' i i i ,, 1 VOLUME XVIII ONE, ORECON FRIDAY, Nov. 22 . 1929. NUMBER 24 MRS. RALPH AKERS DIES AT THE DALLES . Funeral Services at the Christian Church in lone Muster Jane Akerg, wife of Ralph A km, dit'd at a hoapitul in The Dallcn, Friday morning, Nov. 15, at the aua of 43 year and 8 month. Funeral aervlcea were held In the Christian Church in lone, Sunday afturnoou, Nov ember, 17. and inermttnt waa made in the I 0. 0. F. cemetery. The Hevertnd 1'aul DeF. Mortl mora, paitor of the church at Glaratonc, who was formerly paalor of the chu'ch here, bad charge of the funeral aervicea. Mrs. Akerg was burn near lone In lb tarlUU. Fhe waa maniid In October l'J07, and united with the Crintian Church in 1015. lier death came followinu a liniierinK Illneat.She lavca to mourn her loaa, her buaband, two daurhtera four Bona, her mother, Mm. Mary Hall, seven druthers aul four aiMtery, The church waa not lorpe enough to neat the friends who trathered to tav the laattrl bute of rt-aptct to one they nad known and loved. The Floral off erinea wfrenmry ind vny b an tifu'.l. Ilevcrt-i d Moriimore rlne as the Scrii-tnre r-af1lpr Firai Corinthian, 15, and bb hit text, Tautm, 11C, 15; "Preciouain the it ht of the L'irJ U the death of hia aaints " A mixed quartette ar.ff two r.umlcrp, and the rolo numbers were by Mrs. W. E flgllardand Itey. Mortimoie. Thv, pallbearer, wfre, Ted Trodtre, Lee Howel', Kdiacn Uorjfan, Hertj MhitiM. Until Sanaon, tnd Tim Giabill. ' The aympalhy of the entire' community is txUntd to the j sorrowing family. j Personal Mention Mr. Ulen Farrens of Hard man, Mrs. Ellen Brenner of Port land and Mixa Pearl Ball of Seattle were In town the first of the week, - ca'led here by the deatli of their slater, Mrs. Ralph A kern. Loyd Fletcher returned home eti Wt-bnesday of last week. H had been working in fruit har vent Wanatchee, wash. Mr, and Mrs. John Cochran have none to Yakima, Wash, for a visit with their two danjihters We are all looking with happj anticipation to the school Carniva which Is to de given In the gym nanium Friday evening, Nov. 22 Ming Norma Swansun is at home again hfter a pleasant viait in Portland and Salem, j Huston Bryaon lias returned from a trip to California. Leading" Sjrgeons of the world are now advuing you to keep your t'inuila by having them re stored to natural aize and func tions. Dr. J. Perry Conder ha been boing thii for il years tn Morrow County. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Lfe Howell and family motored to Pendleton for Armistice day. they were accom panted by Mrs. Howell's mother. Mrs Marv 8. Barlow, who rem ained in Pendleton for a more ex tended vinit with her son, Ora L. Barlow, , '( Mrs. ft. E. Hnrbiaon of Morgan was called to Greaham Wdnesv day of last week by the death of i 1 . f . a . . . I. nerpiaier. Mrr. L-ulu Hornlnff, Jin lone vineting in homea wife of CO. Horning. Funeral, Mrs. Ford's sister, Mra, Mr. and Mra. Ed Buschke and family drove to Heppner Mon csy euening for a brief vlail with Mr. Buschke's sister, Miss Mary Buschke, who was visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben BCschke. Miss Buschke do parted Tueaday. for her home in San J'lKe.CaHfornia, Mr. and Mrs. Drone Ford of Pen.lleton spent the week end of When You SKIMP on your clothes you rob your Personality HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CUSTOM MADE John SKUZESKI THE TAILOR Hcppncr, Oregon' 4 . ! i services were held on Thursday and interment was made in Lin con Memorial Dark Cemeterv. If II--L!. . . ... inr, iiaruiHon returned io tier home Friday. I the minstrel show by (he Ethiopian Knights" which was to have been sponsored by the Sinior class of the high scoit, and goven Monday evening in the gymnasium, was twcrl, through some misunderstanding to hive it's program in the O ld Fellow's hall. The Odd Fellow 's recieved 25 per cent og the f ro ceeds. Those who were there re port a good show and a goor.ly number in attendante. Mrs. Oscar Cochran retprnrd last week from a pleasant visit with her daughter, MrBSamVVr field, who resides at Peck. Idsl o C. A. Beck, formerly in Bu-i nesas in lone, is now located in Clarks on, Washington. Tb Coed Old Data . Uenihtn of (lie gold ruali n i!m Black lllllt are to t preaervrJl In a muaeua given Dendwood, 8. ltH by V. E. Aduma, pioneer oierrhaat. rarrens, and her Black well. Mrs.Charley Nord of Portland was gresting her many frsends here on Satuday. Mrs. Nord. who severe! weeks ago uner want an operation in a Portland hospital had been convalescing at the home of her sistpr. M s Mary Pief.-r. in Walla Walla, and was on her way home. Pay 10 Per. at Bullard's Phsr macy. The oil burner which was rc :ontly installed in the lobby of he lone hotel waa the came of a tire there early Saturday morn ing. Mr. Smith first started the )il burner and then went to the kstchen to start the fires theae. hen he returned he that th oil as feeding to frat and the blaze as getting well under way. The vail benind ihestoye was dam- H-lfn.atfed somewhat, and a hole was brother Blain burned in the linoleum. The l greater damange was from smoke and soot in the upper rooms. Miss Elizabeth Khoten spent the week end in Portland. She was joined there by her mother, whose home is in Salem. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School Di trict No 35, Morrow Count. State of Oregon, 1UM A SPE CIAL SCHOOL MEETING said DiRtricl will be held at lor School House on the 25th day o November, 1929, st 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, for the follow ing objects: to authorize thepn chas of the following property block No. 2. Sperry'4thadditiorJ totH"rit7of lone, and to vo on f p rro ltion of levying special yi.vt tax, , Dated tM T'.h day of Nov., 1929 IV. '.h B. Maon a airman Board of Directert ATTEST: Delia M. Corcon District Cltrk Tl Paitor Sa?ti 8ln U a gun ,,., ;nii hnrrtfi thiin it liiKiti. John Amlrcw IImIiih Trappcra Sijnal Flytra Avlr.it furpat r.n gcrt of Alak look out for tlie lonely trnpiiera vo their trail. Smoke elstiula mnrey tl atule of affalra no the ground. Do.. It? Rlinli, (ht- while fpntlipr er.'U In allowing rod.-Kurli: Jdifiu:!iie. Mt !OI)l! R IIIICMJ ,I.V ',HI tilNl i . Wimii it jo fjiijj uo aiini(i.K MliiihiwAti a .itN xui ju nun lll IV ltl1J" OJU iiMi fuNill o'U hu.iiiii( oi.ii j.Hlr.lKrfu a titm ou oi MH.i,jii i pinoa toj, aMg e ipv ' IONE HOT FX Thur-day, Nov. 8, , Thanksgiving Dinner Turkey and all the tixin's $1.00 a plate 1 &iA T V r 1 Ine Athlete's Friend TS strenuous business 1 for the athlete to keep up t with his work and at the i same time get the sleep Many have discovered a way to do it. Thev use a Z Remington Portable for -It iL.I- f' . tui meir writing. i neips them get better marks because of the neatness and legibility of the type- Easy Payments. written reports; and the great saving of time as compared with the drudg ery of writing by hand is ' A Uplrnms roliof Remington Portable is the J smallest, lightest, most compact and most depend- J able portable with standard t keyboard. Weighs only 03 pounds, net. Carrying I A 1 I a T tuao vmy t mciies nign. AMMUNITION YOU CAW 8HOOT WITH COSF1DESCE lAmfUNinoN Ihere ia plpntjr of action when a phoatant flualieat And nc muen nardcr to baa m i baa than he li is to liable to flunk at long ranee, looka to be became lie You need a ahell that will reach out and get him. That' WnV TOU should II HA Pltrra Tlinli Vtn:. l ' . -. .p... .viwuii mu muHSIIIElT Jong range, bard liittincr hrll lnni1onr mnA t..i..i k-. v ' O - vat tvii,u AS T g methods excluiivelr controlled by Petcri. You can alioot High Velocity with perfect confidence it. - A Sat ? 1 1 1 . ..a t DORCAS SOCIETY SALE At Swanson's Office December 7 Phelps Funeral Home Heppner, Oregon Located in Muhoney Residence: Southeast Ih ppner Licensed Embalmer-Lady Assistant Sedan Ambulance Service Cut ' Flowers for All Occasions. TELEPHONE 1332 i 1 1 J t t OUR AIM IIS TO GIVE YOU PULL UALUE I FOR YOUR MONEY. I LET US PROVE IT TO YOU. jHEPFNER PLANING MILL and LUMBER YARD i i iu van innoi wgn velocity wan perfect con that it will do iu part to bag your pheaaant if jours. you do There are many other article In our atore which will contribute to the uccesa and pleasure of your hunt we are here to servo you. BRISTOW & JOHNSON , Remington Portable Ballard's. Pharmacy "THE KODAK STORE" I R. ROBISON : THE BEST ! EQUIPPED MACHINE SHOP In Eastern Ore, Most all sizes of: Piston Pins and Rings carried in stock. i Cheap Grub ATWATER KENT RADIO For Farmers I have just received the New Mod-! el 67 C Screen Grid Set with . Dynamic Speaker r and battery operated. ' THIS IS THE LATEST Production of this Famous Manufac-i hirer and you are invited to come in I HEAR IT Carrots, Parsnips and Squashes, tender and sweet at the Windsor ranch. J mile down the highway' btlow the elevator. Better drive' down and get a !-ur,cIj (, i!,is 'ruc 1 and eat fried cauols, stewed pars nips and eat t'uniLin ni ait u.:n t,.. I VI. T il f ijjlicr ana maKe the world look f (brijjliler to you-all I ttll you - all i they am mighty cheap grub. j prive in when j ou come and I , : will talk pollyticks with you while I , ATWATER KENT BERT MASON tit you out. I i IONE - OREGON t MACHINE SHOP )P. )P. wu fsor t