VOLUME XVIII IONE, OREGON FRIDAY, Dec. 20, 1929. NUMBER 28 PICA'S RADIO LE:i) l!l DANGER Gen. J. G. Harbord Sees a Threat to Our Nation's Place In British Merger. Tbt rocent mccamful ffort nf tli BrltUb to bring about comolidmloD ot Ihalr cable (uit radio lntiria la arloua challrit to tht radio lupram acj of tlia Uiiltud 8tatea, and of mora Importance to our country than oil or merchant marina at thla mo mtnt, according to Onrl J, o, Hah bord. who wu chief ot atatr nf tht A B. r. and now la Praaldant of tka Iladlo Corporation of A mar Ira. "Qraat llrltala balnc ttia (mat ca blt-contrnlllni power of our planet. Uenaral llarboij nklned, "tin com bination there of calilta and radio I to AM I I -.Wiry-. CINIRAL J. 0. HARBORO arlla Amarlcaa ludcnblp mora dl aaoilr (ban tkat ar any Wbr cmintrr "Tba aiiiwer to thla challenia can ant ba made by private tntiwete u ti ter our atlatlns lawa. It la for our people to dovide ahotlicr thay think It la worth making, and' If o. to main It pollila. It la a whre no ariluu, or action muib delayed la eur render; or aran worie, aid and com fort to foreign agalnat Amarlcaa In duatnr." Twenty pcrcnt off on Commun ity Silver it quite a Wam.p. Uutbrd't Plia: maty "Any girl in need of friend, write- to Adjutant Mix K. H Alleminn, The Salvation Army White Shield Home, CCS May fair Arenua, Portland, Oregon." Personal Mentiou Richard Mc Elllgott returned Monday to Portland. He had been spending a few days at the home of hit ton, Charley Mc Elliott. Tne tale last Saturday by the ladies; Aid rf the Uabtist Church wat quite a tuccest from a finan cla! standpoint. It uetted the lad let $55.00. . Mr. and Mrt. Louis Balsiger left Sunday for Portland and other valley points. They expect to return home Friday and will bring their daughter, Mist Elva, home with them for the Christ mat. Lowell Clark hat returned to lone after teveral months tpent at Wenatchce, Wash, and Port I ind, Oregon. Help the children in their evening study by giving them a atrong, ateady, white light. May lave g!af in later year. Let Bert Mi ton show you the Aladdin winner of the Gold Medal at the World's ExpoHition, San Francis co. , Mrs. . Edmond Bristow and little daughter returned Sunday to their home in Baker. Mr. ard Mrs. Edison Morgan took them as far as Pendleton bv auto and from tl.tre they continued their journef by atge. When You SKIMP on your clothes you rob your Personality lone people who attended .he district conuentlon of the Amer ican Legion and Legion Auxiliary held last Thursday in Condon were: Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Ferris, Miss Beryl Clark, Mrs. Helen Far rent, Orren Crabill and Elmer Cochran AH rt bort an enjoyable time. Dnring the afternoou there was a meeting of the Legion boys and also one of the Auxiliary lad ics. The banquet wat served at Six o'clock and the evening, was spent in dancing. Mr. and Mrs McCabe snnoufce the marriage of their son, J. It. McCabe, and Loniae G. Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fraf-k Miller, The young people are well known here, being popular among the younger net. Both are former students of the loneecv ool, Mr. McCabe graduating wl'h theclaBSof '29. They sre making their home in Cottage Grov , where Mr. McCabe has emplo -.... ' i menun a nam ware store. in v have the best wishes of iht'r msny friends here. Mr. snd Mrs. E. J. Brisiow ar .1 daughter, Lucile, drove to Hep; htr Friday to attend the funeia services for Eobert J Rodgers. HIGH SCHOOL BASKET BALL The lone team defeateb the loc al high school basketball team laht Friday night, the final count was 39 to 13. The high schoo started out as though they were going to win, scoring the firel basket. The game was played fast and clean. The high school would probably have given the alumni a clcser game if the regulars had played. Tm-sday night lone will meeting Ltxing ton Hi on the local floor. It will be double header and we promise all a good close game. The local high school girls' ba nkftball team met defeat at the hands of tba town team Fribay night: the final score deing 10 12 This was a practice game tor the benefit of the high school team. The line-up of two teams iaaa follows. High School Forward Gladys Brtshers Forward Veda Eudanks J. Center A'ice Nuth S. Center Margret Craford Guard Helen Smonse Gnarb Geneva Pettyjohn Substitutes were Beulah Petty john for Margaret Craford in the' third quarter, 'orward Rosa Fletcher forward, Fern Engelmavn I. center Etta Howell 3. center, Lucile Rhoten uard, Norma Swanson tuard Arleta Farrens The mass meeting for veteran and the public held at Heppner Kriday evenirg was attending by he following Ionites. Mr. ahd Mrs- E. G. Sperry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, Mr. and Mrs. John Ferrig, Mr. and Mrs. Blain Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner, Cbas, Dane, and Jack Whiteeides. All report a very njovable and very instructive meeting. lone people who attended the Odd Fellow's meeting held in Heppner on Wednesday evening of last week were: E. J. Brintow G orge Ely. E. R. Lundell, Le Howell, Earle Brown, Ted Trorige F. M. Griffin. John Clark, Rich aru Lundell, W. W. Head. I Student Hero at O. S. C. Is Praised Oregon State College, Corva) lis, ec. l3.-Recognition for his act of heroism in stopping a run away artillery team has been accorded Eugene Gentry, Lexing ton, by president Kerr, Major F. W. Bowley, and Colonel H. It Richmond of the military depart ment here. The team became frighNr-ei while students were goini: .h'nij'h maneuvers and siarua to iuj. Gentry, who was mounted, overtook the runaways and st' neri them before they did any serious damage. The off icials sent Gentry a Utter commending him for bis act (Oregon Journal) Mrs. Perry Bartelmayof Mays is visiting at the home of ber parents, Mr and Mrs. M. R. Morgan. Town Team i IV i fli i . . t,' it-:, We Z2n ! HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CUSTOM MADE John SKUZESKI THE TAILOR Heppner, Oregon' XMAS GIFT SALE Exceptional bargains in Toys, Station ery, Leather Goods, Perfume, Bath Salts & Powder Hand Painted China & Novlties. , Many Items Marked Down Below Cost. Ten per cent off on Patent Medicines and other staple merchandise. AllPricesare ''Cash over the Counter." BULLARtfS PHARMACY ffift Qfiore" s Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas j Bristow &, Johnson lone, Oreg'on i ? 4 n mnt:xmttivztt&f.vt&tt: Kxvmmmtmmt&mttitii It is rumored that) the Ameri can Legion contemplates buildirg a lndke home on the lot just east of the lone Market. They on erecting a bniloing 30 by GO feet. Superior Drills The Name Telia the Story. P. G. Balsiger Special! t J& Clark & Linn J& Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa per Hanging and General Re pair Work lone, Oregon. I R. ROBISON 4 ,! THE BEST EQUIPPED MACHINE SHOP In Eastern Ore. 4 tMost all sizes oft 0 .. IPicfnn Pine an1? PI t Kings carried in stock. X MACHINE SHOP WW 5 CM REDUCED FARES TO ALL POINTS IN OREGON IDAHO MONTANA and Union Pacific poinfsin UTAH Departure dates ECEMDER WMl-MW Final return limit likiiiA r v 19 3 O l& Phelps Funeral Home Heppner, Oregon Located in Mahoniy Residence: Southeast Heppner LicensedEmbalmer-Lady Assistant X Sedan Ambulance Service Cut J'Towers or All Occasions. J TELEPHONE 1332 t - OUR AIM c- ilS TO GIVE YOU FULL UALUFj T FOR YOUR MONEY. LET US PROVE IT TO YOU. HEPPNER PLANING MILL and LUMBER YARD REASONS w. Howk, Agent, Ium, Oregon, ; 9 Why Alladin is the most marvelous and amazing Kerosene Lamp IN THE WORLD 1 . Light instantly,- No wailing. 2. No generator or generating- 3. No pumping up. 4. Nopressnre. 5. No danger,- safe. 6. No odor,, sanitary. ,7. No smoke,- clean, 8. No noise. 9. No trouble. BERT MASON IONE - OREGON '