road baa baea stopped tintill th
weather nioderatea.
Mn. Wrex Hicick returned
Friday to her home in Portland
after a pleaaant visit with her
pareoti, Mr. and . Mra. S. K.
Mr. and kin. Fret k Engelinon
went to Portland on Thoi'4e of
laat week. Ti e; made tl e trip
of th Hoauck, kw, kb bUod, slia
not be denied. Swiftly before the eyee eerms, heart, aUney, hUddtr, h:d veniag. cm-
of her mind unfolded that pageant of mA u AnmttM KU(irt fc
lung gone dreama. Once ahe had . ,J
thought about a husband and alHiut a4 rectal ailawaia.
Biarrlage. About holding her own j aVt are tW aaarn Wa fca af lis auay sl.
child to her heart aa she Dow clasped , efieal esMsu ie Oregae ko have base traaisd
tli la one. 1 ter aa ee rhs euW ef the sbeve aaaW stats'
No wonder Clnny asked. For Glnny
had never known that gay bid whose
gray eyee Inughed Into Auntie Em'a
darker Ulnny had never heard
that deep and tender voice that had
ei'Unded aa none other In Emily llar
greavea' ears. (Jinny did not know
whnl It meant lo And ones' heart's de
alre only to lose It
Over and over again the choir eang
the familiar lints of the anthem.
Vaguely Allss llurgreavea noted the
constant reetltlnna. Hut she did nm
know that tbe aong waa being repeat
ed at the request of s:rnr,;cr who
bud dropped Into the rehmraul with
tbe choir director and professed a
apecinl pleasure In that aong.
Through years of waiting In the In
evitable ahiftluga of iliu sands of time.
Through change of scene and laa and
fain In friends and family, Kmlly liar
greaves had stayed waiting. Not ahe
to forget, to find solace In a leaser
love even If the beat were gone fur
ever. Though the long ago aweet-In-art
knew not where to seek her
now, ahe atlll waited for him. And
kept her light bunting In the window.
Even alx yeur-old Clnny knew the odd
ity of Auntie Km', lamp tbnt waa al
ways tbe first to flush through the twi
light of the fading day.
Tbe choir voice, rose to a last
creacendo "With niy Inmp well
trimmed and burning!" The organ
rumbled to a IU111I chord. Tin1 lights
flickered out a the choir members
allpped through the veatry nud nut to
tbe porch and walk.
The stranger .tM'J Into the street
and stood looking about. A gleam of
orange light alanted from tbe window
of the house next '-or and at nick
across his face. "V.'lio Uvea tllcreT"
he Idly asked hi. ho
Mn. H. H. BUka, Minalieli, Ore.
Alfred CiraiaMat, Ce vxlis, Or. t
Cass. Dekh, PortUad, Or.
M v. J. C Haaueder, ToU&, Ore.
Jobi U its, Elo, On.
Bnt Liaipa, S(. Htleas. On
Mtl. Hjyktua Sayd Alt. Or.
Mm has Tuew, M Htla, Or.
Mn. a Vsa Ptfa, Vs-W, Or.
J. H. VmJ, Kagts, O.i.
M rt, Jtaai Veolery, Stln, Or.
Remember above date, that con
tultation on this trip will be free
and that his treatment is differ
Married women must be accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: 4221 West Third Street,
Los Angeles, California.
Certificate of Delinquency No.
Northern Pacific Ry Co.
Mary 8. XlcCollough
R. O. Horning
r.eorg C. Howard
R. 8. Howard Jr. Ree.
Mrong a McNaughton -Tnist
Co. Ladd Estate Co.
Northern Pacific Ry Co.
H J. Hlbbord
U A. Dobl.
Northern Pacific Ry Co.
Northern Pacific Ry. Co.
Northern Pacific Ry. Co.
N of Canal
II of W
leae Canal
8 12.4SI Acrea of
Blk. 17 W
Lots 5-1 Govt.
Ixit t Gor't.
Lot 7 Gov't
Certificate of Delinquency No.
7. Geo. Carbuhn
I. Geo. Carbuhn
10. Ladd Eatat. Co.
Strong A McNaughtoa
Truat Co.
Km. II. I'Urr.
Warren J. Plerc.
10. Ceo. Suabaeur
11. File R. Walpol.
4. Beachler, A. W.
I. Walter Blackburn
. The. A. Cronk
15. J. . Fox
Lot 2 Plk 24W
l)t 1 Blk 24 W
Parte of Lots 1-4-E-l
Blk 23 W.
Lota 1-2. part of t-4-
S-l Blk. 23 W
IM 1 Blk 24 W
Ixit 5 Blk 17 W
Lot 7 Blk 20 W
Lot2 Elk 20 W
Lot 1 Blk 1 W
Lot Blk I W
W. H. A. Smith returned tait
week after spending the holiday
vacation with his daughter, Mtas
Marcia Smith, who is a teacher
in the Tacoma ichoola. While
awav I'r Smith underwetit an
operation for th' removal of a
rowii on hiaeyta. Some time
ago it was necessary for him to
have a similar operation, lie Is
r. covering nice!.
The Co.: OIJ Day
Member of the i.i .l ru.b In the
fllack Bllia are l lie ineeervcd In a
"irraenm given TVri!V'.,M, R, B, y.
K. Adnnia. pioneer ixen-bunt.
Certlflratt of Delinquency
II. W. 8. Hunt -
t!. Alfred Ivea.
tl. C. H. Ivea
17. R. 8. Howard Jr. Ree.
W. R. Walpole .
M. E. Dobl
41. Geo. W. Putnam
50. Harriet A. Olson
It. W. M. Rtgei
57. R. 8. Howard Jr. Rec.
Ftrong A McNaughton
Trust Co. Ladd Eatat Co.
51. R. 8. Howard Jr. Rec.
Strong a McNaughton
: Trnst Co. Lai!d E.tste Co.
St. R. 8. Howard Ree.
Strong McNaughton
Trnst Co. Ladd Eatata Co.
No. 2295.
1536 45.
Lot4 Blk. 1 W, Lot
I Blk S W.
Lot 7 Blk 4 W
1-ot I Blk 4 W
Lot t-11 Inc. Blk.
Lot 1 Blk 5 W
Lot 1 Blk 17 W
Lot 2 Blk 17 W
Lot 1-1 Blk 1 W
Blk II W
Lots 1-1 Inc. Blk
20 W.
rW'iriar Vn.,r.H or: AA 8 -adiraon; Strong A McNaughton
1 -.i. l,.Z """rav" nowara uavid r.. l-otgreo.; J. A.
',7 , :.M0jKh'J" ,,,,'f",n''r Co.: Mary 8. MrCullour.h: R. O. Horning;
Pui wbM: Do",,i w- J' ,-0," c"r l'"hn: Wm. H
P ere. Warren J. Pl.rca; George Ri'..houcr: A. W. IWa.hler: Walter
Blackburn; Thoa. A. Cronk; J. F. Fox; W. 8. Hunt; Alfred Ivea; C. II.
w LW,R- WP01": M- K- IX'hle; Geo. W. Putnam; l--rlet A. Olaen;
W. M. Rlgga: W. N. Rlgga; D. J. V.n Pcyoc; J. l,.' t n.oe; Frid
Tull; U Alboucq; A. Alboticq; Rank of lone; Bank of lane. Tmatee; J.
rjmlnlstratnr of tha estate of A. Bonnatt; Josephine FUxgar
aid: B. L. Jenklna; W. O. McCaw; J. A. Voemana, Tmetre; Tlerney
Toner Co.; Zelma A. Roe; O. A. Griham; E. H. Bell; T. J. Cnrtla; Roy
- rJ1i ,.r P"n: ' A- Syhoute; Max Aamus; tilewart Wllaon:
X. K. Mulkey; Baaaia O. Mulkey; Claud If. Furman, R. M. fltnysa;
Franala J. Staysa; Mike Mulligan; A.W. Cobb; Annie II. Belt.; Ella R,
Walpole; A. T. Herlem; Morrow County, Oregon, and alao all other
peraon. or parties unknown clalm ng any trM, title, ettate, Man or
Inttrrat In or to the real eatat. her In described.
.1 t Defendant.
C0U..TT. .
Certificate of Delinquency No. 2:tl
D. J. VanSryoe
R. 8. Howard Jr. Ree.
W. R. Walpol.
A. T, Herlem
J. L. Munroe
R. 8. Howard Jr. Ree.
W. R. Walpol.
Fre-1 C. Tull
L. Alboucq
A. Alboucq
Bank of lone
J. Balsley, Adm.
Bank of lona, Trustee
Josephine Fitzgerald
R. L, Jenklna
W. O. McCaw
Tlerney- Toner Co.
Certificate of Delinquency No. 2207.
101 Tl
17!, J. A. Yeoman., Truatee Lota 11-11 Blk II E
12. Zelma A. Row a Lot 4 Blk 13 E
O. A. Graham '
. E. II. Bell Lot 2 Blk 2 E
50.43 i2l
71.11 1121
11 4N. 25 291.41 11 65 117.11 ltll
1 4N 21 232.47 62.47 2C5 14 1121
I 4N 21 22.64 120.61 ltll
?! ' I
1 4N 21 117.21 45.31 242.57 1921
ri K-!
15 5N 21 12 00 HIS 100.11 1921
21 6N 21 45.67 10.41 61.06 ltll
11 5N 21 29.91 III 31 II 1911
13 IN 21 141.25 13.14 179.19 , 1921
33 IN II S4 90 14.91 71 13 1931
14 SN 21 20.61 4.72 15.11 1911
14 SN 24 2.75 .13 111 1911
24 6N 21 41.00 9.43 60.43 1931
24 SN 21 41.00 t 41 60 41 ltll
14 IN II It 17 4 51 14 II ltll
15 SN 21 21.03 4 91 25 II ltll
25 6N 21 20.50 4.71 25.11 ltll
15 6N 21 20.60 4.71 26.11 1911
25 6N 21 20.50 4.71 25.11 1911
16 6N II 20.60 4.71 26.11 1911
11 6M II 41.11 III 11.71 1921
26 6N 21 20.50 4.71 15.21 1921
25 6N 21 21 03 4 14 25.17 , 191
25 6N II 12.12 19.01 101.17
15 5N 21 20.60 4.71 26 21 - 1921
25 6N 21 21.07 4.15 25.92 ' 1921
26 6N 21 21.07 4. 14 25.11 lt2l
25 6N 21 41.00 1 41 10 41 ltll
II IN tl 11.01 11.11 10. 1)
IS IN II 14.05 11.11 101.11 lit!
Lot S Blk 4 W 15 6N 11 20.60 4.T1 21.21 111
MV4 NCU 27 IN II 110.21 11.11 116.15 ltll
Parlor Lot 1-4 Blk 27 6N II 36.90 1 49 lilt
PWSWVl SI IN 21 114.00 . 17.71 101.71 ltll
Lot 3 Blk 14 E It 5N 27 10.25 2.31 11.11 ltlt
Lot 1 Blk 13 E II IN 7 30.10 4.71 11.11 1121
Ut I Blk 24 E 20 5N ?7 20.50 4.71 21.11 mi
Lot 10 Blk II E 10 6N .27 20.50 4 71 25 21 ltll
lot 1 Blk. 21 E 20 SN 27 20.51 4.71 25 II ltll
Lot 5 Blk 11 E 11 5N 27 26.65 1.13 12.71 1921
SN 17 31.51 S.S7 47.45 1991
6N 27 11.24 4.11 21.12 1121
6N 27 20.50 4.71 25.21 lift
To Harriet A. Olsan- T I rwtl. v 11 ..n . wi m .....
n , 1 il -I 1. ... .' ' '. ' "' "r"7'uner v-o.; j. a. reomena, Trustee; w, O, McCaw
w 3u,3Tin Zl1"' U Alb,mci: u Monro: w- R'w: 0.o. W Putnlml
JTvS. !l 'IZX,V TJ0,AA- canl W. Beachler; Warren J. Pierce; Wm. H Pierce; Oro Car
.'"n.T ? 1 .Mo.Cu ,""'", Ajnf D'irtBan; Roy Duggan; Claud It. Furman; Fred C. Tull; V N. Rigg,- h
von ai
mounia men one na aetinauent rr nla nt ff'a lutes fne th v... io? .t... .i.u ." .7 :
M east, tkareoa. That all ef tb, U eertUle. were M,.. p the ttk day of June A, D, It II, by the
Toil are hereby notified that TbuWm ir.t.n.inn t.irii. ni.i.i.i .i.i..,m .... . .
,cy numbevl 2291. for th.' amount oi Yu V II 7rU lf. n....n": TZZl V
Df 11419.11; Certificate of Dellnonencv numbered J104 fnr th. , ' . V
.Otiency numbered I'(5. for the amount of 1631.46: certificate of h.imhVJ ..Via 1 TZl
.t"',0!..rrrt""t ? Oellnqtsency numbered 1297. for th. amount 0 111.71: the .am.' ba n. h.
OU AND EACH OF YOU, are further notified a. the respective owner, of the legal title of tha atveral
IT, . ! . .t Propl,rtJ' "''"above described ae tbe same appeara of record, that Weat Extension Irrigation
District, the plaintiff above named will apply to the Circuit Court of the aforesaid County and State for a
dl,ri!.,0?,,"lnR "'n, -Kln,,t all of the property above deacrlhed and mentioned In aald certificate
,J?U A,N?.EA.CI,.0r Y0U ARK "EREBY SUMMONED to appear on or before the 15th day of March, A. D
1930. and defend thla action, or pay the amount due plaintiff, upon plalntlff'a Hen, together with eosta and
accrued Intereat, and In failure to do so, a Judgment rnd decree will be rendered against you as your interest
may appear from the tabulation aforesaid, foreclosing the Hen Of the aald plaintiff for taxes and rests
agalnat the aeveral tracta of landabove described.
Thla aummona la published by ordr of tbe Hon. Jamee Alger Fee. Judge of the above entitled Court, and
the date of the flrat publication of thla aummona I. the 10th day of January 1930.
All process and paper. In the proceedings may be erved upon the undersigned In the State of Oregon at
the addrea. hereinafter mentioned. .....
On of Plaintiff. Attorneys,
Residing at Hermlston, Oregon.
Of Plalntlff'a Attorney.,
Residing at Pendleton, Oregea