Los Angeles Boy Needed Help Leroy Young, 1116 Georgia Bt, Lot An glos, U "regular fellow," active In sports, and at the top I In hi cl asset at school. To look at him now, you'd think li never had a day's sickness but hta mother says: "When Leroy was Just a little fellow, we found his stomach and bowels were weak. lie kept suffering- from con stipation. Nothing he ate agreed with htm. Be was fretful, feverish and puny. "When w started giving htm Cali fornia Fig Syrup his condition Im proved quickly. Ills constipation and biliousness stopped and he has had no more trouble of that kind. I havs since used California Fig Syrup with him for colds and upset spelts. Be likes It because It tastes so good and I like It because It helps him so won derfully t" California Fig Syrup has been the trusted standby of mothers for over 60 years. Leading physicians recom mend It It Is purely vegetable and works with Nature to regulate, tone and strengthen the stomach and bowels of children so they get full nourishment from their food and waste Is eliminated In a normal way. Four million bottle used a year shows how mothers depend on It Al ways look for the word "California" on the carton to be sure of getting the genuine. AS FIRST AID Us HanfonT. Balsam of Myrrh All ssaliis in scMwriioi w id s row I w ike lim torn 1 1 set MMaS Speafc-Rabbor Flooriag Flooring made from sponge rubber Is to be Introduced In England soon. Products already shown there Include sponge rubber upholstery sod tires. For durability, comfort and hygiene, the new type of flooring Is said to be far superior to any otber now made from rubber or rubber substitutes. Dainty white dresses for baby oi daughter made beautiful by Buss BaS Blue, tour Grocer has It Adv. No Bruas Jack Was that girt yon were out with last night dunibt Jim Dumb hardly expresses It! Eb thought the arms limitation con ference was a meeting of reformers who were planning to put the klbost on petting parties. ONE PRESCRIPTION MADE FAMILY DOCTOR FAMOUS V Seldom has any single act been ef greater benefit to mankind than that of Dr. Caldwell in 1885, when tie wrote the prescription which bat carried his fame to the four corners of the earth. Over and over, Dr. Caldwell wrote the prescription at he found men, women and children suffering from those common symptoms oi constipation, such ss coated tongue, hid breath, headaches, gas, nausea, biliousness, no energy, lack of appetite, and similar things. Demand for this prescription grew to fast, because of the pleas ant, quick way it relieved such symptoms of constipation, that by 1883 Dr. Caldwell was forced to have it put up ready for use. Today, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, at it is called, it always read at any drugstore. GOULD NOT SLEEPJflGHTS Helped By Lydia EL Pink ham' Vegetable Compound Falrhaven, Mass. "I em taking Lyi.a E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com- 1 pound during tbs Change of Life and I think It Is a won derful tonic. When I feel nervous and run-down my hus band gets me a bot tle rlrcht away. It Is a great help to me and I think that If othor people would only take It when they feel all run-down and take It as the directions say, they would find It a great benefit My wont symp toms were nervousness and tired feel ings. I could not sleep nights and 1 did not care about my work. I was to nervous I would cry If anyone looked at me." Mas. Ada Brsss, 19C Washington Etreet, Falruavsn, llaar f 111 1 r 1 yircscsysirsv Jxa Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel Copy light UtrotMM Oray CHAPTER VI Continued 10 A groan of disappointment and Im patience rose from the parched throats of the men. The passage of old I'laute end his Sheep had exasperated their nerves. A moment ago they bad felt chilled and cramped; now their blood was up, their bodies were In a sweat with the violence of their disappoint ment Already Dante end his sheep were far away. That silence, so full of sounds had once more descended upon the forest Again the men waited with eyes and enrs strained, their nerves stlnaie, their breathing hard and ster orous. And there fell upon their strain ing ears the sound of human life coin ing from the direction of Mexleres. This time It wss the sound of cartwheels creaking through the mud, and of Ill adjusted harness Jingling with the movement of wearily plodding horses. There was also from time to time the sound of distant voices, a harsh cull or nproartons laugh suddenly stilled si If In response to a peremptory warning. Nothing In truth to sug gest the furtive methods of the Eng lish adventurers; It seemed more like a party of farmers coming borne from market The troopers were on the alert ot course, but not quite so keenly per haps as they were before their disap pointment over cltlten Plante's pas sage semes the scene. But a minute or two later s quick word from their captain brought them sharply up to attention. The cart had obviously come to a halt bat a lusty shout now rang through the stillness of the night, end there was a general sound of scampering and of running, mingled with calls of excitement snd eneour sgement A few minutes of tense ex pectation, then suddenly ronnd the bend a bsnd of ten or a dozen men came Into view, armed with miscel laneous weapons. At sight of the dili gence they gave S wild shout of tri umph, brandished their weapons snd rushed to the ettack. "Attention, eltlxen soldiers P Ballet commanded hastily. "Do not shoot un less yon sre obliged. But If yon must, shoot low. We must have some of those English spies sllve If we can." Hardly were the words out of his month than, with a renewed shout ol triumph, the hand of young ruffians threw themselves like a park of en raged puppies on the soldiers, while others made straight for the dili gence. But before they had got within twenty meters of It the captain gave the quirk word of command tint brought the men of the gendarmerie ont of the coach, pistols In hand, ready for the fight. The attacking psrty. however, held no laggards either. Egged on by the drover from Atneonrt snd still shout ing wildly, they rushed on the tmn of the gendarmerie as they scrambled out of the ctiarh. Numbers belns Bbout equal on either side, the men coming out one by one were at s great disadvantage Almost aa soon as they had set foot to ths ground they were fallen on with flat or saber, and soon the confusion was complete. "What the devils game Is thlsr Raffet shouted hoarsely, for In sn In stant he had found himself st grips, not with the mysterious Scarlet Pim pernel, hut with Gaspard. the son of the butcher of Molsson. whom he had known ever since they had been rags muffins together. And Gaspard was as strong ss some of the bullocks hl father was wont to kill. Before !U!Tet tould revuver from the surprise ot this wholly unexpected turn of events G na ps rd had brought his hesvy fist crash Ing down on his whilom friend's skull. "It means," Gaspard shouted, mud with fury, "that Ihou'rt a tritllor snd that I'll teach thee to help cheat thy friends P Nor could Itaffet argue after that, Be had need of all his faculties to de fend himself agulnst this young ox. Hs bsd drawn tils pistol, true, hut (ins pard's Ironlike hnnd had closed around bis wrist and the flu tit soon degener ated Into fisticuffs. The ln.rs fared no better, either. Though they bsd been prepared for an attuck. they were not prepared for f lilts furious on slaught made Uon them hy their friends. Name of s dog I Whut did It sll meant For they were all friends, these niodinen, every one ot thorn ; young men from Molsson slid Ijinoy snd Mantes. There was Fram-ola, the mercer of (he Hue (Irnnde, and Jiniiii-a. whose father kept the tavern at the sign of the Black Swan, and I'mil. whose mother whs the best wanner woman In Mini let. And words flew round to the accompaniment of thump ing blows. "Jacques, art thou mud or (Jmnkf "Ai-hlllel Thy father will lient thee foe this escapade I" "Name of a mime, hut you'll all get ewvethlng for this night's work." I What About Skirts T Skirts, for hill wear show a very gri'iit rluinge In length and silhouette. The proper length for sports or day time frocks Is two Inches below the knee, while afternoon gowne nre four ul least As for eveiltig, the smartest of all Is ankle length, with nn even hemline. The silhouette Is very straight and slim. Nsw Necklines The latent dii.vllme mod" have close to ths thrust ueckllue All luun- BTJ THE I BARONESS L ORC21 And all ths while blows were rain ing fast snd furious. There was no luat to kill, only wild enthusiasm for a fight a desire to be avenged on frlenda who had aided that rascal Lao set to cheat the men of the district out ot the golden prise, "Give up the English spies or Til squeeze the breath out of thy throat I" This from Oaspard's the butcher's son, who had felled his friend Rnffet to, the ground and rolled over and over In the mud with hi in, the two men snurllng at one another and biting and scratch ing like a couple of angry dogs. Had they all gone mad, these men of Molsson? The Issue of the strug gle might here remained longer In the balance had not itaffet Just then freed his right hand from the Iron grip of Gaspard snd discharged hla pistol Into his whilom comrade's leg. Gaspard rolled over ooto bis back with a groan and a curse. "Traitor I Thon has murdered reel" hs cried, while the blood flowed freely out of bis thigh. But the one pistol shot had the effect of sobering the combatants. The sggressors had pistols, too, snd sabers, but In their excitement had forgotten how to use them. The sudden report however, brought the soldiers to a sense of discipline; wskened them, as It were, from their surprise, snd In a moment gave them a decided ad vantage over the undisciplined attack ing party. This wild fisticuffs could not go on. It waa unworthy of ths soldiers of the republic. They were being sttscked by a band of Irre sponsible young Jacksnnpes, whom ths devil himself must for the nonce have deprived of reason, but It remained for the picked men of the rural gendarmerie to teach them that sarb madness could not remain unpunished, snd, friend or foe, he who sttscks a soldier of the republic must suffer for his wantonness. Far be It from tbe chronicler of these events to pre tend that all these thoughts did surge clearly In the heads of the troopers. What Is a fact Is that from ths mo ment their captain discharged s pistol Into Gsspord's thigh they became masters of the situation. Ths fight between soldiers snd civilians assumed Its Just proportions; there were a few pistol shots, some saber thrusts, a good deal of groaning and cursing, while more than one stulwsrt beside Gaspard rolled over In the mud. The fight had lasted less than tes minutes. When the first rush on the diligence was made the twilight was already fading Into dusk. Now, when the last shot had been Bred and the last of the hotheads bad cried for mercy, dusk was slowly yielding to ths darkness of ths night Itaffet railed the soldiers to attention, Tbey were still panting with excitement, some of them were dlxzy from blows dealt freely on their skulls; one or two showed bunged eye or a bleed ing Hp, but none of them was serious ly hurt. The hotheads from Molssoo snd Mantes had not fared quits so well. Some of them hsd received s charge of shot In leg. srra or shoulder snd were lying groaning or hslf nn conscious on the ground; those who had escaped with minor hnrts were on their knees, held down by the heavy hand of a trooper. They did not In truth present sn edifying spec tacle, with their faces streaming with blood and perspiration, 'belr clothes torn, their shirtsleeves hanging In rags, their biilr wet snd lank hanging he fore their eyes. Itaffet ordered them In he mustered op, his sharp glonc ran over them as they stood or crouched together In a line. "I ought to have the lot of yon-summarily shot." Itaffet snld sternly to them after he had Inspected his tnesj and seen that victory had not cost them dear. "Tes, shot I' he reiterated, "for Interfering with these soldiers of the republic In the exercise of their duty ; and I will do It. too." he went on sfter a moment's pause, "unless yon tell me now the meaning of this sbomlniilil escapade." "Ton know It well. Cttlxen Raffet P Paul, the washerwoman's son, said, still breathless with excitement snd with s savage oath, "when yoo Joined hands with that trnltor l-nuxet Inchest us all of what was our due." "Joined hands with l.auwt) What the devil do you meanP Rnffet queried, frowning "In what did I oln hiimls with Lancet r "In capturing the English spy snd getting the reward for yourselves when It rightlv belonged to us." "The reward." Ilnffet retorted dryly, "will be tot whimoevei limy be lucky to gel the English spy. For the mo ment I litiiiitlne Hint If he meant to nltnrk us tonight your folly has scared him. The noise yoo made would keep any brigand out nf the way." (TO DE! CONTINUKDt ner of novel organdies, georgette and Ince touches bring this uhout. The collar of self-fabric Hint stands up for Itself In the trick and has a light touch of white, crciim, pink or pule yellow In Hm front Is very pleuHlng Ir effect Embroidery Appears Several Infoininl and very fem inine frocks for full use embroidery effectively. iHie cuts Its edge In fnnc) effect, stiikjrg lenves of embroider around the btdoui ol eh skirt V.I -v mdBS2.Wlirr 5 -t ' I .-. Part ef the Harbor ef Vladivostok, Frr1 hf th Nullonsi Oofrphl Sort!?, Wuhlnitoa. D. Ul RUSSIA'S Far Eastern problem Ilea at the end of the world's longest railway, the Trans Si berian. It waa a tremendous task to build this railway, snd It has been equally a great task at times to keep It In efficient operation. The distance from the Pacific tor minus at Vladivostok to Moscow Is 801 miles, snd to I'etrograd B.48L Much of the road la atlll single track, and ths tremendously besvy traffic of the war years levied a heavy toll 00 both equipment and roadbed. While In the main grade are fair, yet It la not to be expected Ihst on a road ot such length these could be compared to the grade obtaining on our own principal lines, The result Is com. psrstlvely short trains, many engines, and alow progress. Fsst trslns now require sbout ten days for the trip from Moscow to the Psclflc, when they traverse ths Chines Eastern track through Manchuria. On leaving Moscow, th Trans-Siberian road runs through about 8U0 mile of th great western plain of European Russia to th city of Cfs at th foot of th Ural mountains. Snm (520 mile east of Moscow I s pyramid on th on aid of which Is Inscribed th word "Europe," snd on the opposite side the word "Asia." This pyramid stands on th very apex of th Urals. Tbs railroad at this point Is 1.8A0 feet shore sea level. Be tween Ufa and Tchelyblnsk th road rise from 810 feet elevation to 1,850 feet and drop back again to 700 feet At th latter place sre hag wooden barracks where Immigrants entering 8lherla were quartered In prewar time, waiting for railroad transpor. tatlon. Across th vast stretches of western Siberia the Trans Siberian rallrosd passes grsssy steppes Inhabited by horse-breeding Klrghlves, through long reaches of virgin forest and through many Important agricultural region Crossing out of the Tomsk government Into that of Tenlselsk. th road short ly reaches Atchlnsk, the northernmost town 00 the railroad. Ita latitude Is the same as that of the middle coast of tbrador. Indeed, at 00 time after It leave Moscow until It enter Man churia doe th Trana-Slberlsn ever touch farther south than lb northern coast nf Newfoundland. Many Tunnel and Bridge. By the time It reaches t-k Baikal, It bss climbed sgatn to Vm feet snd la skirting that body of wster has to pass through forty tunnels, through numerous gtsnt cuts snd over msny bridges. It continues to climb ontll It reaches Sokhondo, 8,100 feet where It penetrate tunnel bearing on Ita western entrance the Inscription "To th Great Ocean," and on Ita eastern entrance the Inscription "To tbs At lantic Ocean." After passing ths Junction of the mad to Mukden, th Trans-Siberian drops down lo 700 feet then climbs sgaln to 2,100, snd thence back to ses level st Vladivostok. From this It will be seen that wheth er viewed from th stsndpolnt of dis tance, which Is ons snd one-half time thst across the American continent by som of th longer route from ses bosrd to sea bos rd; whether from that of Istltnde and climate, which places It at times 700 miles north nf ths main coast of Newfoundland and gives It at some points sn average tempera ture In January of flv degree below aero; whether from thst of elevation which gives It three mountain ranges to cross; or whether from that of track ag facilities and rolling atock supply, no other nation has ever had such s railroad problem to deal with In times of great crises as Ruaals has In con nection with ths operation of ths Trnns Siberian line To guard against difficulties with China, such ss those of recent months, Russia prepared two railway strings to her transportation how: the shorter Chinese Eastern line, built by Chinese consent on Chinese soil ; and the long er Amur river branch, entirely nn Rus sian territory. This hrnnch forms s bow north of Manchuria and meets the Chines Ensirrn line again before reaching Vladivostok. Across the Amur lo the south lies Chins, or rather Manchuria, which, be fore th World war, was being rapidly Russlnnlxed. Still, th river there Is truly an International line, and this wss proved, If hy nothing else, by the extensive smuggling Hint went on across It. The Amur province Is In Hie snm latitude as Newfoundland snd has s el I mule thai In some ways Is comparable In the rllmnl of thul far northern American land. When th Siberian railway was pushed through St tbs end of th Nineteenth century snd th glgsntle "cutoff was msd through Man churls, It set things bsck on ths Amur for a while. Bui sfter ths Iliuso-Jsp-suea war, Russia's hold on Manchuria waa weakened and the emplr begun building the western half of the great railroad Just north of th Amur wher It would b entirely on Muscovite ter ritory. Tremendous hardships wer encountered In traveralng bogs snd forests snd crossing great rivers; but the Job wss shout completed when th World wsr broke out This long stretch of railway paralleling lb Amur from 80 to 79 mile north of It I a valuable asset to ths Amur region. Blagoveshchensk, 00 th mlddl Amur, snd connected with the Amur rsllwsy by a branch line, I th me tropolis of Ihe province, a town ot about 4.V0U0 Inhabitants. Spread out slong ths river bank, with Ita spire snd dome showing sgslnat th sky line, U mskes sn Imposing sppearsnc I th traveler 00 th river iecUlly sine It contrasts so notlresbly with th little river towns. Across th rtv. r Is Clilnes town known locally a Bskslln, but appearing under numer ous Silases on ths maps. Msny of Sakalln's Inhabitants, too, hav their aliases, for II la a bavsn for smugglers. At th eastern end of the Trans Si berian railway, by whichever route on goes, lie Vlsdlvostok, "Mistress of th East" In som wsys It can be conv psred to Sen Francisco, st the end of our "Trsns Americsn" lines, more per. tlcularly In th latter earlier Bar bery coast days, Vlsdlvostok Is younger thsn ths city by th Golden Oat. It wss founded In I9O0. Hsd Its normal development not been Interrupted by ths World war and the unsettled conditions that hav followed, Vladivostok might soon hav rivaled our own roast city In popula tion and beauty. Life In Vladivostok. A tongue of hilly land thrust out In to a land locked bay constitutes th It of th dty. Th architect ur mslntalns Ihs European note struck by h station; which mskes th pre, race of Oriental people, conveyance sod customs sll tbs more exotic. Ton no sooner sreustomed yourself to th dresry routine of bssesr buying, flour ishing lotteries snd bahel of tongue than yon encountered the more famil iar telegraph office, motion picture the ater, museum, dub and university. Ton might dodg a European raring car, under aa American electric light, and run plump Into a coolie burden besrer despite the wsrnlng cries of a Russlsn policemen. Th "Golden Horn' restsursnt wss the rendezvous of bon vlvsnls of ths world. Ths life of Vlsdlvostok has changed greatly sine thos days, and non of th old pros perity I apparent Small wonder living was extremely dear In th old daya and Is dearer now, sine th city subsisted formerly on supplies from Chins -snd Japan, Europe, and even America. Its growth) seems dus lo om Inetplicshls exrep lion that proves the rule that a city, to succeed, should be self-sustaining. Interchange products with Ihs country s round It be thrifty, culllvste clvld consciousness, b well governed, and possess soms racial, cultural, or pa triotic unity. It owed Ita commerce Id Hie fact that It was ths most nearly Ice free port of Siberia, by which vir tue It became the terminus of th Trans-Siberian railway, snd to Ihs military snd naval establishments maintained by the government of th Tsur. In the wsy of exports. In Its palm iest duys. It had nothing more Impor tant to gtv th world than sea-cab bag, trepsng nnd a fungus gathered from decayed wood, for all of which China was Its principal customer. Tre psng I th dried body of th holothu riun, more commonly known as the sea slug, more sppeallng to the curiosity than to the pnlat of the Occldcntiil. For this snail Ilk crentirre can throw off, when frightened, Its vital organs digestive, respiratory and reproductive and repine them all within a few weeks. Nature here seems to hold that two can llvs mor easily, If not mora cheaply, than on. When the sea slug becomes loo hungry fur com fort It divides In two pnrts and enck, developing rapidly Into complete unit, goe on n search for food. Worth Ramemberlsg It costs mors to neglect our dutle than lo accomplish them. Anna Dickinson, Cam ef Doubt Tides Th inn 1 11 tlilul uiiiliiliilloti as It ap proaches ths British Isles from Ihs At lantic divides Into Hires nmtn st renins, ons of which passes up ths English channel. This tidal wnvs reaches Bouthnuptou wutor between the main land and ths Isis of Wight, (list by way of th Solent and then om hour Inter by way of Hpllliend, hvnr ther ar double tides at nil the towns fronting on this partlculur atrip ol walur. Apple BtetUllas The Baldwin tipple was raised neat Lowell, Muss., shout I7M). The Jn stban snd Northern Spy were gruwi In New York, th Grimes Golden ll West Virginia and lb Miildeu IHnst In various places before INiKl. Tin Bed Astrachan wa Imported from lltisala In 1KI0, ths Bonis lleiiuty was grown In Ohio by 1H4N, the Hlaymiic Wlnvsap appeared In Kansas In 1HO0 snd ths Delicious In low In IKU5, Kevlile Added te Beeaty Of that mighty poem, Gray's "Ele gy Written In a Country Churchyard It Is known thai Gray mads many re visions and rhnngea In It The Dual form of beauty In which we know I'oe's exquisite "To Helen" Is finer than his first draftIn which "the glory thai waa Greece ami Hi gran deur that wa Itoiii did not so pear. Boston Herald. Pretty Idee fer Clock To suggest ths gathering of sweets In which hs specialises, French con fectioner lias devised s clock thst suggests bees pssslng from flower to flower. The dial Is of parchment th hands srs In th form of larii bee snd th hour msrklngs sr different flower. At escb hour both bees slight on a bloom. Ceaipremlsas la Life Living slwsys represents a con flict between the Individual's desire and th restriction which soviet and th perversity of Inanimate ob ject plar upon thos desire Ac tual living represent a compromise, a true In this wsrfnr between th Individual snd tbs world. The Pa Slits' Magsslns, Snake-CbarnWf Art The (Jullila or anake charmer are t l.ll.ll III. Mn.1 ln(.Mln. .. .1 . 1 u In 1 . . . . . ... . innia. iney icarn ineir an rrom childhood and constitute a caste apart. A Qulhl Is sn Important man s round ths Indian hotels which want lo kiwp their gardens free of snakes. Restrict1 Choice lloet (to friend he hat unexpectedly brought hom to super) Now then. Brown, old msn, will you hav a lit tle of this rabbit pie er or (looking round snd discovering ther Is so other dish) or not? If Pesilbl According to King Solomon "1 good Asm I rather to he chosen than great rlchc," snd ws sr not taking lsu with him, but wouldn't Ihe Ideal con dition be to combine th twol-lliii. boro News Herald Parecbele's Velocity A man falling from any altitude with a parachute park attached never attain a velocity of greater than lis) mile per hour and doe not ! cm rlnusnes. th United Stale srnaf sir corps reports. Bird.' Keea Sight The power of vision of birds Is nn th average 100 time greater than that of man. Birds have been known to worm on frehty plowed ground st a distance nf o f-t Early Eavelapee Envelopes were Introduced Into th United Stele from Franc In I8M a "th latest European novelty." Amer ican Ingenuity Improved them by gu la ming the flap. Gas I -ogle. Wlidom I. SiU.ce "To speak," said III Ho the sage of Chinatown, "tiring on argument, our ancestor seen wise because they are now silent snd cannot b ronirsdlct d." Wsshlngmn stnr. Hew Did He Geeis It? The oriitlnal refueler was iho nm I who sts s hamburger sandwich with ons hnnd and drove the ear with tit other. Indianapolis News, Coolir Attractive It Is posslbls i!ia crime Increases In ths summel because there Isn't so much objection to lielng pul In lis cooler. Arkansas Gazelle SUFFERING ELIMINATED 15-yurs success hi treating Rectal and Loam troubles n ih Iw - 1 n-. nwri-aum.n.Ajl HWlhnS ""'! WRITTKN AfW MA run u,r,,...,.T Bon today Im PKKK I OO-naa ool, da rHn ci tnd nmc COLON CUNIC WW ' aTi h Wnrsl at rTTai mm. KttTALY; X ...