10NE, ORECON; FRIDAY, Jan. 3, l! NUMBER 30 volume xvm PON A GRANGE MEET AT LEXINTCN, JAN. 11 Buiinesi Session In the A. M. Program afternoon. Since Irrlgon Is under quaran tint the Executive Committee of the Pomona grange found It nec esary to make other arrangements for a meeting place. Lexington graugc extended an Invitation to meet to their hall at Lexington which was gladly accepted by the committee. The date was changed to January 11. A business session will be held la the morning to which all fourth degree members wit! be welcome. Please kep In mind that all must reg'ster at the Secretary's desk before two o'clock to be in the count for the banner, which Crcenflefd now holds In thr afternoon the following program, to which the public Is welcome, will be given. Opening song Grange Reading Mr. Oliver Reading Mr. Wlcklander Piano Selection Mrs. Miller Reading Mrs. Clllesple Song -. Quartette Talk.. My trip to Seattle as a Crange Delegate Mr Devlne Solo Ruth Dinges Address...." Alke In Wonder land or Cctting Your Money's Worth'.. Mr. Feese Reading "Sis Hopkins and her Beau. BJUious." ....Geneva Pettyjohn Closing Son g .v.. Crange "Any girl in reeJ of a friend rite to Adjutant Mini K. H Allamsnn, The Salvation Army Wblte Shield Home, 565 Mavfair Avenue, Portland, Oregon." Personal Mention Mr. end Mrs Hal Ely and two daughter from Monmoth, spent the holiday vacation with their on and daughter in law, Mr. and Mn. Elvln Ely, on the ranch near Morgan. George Ely and on, Francis of lone ware invited guest at the Christine dinner. J. II. Young of Hood River was a dinner guest at the J. W. Ilowk home Friday, Mr. Mrs. Walter Swenaoa and two children and Roland Wade all ol Walla Walla, Washington, arrived the first of last week to help the E. J. Bristow family eat the Christmas turkey. , The Lexington town team met the lone town team on the local floor Saturday evening, the final score waa 22 to 16 In favor ot Lexington's team. Mrs. Wrcx Hicook of Portland spent lest, week with bar parents Mr. and Mrs. 8, E. Moore. When You SKIMP on your clothes you rob your Personality HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CUSTOM MADE John SKUZESKI THE TAILOR Ileppner, Oregon' ' HIM MUM II tt It II Ml SSI ' ' KNOW YOU. D HIM, CI VT 1 K T T I . - r rr cn nr j Giveur Druggist a Square DeaK A NATION-WIDE investigation has revealed that neighborhood druggists are called upon for in formation on a wide variety of subjects domestic, political, agricultural, postal, and hygienic, besides subjects connected with drugs. This practice em 1 barrassing as it often must be to druggists would not have become so widespread if they in general had not merited the confidence reposed in them. The answer to many problems has come from the pharmacist's store of information. And he has led many a person in the early stages of a serious disorder to consult a physician trained to diagnose disease and to prescribe the remedy. Numerous services are rendered by the druggist for no recompense other than good-wilt. Give him a square deal He is a business as well as a professional man. Serve your own interests by remembering him when you are in need of any of the household conveniences which his store has for sale. For druggists with well equipped prescription departments would be few and far between if they had to depend alone on filling pre acriptions and the sale of drugs and sickroom supplies. Christmas gutst In the Blsln Biack well home were Mr. and Mrs. Hrose Ford and sen of Pen leton. when Mr, and Mrs. Ford returned to their home, they were accompeolep by Mr, feud Mrs. Black well who remained In the Umatilla eounty seat for a few day's visit. i lira. Rosa Jackson (reforms us that on December, 15, (there was bora to ber son la-law M daugh tr. Mr. and lira, j La vero Jackson, of Oakland, (California a baby son. weighing Six pounds aujten ounce. The KtU fellow baa been been given i the name of Clinton Grover. Mr.' end Mr a. Jackson are wall known here. Mrs. Earl Wright and children of Baker, arrived Fildsy for visit with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Grabill. I Mrs. Zelma Kenedy is a house guest in the C. W. Swanson home. Mrs. Kenedy was a teacher in the lone school last year and this year is teaching ia Aberdeen Washing. She came here fn m Helix where the had spent Xmis with ber slater. . ' . ' Mrs. W. E. Bollard ea joyed an over Christmas visit with hr brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. T. G. Frohn and their daughter, Alberta, from Hood River. At the J. W. Howk home on December, 25. was held a famil dinner where turkev relgntd anpreme. Those present wer-; Mr. and lira. Charley O'Connrr and son, Charley, Mr. and Mrs P. J, Line, Uiea Alsaitfca'Conner Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith and children, and the host and hoxi ess Mr. and Mrs. Howk. c v Mrs. John Grirma had as her Christmas guests, her son Louis Pylei, and ber ton-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathsra ot Monument. Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes were Portland visitors the latter part of last wtek. 1 School wltl open in lone' on January 6. J.. W. Howk has received an announcement of the marriage ot J. B. . Bowers and Miss 0 ive Wilton of Hamilton, Washington The couple ware married Nov, 28 at Kelso, Wasoington. Where they arc maxing their home. Mr, Bowers 1st former resident ot one, and has many friends here who wish bim happiness. The turkey shoot at the Walter Eubanks ranch on December 2 attracted a good sited crowd ol sportsmen. - A delicious chicken dinner with all the fixio's was thac at wniett Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kiel mann presided Sunday evening. Coma ere laid for Mrs. ;Kuty Robert, Fern, Genii, and Joel Dglemao, Carlton, and Norma dwanson, Mrs. Zelma Keneuy air. and Mrs. Frank Lundeli, Clell Kay, Mabel Smith, Kenneth Ovialt, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor ftiersoo. "MORROW COUNTY POMONA The date and the place of tne Morrow County Pomona Grangt meeting haa been changed to Lexington lor January 11. Lex logton grange is to be the hol and witi supply the hot otshee. Visiting mem bets willde expected l bring to assert. "" tin. Reading 1 admit I prefer the old thlncs. I Juit dote en Tbe Houm ot Setts Cablet." Mr. Flatbunur Never bard ot It. Wltit does It rent tort Wishing you all a Very Happy r- - .,.--.. New Year Bristow & Johnson lone, Oregon ori, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howel and two daughters. Among other invited guest in attendenoe ere Mr. Helen Farrens .and family of lone. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harbison of Eugene, visited from Thurs lay untill Saturday with former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harbison, at their home ia Mor van. Mr. and Mr, Ernest Shipley and son, Robert, ', were Christ mas guests at the home of Mrs. Shipley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen, at Lostine. , For best result in plowing try a Batea Steel Mule and Oliver Plowing Combination. P. G. Balslger. Plsr Safe. Use Wright Smoke and Sugar Cure. AUays reliable. Bullards Phatmacy. Weather Report For Dec. Total precipitation 3 00 " . "sine8ept. 1 ... 8.52 . ..." " for the corres ponding period last year.2 63 No. of clear days 9. No. of cloudy days :17. No. partly cloudy - 5. Aurora on the 2nd. Prevailing wind. S.W. It. K. Harblnon . Ct'i.n.tlreObternr V.S.W.B Naval Aaadeay I Above rh li.ir ot tbe Doited State Naval A. hjr rhapet la one of the mot exiiuiite wlDdowe b America. It Is or alogular beauty la llnae and -olorlng and port 1171 tbe Savior walk ing on tbe water. Ula Crura bains one of remarkable tendernaa aad majeeiv One of lb tradltla of serv ice In the chapel ia thai each offldnl aervlce ahull end with tbe bjrma "Eternal fa! ber, Strong to Save," t "f Phelps Funeral Home Heppner, Oregon 1 , . ( Located in Mahoney Residence: Southeast Heppner Licensed Embalmer -Lady Assbtant Sedan Ambulance Service Cut flowers tor Ail Occasions," ' TELEPHONE 1332 . . " eeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeseeseeesieseseeeeeiessseseeseees . . . OUR AIM IS TO GIVE YOU FULL UALUEI FOR YOUR MONEY. LETUS PROVE IT TO YOU. HEPPNER PLANING MILL and LUMBER YARD 1 ' V !Roi) M4 DnaM ilivmm Mmk" w F" m hm imiiim iimiilmliiii ttMM, ik InMRt'lUtinMalKaWaia U ml thw, nulmliiill i NrwtWUMOMH.kiaa BULLARDS PHARMACY "THE KODAK STORE" Lil Tar Tbe wurU "tHtr." Im H'iiWni ot tbe law. was niiiliiHjr inHfl lu H' rail whlib aPMitriili-il Hie uMclala from Hie ullra Ih wiirt. Hirlr il eatit and frleml When Hw iu waa trlwl. Hie iillfK iireafWoU Hiwuiaelv at Hi bar. awini'iinli'd hi Ihelr Bd vorulea. wlu Mihlrvanl lha court from that poalilon. & Clark & linn J& Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa per Hanging and General Re pair Work lone, Oregon. . ft. ROOISON THE BEST EQUIPPED "JMACHINE SHOP a In Eastern Ore.l Most all sizes ofio Piston Pins andn Rings carrted In Xstock. 7 9 REASONS At several of the homea in this vicinity there were held jovial Chriitmaa dinners. The houses were gay with yule tide Ctet-ra lions and the weather was ideal. At (he Prank Engelman home the families of C. W. Swanson. Fred Nlchoson, Victor Rietrrcon and lira Katie Pettyi were n tertained. Mrs. Ida Pete son scr-ei i'-,,r o Ture Perron, lit. auJ Mi a. V,cior P.Uron, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Peterson and children and Carl Peterson. The Lnadeil family ate their Christmas turkey at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Lundeli on First Street. Mr. and Mrs. S. E Moon were hosts to a large gatherinp of friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason and sons, Harold Mason and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter, mo ton 1 to the Oliver Kincadersnclihomr. whert they spent a happy boy. At Mrs. Lena Padberg's home on Rhea Creek were gathered Mr. and Mr, fin v Canon and two children n I tl I t I .J i.l.al rean, nasei, iarrm enu nui Padberg. The Grant Olden home home as the scene of a Jolly gathering made up of Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder and son, Alladin Why is the most marvelous and amazing Kerosene Lamp IN THE WORLD 1. Light Lnstantly,-iVo waiting. 2. No generator or generating- 3. No pumpingjup. ' 4. Nopressnre. 5. Nodanger,-5a& ' 6. No odor,, sanitary. , 7. No smoke,-clean, 8. No noise. 9. NooubIe. BERT MASON ONE - OREGON MACHINX CHOP and Mrs. Csrl Barlow and u n,....m HMMHHHtWW HttmWW 1