The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 22, 1929, Image 5

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itiinni r rir
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Events in the Lives of Little Men
Danger Ilea In careless iclectioti
of laxatives I By taking the first
thinjf that comes to mind when bad
breath, headaches, diziincss, nausea,
biliousness, gai on stomach and
Lowell, lack of appetite or energy
warns of constipation, you rik
forming the laxative habit.
Depend on doctor's Judgment
In choosing your laxative. Here's
one made from the prescription of
a ipecialiit in bowel and atomacli
disorders. Its originator tried it
in thouiandi of eaiet ; found it safe
for women, children and old folks t
thoroughly effective for the mott
robust man. Today, Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup 1'epiin, ss it is called, Is the
world's most popular laxative. It
ia composed of fresh herbs and
other pure Ingredients. You can
ret It, In generous bottles and read)
lor use, at any drugstore.
Arctic Region Rival of
Ivory Coaat of Africa
Tha Ivory coast of Africa liaa a sub
stltutt In the Arctic eoeat and Inlands
of Bering ses. The Khooner IJoxer,
arriving recently brought nearly 110,
000 worth of foaall tuaks of ancient
mastodons, walrus and sea elephants
collected during tut past year by Es
kimos. Largs quantities of walrus tunks
Ret old, but of excellent quality
were dug out of the I'rlbllof Islands
by Aleut Indians, several tons of Dins
todon Ivory canit from Bt. Lawrence
(land and a Isrgt shipment frors
King Island. Tin small colony oa
Wrnngell Island lias collected a law
quantity of mastodon Ivory which will
bt picked op by Arctle trading ships
and brought to I'ugel sound markets
On some Islands Ivory Is mined.
Tbt burled supply represents thi
kitchen dumi of sge-old rivlllMtli
which aaed walrus for food. Tbers
was no valut attached to the tuakl
and they were caat aside. Now the)
art sought fr tha bendrede of twos
Ivory Is put to over tbt world.
Crawd It Liacala Memarlat
8 1 net Junt 1, when Iht Unrulu ma
mortal. In Washington, wat first kept
oen st nltht, records kept by ths
tolled States park pollct show It l(
bt Iht most sttractlvt to sightseer
Between tht hours of 4:30 tnd ;'
p. m gusnts reported tht daily aire,
agt numher of visitors exceeded taO,
tnd tht record high ss reached Au
gust 17 heo 1.200 viewed tht Impre
alvt ststut of Abraham Lincoln.
We'U CmI Oregoa Theater
Natorv's own cooling tjatem has
been hsrnesaed by a I'ortland (Ore.)
theater which drilled arteaun wells
tapping aubterranenn lakes IW feet
beneath tht surface, to obtain a sup
ply of water which la consistently M
degree, says Popular Science Monthly.
This naturally cooled water supply Is
pumped to three banks of sprats.
flow trying to undertake heart t
heart talk with a man who appears
to have no Inside at all.
M3ria rWa
f NataWw'tWat'wtskf MIaltjsHa ,
rasif mmyaaltm aswtf rat sjd ratsal J
1 la reJ Slkw fcatt. Tril J
F MMrfnl rwvclts feattasr I hswtjss a af
i wwiwss lactnainsr, ibisri if
KATUffl't fmoTatormt
I im atrwnafSatt fjr HIiIin i
F trust WrUb tha tMsigtf asm iiata. I
"Trr iesntaasl W Saw I cue lira.
BOtVctkh. tnfls)totjU-MlVmbto,t9ltBt
79 I
-I J
sf 1
7 1
-7 1
MolKer and Daughter Praiw
Vegetable Compound
Johnson City, K. Y. 'fy daughter
was only SO ysars old, but for two
I years snt woruoa
in misery, bus was
all run-down, nerv
ous, bid ache and
pains and no appe
tite. I was taking
Lydla Q rinkbam'i
Vtgetabl Com
pound with good
result so sht de
elded to try It Bt
fort sht had taken
two bottles her ap
petit was batter.
iht waa mora ehasrful and was able to
work. I cannot prals your medlclnt
too highly. It Is wonderful for mother
and for daughtsrs. It's eursly 'a
friend In need'." Mas. L. E. Halt,
121 floral Avsnus, Johnson City, U, Y.
I wa rows wv&mD how in
Fanny Just Couldn't Restrain It
jiS KAO A S0 SjtJ rlM WO N
BMAlC.trtV-HV A lWfflWOrt
W-QAiCuM OoVlTtfT i l 'QRO-0Q6 Ke - If
O w9 rvOPPtO.- J , Po to ww ooA CoMTKr. as- i l
t V X OH.ll!- art m
mt nick sno now a utfaT. J Q POWN lyf " .
S) Waelera SHwipf ju. I I ) V-yy oteift"
Oh, Well, It Was Intended Kindly
Qk I ki uu. ta UAB6 wivtw 1 1
JM$)Jo(rUAM.. T T rp ( rT caoakI )
jfy Qthi rtoul MOCU , V OttAr SARCA5rll
WlBI WJVflee'VtBfteCPM- p I N
I VtQ V0IC6 HAS OABfi BVOCiN, . H Ifil
I vt i6ik ah which ivc i Jj 1 Jmn -h L E
O Waeter Niwepaytr Valea'
A cry in the night may be tha
first warning that Baby has colic
No cause for alarm if Castoria is
bandy I This pure vegetable prep-
ration brines quick comfort, and
can never do the slightest harm.
Always keep a bottle in the house.
It is the safe and sensible thing;
when children are ailing;. Whether
it's the stomach, or the little
bowels; colic or constipation; or
diarrhea. When tiny tongues are
coated, or the breath is bad.
Whenever there's need of gentle
regulation. Children love tha
taste of Castoria, and Its mildnetj
makes it suitable for the tiniest'
infant, and for frequent use.
And a more liberal dose of
Castoria Is always better for
growing children than some need
lewly strong medicine meant only
for adult use. Genuine Castoria
always has Chas. H. Fletcher's
signature on the wrapper. Pre
scribed by doctors!
Simple Logic
Visitor (to man of 90) "You're
getting older." Ancient One "I'm
glad of It elst I shouldn't bt here!
"Tea, my wife left me without n
"Ah, so that's bow yon lost ItT
Goes to Hospital to Learn
Beauty Aid
f rp0E first time I beard of it,"
1 write Mrs. E. Whitney of S5
Parker Street, Bangor, Main, "wis
when I vu at the Hospital. I was
very nervous and run down and
after my biby daughter vu born
tht doctor began giving ma some
thing. Ia about ten days I felt likt a
new person. Before then, I was
miserable. My skin waa In -very "bad
condition and I could not understand
What mads it dear up so quickly.
V Before I left I asked tha House
Doctor what kind of medicine it was
that cleared up my akin and made
me feel so much better. H said
My dear girl didn't you aver hesr
of NujolT Hospitals aren't the only
plao where you can get itl You can
buy it most everywherer
1 bav been using Kujol ever
since, and I think it ia wraderfuL
That'a tbt great thing about
Nujol Not a medicine, contains no
drugs, can't possibly hurt you,
forms no habit and if you era bin
most other people its simple nat
ural way of bodily lubrication will
do wonders for you, too.
You set, all of us bav an excess
of body poisons that make our skins
, .1 . Lg ' 1
Doctor laughed when asked
""What dewed mj lin?"
sallow, only able to work at kali or
quarter our real ability. When Nujol
absorb these poisons and carries
them off easily, normally, naturally,
w Just fed like a million dollars.
Try Nujol for two weeks, and at
what happens. It costs only as much
as a ticket to a good movie, and it
will mean so much to you. In sealed
packages at any drug store. Start
feeling fine, this very day!
recently Richard s elected presi
dent af his class st K hol. The next
day be pmided st the first meeting.
After all business had been trans
acted, be said:
"I don't know bow to close this
nwe'lng, but Its doted, anyhow."
Mutt Haa Beea
"Why old yon slug at the party r
"Because they bothered me to."
"Oh, I see revenge." Berlin Ci.
Women may be able to make rake
according to dllwtlona, but they can't
manage husbands that wsy.
To llvs Is to do battle. Seneca.
The Other Revive, a Bill
"What a the dlff-renre bets
client and a cuntomerr
"A customer pays ejh on the spot."
Motqalt Tactic
A sturdy attack I conceded to b
the Inat defense, hut where did tha
moaqulto learn It I Toledo Bind.
A hohhy I something you bav to
enjoy without talking about U. Pea
pie won't llaten.
The moat trouble som women bav
with their huahands la In getting theta.
If no on shows It ilsrm ia aot a
v.w ?A-.i
Backache Bother You?
A Persistent Backache Often
Warna of Sluggish Kidneys.
DOES every day find you lame and achy suffer
ing nagging backache, headache and dizzy spells?
Are kidney excretions too frequent, scanty or
burning in passage? These are often signs of slug
giah kidneys and should not be neglected.
To promote normal kidney action and assist your
kidneys in cleansing your blood of poisonous wastes,
use Doan'i Pllh. Endorsed the world over. Sold by
food dealers everywhere.
50,000 Users Endorse Doan'ai
Mrt. L. DUts, SOU S Stfc, SawiiMitto, C.llf., my wtvty ftj
Ms-Hi to lxmv ruiev uuty palls) tMttMrtjd tmm atid 1 1 l tire tad w
Al tMMg 1 Hs4 Nckt t Uaraswssis avcro km bKk thai It Was wry hafti to !
a row rssi My ksirawtj wsttsj mo skeUnej ormaJir. aiarta4 M Daaw'l ruls)
! I asm g4 I 4tm, Hw I mtof Boa4 ktmltk'
Dbatfs Pills
A Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys