The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 27, 1929, Image 3

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w&APu' JtZ&tK WwMc. ww mopoo v-tf -tfMT-.
jJW I Lu.Akvwi-vA J root
Jl ' ' ' '
fZStu . fcvi8VMUU ; (BAD.wiwi;
Along the Concrete
.1- "
O'CIock in the Moming
Not Expecting Any Change
, nu. mi mv
ilt, lt. Waaiarn Nrwupaixi Ifrilon t
To M to the reaourca of life
think bow much that meanut To
add to thoM hln that maka no
mora at huma In Uia world; that
holp guard ua agalnat annul and
stagnation; that Invaat Ih coun.
try with paw Internal and an I lea
mant: that mailt every walk In (ha
Bald or wood an escuralon Into
land f knnhauatad trtaauraas
tkat make .the returning aona
Oil ua with, expectation and de
light: that maka every rod of
ground Ilka tha pica of a book,
tn which) now and strange thing
mar b road; tn abort! thoa
thing that balp kaap ua fraab
and an and young and maka ua
Imrnunt to tha atrlf and favar of
I wona.jun8 uurrougna.
A peanut brlttla that ti different to
Ui CtiloiM way of making It
China Ptanut
Brittla-Tak on
capful each of
browo guxar, com
sirup, aud cook
until It makes
bard ball Id cold
water. Tbeo add
one-half cupful of
puffed rlct and ont
cupful or peannta, Pour out In t but
tared pan and coot.
Sunday Night Sandwich. Spread
rja or irohara bread with any soft
cheeM and snrlnkls with chopped
Mark walnut meats. Cottaga cbtaa
with rraera or an grated rich cheeso
softened wltb rrearo makes food
spread. Cut Into rounds wltb bak
lug powder can they sisks moat at'
tractive open sandwiches. Sliced
stuffed olives make lint fnrnlihinenl
for open sandwiches. '
Ginger, Nut Sandwich. Taka one-
half cupful of chopped preserved
ginger, one-foortb cupful of thick
sweet cream and on cupful of
chopped Engllah walnuts. Spread the
minors on round of buttered
tread, using a bole wneat or white
llaplt sugar, grated, mixed with a
Utile cream and ehnpiied almond or
walnut, mnkoa delirious filling for
dainty anodwlrb to serve st tea.
Friad Egg Sandwich. This la one
which will appeal to the hikers after
cold, brlak wnlk, or good to serve
skating or skiing party. Conk
thinly allced onion In bacon fat or, bat
ter until light brown, add an egg,
snd cook until done to taste, season
wltb aalt and pepper and place be
tween buttered bread, the bread beat'
ed hot Serve at nce.
Fruit Rock Cream two thin! cop
of butter wltb ono cupful of sugar, add
two well-beaten eggs, and when well
mixed add one and otie-haif cupful of
flour which has been sifted wltb one
tegspoonful each of cinnamon and
cloves., Add one pound of walnuts,
one pound each of raining snd dates.
When all are well mixed add a tea'
spoonful of soda dissolved In one and
one half ublespoonfuls or orange
Juice. Stir well and drop on but
tered tlna by half-teanpoonfuls. Hake
In a slow oven.
Likeable Foods.
A nice dish which the children will
enjoy la prepared of seasoned mashed
bananss, stirred Into
cooked rice. Sweeten
the bannnaa aod add
little lemon julre to ac
cent the flavor. Serve
with cream.
A delictum cinnamon
roll which la very pnpn
Inr Is prepared ss oaunl.
then' placed In l baking
pan In which the following simp has
been poured: Beat two tablespoonfuls
of butter, one-half cupful of brown
sugar and one-fourth cupful of water
until It forma sirup. Cool and pour
Into baking pan, or rook the sirup
In the pan In which the Mil are to
bnkA. add half cupful of pecan
meats and place the Mils In the sirup
links In moricrnte oven and turn
our and sen bottom side up.
Clover mils are very attractive. Dae
any mixture, place small hall of the
dough three In ench compartment of
the gem pan. Make the mil about
the slxe of a walnut before they rise
When baked they will Oil the gem
rtj bread la such a well liked bread
that one enjoys making It tt home
California Rye Bread. Soak one
yeaat enke In one hnlf cupful of luke
warm water to which one tenipnonfut
of sugar has been added. Ut stand
ahnut twenty minutes or Innger-to be
gin to rise, then add to four cnpfuls
of ry flour, three cupful of butter
milk, two tenspoonfult of sail, and
the softened yenat and stir well. Set
away to rtae, then add enoueh wheat
flour to make the mixture a little stiff'
er than ordinary bread. Form Into
loaves, add a hn!' cupful of cnmwny
seeds If liked. Ilnish with sweet fat
let rise until double Its bulk and bnbe
one hour In a moderate oven.
Peanut Butter Tsa Roll. Plunnlve
one cake of compressed yenst In one-
fourth cupful of lukewarm water. Add
to one cupful of acnldi'd milk, one
hnlf cupful of penntit butter, three
and one-fourth to four cupful of flour,
one-half -cupful -of melted, butter, one-
fourth cupful of sugar, two tentinonn
fuli of suit, two beaten ones nnd a ft1
gratings of nutmeg. t,et rlae, altnne
Into rolls, brush with softened huttofj
ann let rise uniu ncm. mine unpen
minutes In a hot oven.
. Higher Prices
Biggert Crcamerlet Say Ftw
Cnt$ Worth of "Dandelion
Buffer Color" It Best
Dairymen everywhere
are muklng bigger prof
Its from their butter,
nowadays. They're
keeping their product
that Golden June Color,
which brings top prices
the year 'round, by us
ing "Dandelion Butter
Color." It takes Just
half teaspoonful to
the gallon of cream. It's
the most permeating butter color and
therefore the most economical, tt col
ors uniformly and never streaks. It's
purely vegetable, wholesome and
tasteless, and doesn't color buttermilk.
It meets all State and National Food
Laws, targe bottles are 3.' at all drug
and grocery store. Write for FREE
SAMPLE to Wells and Richardson
Co Inc, Burlington, Vermont
' Paolabaal for Gluttony
Blustratlng the truth of some old
dage, a tiny mouse, after eating to
capacity of popcorn In a Kennewlck
(Wash.) electric light and power com
pany office window, ran around the
display form for an hour in an agony
of fright, In full view of the amused
Saturday night crowds. The mouse
bad eaten so much popcorn that It wna
nnnble to make Its exit through the
tiny hole which It bad entered.
Buss Ball Blue goes farther, makes
clothes whiter than liquid Blue. Large
package at Grocers. Adv.
Put or Future T
Whether this story Is an Indication
of worship of past style or antlc!pa
tlon of styles possibly Just around the
corner, Is matter of opinion. It la
the source of much amusement for
group of girls. The other day one of
the glris told woman who baa never
been known to wear kneelengtb
drees, that ber petticoat was showing.
Her laconic reply was, "Which one?"
A Household Remedy
For External Ue Only
Balsam of Myrrh
Beta laift tw tbvl bates If ant natal M State's.
A some
remedy of
. ..j j
Sed 'ADruniiirri
gredlents,! AlXtllVUnLT
B I sale, to
ff Ipeodibk.
The boys In the sheriffs office were
commenting on the apparent discrep
ancy In the statements of many acci
dent witnesses and the subject veered
to accidents In general and finally to
the hit and run driver. Sheriff Traeger
said wltb Erin:
Perhaps we could pass s law forc
ing auto drivers to rub little print
er's Ink on their license plates. Then
the number would be stamped on the
eat of the pedestrian's trousers auto
matically." Loa Angeles Time.
One who feel solidly grounded In
his religion doesn't want to argue
ehoat It
la bW
wmm bp Mil
I -::::! II JjLiJ
DaturhMr of Mr. Caitiarina Laaaaah DawrMar af Mtni Wood Howe
Boa Ti. aiahawk, Mlchla . IOJ6 aouth H, twraot, DanvUla, UU
Aftet my daughter grew ''I praise Lydia E. rinkharn'i
Into womanhood she began to VegrtableCornpound for what
feel rundown nd weak and a It has done for my fourteen
friend asked me to get her year-old daughter as well as for
your medicine. She took Lydia me. It has helped her growth
E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Com- and her nerves and she has a
pound and Lydia E Fink- good appetite now and sleeps
ham'a Herb Medicine Her well. She has gone to school
nerves are better, her appetite every day since beginning the
is good, ihe is In good spirits medicine. I will continue to
and able to work every day. give it to her at regular ln
We recommend the Vegetable tervals and will recommend it
Compound to other girls and to other mothers who have
to their mothers." M.J. Cdt daughters with similar trou
erine LamutJu blcs." Mrs. Eia Wood Howe,
vtraatad with) THIS
If vow fume ara lumpy and awry ftttla
prim or lrmulm annoy oi--You
Rkkd koCnih-S NKHVlftls. Tlikf
irorld-famotia, tried and uwe-4 mudtelnal
aid ba Ktjoc-MhiUy proved it gr-.t tn
nrtl worth In tti trrfttmntrt of Hlwplraa
dmm, Nnrvoua fndfft-sOctn and Nffrvma)
IrrluWuir. AaanolM All Orm tha World.
f I 4k Owmoi THICK Sampl
I N-JJ itattit Kent on kqu-Jl ,
1 A KoaaiaMadictaaCa.
1 jf IMS No. Wall .
Chleaea, III. .
Formarfr "PaaftM
i ia.i.
re refief.
effective rtli
Pleuant. tooth
ing and healing,
Excellent for
children contain no
'I opiates. Succetsfallr
oea tor 65 years, jjo
imj guv auca.
' Baaduhy, blllou. aoaatipatadf
I Take MJ-SlATVaa'S aXMIDT , ,
F tonight Thia mild, aafa, Tgta-
f bl ramady will bava yoa faalinff
ana br morning. Toa 11 anioy
I frae, thorough bowal aUoa with
out tha allghtaat alg-n tt pigut
laa, mlU, Xnh tirtaUa
amaum anf 25e
15-veari tuccea tn treating Rectal and
Cotoa troubles by the Dr. C J. Dean
aM at to tin WRITTKN AS.
Sad todar fe FMKK 100-paaa
t at ant aOmcirta.
iUalaraa Color a
- - -- - - Ftulaa HaM
k fO. li WW
FLORESTON SHAMPOO-Ideal for aaa ta
cooaactloa with Taraw a Half Haiaaai. MakMtba
hair aof! aod Sndt. an wtrta by mail or at droj
aula. Umaa CoraicJ Work. Fovcbofoa, 8. I.
AGKKTS. lntin! ramadr qilcklr haatt
Eruma. Rlnaworm. Tottor. Itchln rtt.
. - . ii a.ufl m aMI 11 tar 11.
Jar. KL'HBX CO, f'tNtXYN,- PA.
Palth Saaatarfaa. la a tiny alaaa. b Jrwa
aoaiar hoala bara. Mud atampxl Tlo
tor pray-r and f blvtaa b-Jln raqalro
mania. Mabol InUI, Ht, t. Uolllator. Calif.
At lav aVNaf for llrhlae ar ProtnKlIn
fillaa wltboui bnll. aend lor fr trial r-atk-aaa.
praacrtptloa Ml-A: b nlncl Caaaa
Ursa to. Itox 41U, rartlaaS. Orrgoa.
W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. 80-192J.
Many Grandmother -
It Is not unusual for a great grand
mother to have many daughters, grand
daughters, and great-granddaughters i
but It Is surely very nnusunl for
baby to have two grandmothers, four
great-grandmothers, and one great-great-grandmother
all alive. let at
Mailly-Chamnalgtie, France, there la a
baby boy who has all these ances
tresses alive and living near blm.
Uaeleaa Subject
Teacher Tout son ,1s very back
warl In geography. .
Father That doesn't matter. We
have no money for traveling.
8. I
0 WhIm Nnrafttpw CalM .