The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 27, 1929, Image 1

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-- .
volume xviii
IONE, OREGON: FRIDAY, Dec. 27, 1929.
State Covernor Died
' '- i
fjBaaaBaJ ' I
it i
D,.nl A - iinnrnlnfl at tlin Rtiiulav Sc! nOl
hour, freati w,re aiv-n till
- ... . i
Th Ulllirg WoikfU of ih pre-nt.
Lhrls' in Lliurih hu itl ann
tih ( ile of food end fji y
SutU'dny tit the C. W. Swunton
Store, Ki d their tmimy w4 n
ilch' d by a goodly turn.
Mls IUz'l IMJmiM, a Sai lor
in Or.fjonS'MeG II g-, - d MH
K iilvritiH Feldrmn, a S'lphmor
nt li U'liversl y of Or gan, arr
iv d Frldxy to apt 1 d lh- holiday
vacHilon will iMr pirni, Mr
and Mrs Cil Feldnlan. Tin
; your 8 hdiel mt a,t Arlinp
ton by tht Ir parfati
' The m mbrrs of the Christian
Church Sunday School gave a
v ry pi asing Christmas program
Sunday morning at 10:30 o,clock.
I'll church was gay with d cor
ations appropriate to th season.
Treats wire diftrilmtid at the
clos 4 of the program.
Friends here have
Kd. A Lindeken, lone when'
n by the U. S. Department of
Agriculture. More than 850 coun
Jriuwr an4 rlinoir fuf ornilf v
mi 'U uiniivu VUlb final . j. ,
Tractor farmer, lua rented the"8' i oentirt Slate.
. . ,. . ., ....... .Nirth Carolina and Maine are
CAllll.MVC TtllCdl IdliU IIUUWK VI
A. M. Matkham, Freewattr, Ore
oi Clarke's Canyon, southwest o'
Lexington, Ore , for a ttrm of
years this land was lormrriy
farmed by Will Padberg. Mr
Lindeken, will continue to farm
the 960 acre wheat ranch at lone
received owned by II. L. Fnzier, Milton
worumai lituye joy, lour ye.r an1 Freewatcr hanker
o d daughter
Twen'y Prcnt
'KuMvr Hot Watf-r Hotihs and
Oi r continuity irourns with t' c Syringes.
state and njta r.s o'er the pa sing
of hue l.c-e I'altmon, cheifex
ecutive f Ihe state of Or t ton
Covernor Patterson was bom at
Klni Yalk-y, Oregon, September,
17, 1859. and die J at his home
at Kola, mar Sa'en. I e:tnibir.
21, IKS
": a.iiini"
An n Ihm la iiiiln shIIIhi t
phntm alilili Iiiik ln uriiiilfi1 from
tha Itm Iciiiintiiil "Imii. milium" t It
lnii'fHl sun ,.f urarw iMllni( whera
Ih siirlmv n I lii" i-li.l I iitiiDhlcrml
Kill It tnii Ih- ii-m'iI milt In iiiiiilr
IMi IumiIkii hIhii mini) liiinliiiiirk nm
I ill,i n (. rn i in na u i hitk on III
Hull ird's I'h iim icy
Tl ere was a CI i list mas tr and
short. Int. r. sti g program at th
Congregational Church Sunday
Tli Innilil llii lifliiK llilnkvi
InnlfMil of . Ililkrl l Hint nfli-l
mlillf ihiiI i l In . 1 1 1 1 r 1 K ! f"Q r
rrallf llilnkliiii -nlilo Snil JimrnHl
TlM-fV pfHl mi. grniM-ul rul
la giimnlng Unit jou'r mil. N('rt
AdUK'HlP. ......
' "An prl in nee I of a fiit'nr
rite to djd ant Mina K. II
Allemunn, The Sation Army
While Shield Home, 5 Mat fair
Avenue, Portland, OreKon."
When You
on your
clothes you
rob your
Pers3nal ty
Heppncr, Orcfiort'
of Mr. and Mrr,
Mayne Moore of Los Angtle,
Cat. Is in serious condition, li e
attending physiebns give the
p irints little hopes for the cl.ifd'i
recovery. Mr and Mrs Moore are
Discount on farmer residents of lone.
I. K . Robinson, lone garag :
and, now has four men helping
im in his work: M. E. Colter,
Hob Lowe, Kay Turner and Lloy
James Head, who was at or.e
lime editor of the lone Indepnd
cat, is now located at Lodi, Cal '
lore Cirls victorious
On Tiii-i1iiji niehtthp Inn H
S plrs'bigke'bailtpem defeated
th) Lexington girls' team by
cor of 29 12 The irame wa
played on the local floor. Th
(xington girls were qu;ck and
na;ipy but our forwards Kuceed
i in making th? first baRkels
At tin c'ofi' of th first ha! '
th itcore was 17 to 3 in favor o'
lure. The lineup of the two
t-'Bms are.
Ivexinton Boys victorious
n iw modified accredited areas;
that hi, areas where not more
hin 5 per cent of the rattle are
a'fected with tubercjlr sis.
Public installation of the newly
Vctej officer of the Masonic
blue lodge and the Eastern Star
held at Ma:onic hall Wed,
eening December 18ih. About
sixty member ai d guest were
prej n . Th lodge ball and d o
in (room were rep!dent i'h
Christmas decoration. Refresh
.Hint of the evening ceremonies.
Mrs, Lena Ray and son Jobnny
if Salem are spending the Chrit
i) in week with Mrs. Kay's
nother, Mrj. Jordan, and o;her
Tb CoaS Old Dr
Meniliern or t lie gulij ruxb In tb
Cluck Ullli are to tie prMerved la a
museum flren Deadwooij, 8. D, by W.
K. Adumt, pioneer tnercbant.
Lexington Orange News
At 2:30 P.M. on January 1,
1930, the Lexington Crange will
meet in regular session in the
Leach Memorial Hall.
The Crange will sponsor a bas
ket social and program for tin
benefit of the P. T. A. on the
evening of the same day at 7:30.
The proceeds will be applied for
i he purchase tf the new elet trie
stove to he us in the prepar
albn of hot lunches for schcol
child) cn
Bas': ti b ' glng torn mte
of the jti-w. coool will all be sold
at thiitv f e cents each. The
other las .'.s will be auctioned
oft " '
RuihDingfS' '
Coailmctiaa linplmnl
A "liullr" la onr.nict..n iraile In
4 ihI !tb an linlenlnl lind for hold
ing lh brad of a rlvd nl ihtorbloit
Impact while the other head la being
W J" tl
7. a.
Giveur Druggisri
. . , ,.,, ,r . .
LNOW YOU. D R 1 1 I f A I 1 T. d - M yur dmtot nt mmm I
ornia. where he holds the uosi. I la,t morenay nigni me
ion of linotvne operator on tl ci I-xtr Kton lo journey to lone
tj.ll N.W Mr HotI IiI.Hi. nd handed the locals a 32-10
son of IV. U Head.' nrete: The game was played
owner and editor of the lone! v"y. fa?1- L-xington hadave.y
I.l...n.irf auaea unci nnoweu
... . . irood team work. On January. 10
mis w a game ior ,9M wil, mept Lfngton on
i., i,t..- .(Lexingtons floor. lone expects
o Dlav a closer game then be
jn Lexington's f.oor. 'cause all the regulars will probab
A delicious lunch consisting ,. Vr R'chard Lundell referred
ih(ii-n!:iK an.l ilnnnliniilc w. a , '"'game.
ti-rv! h th,. r,.fri,mpnr m More than l,8f 0.000 tuberculus
mittee, Mi'drcd Smith, LkuLh
Pettyjohn, and Margaret Craw
ford, with Miss Irene, girr&
coach, supervising.
ca'tle have hcen removi-d from
herds in tne United States during
the last 12 years, as the result o'
h- tiberculin test woikcanle
Wishing you all a
Very Happy
New Year.
Phelps Funeral Home
Heppner, Oregon
Located in Mahoney Residence: Southeast Heppner
Licensed Embalmer -Lady Assistant
Sedan Ambulance Service
Cut Flowers for All Occasions.
Bristow & Johnson
lone, Oregon
,.4M ."
a Square Deal
A NATION-WIDE investigation has revealed that
neighborhood druggists are called upon for in
formation on a wide variety of subjects domestic,
political, agricultural, postal and hygienic, beside
subjects connected with drugs. This practice era
barrassing as it often must be to druggistswould not
have become so widespread if they in general had not
merited the confidence reposed in them. The answer
to many problems has come from the pharmacist's store
of information. And he has led many a person in the
early stages of a 6crious disorder to consult a physician
trained to diagnose disease and to prescribe the remedy.
Numerous services are rendered by the druggist for
no recompense other than gcxxl-will. Give him a square
deal. He is a business as well as a professional man.
Serve your own interests by remembering him when
you are in need of any of the household conveniences
which his store has for sale. For druggists with well
equipped prescription departments would be few and
far between if they had to depend alone on filling pre'
scriptions and the sale of drugs and sick-room supplies.
JV t7nf
Vnr PrtwcHpeicma. PhrtJdaM preterit
mmI DnsatlHt tiitfttnc Mvtik'a pun pfosV
tart), hx irrMf Mton prKrUtfoi cKvmlcsilt
from Maxck ' LsUif atortM have had UM tee
klnSM of thftl pfQVMaOtttl HS4ti
tm la kUJMiw CiMmi. RimA.
trlmlnMInf m tomt Dmw, an4
MwkS Hfdnttn Htmtit
March1, Hnrlc Ad4
kWrh, SudlwM DlwilfculMM
SUrd. tm fluHitm
It is rumored that the Ameri
can Legion contemplates building
a lodte home on the lot just east
f the lone Market, lhey on
. r a a?A
urecting a hmioing ou oy w iei.
Superior Drills
The Name Tells the Story.
P. G. Balsiger
0 Clark & Linn J&
Carpenter Work, Painting. Pa
per Hanging and General Re
pair Work
lone, Oregon.
K ;:In Eastern Ore.;
Most all sizes ofj;fl
iq : Piston Pins anc-PI
' l - a a ' 1
Kings carried tnj
An Interesting Inilght Into tha will
y distributed owneriblp o( lha rvllo
Induitry In Ilia Called States ta (!ven
by tlie luminary and claalflcatlo:i ol
tha stock ol tha Radio CurporatUi i ii
America, tha laritest radio orgaui'S
tloa In tha world. Tha latest a' t't
ment shows stockholders In ttvry
Stalk In tha Union. Ninety nine pel
cent of l!i r'-F A tnrli I,
owned lu .lu Ua.:.J J'.:i;oi. t:iur!i ol
It being In tha hands of smnll In .
Although there Is a Rood shoulni
In tha Industrial East, aa In the cm
of all stocks, New York Stats bavins
1,291 class A common stockholders
Illinois has 157 stockholders In thi
same classlflcallon. California Halt
134 class A common stockholders, al
most aa many as New Jersey, wblrk
has 140.
Among tbs thirty-four foreign coun
tries In which there art holders ol
class A common stock art such widely
separated points as ArgrnMna. Am
trla, British Oulnr.-.. I m In.-.m "-rul.
India, Venesuela, i,. ay, Jayou and
latida Troubles
Mnuklnd's Inner poverty, littleness,
linrrowuess, Is the polsom-d spring
from which most unhapplness flows.
t'uriii and Flroaltl
Stand Back, Boys
The Island of Bunanr, near Austra
lia, Is Inhabited solely by women. It
It a training school for nutlve (Iris.
. Aa.mmA
f fffffftff
Why Alladin
is the most marvelous and amazing
Kerosene Lamp
1. Light Instantly,- No waiting.
2. No generator or generating-
3. No pumping'up.
4. Nopressnre.
5. No danger,- safe.
6. No odor,, sanitary.
7. No smoke,- clean.
8. No noise.
9. No trouble.
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