V THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by W. W. Head, Editor Publisher SUBSCRIPTION One Year $1.50 Six Month 0.75 Three Months 0.50 Entered a second Class mtrier at the posteffir it lone, Oregon, under act of March X H."9. Friday. Dec. 27. 1929. AOD.TION.AL LOCAL Technical Fouls were: Lexington. Veronica B'ssht-ts.... one veeny wariier o-t. a try biocum: , one After the game dancnm i enjoyed hy the members of tw student bodies Music was furn iahed by the combination rdi and phono. raph, which the lone oach C. M. Danie's, ia demon-ttr iinjr. Technical Fouls were: lone. G'adys Brasher on Geneva Pettyjoin on Helen Snoue on . Marraret Crawford twt Lexington High School forward N; m: Mac MiHa jorward... loGmtr) I center Mary Slocum a. center Nelly Davis guard.'. Fay G ay guard Pew Wjrre Thesu'isti uces far L vrgto waa Veronica Bracers fo Naomi Mac Millan. lone High Schoj! f.vward........ llasBtsher. forward, Vfdt Ethanl. j. center Josephi e Healy . center Marret Crafor guard, Gem va Pettyjohn. guard,... ..... Kilen f mouse The aubstiua fir lone Beu'ah Pettyjohn fo Ka.r.ret Crawford. 44444444444.44.MStet.e44' The HEW and Has no A C Hum If Offers You Exclusively POWER DETECTBOft hi -Jm- Model 91 Power detection nd th ntr .43 tube plut four tuned stages of ratlio frequency enable Majestic to pro-luce the mott powerful and elective radio act tver hjtlt, Absolutely no hum aid no oaciiwituo at any wave (entth Auto antic tr.ztUvAf control five tuuioim tenaitivity and amplification in both high and low wave It-tilths. Improved Majeitk buprr Dy lamic fiixri.'-cr. Lir-a heavy, afrdy Ma-i-itic Power-P at :r, wil'.t positive vol'.agt-ba' lt,i .surra long life and safety. Perty Kntjltab tfrt if.i Ci'mOjcI of American Wa'nut. inauu lueot inl overlaid virh equina Imported Australian I.arewuoJ. Escutcheon pivta and kr.taW li.iulici t j urouiu stiver. Get a FREE Home Demonstration Th'S machine at only JllG.oo Us, tubes. Can you find a better buy in any radio. Hearfquara at Oscar Cochrana ContVctLhai y. Bertha's Big I Surprise (Oopjrlihtl SroONVILLB could not get atone without llcrtha Ransoms; but Norths sometimes felt the could do wry well without Spoon villa. Some times, on day Ilka this when wind and rain buttered the port offlit win dow with relentless fury. Berths tired of Snoonvllle; but Ita uauaj peace and beauty beld ber In spite of gray days. - Sorting the laat of the morning tiiiill she heard a shurp thud outalde following a particularly Tlcloui gust of wind. "What was that, Jedr ihe called from behind the nmll boxes to one of the men waiting In front for the little delivery coop to open. Bertha hoard him ahuffle to the door and took out. "Jest the town tablet blow In' down Jed replied. "1 wanted to aet them lilvnoata In seetuent; but the town wouldn't itand for It.' Borths's ben I etltched. She paused the trice of moment every morning, passing that War memorial with Its fourteen name, to xlunoe at the first one John Cu'tla. They had been en gaged when be vcni sway sad bad plunned to go to Chicago, his birth place, to Uv and work wbea be re turned. Ber,.'.a bad heard no word from hl;u sinro the day the troop train stcunn-il into tlnrtford station and he bad beld ber tightly in his arms and whispered brokenly. "Bye, dear I Back soon! Don't forget met" No, Berths bnd never forgotten blm. There was a hand of gray In her thick, lovely batr, a pinched torn to her pretty mouth, and an Intensity of yearning In her brown eyes that be spoke her memory's fidelity. 8poon vllle was periodically astonished thai she paid no beed to the reverent stilt of Kirs Jenkins, bead selectman vtLkli hsd lasted ever since he re turned long ego from the fighting front. fcertha went to church with Ezra every Sunday morning, rain or shine; hut that was as far ss she went. .She would never let hint lead her down the narrow church aisle to the pulpit. She nursed Pop Aiken durlni bis aged, falling years and did all the work that the government attributed to him as lis official postmaster. 81m ly because be bad adopted ber as a child, and bad been even kinder t her than be wss to bis beloved swarm of eats. 8he was the life of the Udtes Aid society, the adored splrttoal mentor of a doiea 8unday School children, and three evenings a week, the Intelligent counselor and rulde of those who sought the public library, a gift of Spoonvllle's wealthy townsman. The ' town Just couldn't dn without Berths, and Ezra Jenkins tried ever Ctinda awrmat, strolling home ton TenurwT to persuade ber that be could aot either. The collapse of the town tablet this furious UarcH morning was like a sudden stab tbat drew blood from the flesh of the past. The hurt of K was In Bertha's eyes as she lifted the little oaken sliding slsb, her sorting finished, and banded the nilnlater his mall. The minister us served first no mat ter how ninny watted. That was aa It should he. Jed, he who had apprised Bertha of the tablet's fall, town Jack-of-all trades, wss last to be served, no mat ter if he was first to seek the warmth of the sheet Iron stove. That, also, was ss It should be. The office was vacant when at last he slouched over to the mall shelf. "Pont expect nothln', Bertha. Al ways Jes step up from force o' bshlt." Jed smiled behind his week of whisk ers at the sweet face across the, mall shelf from blm. Sorry, Jed." Bertha smiled, too, "It Un't time for your tea bill yet By the way, Jed, If It cleara tomorrow I wish you'd get some one to help you set up the wsr tablet Sink new posts and set them In cement this time. Kara will see that you get your money from the town." ."I'll sure work st It la the morn ing, Miss Bertha. If the weather's, rea sonable." Be stuttered and cleared his throat "Ray, Miss Berths, you suest who 1 seen In Hertford, last night" Jed psnsed to nots the jgllnt of eagerness In Bertha's eyes. "Sees John Curtis no one else I" "Jedl" The woman's faint roar fin gernalla showed blood dark reel as she gripped the counter la front of ber. -Jed, John Curtis Is dead. "I know, VI 1m Berths, so aa said; but he's live again now. Be ask me "bout yon first thins, an said aa how be was comic" ever to see yog tM evenln'. Said ss bow he'd bin In fur rla parts ever since the big .scrap sbellshocked or aomeihln' Sin. some big doctor's made la husky an sent ira Back borne." Berths wsnted to believe Jed' news; but all day her heart wavered between hope and doubt Not until the evening bus srrlved. brlnrin Jot n Curtis sod bis gsy smile, did ber Joy crystallise. That night a brand new ereeret.t moon lighted Lover's Lane that wound It's crooked wsy to Spoonvlllo ceme tery. Berths and John itlaranlM rh. years of heartache and loneliness with a siss sna tender words, snd the light In their radiant eves waa aufflrteni token of the delightful happiness to MMa4tMooe The first test under practical dairy lr. I conditions of providing radio music for cows has proved a big sscceso, ar cording to officials of the Detroit Creamery Company, taaf Mount Clemens. Mich. The creamery -cera pany official! bought RCA loodspeak r for oacb of their barns beslbey noticed the cowa liked the mnsie from a Rsdlola receiving set Installed te entertsin the men doing lbs milking. Now sll the 100 eow on (be atodel farm enjoy radio n.o;rama. j mim i TIRES V Jp'' j-! lower: Ik - 1 1 L prices ryfGOOD" ! YEAR INDEPENDENT GARAGE lone Ore 4e44t4ee-e , T STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks . It will pay you to see him befqre you: sell your wheat. r PROFESSIONAL X CARDS . DR. J.L CALLAWAY Osteopathic Phvulrhn Gilman Building Phont 93 rkbpaer, Ortgoa T JACK FERRIS : Dermatician : It pays to look well. "Specialist in Bobs" CLSWEEK ATTORNEY AT LAW. First National Bank BUtf Heppncr, Oregon When You Visit Heppncr Eat At The "Eikhorn Restaurant" Cood Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter A.D. McMURDO, M.D. Physician AnJ Surgeon Oflice In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Htppner, . Oregon A. H. JOHNSTON Physician & Surgeon I'hone Office' Itealrlence Main ni II (tin 42 Heppner - Oregon F. H. ROBINSON Attorney & Counselor At Law Will rrnctlre In All The fonrta IONE OREGON Dr.J.A. McCrady Dentist XRay DIAGNOSIS Office; OJJ Fellows BU'g. Heppner Oregon J.O. PETERSON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. Dr.GW. Barr DENTIST Phone M 1012 Cast Apt. Blag. Heppner, Ore. B 'enings and Sunavsby appointotnt, lone Independent JOB PRINT See Balsiger For Insurance WE Want your cream; We ; ' - PAY Market Price at all times. Morrow Co. Creamery 4 Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L. Balsiger representing B, G. and Co. lone, Oregon w W eeeee4eee4eeeeeeeeeeeee4ee4eeeeeeeeeee- i IONE CASH MARKET t Dealers Tn I Fresh and Cured Mr.i Mi iftir an.l Pit(tt . ' -- i " evfj.sa s 5 We Buy Cream for Swift & Company, f j w ny not sen your'ream in Your Home Town? Real Estate Insurance f Peterson Brothers fiCNE BLACKSMITH SHOP" " - . We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock' of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. J. P. O Meara, Proprietor j& si.' b It tti4ittir-2 ee rrr eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hotel lone cater to the patronage ot those wbo wish first class accommodations. Cole Smith, Manager. I .. . '4e44444444 Hal E. Hoss Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER . lone, Oregon 444.44444.4444A44 I JOB PRINT lone - Oregon I