X Jaw mm VOLUME XVIll NINTH ANNUAL REBKAII CONVICTION The ninth annal Rebekah Con vention of the of District No if) was held In the Masonic hall at lone, Oregon, Nov. 23, lit2. At one thirty o'clock p. m. the mct'tlnttby Bunchgrass No. til. After the opening the meeting was turned over to the Conven tlon officers with Sister Mary S wanton a I the presiding officer. After the regular routine of business was carried through, the Rebckah Assembly President, Mrs. Hallie Ingle, was Introduced. The Address of welcome wa given by sister Vida llcliker of Unnchurass No. 1)1. Sister Emma Peck of Holly No lo! made an able responscr Reports of the various lodges showed the following membership: Hcppner, 13(1; Lexington. 51); Mor gin. 1); Ihrdmin 48; lone, 119.1 Neither I lardman or Morgan were represented at the convention. An interesting talk given by Sister Ingle on how we may In crease interest and attendance. Bunchgrass No. 91 then draped the Charter in memory of Bro. George Sperry of Sans Souci No. IONE, OREGON FRIDAY, Nov. 29 , 1929. NUMBER 25 Personal Mention ' Carlton and Norma Swsnion departed Tneaday for Seattle, where they will visit relative and friend. They plan on heinjr away week, The Carnival which was given Friday evenlnir by the hiih was well patronized. About $111.(0 were taken in. Out of thin amoul the young fo'k3 hope to clour $75.0(t. Mr, Bnl Mm. Carl Feiriman motered to CraHS Vallev Satur day, Nov. 16, for a visit with their old frienba, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilt. They found the Will family in good health and wind ing to be remembered to their many frienda here. Mr. and Mr. Feldman relumed Monday. Mr. anb Mra. Koy Lieuallan James ilardcaty has sold hi property in Morgan and he and hia family have moved to Carnal, Washington. Leading Sanfeona of the world are now advising you to keep; your tonsils by having them re stored to natural size and func tions. Dr. J. Perry Conder ha been hoing (hit for 21 years in L'-JJ .-iE.il J! ...J. Ol - The severe cold weather of last week was responsible for a wood ly number of frozen and burstvrf water pipes and frozen car radlbrs. The last of the week the weather moderrted and on Sun day afternoon a little roin fall. W. K. H.illarb nun been named as chairman of the Hed Cross rlrive ror lone and vicinity.GWe him your dollar and help the good work along. . . l warenct iNemon wno nas oeen jn(f Saturday. in me veteran s nonpitai In Portland, returned Friday to his home south of lone. The first dance under the manaaement of Cole Madsori ar d his dance orchextm, The Black Cats, of Hepgner was given In the old Kink, Satuaday night. h ee Hat aitirr'irt rt oi t a! good attendence and a good tim, 1 The next dance will Le Thanks I ily onto the Urn blow lone ATTENTION, TURKEY recently rented by his brother, Hazel Ledbetter. Mrs, Warren Crutcher and three PRODUCERS We will have arepresenta- children of Hriahtwond. Oregon, U,M7 7 are vifiihing Mr.. Cruel herV ,.ar IonC Market Dec. 5, to receive ents, Mr. ano Mrs. Wtto Lindisf. -urKeys tor eastern snipment rom. They arrived the Jirst of last week and except to remain until after Thanksgiving. Mr. Kngelman and son Gene, J drove to Spokaue Friday return I Mr, A. A. McCahe hasrelurned .from Hidaway Springa where he 'had lieen for the benefit of the loath. IU it feeling much rfetter. j At thesppcial school meeting ,of District No. 35. held at the , school house Monday afternoon, Nov. 23. a heavy vot9 was cast i8?sinst the gurchaee of block No. 2. Sperry a 4th addition. A strong majority vote was cast Bring your turkeys dressed; see them graded and weighed, and receive your check. One Day Only. Phone us for prices. Peterson Bros., lone, Ore. giving night. The dances cloMj for the buoget as prepared by at midnight. Mrs. J. E, Grlmcsithe levying h'trd. and Mrs. Helen Farrens re The removal of your child's ; adenoids should be a bloodless 'and iainl ss operation done bv a serving the lunches. To make sure that your rinjt physician who know how. gist will be in your neighborhood J . -Dr. J. Perry Conder. when you most need him, go to; him for such of your everyday needs as he can supply. 33. Pro. lleadgaveatalkonTriirdiorro County. Adv. ship Love ami I ruth. A much appreciate b talk was givt-nby Mstcr Florence Hughes on "The Value of a Cood Degree Staff." An Invitation was extended and accepted to nieit with lleppncr next year. . The following officers were elec ted for the coming year. Chaiiman Llla Bengt; Vice Chair man, Sister Ola War J; Secy Trcas. Sister Sadie Sigfbtc A llounteous banquet was serv ed at C:30 by the membtrs of Bunchgra No. 91. at 0:30 and was greatly tnjoyed by ail. The following program was given: Vocal by Sister Lillia,. Turner Reading by Sister Ih'.h Corson After the t veiling t pining Sans f o ce No. S3 gave a beautiful drill. 'Streets of Memory", and then confered tne degree to two members of Bunchgrass Lodvie T.ie president Sifter Hallie CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. The Social Civics Club of the lone School wishes to express to the people of the community its appreciation for their assistance nd support of the Club activities A Minstrel play followed by a County fair vid be given bv the lone grade school Friday evening, Grange News Willows Grange had t good lively business meeting Saturday evening. Several candidates be came members of the grange, some by re instating and eight een by initiation. Several can oidates are still in waiting for degree work, which will be ex emplified at an early date. On Thanksgiving a big com muni'1 irner was served at the Grant e ii-'! Oi J. ti-rJa night. Nov. 30th, a basket social ard dance will be held at th grange hall at Cecil. All Grangers will be welcome al so guests presenting written in vitatiens signed by a Granger, December, 6. The proceeds are J to furnish drums for the school . returned last week from a i hand. -- Come!! Bring your ant visit with smile; park your crouch at home, Weston. pleas relatives iu When You SKIMP on your clothes you rob your Personality AO Crural fuai f imnd of Morru Count?. "Bally" Hayes left last week 0ro, irfiumd btfurt the preww Am, for Yakima, Here he will be join wiU f """" th. ofTmafrU I.. i - i.l. . ' Caaotv TruMirtf oa ar tfir Dccmbrr IS. 19V1. itru vi joiiii muiraii dnu me j . ' Vuti it HcppMr, Ortfia, Nottmbtr 26,! J 1929. will spend the winter trapping in i the state of Washington On Wednesday of lust weet Ralph Ledbetter moved his fai HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CUSTOM MADE Leon W. Vkiw.i, County Trtasurer. J. 4 i John SKUZESKI THE TAILOR lleppncr, Oregon' 10 per cent Discount For CASH over the counter, on any pur chase of fifty cents or Over, Except Films. Toys, Stationery (EL the Majority of Xmas Gifts Will BE ON SPECIAL SALE No Extra 10 per cent Discount on Special Sale Items. BULL ARD'S PHARMACY ' ffift ofLs AMMUNITION YOU CAK. SHOOT WITH CONFIDENCE Jk Sim WJ&i ' AMMUNITION There it plenty of action when a i plenty or action when a phranant lluihei! And he'i much harder to bag than he looki to be becaate he it so liable to f lanh at long range. You need a fhrll that will reach out and get him. That't why you ihould ums IVtcri High Velocity an amazingly Ions range, hard hitting nhcll loaded and tcitrd by meUiodi excluiivcly controlK d by Peter. You con thoot High Velocity with perfect confidence that it will do iu part to bag your pheanant if you do yours. There are many other articles in our atore which will contribute to the auccesa and pleasure of your hunt we are hero to serve you. BRISTOW & JOHNSON Phelps Funeral Home Heppner, Oregon Located in Mahoney Residence: Southeast Ueppner Licensed Embalmer-Lady Assistant Sedan Ambulance Service Cut Flowers for All Occasions. TELEPHONE 1332 i OUR AIM 5 t IS TO GIVE YOU FULL UALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. LET US PROVE IT TO YOU. IILMMIML'U IJI AXTIM- I aim7 LUMBER YARD t I t i t it i r i i r .t. : ! it ' 4 i , i ?n -l' a frfl-i M;..Ci...'ii... M.U.f JLi-U--!1--- I hi 0 0 . R. ROBISON , THE BEST EQUIPPED Jo MACHINE . 1 SHOP i In Eastern Ore.t Most all sizes oflG Piston Pins and? m Rings carried InJ ;StOC'k. w Following the Thanksgivirg sermon by Kcv. VV. W. Head gtv cn Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, the Congrejational rto 1 ;i pie had dinner in the church din $ jf.ihg room. ATVVATER KENT RADIO For Farmers I have just received the New Mod el 67 C Screen Grid Set with Dynamic Speaker and battery operated. THIS IS THE LATEST I Production of this Famous Manufac- I hirer and you are invited to come in t HEAR IT Mr. and Mrs. Geore Snyder j drove to Portland I-t I rl''.iy. They delivered lU Ciai.t Olden : turkeys to the Portland market. l thus combining busines and pleas ure on the trip. 1 hey were accom if, panied by Mrs. Carl Barlow, who ; who vimicu rciaiivis in I oniunu. V The party returned home this ft week. During the time Mrs. Bar & low was away, her sister in law. X : t 4 i: i t ATWATER KENT I X t BERT MASON i IONE - OREGON MACHINE SHOP Mrs Lee" Howcll, cared for har t 3FW WS? young son, Jackie. i