The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 15, 1929, Image 3

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    i Scrap
Children's Evening Story
a Use Thermometer When Roasting' 8
Fu-fu was driving dicing with hi
mistress Id flnt motor car.
lit wort lovely btut bow around
his nook, mid till coat wai very flnt
and silky. t
Every llttl whlls Fufu's mistress
would pine white gloved hand very
gently on Ills bark,
lit didn't cart much for putting, but
till he put up with It
He liked III the comforts, good food
nd plenty of It nut he didn't cart
to wag Ms tall often. It wni beneath
bis dignity.
"Any dog can do that," he said.
"It's I common habit imong dogs,"
be continued. "I am beautiful dog.
"My family dates back for years
nd years. I have a background.
' "That men m that I do not havi to
do single thing with my life.
"My father and grandfathers, moth
er and grandmothers did It ill for me.
"I Just must live up to the flue fun
ny name I havt by never doing any
thing like work, going Into rough
places, trying things I don't know ill
Fu to and his mistress took qultt
long drlvt that day.
On their way home bit mistress
topped to make calL fu-fu stayed
la the car.
Bout common dogi passed by.
They were btrklng and playing and
seemed to be having a very good time.
rn-fu looked at them as If ht really
sometimes longed to be a reel dog and
to play as other dogs did.
But of count there was his family
to be thought of and his background.
lit could not dlsgrsct It Ut must
dot try anything different
Ut must stay at bema, doing notb
Boston Cream Tie
Is Cake
Misleading la In name, for It'i not
pit it ill, but a cakt, Boston cream
pie Is ont of tht family's favorite dee
serts. Any standard cakt recipe may
be used for tht foundation.. Tht Oil
ing below Is spread between tht two
layers ind powdered sugar Is sprlo
kled over tht top of the cake. Tht
recipe Is supplied by tht bureau of
borne economics.
I ens etifar I sees
1 (be. Hour t ll. batter
M UP. eatt I tba, Iiim Juice
I pint milk
Orelad rind of
Alii tht sugar and flour thoroughly.
Heat tht milk In a double boiler and
add tht salt Tour tht heated milk
Into tht floor and eugar mliturt and
Cook over tbt flame until thickened.
Mace la a douhla boiler, and cook for
IS minutes. Add tht well beaten eggs
and the butter and rook for two or
three minutes longer. When the Ail
ing Is cold add the lemon Juice and
rind and spread tht tilling between
layers of cakt. Sprinkle powdered
agar over tht top of tht cakt and
Rich Fur
An outstanding event In the an.
lumn style program Is the return
if tht richly furred all black suit
made either ot broudclolh, duvetyne
or velvet In the ronpiiearance on the
tags of fashion of these costumes
Of dignified mien, the knell of flttpper
Styles Is sounded. Henceforth snd un
til further notice, according to the
d 'V; y V
Ing, thinking nothing txcept how flnt
bt was and from what a noble breed
ht came.
But tht other dogs did All him with
envy. Ill bid a strung longing to bt
out playing, too.
After all there was something to be
aid for the lives they led.
Tht other dogi seemed now to bt
laughing at him. They seemed to bt
He Had a Strange Longing.
judging him as ha was and they did
not seem to renlltt bis background.
"Don't bt such snob," they now
barked st him.
"I bavt Ant family background,"
ht said.
"What Is tbatr they asked. "Have
you saved any Uvea? ilsvt you taken
cart of children and watched over
"Hart you been their devoted ptuy-
Good Things for the Table B'jss-
lltrolim Is the brilliant trtumpa
of the soul ever lb But-Ibnl Is
to ear ever fnnr fur of nornrty,
of euStrlns. of eelumny, of lllneen,
of lonallnnas and of dth. Hry
Urn Is Ik daaallas and glorious
eoDceetratloa of eeurage,"
While tomatoes art plentiful la tht
time to ran soma good soup for use In
tb winter, tier
la oot which will
ha enjoyed and
will be all ready
to serve, with
just tb heeling
Tomato tws
Cook twenty
Ova poonds of
rle tomatoes with fourteen sprigs ol
parsley, fourteen stalk of celery, eight
large oulons, two bay leaves, ten whole
cloves. Cut op tht tomato, with
nut peeling, remove the green dire,
chop tht celery and onions and cok
for an honr or mora of boiling with
the S.ce and other 'ngredlenta.
Tske fnurteeo lahlespooofuls each
of melied butter - and of flour, nils
an I stir ss If making while sauc.
sddlng a bit of the tomato to thin;
when smooth add to the tomsto and
seun with thirteen tsbleepoonfuls ol
Enhances All
word of those who control tht destiny
of the modes, women art going to
dress In real lady fashion. Where
fore In coming to some conclusion In
regard to a new full suit, keep In mind
the anmrtiH'NS of elegant black.
The picture, however, not so black
as one might suppose, for with a
Jacket or cout and skirt of blsck, tht
V '-'Jss j i I
V JCffS.Mn-J ! j
I r' 1 Ftp
1 n
mnti and given them great happiness!
"If not doa't boast"
And Fu-fu wai just a little ashamed
of himself.
Still ht bad been a snob so long
ttmt ha felt ht would bavt to contlnut
being a snob.
It was only In rare moments such
as these that be felt a little ashamed.
(A, WMUra Mavipapar Union.)
Eggs ire a protective food, rich In
the necessary vllamlues.
e e e
Eggs are easily digested: hence, a
moat wholesome human food. '
e e e
The buliy's flrst shoes should havt
flat flexible soles, pllablt tops and
broad toes.
Serve small enough portions of food
to tht child so that bt can finish tht
whole amount
e e e
Vltumlnt E It a necessary Ingre
dient In feed for tht assimilation of
Iron. It Is found In lettuce, wbolt
wheat rolled oats, dried alfalfa, la
milk fut la yellow corn, ttc
New tinware should bt rendered
runt-proof by a thorough rubbing of
oil or lard and baking In a slow oven
to season. This process will make
your tinware absolutely rust-proof and
It will last must longer.
sugsr, algbt tableapoonfuls of salt and
four teaspoonfuti of psprlka. Boll
up a mlnula -? two and can aad seal.
When serving, 'f milk Is to added, add
a bit of sods,
Wbeo bsvlng a feeling of Indiges
tion or a slight heart burn tat bstf
an, orange and see bow quickly tbt
distress passes.
Dream PitwTbla la one that will
take the everbearing berries, or
canned fruit may bt bsed If drained.
Whip the whites of four eggs eery
stiff, sdd foor heaping tahlvspoonfuls
of powdered sugar and beat well, add
four more and beat aa still as pos
sible. Then fold lo cm pint of ber
ries. Heap In a baked pastry shell
thst has beeo Jnst removed from the
oven. Leavt th mliturt In rough
mtunds and bak ontll brown.'
.ndy Custard PlewTo ont cupful
of sugar add ona tan spoonful of cin
namon, ont-half teaspooafal of cloves,
one heaping tahlesnoonful of butter.
Cream tb-se well thea sdd two well
besten eggs and two cupfuls of milk
I'our Into a pastry-lined pan and bake
In a moderate oven. When baked the
spires rise to the top making a creamy
custard underneath, so different from
Black Suit
I rail for a strikingly colorful blouse la
Inevitable, which accounts for the gor
geous beaded blouse which animates
the black davetyne long-coat suit In
the picture. This blouse should prove
sn Inspiration to a aeeker of the
"new." It Is entirely worked In ex
recdliigty line black, red snd white
head, achieving Irregular stripes.
I'erhaps the blouse which occurs
most frequently with the modish black
suit Is the one made of eggxhell satin.
Styling Interest focuses to grent Cl
ient to the hemline which shows odd
ly draped snd shirred effects, slno soft
how ties. Tht swathed hlpllne Is also
obnerved In many blouse modes.
With the black velvet Jacket and
skirt smart afternoon vogue features
a sleeveless blouse of supple nietiil
cloth, either plain or brocaded. This
fushlon Is one of the most highlighted
themes of the present season. Often
color gleams through the gold or sil
ver weave, as for Instance la a blue
and silver brocade or a green and gold
philded design.
While many of the metal blonsea are
sleeveless the mnjorlty of the sntln
crept and printed velvet types have
long.' rather tight-fitting sleeves. Clev
er side fastenings, gllets and Jabots
iletnll most of the new models.
Two novelties In the autumn blonse
collections are those of transparent
corduroy, alxn a knitted Shetland wool
tare type, tht latter as flinty ind ex
quisitely delicate as one can conceive.
((6. 1H. Wrattrn Ntwinantr Union.)
Get His Birds Mined
One evening nl the dinner (able tli
family was discussing Hit vlult of the
stork to a neighboring family. ' Moth
er was cofemplHllng t vtslt tn the
home tn see the new srrlval, a huh?
hoy. and to take It a gift, Itnhhy. ige
four, who had been llsli-nliig with In
terest, suddenly Inquired! "Well,
mother, why don't you ssk tht hawk
to bring me a hnby brother, I oof.
Hard t Endure
How bitter thing It I to look
Into happiness through mother man's
yea I 8hokeseara,
l r
a .v - v ',y' :
Eliminating Queeswork In
fPrtnarad by the Cattad Sinus Dapartnwot
W Afrtcallurn.)
A roast meat thermometer removes
tht guesswork from roasting any thick
piece of meat to tbt desired stage of
d oneness. It can bt wed with rib
or sirloin roasts of beef, veal roast,
with leg of lamb, or ham. These
tbermom iters, which can bt bought
for a relatively small price, art
marked to Indicate when tht meat will
be rare, medium, or well done. A
small cot la flrst made lo tbt ilesbleet
tha osual custard pie. Bakt at first
In a hot oven until th crust la set
then lower tht beat Test with a
knlfs; If It comet out cleao tba cus
tard la dona.
Good Thing "to Put Up."
Prepare your own fruit salads to
os during tbt aeasoo when many of
tba good things
are out of tba
Fruit galad
Simmer amall
pieces of any
available fruit
t pineapple, pears.
apricoit or
peaches-lo light sirup, using care
not to over cook, adding a few fresh
or maraschino cherries. Cover with
tbt sirup and sterilise, oslng tha cold
pack method. Tha sirup may bt osed
for gelatin desserts, punches, fruit
salad dressings or pudding sauce.
Fruit Jelly Take half a peck of
applet, two Quarts of quinces and
on quart of cranherrle. Wash tha
fruit put tbt quinces, cored but not
pared through tba meat chopper and
cut op tha applea Including tbt tklna
and cores. Combine all tht fruit
just cover with wsier snd cook until
soft mashing and stirring often.
Drain through a jelly bag aod to each
plot add a scant pint of sugar, heated
hot Boll tbt Juice fifteen minutes be
fore sddlng tht sugar. Cook until It
lelllet then pour Into sterilized glasses.
Ruby JellyTo two qusrts of cran
berries add five large quince, put
through tha food chopper with half
their cores. Add three quarts at wa
ter and cook until soft stirring fre
quently. Drain through a jelly bag.
measure tht Juice and add in equal
amount of beated sugar, after the
Juice hea boiled about fifteen minute
After the eugar Is added boll Ave mln
utea and remove when It Jollies. Mar
I Two-Piece Dresses for Children
IPnpend hr Ihe t)nld Statat Dapartnwai
at Afrlrnltnra.)
She't ready for the flrst days of
klndergnrten or school,' In' this prac
tical little two-piece dress of green and
tan cotton poplin. Whether she la four
or fourteen, she can wear school
Oood Type of Two-Piecs School Dress.
dress of this type.' althongh her twin
brother, who haa similar outfit, with
it might trousers Instead of the plnlted
klrt will prolMihly wear "stora" aiud
waist after he Is six. The welxt or
top part of th dress Is pluln and tul-
- V' I . "It-"-
tiff s ,
Routing a Leg of Lamb.
portion of tht raw meat with a na.
row knife or a akewer. The thermom
eter la then thrust Into this cut fat
enough for tba bulb to reach tba cen
ter of tha meat It will show wbeo
tbt meet la cooked to tbt degre
wsntefl. Whenever similar cut ot
meat Is cooked lo tba sama way, tht
results will bt tbt same, hence the
housewife can bt aura of uniformity
whether aha doea tba cooking berseU
or has some ont else do It for ber.
Tbt time required U roast meat of
any kind depends largely on tbt tern
peraturt of tbt oven. Very high tens
peratnres shorten tha time of cook
ing but Increase ihrlnkage and may
make tha meat overbrown and too
dry. In tba cast cf roast leg ot
lamb, Itttie Juice Is lost snd tbt meat
la uniformly cooked at tha tempera
ture given In tba recipe below from
the bureau of bomt economics. United
States Department of Agriculture. It
will btvt a light golden brown crust
Whatever way lamb Is cooked. If It
Is to b served hot It should bt pip
ing hot on hot pistes, because the fat
hardens as soon ss It begins to coot
For sn average family select leg
of lamb weighing from four to Ave
pounds, preferably cut so aa to In
clude some of the loin. Wipe tbt
meat with a damp cloth, sprinkle with
salt snd pepper, and rub well with
Aour. Lay tba roast skin sldt down
snd cut-flesh sldt up, on a rack In an
open pan without water. Insert a
roast meat thermometer so that the
bulb reached tht center of tht thick
round of tht leg. If tbt fat covering
la very thin, lay several strip of
bacon oo top. Sear for 90 minutes
In a hot oven (about 4S0 degree
maladt may bt made from tht pulp,
adding three-fourths ot Ita roeuturt In
sugar, then conk until thick.
ears for talad. t's large under
ripe pears, tiulve and remove peeling
and core. Sweeten very lightly add
a bit of lemon or ginger root cover
with baling wuier and conk until ten
der but not soft. Can In hot steril
ised csns. I'ear salad In the winter
It lucb i favorite I hut many cam will
bt needed.
Oratgea ara always" In the market
Make snd svrvt sa orsnge shortest
for your family J they will call for It
again. Serve tbt oranges, after cul
ling Into amall pleovaT covered with
sugar fur sn hour. ' Pour over well
buttered, bot baking powder blscull
cut Into halve. A sweet enkt for the
thortrukt Is not ss tasty ss tht bak
ing powder biscuit mixture.
lib III Waatcra Ntanwim Pnlaa.1
lured, easy to make, to launder, and
put on. It Is cut, with the kimono
sleeve without any seam on the shoul
der. Therefore, before the underarm
seams art sewn up the top can he laid
flat on a tulde snd the trimming piece
titled to It busted, and si Itched In
The skirt of green poplin, matching
the trimming. Is on a thin white under
waist so that It hangs from the shoul
ders. Mother put an Inch-wlile tuck
In this waist, so that the skirt can be
let down as the little girl grows. The
tuck Is stitched twice, half sn Inch
apart, with long loose stitch. When
the flrst row of stitching Is taken out
the skirt drops an Inrh.i anil It will
be ponslhle to lengthen It as much
more at another time. An equnl growth
allowance should be made In ihe hem
of the blouse, either by mean of a
hrnnd hem, or a generous piece turned
Inside the henu.v-
Large round, buttons, fastened by
crocheted or cord loops form the front
closing. They can be easily found and
managed by the little girl herself. Pro
vision for self-help Is always an Im
portant feature of garments designed
for children, as this one was. hy th4
bureau of home economics, UnlteJ
States Department of Agriculture. Th
bureau has no patterns tn distribute,
but any mother could easily adapt
kimono type pattern tn fit her child
Any preferred combination of cotton
materials might be ased. for examplf
plain broadcloth for the skirt and trl ar
mings, snd printed sephyr for tU
blouse. Bloomers or panties matching
tbt durker mattrlul should bt mad.
Theatrical agents sometimes bavt t
bt rather erueL Ona day a some?
what faded woman called to apply
for tha position of chorus girl.
"Sorry," said tht agent tactfully J
"you'rt too latt." ,
Tht applicant burst ont In abost,
ending with, "I dont bellvt I'm too
latt at all."
"Oh, yes, yon are," said tbt agent
"About fifteen years."
Bocks Dea't Fit :
"My wife and daughter havt font
In for thla darnfool ankle sock fad,
but I bavt ont consolation," remarked
the married man.
"TeshI What's thstr asked bit
bachelor friend.
"My socks are too large and too full
of bolea for tben to over want to
swipe," bt replied.
Ioung Husbsnd Emma, tbt food
doesn't taste right Why don't yoo
make use of tbt cookbook I gsvt yot
Ioung Wife My dear boy I I cant
do that You see, there irt only tht
two of u ind all tht dlshet described
ire calculated to serve six persoos.
Back to Earth
Th svtator noarn on high
Afar frona mortal sight. j
W still eneourns him to fly
But how's he solas lo llghtr 1
A DaagerMS Pair
Mrs. Fryer Tli Joneses ars always
running somebody down.
Mrs. Ouyer Both of themt
Mrs. Fryer Tea, both of them.'' H
with hi car. snd she with her tooguo.
New Bedford Standard.
Mere Reeewt Esswrleaee
Etaoln I know that girl wvIL 8 he
sat oa my tap wbeo she waa little.
8hrdlo I know ber better. 8be sat
on my lap last night
"I believe she's Dgurlng on doing
away with ber husband."
"Wouldn't doubt It Why she' gol
htm worn to s fraule now."
Just Pardner
I pratly tood Brm la Watch Wall
And anothar I Altlt, Early Layta,
And still another Is Doo A Dnlrat
But the beat Is probably Orlnn A Btt'
A Foe Eaeaa 1 . '
Her Father Why were you not st
the lecture this tvenlngt
She I hsvt tn excuse.
Her Father O. yea. I saw It t ,
Tkiah f Tkia
A young reporter waa being called
to account about an Interview with
a champion pugilist.
"A lot of stuff shout his weight
reach and whnt not," stormed the
sporting editor. "Not a word about
bis favorite poem."
Batweea Twe Forces
Hlgglns I'eewe seems such sn even
ly balanced fellow.
Wiggins He should be. In business
tha profiteer hold him up and at
borne bis wife holds him down.
A Pabli Servset
Thief I bo you will he lenient
with me your worship. I have a good
many dependent upon me for their
Magistrate Children?
Thief No. your worship j detectives,
Pluck pool Time.
Perfect Service
"Can you recommend lh Insurance
comimny with which, you art Insured
against accidents?"
"Halherl I have been Insured tea
ysart aod never bad an accident"