The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 20, 1929, Image 3

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Winter's Work Before Him
V "X Xi ILJfTiVW 1 1 lit I
Just One of Those Things
ft K1' ,T VtZ
4 djp nlj
I . ' II wia rr ft iks 1 cm wat Boa , v5.m 000- 1 I
II 'I I' nl-uwij'rt ) l;sowl-it'5 w j III III1
Awk oi tCK urtd ) r Aovi ww vtu 8tCM jooaa his tox&k ) III1
( Sam StooP $ . I ia.Ks$0c3oP? 7 naftX)MiM'aaOMoVi1"
Vains I i. . rtf vva peS fa tf
III lMMiiruf iWL " ISO taJW.WU -
ZrS HafciTS.rfuvl- V yTtTuLtN
V V . lS?iMiilif" to Tua jjst A rtu wu ( ra m fiiT I
( its- wToriry
S fSh-w- - I -c couftse.irvouw I X
S 1ml j van j"-""
Tr Buildoicj
Traffic Arteries Mutt
Be Planned With Car
Teaching a community how to grow
Is one of the businesses that baa
evolved from this machine sge. and
town and sltles are no longer as self
ciintiiliit'd a they were, their pros
tierllf and development depending to
a large degree on the prosperity of
an entire area.
Thla haa brought about the wide
spread application of city planning
and It big brother, reglonul plan
ning. Governmental agencies autnor-
Ized or Qualified to do the work for
a city and Ita envlrona rarely exist
Whatever I to be accomplished mom
come through the activities of (ha
citizens themselves, who can be most
effective through the medium of the
city or regional planning body.
Of all the problems that the com
munity of today bas to face that of
the automobile and Ita attendant de
mands la of most concent The travel
fluidity of the car has caused the sub
urb and outlying districts to Blossom.
ArfMuate traffic arteries must be built
and certainly there must ba soma di
recting agency to sea that tney are
built where there Is the most need.
in da vi cone b cities and towns
grew without Intelligent direction.
Streets for the most part were con
fined to tbat age-old four-rod width.
Without "proper guidance growing
communities will And themselves stilt
laying out ths sams old narrow routes
which became Inadequate about the
time blacksmiths began giving op U!
anvil for automobile tools.
Tree-Shaded Highways
Add to Property Value)
it la time to consider systematic Ires
beoutlflcatlon of our highways, many
of which are unsightly. In Europe the
highways are S delight to the tourist.
n.iniiari tn the American.
marvels at those wonaenui mnin
roads, says the New York state col
lege of forestry at By recuse univer
sity, r
EiceDt for a few memorials anu
places where civic organisations havi
planted trees, snd where tne pnvau
owner has taken a pride in the sn-
neorance of his property, no orgat
tied planting on our modern si me
roads has been done. Since tne so
vent of automobile highways, roadsld
planting seems to have been forgotleo
st s time It Is most needed.
No state at present Is setting out
avenues of trees on Its high ways. Out
modern highways might very spproprv
atelv be embellished by avenues ol
elms or maples .and In some placet
by what Is known ss me group-pium-
Ing system. The expense of this wors
would be partially offset by the In
creased values of abutting proper! j
owners, by esthetic Improvements, bj
Uu navement maintenance and 1
slower deterioration of automobllt
equipment. t
Make Tewa't Opportunity
Never In the hlitorv of this conn-
tr has vour town had the opportuni
ties that It has today. Ulg business
Is looking to the smaller city ss It
never bas before. The town or city
that n re oares Itself for big things will
greatly profit, and every Indlvlduul
cltlien will be benefitted but the
iunn must be ready. The war to be
ready Is to be st work (building up
the morale, aggressiveness, cutnicf
ttliude and aulesmanahlD ability ot
the "clerks" citizens of the com
munity), not by erection of monu
ments or Idle tiilk on "town boosting"
hut bv constructive thinking to do
something, get something, achieve
something to climb out or the rut,
m hnva a cltv that la the best In the
land In which to live, work, ploy and
make money to have a city wnicn
Inn eliminated the "oppressive Ugli
ness" of dormant. Inactive civic
pride. Anderson (Ind.) Herald.
Trees Wantonly Injured
With 8S.U00 trees along Us boule-
rarria. KMlilK) alone streets not umli't
mitriil of the Dark board and many
thousands more In yards and In parks,
Kaunas City truly Is a "city of treea.
accordlng te J. W. Blachly, forestel
fur the nark department.
In rennrt. Mr. Blachly points nut
00 per cent of ths trees killed slung
the boulevard system eacn year are
lost because of carelessness of motor
lits. II estimates between 800 and
400 trees each year are killed because
of being Injured by motor cars oi
Mr rttachl nnlnte out when a tree
Is killed It must be replaced by s sim
ilar klud as near the same site ss
thin. Replacing a tree costs fmto
three to fifty times as much ss ths
original planting.
Color Scheme for Roof
In these dnvs of dawning ttiultl-col- bullilltm when the newest coloi
i-nrd for roofs Includes such a multi
plicity of shades as antique brown,
gray green, dusk blue, weemereo
brown, heather purple, tile red. juu
green and black pearl, opal and mull I
crome, an authoritative color harmony
chart Is as necessary In the Dunning
world as In the dressmaking world.
Old shoes made
new for less than
a penny a pair
ficufft dloppor. Clean, nolfora color returns,
More thwi 50 thinei for 50 cents. Slick, brown.
Ua, wtut sad neutral.
s-. svrr y
mam. -
Premature Bnrials Fought
Fear of being burled alive bas grown
to such an extent In Europe that the
Society Xor the Prevention of Prema
ture Death has been organized. It Is
arousing public Interest In Britain In
the building of s large mortuary, where
bodies may be kept nntll there can be
no doubt that death has taken place.
It will be conducted along the lines of
that In Munich, Germany, where, at
tached to each body Is s cord connect
ed with s system of bells, which ring
st the slightest movement of the body.
Attendants are on duty day and night,
and if a bell rings, they dash for a
doctor. Ths new society bas U tests
of death.
Reaaoa Eaeogh
"80 she broke your engagement
"WelL wasn't there sny reason T
"Ob, yes. 8 he broke me erst"
A new house after yon have moved
tn. Is Interesting for a month whits
yon are setting things to rights.
Hangar Quickly Emptied
A hnva heinuonal hanirar for air-
nlnnea at Loa AnEelea haa been de
signed for rapid unloading tn case
of fire. Each of the sis sides nave
doors which may be easily opened
by one man and aa the floors slope
outward, it will be an easy matter
for the sams man to move one of
these planes single bunded.
Ligktbonae for SU Users
Devotees of winter sports In Ger
many are so eager to ski In remote
psrta of the mountains that many lose
their wsr when night falls In one
place a lighthouse searchlight bas
been Installed on the roof of a moun
tain shelterbonse. It flashes every twe
seconds and can be eeen at a great
distance, serving ss a guide In fog and
Old lasaraaee Company
The Presbyterian Ministers' fund,
Philadelphia, Is probably the oldest In
surance company In this country. It
wss established 170 years ago.
Nnr many, and when TOU are
getting tnat way ana loosing
hair, whim enoa in Daianess.
vmi want a cmnd remedy that
will atop falling hair, dandruff
and grow hair on tne Data neaa
BARE-TO-HAIR b what you
want. " 1
Ft fsab at all Ptjato h NM sVrfSeVw a-
W. H. Fornt, mg 'JZZ. Scottdalsj. Pnna,
Knowledge Is the snUdjite to fear.
Take pains In choosing a meal; a
bad one can make you unhappy.
"- "
One has to be Immsculstely dressed
to wesr a flower In his buttonhole.
The politeness of a mesa man la
more or less disagreeable.
In losing fortune, many a lucky elf
has found himself. Smith.
TJae Buss Ball Blue In your laundry.
Tiny rust spots may come from Infe
rior Bluing. Ask Grocers. Adr.
If a man picks up a dime tn the
street be looks for another In the vi
cinity and never finds It.
When a man will not listen to rea
son, be may be a little demented,
ton bsve got to consider that.
Ignorance about some things
should be cultivated. Tbey only an-ooy.
Effective Remedy
Colly Can you suggest something
that will remove superfluous batrt
Druggist Yes; try matrimony.
Sla tke Pnnm.
The hurt of a burn or a rat stops wnea
Col'a carhollmlv le applied. It haals
quickly wltkout arara. 10c and me ty
til dru mil's, or atnd Me to The J. w
Cole Co Rock ford. I1L AdverUMment.
Some sat conversation Is a lost
"Far from IL My wife can gab for
sours over the telephone."
'"-XJsf BAR OIXt
tUI tnoM ! 'n tan
TO Wm A Nrar York Cur
Garfield Tea
Wat Your
Grandmother's Remedy
For every stomach
and Intestinal UL
This good old-fash-.
loned herb home
" remedy for constl
pstton, stomach Ilia
and ether derange
meats of the sys
tem so prersleat these days la tn even
greater favor as a family medicine
than In your grandmother's day.
W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. 49-1129.
Gardening Pays
Mrs. Neyber Did yon bsve any suc
cess with your garden this year?
Mrs. Nexdore les, I got two new
dremes, a hat and a pair of shoes, out
of Tom for letting him play golf In
stead of working It The Pathfinder.
His Stent
"Does your husband ever take any
hard exerciser 'Wall, last week be
wss out seven nights running."
So much new smng appears that
It Is no wonder that slang bss te
bsve a whole dictionary.
7 ft s -A
Rehabilitation Profitable
nehnhllltiitlon of the old home pre-
nerves both Its use value and mnterlsi
We all catch colds and they can male us miserable;
but yours needn't last long it you will do this: Take
two or three tablets of Bayer Aspirin just as soon as
possible after a cold starts. Stay in the house if you
can keep warm. Repeat with another tablet or two
of Bayer Aspirin every three or four hours, if thoso
Bymptoms oi cold persist. Take a good laxative when
Jou retire, and keep bowels open. If throat is, sore,
issolvo three tablets in a auartcr-glassful of water
and gargle. This soothes inflammation and reduces
infection. There is nothing like Bayer Aspirin for a
cold, or sore throat. And it relieves aches and pains
almost instantly. The genuino tablets, marked Bayer,
are absolutely harmless to the heart.
Aapuia Uw tradi auk at Uvar UaaaUatui at Munmmllin'dawat el laUajrUaula
I vulue