A Sour Stomach In th Mm Urn It take a doit el aoda to bring a llttl temporary rellet of gas and lour stomach, Phillip Milk of Magnesia hat acidity complete ly checked, and tb dlgestlv organ all tranqulllred. One yoa hav tried thla form of relief you will ceaaa to worry about yoar diet and experience a new freedom in eating. This pleasant preparation la Jut ai good for children, too. Cm It when vr coated tongue or fetid breath signals need of a sweetener. Physi cians will tell yon that every spoon ful of rhllllps Milk of Magneala n trallaea many times Its volume In add Get the genuine, th nam rhllllps li Important Imitation do not act tht samel PHILLIPS Milk , of Magnesia Practical OiagaosU Dr. Stanford Read, a practicing physician of London, statea that a man who had defrauded hla brothel recently cam to him complaining ol loss of appetite, Indigestion and de bility. Th doctor, discovering th mental factor, ordered th patient to repay hi brother. Th patient did and la now cored. Caa't FmI Awfatly Cood Mrs, Prim I think a woman looks good even when ah Is approaching middle age, don't you, John? Mr. Prim Well r yes, looks good, but ah cant feel so awfully good. New Bedford Standard. Make More Money This Easy Way A Fate Cent $ invested in "Dan delion Butter Color" Will Put Dollar in Your Pocket. Top price for youi butter are possible thi year "round with th help of "Dandelion But ter Color." Put In lust a half-teaspoonfu! for each gallon of cream before churning and out come butter of that Golden June Shade. It' purely vegetable, whole tome and meet ail But and National Food Law. All large creameries use it to keep their product uniform. It' tasteless and doesn't color buttermilk. Large bot tle cost only 89 cents at all drug or grocery (tore. Writ for Fit EE SAMPLE. Well and Richardson Co, fnc Burlington, Vermont Some men grumble because they can find nothing to grumble shout. A reliable function -f flower In door I to brighten up a rainy day. Bus Ball Blue, I want Insist, dont accept substitutes. Grocer tell cos! to coast Adv. D who think himself wise, oh heavens 1 la a great fool. Voltaire. Have a purpose and keep after It over 25.000.000 Sold All wecrers can't be wrong LEVI STRAUSS Overalls the Leading Brand forover 56years Every pair sold with This guarantee ANEW CD EE IFTHEV pair, rnuu rip Askfor Levi's ReHableMcrchandheslncelStt i nr in JmAwmtme Ftmpemd o TV &Sffie Baroness Orcxy Qxyrrfht Baroness Orcxy CHAPTER X 14 "Fie, Sir Percy l" Little Madeleine Detese was very shy. 8he bad been brought by her father to pay her respects to Mon- seigneur l Prince d Gallea because ma man was too 111 to accompany her. "I dont remember much, monsetg- neur," Madeleine said shyly. "Maman and I were too frightened to notice anything. There wa so much shout Ins and fighting. It wa terrible." Shall 1 tell you what happened. Ilttl oner hi royal blghnesa wa pleased to say. Tour highness, (teaming punch is served In th yellow drawing room," a pleasant vote Interposed, with th assurance of privilege. "Fie, Sir Percy P exclaimed pretty Lady Alicia Nugget "would yon apoll hi highness (toryP "Bather that than let good punch (poll with cooling, dear lady," 8!r Percy retorted with a smile. "Sets htm and garrott him," bl blghnesa brok In with a laugh, "as our gallant hero and hi friend elsed and garrotted a chief of sec tion, whatever that may be, and bl powerful friend from Parla." "Sets him I Garrott blur cried many a pair of charmingly rouged Up. Th next moment Sir Percy Blake- ney, that prince of dandle, saw him self fettered by a number of lovely arms, while gay voice chirruping Ilk bird cried. "Th tory, your hlgh nesa, w entreat I D cannot Inter rnpt now." "I have the story from on who knows," his highness resumed with (mil, "and our llttl friend Made leine (hall bear It It waa thus Our gallant Scarlet Pimpernel, In one of hla bappleat disguise aa a dmver from AIncourt did, wltb tb aid of two of his follower, egg on a number of young lout Into th belief that they were being cheated oat of th reward due to them for tb capture of th noted English sdventurers In their dis trict Full of enthusiasm and excel lent wine, they cam on th chief of section, who, I Imagine, answers to our chief constable of a county, to gether wltb a gentleman from Parla whom some of ns have known In the past Well, the young lout, eager for th tray, nd always egged on by th drover from AIncourt seised and gar mted thou two worthy gentlemen and, throwing them Into the cart took them along with them. In th forest of Metlere tliey cam upon th dili gence. In which were our llttl friend Madeleine and her parents. Th vehi cle waa oatenstbly guarded by four troopers only, but our Scarlet 11m per nel and hi friends bad already ascer tained that as a matter of fact ther were half a dozen more men Inside the coach, and that all were armed to the teeth. Altogether too many for three men to tackle : and since th chief motto of our band of heme la never to sttempt where they cannot succeed, (tratagem bad her to com to the Id of valor." "And what did they dot" on of th ladle queried breathlessly. "The drover from AIncourt out gal lant Scarlet Pimpernel," hla highness replied, "brought the cart to a tand till about a quarter of s mile from th crest of lh bill where th dili gence bad com to halt prepared for so attack. Then he allowed th lout to rush th vehicle, and general melee ensued. Hut he and hla two follower In th meantime lifted the chief of section and hi friend out of the cart and carried them up th road to point from which their call for help would presently be heard. Here they left them In the ditch, but care roll' took the gags from their mouths. "Immediately lh two worthy gen tlemen started to shout Nor could they be blsmed, for their plight ws Indeed pitiable. At Brst ther wns so much din In the melee at th top of the hill that their cries could not b heard. And In the meanwhile on of our gallant heroes had crept op through the tt.l-ket to th crest of th hill. Then presently th fighting ceased. Th enthastnstlc captain of gendarmerie heard the cries for help, accompanied by good deal of shout ing and clash of metal carried on bv t Rntr( Pimpernel himself and bl Jacket Suit It Smart; Chic Modeli in Velvet Whether or not the "little Jacket suit" would prolong It vogue by np peurlng In new version for fall teems to be a settled problem with the ap pearance of several very churiulng models In velvet. The collurles Jack et seems to be fuvoreil while the blouses are either simply tailored In flat crepe or more eliiliornlely designed In metnl fabrics. Very chic design ur being displayed. r second follower. Now do you see what waa the result of thlt maneuver r "No I Not" th ladles exclaimed. And th men, no lest enthusiastic and Interested, cried, "Will your highness proceed V "The prisoner let out th secret that th chief of section and hi friend were lying bound with rope In a ditch, while on of our heroes th on who had gon back to the seen of th fight and mingled wltb th crowd waa able to put In a word that no doubt those two great and worthy cltliens were being attacked and mur dered by th English spies. Th Eng lish spies! Sou have no conception, ladles, what magic Ilea In those three word for every soldier of th re public. They mean hope of promo tion and of big monetary reward. In an Instant the enthusiastic captain had called to torn of hi men to follow him, to go to the rescue of their chief of section, and Incidentally to capture th 8carlet Pimpernel. 'And that waa th Immediate out come of th clever stratagem. Tb captain divided hla force. Three he took wltb him, two were left to bring th prisoner slong, snother bad been sent aa courier wltb a message. Three only were left to guard th diligence. Th gallant Scarlet rimpernel bad made a clever calculation. Already by a small ruse be bad rid himself of th cart Cnder cover of th dark ness bis two equally gallant followers bad crept underneath th vehicle, while he waited In tb thicket for th right time to strike. "I leave you to guess tb rest Th three remaining soldiers taken ana ware, th horse unsaddled, the dili gence finally driven down th hill by our hero, while Inside th coach bl two follower were doing their best to assure llttl Madeleln and her parents that all was welt Soon they sbandoned th cumbersome diligence and took to th road. That part of th story Is perns? less exciting thongh oo less heroic. Tb Scarlet Pimpernel ba nineteen followers; it waa their task to be oo th road, to aid th . fugitive with disguises, to help In th great task of reaching tb coast In snfety. "And tht ladle and gentlemen, l tb tory," hi highness concluded, ris ing. "Let u go and drink om of my friend Blnkeney' excellent punch. But fter we hav drunk our toast for th king, let ns raise our glasses to our national hero, th oVarlet Pim pernel." Wltb a courtly bow and a smile he offered bl srm to llarguerlt Blak ney who, with glistening tear In her beautiful eye. av hla blghnesa a glance of gratitude. 'Are yoa coming. BlakeneyH th prince said with a merry laugh. "Too must drink oor toast, too, rememlier. To th gallant Scarlet Pimpernel P All th ladle laughed, partly wun gaiety, but also with excitement Then wltb on ecord they cried. "Tom and drink. Sir Percy, to tb gnllot Scarlet Plmnernel." I'll com, dear ladlee," Sir Percy suld with sigh, "since his highness commands, hut youH forglv m It I cannot drink to that demmed, luslv shadow." Laughing still, th ladle cried, "Fla, 8lr Percy I Jealous againr" And llttl Madeleine, wltb her great childish gaxe fixed npon the hand some English gentleman, cried In her piping little voice "Fie. 8lr Percy r ITUK ENti.1 Aats' Fir Brigade Who are the (Ire fighters of th In sect world T Testa carried out bv a French worn ii n scientist, Mme. Marguerite Combes, hnva nrnved thiit red snts organize themselve Into tlr brigades snd sr able to extinguish nam by tn ippu ration of formlr arid. When Mme. Combes placed a light ed cigarette on an ant bill, th alarm true irlven Immediately, and I ha Insect flpmn set about their task success fully. Th experiment wa repeated several times with tns same resim, -nri tishted inner waa also extin gulshed. Finally s lighted candle was used, snd thlt was put out in sdoui s nilnote. When ants were In danger of burn ing, they were dragged to aafety by their companions. Much Velvet la Millinery It I prophesied that more velvet will he seen In millinery this fnll and winter than has been In several years. Whole hat of velvet, and felt hats that hnve velvet used tor trimming are being shown. Fur Trim oa Easembla On some of the three-piece ensem bles the cont Is trimmed with a nar row atrip of fur down the front and urot'nd the collar, while on otlin the scurf finish Is used. ff Tluildmcj Builder Must Guard Against Fira Menac la muklug awards tn th national tire-waste competition among America! cities It was developed that th aver age decrease In Ore losses In the uiort than i!00 cities participating exceeded 20 per cent Finally It seems thai America Is gradually awukening to (lit fir menace, which has Increased an nually for th lust quarter century Inst year being the first to show s substantial decrease from th record of It predecessor. Future home construction Is certuln to give mors consideration than vi before to Br danger and depreciation Th two go hand In hand aa th chlel menace to home ownership. And both are being opposed vigorously, th on by the various agencies seeking tt reduce Or losses, th other by th men who dlctnte to whom money shall be lent for the building of homes. In their respective fleldt botb are Influ entlul and powerful. The tire-protection agencies are urg ing more lire-safe construction, declitr lug rightly that the place to provide, against fir Is at th draughting board The banker and building and loan as oclutlons at (canning wltb Increasing car 111 plans submitted for the hornet upon which they are asked to mski loan. They, too, r Insisting upon moron, recautlon against Ore end art urging mors permanent type of con struction. Soma Suggestion for "Fire-Prevention Week" Business men who hold a meeting of their employees during 'Fir Pre vention Week" and draw up rules to guide the organisation to greater aafety from Or, will benefit them- aelve a well as the community. This should be followed by tb us of self- Inspection blanks, which th National Board of Fir Underwriters will pro vide on request At regular Intervals competent employee should Inspect th premise and record all hatardoua conditions disclosed by the self-Inspection blank. These blanka should be filed and the condition! corrected. Buslnesa men can also be of assist ance by banging Ore-prevention post er In their office, putting stickers on packages and letter, and Inserting an appropriate message In their advertis ing. Good us ran be mad of display window. In one town several down town stores contained exhibits show ing th causes of th worst Ores that have occurred In th laat ten years. Hast Ravage Costly Th fuct that rust cost horn own er of thl country tome KTS.OlMi.UUO year, or about Ove time a much as their losa through Ore, la causing mors and more people to seek protection against this drain. Builders and own era who overlook th ravagea which rust will wreak upon corrodlbte metals ventually Ond themselves under a mortgage nut anticipated. Wis build er and owners are on guard against what ha been called th fourth mort gage that rust will create. Th present cost of a house will b proportionate to It size. Its material, th cost of labor and Ita excellence of detail. The ultimate cost by fur th more linjmrtant of th two, de pends upoa the Vise choice of the materials used In what may be termed the vitals of the home: In the roof, sheet metal work, plumbing and heat ing plant CarUa City of Fator Rom day, no doubt, th garden city of tlx future will be born In some American subdivision. The ttreeti will be wide ond clean, but they will be mere highway for traffic. The dwell er will turn their backs to Hie thor. oughfare, and direct their eltentlou to th lawns, lite gardens, the pluy- grounda. the tenuis courts, the bovillng greens, the putting greens of the cen tml park toward which the houses will fuce. Th garug will b where It ought to be on the street, Instead o behind the house. Tills will help solve the parking problem. The children will no longer play In th street. What's the matter with such a scheme? Think It over. Kansas ClU Time. Towa Forest Big Asset In Europe town forests huv ex isted for miiny years, in sums In stances the forest yields have been a Minterlul help In reducing the town tuxes say the American Tree asso ciation, Mhiijt eastern slates hav ipeclul legislation regarding munlclpul forests. These Include Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jer sey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Vermon', With l he large amount of cheap lund adjacent tJ muny of the I'oclllc Northwest towns which Is not tutted for agrlcullur th opportuni ties for establishing town forests are exceptionally good. Th Idea of town forest Is Just beginning to receive attention among the people of the West Hedge Always Attractlv Where ther I a formal terrace adjacent to th house. hedg planted along lh edge of this ter race will greatly enhance the appear ance of till terrace. Often, In the case of am I houses, a lerruc with hedge planting I nil that Is needetf lo U th bcus to tit ground. Heroa Mad Short Circuit A farm community near Plymouth Wis., waa without electricity all ot on night when a heron perched oo a &V 300-volt power lln snd Its tall cam In contact with an adjoining wire. Th resulting short circuit put out lh lights In the surrounding farm home. IMlcans Struck by Ughtalng A flock of pollcans flying at an slti tur of 600 feet wat ttruck by light ning tn an electric storm at Suit Lake City. Nineteen were found dead near th city, whil s few wer able to mak their way to bushes outsld of town, where they hid themselves. Neal's Mother Hat Right Idea Within a few month thora will be no more feverish, bil ious, headachy, con stipated, pal and puny children. That prophecy would sure ly com true If every mother could sr fur herself how quickly, easily, and harm lessly th bowels of babies and chll dren are cleansed, regulated, given ton and strength by a product which has proved Its merit and reliability to do what la claimed for It to mil Hons of mothers In over fifty year of steadily Increasing use. As mother And out from nslng It how children respond to th gentle Influence of California Fig Syrup by growing atronger, sturdier and more actlv dally they simply hav to tell other mother shout It That's ons of th reaion for Ita overwhelming sales of over four million bottles a year. A Western mother, Mr. Neal V. Todd, 1701 West 27th St, Oklahoma City, Okla ay: "When my on, Nenl, waa three years old ha began having constipation. I decided to give him California Fig Syrup and In a few days he waa all right and looked On again. Thla pleased m so much thst I hsve used Fig Hyrup ever sine for all hi cold or llttl upset spells. It always stps hi trouble quick, strengthens him, mskes blm eat" Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the full nam and see tbst th csrton bears the word "Osll fornla." Then you'll get tb genuine Aeronautics la College A departure In pedagogy affords public school teachers a course In ele mentary aeroniutlca Th course Is offered by Boston university and lu cludea Instruction In the elementary theory of flight, alrplsn structure, th theory of serial asvtgstloa snd the future of air travel. Ttusa Ball Blue goes farther, make Clothes whiter thn liquid Biu. Large package at flrocers. Adv. Eatsrtalalag "Why did yoa quarrel with your Mfer 8h Insisted on entertaining." "Should you object to thatp "I think ao. 8h wanted to be a night club hostess." A light weight building tile, recently Invented, may make it possible to build skyscrapers higher than th present limits. Th gods hav bestowed fortltnde pon sntns men, snd on others a dis position for diinilng llesloj. Tru gladness does not always ipenk; joy, bred and horn but In the 'nngue. la wenk. Itlcliter. To Identify Genuine Aspirin TEE Increasing tut of Bayer Aspirin every year is proof that it ha no ill effect. It la th accepted antidote for Vain. It always halpi; it never barms. Quick rolitf whoa you'v a heuUcho, or oold; or ar suffering from nu ralgia or neuritis. Eheamitlo pains yield, too, if you'll only iv ties tablets a chanc. But yon want genuina Aspirin, so look for th Bayer Cross on avery tablet Th box always bears th nam Bayer and th word "jenuka" printed In red. Proven dJrctioni f"Mt, Aspirin a th tr4 mark llonoaostlcaeldaater ssss arm bsf a m sat a Conceai scuffs this easy way A touch W two of eh diuher conceal tcuffi III outlet Color is restored uniformly to faded shots, Mir (ban o long-Ills hum jo cents. Colors for bUck, brown, Ijsn and whit sbosi nsutrsl polish fc other, BARTON'S DYya&rjjrjg SHOE POLISH Fireproof Ledger Paper A ran fiber nermanent ledger pspef ha been developed by a manufactur ing concern In co-operation wltb th bureau of itandard. It remains practically unaffected when healed for T3 hour at a temperature of 100 de gree centigrade. Boston Herald, HANFORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A Healing Antiseptic SnkMlia4. Garfield Tea Wat Your Grandmother'. Remedy For every stomscU nd Intestinal 111, This geod old-fhr loned herb bom remedy for const! patlon, stotnsch 111 and other dersngw mints of the sr tern so prevalent the day Is In ven greater favor a a family medldna than In your grandmother's day. ASTHMA ran tkuu. pmiuum rf t. J. a. cttM't Ow ISCmiMttf MHl. Orit aata to IMS Sr Of- 0114. MjMlalM la nil Hi if aiiMin. lu limt imM Nar cwUtlf antkM fam iilaal IHMUwa. StwfiH M4f MSiiiM,Sart,aMM4.CTafair aww I, rasa yam MM, J. . OaUt Oj.,D , Swrt, Vk Dr.CiilUlsS;. MOUNTAIN (OMSOeNI WELL OR MONEY BACK VaanaaV CJsVMsaaWaVtSaal W 99m) fsSsWaaBsf 4jg (faff MUTTS bitatlrXl lhaa I am anahal at wu. mnL IUm ar aa tarhatoirt Ktauriulat aarcaal Im Ma) SUwlMlH4CohwMlaMrl. STUOAY Mritk IOO. mm tank Shfa anaut aas SandraatalbMlM ReTaLy COLON CUHld W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. 4ft-i9 CatloW Frl.ad Joseph l.e of Bton baa same th affectionate appellation, "father ot th playground movement" In America Ther ar now nior than I2.WIU play ground and athletic fields In dally us In lh United State and Canada. Wead.a "I hat to hav tb leading mas get Interested In th star." "!t will happen." "Tes, and It make their lov teener so unconvincing." It la said that I i fat I s story. Most girl today divide It Into "Chap On,' "Chap Two," and so on. tn conversation, itudj to say what people want to hear. It enmrtlme happen that th brld I th beat man at th wedding. Nearly all of one's talk la unap preciated; ao why wast words 1 tt IUtvt Uaaufketur at of SallcrUoaoia