ul iiiiuii i lb vu niiih ni i i'n.tiwu ihuh n ru ..m. ...... lllJj lUllli UM1j1 '.()f ler Published Every Friday by . W. W, Head, Editor Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION 0t Yew ., Sl'f'O SixMoniht 0.75 Three Montlu 0.M Entered as second Clnss mailer at the postof Ureal lone, Oregon, under act of March 3. 1S79. Friday, Dec. 20, W29. brother, Mr. John Will lams Francis Ely was suffering last week from a badly sprained ankir received while in basket ball practice. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Christ opherson have gone to Merced, Calif ruin, for a visit with Mr. Christopherson.s parents. Mrs. Lena Ltiet!ell was hostess to the IVst Crand Club of the ADDITIONAL LOCAL Conlinu&i from Pi. 1 Miss Hizel Feldman; an lone girl who was a Senior student at Oregon State College has been pledged t Kho Chi, an honor society in Pharmacy. Mrs. Joru Glasscock, of Port land, Mrs. Tempa Rhodes' of Everett, Washington, and Mrs Eva Johanson, of Astoria, passed through lone Sunday on their way home from Spokane, where they had been for the funal of Jjhn Glasscock, the huiband and father, who died Sunday, Decern ber, 8th. in Portland At the regu'.j: meeting of the Dorcus Society helJ TiitifsJiy at the Congregational Clmidi, llie following officers were elected for 1930. Mrs. Mary Swanson, Pres ident; Mrs. Lydia B islger. Vice President; Mrs. Lillian balsiger, Secretary; Mrs. Jennie McMuiray Treaserur. Mrs. Ed Dick entertained at a very pleasant little bridge baity last Friday evei.ir.c it her hon:e on First Street. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallan, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brown, M ss Hildrgarde Williams and Mr and Mrs. Dick. High scores were irade by Kt. and Mrs. Mason. . Mrs. Robert Mathison departed Thursday of last week after a Shaver, Mrs. Bernic Blackwtll, Mrs. Etta Howell, Mrs Gladys Drake, Mrs. Clara Howk, Mrs Ada Brown, and Mrs. Elvena Beeztey wU was an invited guest. During the afternoon the box of fruit was packed which the club Is sending to the Odd Fellow's home in Portland. The drawing was held on the Rayon bed spread which the ladies had been raffling off. Mr. Emil Swanson held the t Rebekah Lodsie last Fridav after noon. The ladies present were:"1" number- Vie NEW ami k Startling a Has no A C Hum Offers You Exclusively POWEES, DETECTBPJ N )-'' !! il " Hi' i jlli j plnn uUj j Model 91 Pwnt detection and. the immt .4 ttirt pit four tunad tgia of rnlio trqvmfy ert .le Majtic to produce tlie mt txwrrful and elective radio let tver built. Mointrly tut hum and no ewllottan at any wive Itrt'J. Auto-niio trntiiivity cwtrof give umiorm aemitlvtty and amplification in boh hmu ai low wave Irngilu. Imprweit ,;jitti'; Sm4r Dynamic 6peik?r. r.stro hcvy, iUa-.! iritic Poww-Pflc!:, v,it!t positive vjUife-ria'-Bt,i"MuMtU'tnz life and uifct". fatty tiu'fth dMt.t csbtnet of Amcritan W'nut. Inim ment pvntl overbid vith Rnuine in (toe ed Australian I.arcwood. Eac'i'.'lieun Jiiatj and knob liaithed l i gc.muw iuttt. t 4 X t FIFTY YEARS AGO th:, ir.cr.fh Thomas A. Edison gave li!s frit pu"!: cbnmstraVon of lighting with incandes cent lamps. Special trains were run toMenlo Park, New Jersey, to care for the crowds, who ;zr.l;d to see this wonderful new light. No one man has ever given a great people so wonderful a Christmas gift. Today there is scarcely a hamlet so small that it does not receive electric service. There is no Christmas gift as welcome today as some electrical device for use in the home. Their name is legion and there is something within the reach of almost every pocket-book. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. J. L CALLAWAY Osteopathic Physician Giltnan Buildiuft I'hont 93 Hi-bpntr, Oiricon JACK FERRIS : Dcrmatician : It pays to look well. "Specialist in Bobs" C.L.SWEEK ATTORNEY AT LAW. First National Bart: BUg Hcppner, Oregon . i When You Visit Hcppner I Eat At The "Elkhorn Restaurant" Good Meals Best of Sen ice Lunch Counter jj A.D.IMURD0, M.D. ;: Physician And Surgeon Oflice In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Htppner, Oregon A. H. JOHNSTON Physician & Surgeon ii WE Want your cream. We PAY Market Price at all times. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. x I'liciHP Offlrp IleMlilciire Mnlti ittl Main i'V Heppner - Oregon F. H. ROBLNSON Attorney & Counselor At Iiw W III I'riicllre III All Thf C'ftiirm IONE OREGON i lviorrow lo. creamery t Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L. Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone. Oreeon t Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats, Butter and Eggs. i We Buy Cream for Swift & Company, :: t Why not SslI Your Cream in Your Home Town? Real Estate Insurance i Peterson Brothers . mi Mm I tires YEAR INDEPENDENT GARAGE jone - Ore Dr.J.A. McCrady Dentist X Ray DIAGXOSIS Office; Odd Fellows HIJ'g. Heppner Oregon rfi At it t n 8 - a J. O.PETERSON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Hfppner, OreKon, . Dr. C. W. Barr DENTIST Phone M 1012 Cue Apt. HMg. Heppner, Ore. Evening! and Sunavby spiiointincnl. lone Independent JOB PRINT See Balsiger For Insurance '. STRAUSS & CO. ' Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to see him before you! sell your wheat. Get a FREE Home Dcr.or.sL'uci'ja This machine ut only $116.03 JfPH tubes. Can you finJ n hctter buy In : any radio. Heailqimtg atOsiar - "ILNE BLACKSMITH SHOP"! We are prepared to take care oi your shafting requirements by the Installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. .j& J. P. O'Meara, Proprietor j& 3 T 0 9 Hotel lone cater to the patronage ol those who wish first class accommodations. Cole Smith, Manager. j 4 f ty' I A Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERI0R DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, bTAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon ivpjy iriVLriLrUL,r i 1fW DDTXIT lone - Oregon j 4 r ,WWTWT f