The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 15, 1929, Image 5

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vv v
in Health Test
Million of bo;'i and
I irlrla oil ' OVnr til
I world, thounnd of
lilicm rlnlit lior In
tli Weat are being
restored to heullh
I iiml itrenith by tli
1 purely vegetable ton
ic nnd liiznttva known
i Cullfurnlu Fig Bynu mid endorsed
by physician for ovor BO yean.
Children need no urging to tuk It.
They lov Iti rich, fruity fluvor.
Nothing cnn compoto with It gen
ii, hut certain Inxnttvo. nnd It goo
further thun this. It give tono oml
itrongtn to tlio iloiimch mid bowel
10 theo orgnn coutliiuo to act nor
mnlly. of their own accord. It itlin
lute tbo appetite, help! dlKcutlon.
a Knmm mo! tier. Mn. Uono All
glre. 010 Monro Ht., Totyka, iiyl
"Bonnie I. Ii absolutely flu tlctiro
of hnniih. niiw. wiili lief radilr check.
bright eye and plump but graceful
little body nnd h tand ot tin top
In every health test.
Much of Hi credit for her perfect
condition Ii due' to Cnllfornln Fig
o. run Wo Imv used It lnc bnby.
hnnrf n keen her bowel ective dur-
tng cold or liny children'! ailment
and alia list alway bad on easy nine
Hlia nlwov respond to
Iti gentle urging and la quickly bnck
to normal." nup nruciilst for California
Fig Pyrup and look for the word
California" on the canon ao yuuu
alwayt get the genuine.
Saperficlal Flesh Woandt
Try Hanford't
Ba.sam of Myrrh
UI 4 it" aolaarlits la ratm rr eaef
ler ie urn wmwm w
Net Always Fatal
A wound lu Che hrnrl la usually
but not alway fatal. Tb honplial
record for the war reveal many In
irreetlng caea In whlcb eoldlere lived
with bulleta In their heart. One !
dli-r lived two month with a bullet
In the Interior of hla heart Many
ether lived after bullet had com In
contact with the heart and Injured It
I'atbnnder Mngailn.
Million now n K Boll Blu.
Make clothe anowy white. Get Hit
genuine. Adv.
Record Brook Treat
The prise siiecluien of brook trout
weighed HV pound, end wa tnkra
In the N'lpluon river In Ontario.
Whatever you try, you do not hear
tba ahouta of approval until yoo nave
HI Tt .i If!
Mj Along me lowcroe
our . Tfejjrjg mtcmo MM . 'I Hfeawsr "
1 -
1 Ik 'f - KT-w.
w i . p . vr5fun3
111 " L-K-- w ? V I III
An Ailing
Are ton prepared to render
Erit aid and quick comfort the
moment your youngster hai an
upset of any sort? Could you do
the right thing immediately
though the emergency came with
out warning perhap tonight?
Caitoria it a mother itanaDy ai
auch timet. There i nothing like
in emergenciei, and notning
better for everyday use. For t
iudden attack of colic, or the
gentle relief of constipation) to
llay a feverish condition, or to
!oothe a fretful baby that cant
aleep. This pure vegetable prepa
ration is alwayi ready to ease an
ailing youngster. It is Just a
S J "''"'"lrf22J
tarmleM ai the recipe on the
wrapper read. If you see Cna.
H. Fletcher' lignature, it ia
genuine Castoria. It is barmleu
to the mallest infant; doctor!
will tell you ao.
You can tell from the recipe on
the wrapper how mild it it, and
bow good for little tystemt. But
continue with Caitoria until 4
child ia grown.
Miniature Tewa
k M.mrliHiila model of Devon, Eng
land, and the aurrounUIng country la
being made by a reildent of the pluce.
lie la unlng only aliopl hand tool,
and when completed the model will be
thirty feet In length.
They're Off
Pnn miich to eat too rich diet
or too much amoklng. Lota of thing
eau our itnmach, but on tiling ran
correct It quickly. Thllllp Milk of
Magneela will alkallnla the add.
Tuka anoonful of till) pleaannt
preparation, and the ytcm I oon
Millllp I lway ready to relieve
iiimn frnm nver-ntlni! to check all
tcldlty ; or neutralise nicotine. He
member thl for your own comfort;
for the auk of thoae around you.
Vmt.imfd he nhvalclnn. but they al-
waya ny PhUUpi. Don't buy aome-
thing etae and expect me eume r
ulta t
of Magnesia
. tnbKA' . m--rtwrtrrrM a
.v 1mY ii.tvw-iow. f.'-"-"ir
a.-" fr -r
. n " nai i 'i jwv rr.f mai x i
l JVl t ii Mr n ' i . ii i I tk il I KJBj i-ai ii r
ooorrU I 1 Tvver'f iitacuv VaOAB
HTut: aatShJ a it shoulo at, I V 5TAZTiHS ort I
FINNEY OF THE FORCE One's Own, a Darling; the Other s a brat
i w n'C i Amu , i -'Wfj ....-i7
-fvjjl ' jff a
! v? e A SV .C&kn,
. 1 r VMJJ KS. I .V?. JL r , Y-f ?S.v41
I r Vil lv.Ajlnij w" f I
I WUr Ktwp?PHej fSTJ ) I JaAa
ln ran erow old (racefully. but
growing old disgracefully l mor ei
Firit Norwegian Book
Elllng Elelaen. In 1841, walked from
i .sun. nmi'iv. 111., to New fork city;
to get the Lutheran catechlaiu printed
in Kncllnh. the tint Imk to ne pno
llahed by Norweglnn In America.
American MHgazlne.
Small town folk think they have,
made good In New fork If they cam
manage to atay there.
Read what
Will Rogers
writes about
-r bh.i,i.j u 4mm mAin-4llha
WWT1KN AS!ilJKANt:K maiwhiKliiilnlilci.
ik. Iw IV I r.mfMiA
oMurakal auOiod at lrt
Mtil. (Uw4 br ncMwM
RemarlaMt fuqrm ano wim
l.ndTOUAV lor (
nn boo iiii atmis
1C al -
A New
Ak your dealer for LEVI'S
Itttoth MrJUt !
Bad Yeai' for Otj 4
Slicker, Say Rogers
Ktw toiue, Kor. er,
Our eoamploa Krw York um
verdtjr team looked like Mm
tf War till Uwt bunch of Ore
gon apple knoeken tot a held
o( 'era mil afternoon. It aa
no plat (or a raccoon coat
athlet. op artlnst aa old
bunch of irheat ihockeri vhot
college emblem Ja pair of
Levi overaila.
Tan o'A aalmen rt-nsr
rnxa te mocm of tha Ccium
b had the city
turtrn from coal to goal
, With Yale. Earvarl Prince
ton. Columbia mi Al Smith
rn down all In tuccetiicn.
tut look uk it the o4
eounlry bay year.
Yours, WILL R03ER&
Chicago' B Diatrict
A floating population of more than
l.OOO.OUO oeraoua enter the Chlcaco
loop district every 24 hour. accord
In to feu re compiled by the Chi
cago Awoclatlon of Commerce. Each
day also more than 10.0"0 etreet car
and 132.WJO motor-driven nd hore
drawn vehicle come Into the down
town trdlng tone. To make tie traf
fic ltutlon Jut trllle more acute,
practically W per cent of thla activity
occur between 7 :30 t. m. nd 6 p. m.
r Itusa Ball Blue In your laundry.
Tiny rust spots may come from Infe
rior Bluing. Ask Orocer. aov. ,
Tieen seeing i good deal In print
lately about I balanced ration.
What'a Tour Idea of balanced
ration r
Tea on knife."
Send your nam mat
address and get a new ana
different pu HEB
one that eppeau to your imagination nor
fun than crouwocd puule. U you are food
at puzzles, you may win a i'-u Svooaw
Six Sedan ot one of 24 other pi lies to be
awarded in great advertising campaign.
Warfare Maws C, 1M Basel St. , Salea. Oraga
Cnln mad I
a 1 1
in JmT UlU
t1JS U fcrtrUs. tncrtaM hkttf sa nnat
70 F' H h-t. Nrw YoA CUT
400,000 Women
Report Benefit
by actual record
"Hh vou received benefit from taking
lydia E. PinWiam's Vegetable Compound!"
A questionnaire enclosed with
every bottle of medicine has
brought, to date, over 400,000
replies. The overwhelming ma
jority In fact, ninety-eight out
of a hundred-says, "Y.M If
this dependable medicine has
helped so many women, isn't it
reasonable to suppose that it
will help you too? Get a bottle
from your druggist today
f -4
.5- -j
Ltf dia E. Pinkhairfs
Vegetable Compound
Use Ciiticiira
for aU skin t rouble 1
RlO, rough skin, sore, Iidung,'bunun3 feet,
chafingt, duppingt, rashc irritations, cut
or bum re quickly relieved nd healed by
pplicstion of Cuticur Ointment. No
household should be without it.
Oionoal IX. mi c SoapJ?. TtkaalX.
gftfiate each uae.
A4Jml "Cwkan." DtX. B7. Maldee, Maat.
jgrCNitMo akawbac ttak .
V 1