, ( 3 But 3 ttmwMnt VOLUME XVIII IONE, OIUJCON FRIDAY, Oct. 25 , 1929. NUMBER 20 GUAM) OFFICER VISITS 0. E. S. Associate & and ' Jatron MCI SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Condon Defeats lone All who Haw lant SatU'd ly'ngnmp Conducts Shoo! of Instructor! b -tween lone mi Condon will Personal Mention Mrs Frank Engelman attend ed the Mi sionary Convenllom held lat week in the Chr's i n admit that the lone t ovi made church in I'endleton.'She had tl LocuHtChautfrNo.no, Urrter Very wood shoving agair.s' He of the Ca'tMrn Star, wan honored neavy and speeny Condon iquad by an official vtUt, on Ihurday Condon icorrd tne first touch Mr. Albert Pttlev relurntd home from the Hot Luke hospit al, Sunday She is much improved 1 1 health. Mr. and Era. V. W. Gardner aod son, Teldy, of H llsboro, r ItHthy Mri. Carrie Jacbon, of Baker, aaroi'lute grsnd ma'ron of Oregon, in the afternoon there was a achool of Instruction, and in the evening there wan auexem plifieatlon of the (work of the order, in accordance with lit new ritual. During chapter Mrt Jacksonjgave a very pleating ad dress. Thia was followed by tall by Mrs Caroline Johnslon of llebpi.fr. at pastii Brand senti nkl ol Orcaon, Mra. Itebcca i'nt terao'i, punt irund warder, Mrs. Chariot ti' Gordon, worthy matron of Huth Chapter, Mr. FrrnkPar ker, worthy patron of Huti Chapter and by (thcrs Kefresh tnenls w-r servee in the dining room at th close of chapter. The diatrict meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star will b held in lore. Tuesday, Nov. All Members of the order plesst brar this date in mind. Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Opti cal Co. 326 J. Washirjjt n Stm t, Cor. Vth, i'tmland, Ore, EYI SIGHT SPECIALISTS, will be in will be in lone, all day and tvm- down in the last tnlnut of the fiiwt half. The laat two were tr ade in the laat half. The try f r points was bucked over after the loal touchdown waa made. Earl McCabe desxrves special mention on account of Ma two long end runs which netted big yardtge. Next Saturety, lore journeye to Fossil, lone mule very good showing against their heavy opponents so most likelj the local squad will have no trouble in beating Fossil. Tie lineup for lone h the Condon trarne wan P. Smouse R. 11 K. Smouse K. . Everaon, P. G. Ritchie C. Esieb and Ely L U Ma on L. T. Lunde.ll and Morgan L I'. McCabe Q. Sanfoo ....L. If. Kincade R. H. Clark V. B. Keftree Tucker The removal of your cl.l d'r adenoids abou d be a blood ets and iiaiiil.eti operation done tv a aau-e of hearing anch inUrest.""'1 in Morgan. Sunday, and Ing, Saturday, Nov. 2nd, at the piy moan who know how. lone Hotel. SEE HIM AliOUT -Dr. J. IVrry Conr e YOUR EYES. Lost Cnwo. IJIinttt Tii know il'i'ii- I a wui'lil (if trutti Hlmul errnr, I.imiMj wllliiiiil di'frcl (noilri)'U uimiillliil lijr u'lt, lot while f ... -L a r- - i M www, ur mm iwiim w LAm duuui j ayu in i,,, , ,Ur ,,nl of i).f.1mmini the vicinity of lone, one large, ! !" ',,!" m,-J",11 b ' " i fnllli am hii-e. to lru-1 It, to And onr Coarse WOOICU tuck, about 6 ru i"f ' remade by It- H . I tlmt U unworlilllnejn.-A. B. Whit- ( J years oiu. iuwuri is cjuercu ior , ham. ing Fpebkers aa Dr. Dye, a re ' turned missionary from Africa, Mrs. Dtwney, f nm Atlanta, Ga , Brother Motley, from Sp kane and Brother Swanrer. wl.o is ore the gust-4 of Mrs. GardneiV purents, Mr. and Mrs. U. E Ha bhon. Fifteen per cent reduction in the price of all tirees purchasid Slate Missionary and Stale $c ( in' mpenornt oarage n retaryofthe Christim Cn juh. ore the cWe of boa'ners. Oct Milliard's Still sure turns ut . 3'-Inr',,,''1,n, Garage. E. R thi pure quill. Try k some lime. Bring pour bottle. Its cheuper, -BuHurd a Pharmacy. Sludawti Orflniu Tht rnniuiii'e of miirvnilnn In nS nt lie In toning In rlmriii fur t-'n-iu li mi ilfiiti, nho now linve I lie htvIi! In I'nrlt of an orpinlmlmi llml ilnccs iliem In Inmh irir.i'tlve eiti fiUiyern. Th., D d Right W.tl WhM t nimk In Khiilumlilp IIkim anrlont flrock iilillnni'iilif n would 'mvf mailt If II117 I jirt etij.iM t lie iilvnn liik'i'i of 1 llbcrnl riliirulloii. LoUlu tllle Courier Jniininl. Wh Art Triumpkt - "Nature li lh trurlil'i rrcntwl ri Int." tf wrlti-r. Itnl It mu1 In roiifinMd llml (hp U qiillr Incnpiililt- if rotij'lnt (hp pldtirp on wed pad. its. lliliiHirlnl (InniliHi). U. S. Copper Production Tlit cupper ouiput of tlilt countrt liui bntt rllinlilng f.ir mint Hint of). I now It Inn n-iirlMtl 11 point wlii-rt th t'nlled 8tiili-i tuiiiill-t niort limn hull of Hit world's copper cli-inaniU 12 pi 1 cent to yt exnet. Lunde'l, Proo The 50 h. p Mnrtrph trscfor whlfh ss ptirrhsBed recently hy the County, was delivered in lone last week It will be ntH for all the heavy work on 'he lone Boardman road. Dr. CUke. EYESIGHT SPE CIALIST, In lone. Saturday, Nov. nd. at the lone Hotel O'tturtlng Tkought Of cnurxe old Ail urn Wfianl very 1 1'lvulmui nor rtrj good iporl when lit mi lil "Hit womnn terupleil ine and I did cut," Suit rhere are tlim-a when tvt wonder If lie did not tell Hit truth -llllll.uro Newt llvrnld. En.rgy Knergy lun't vor)-l hlnc nnd do not of nrrpkslty cmirniilfc auirt'iw In life. I' can lie n illtTn-'Pd ai to b wsnteful, or no lnti'iiKi nil to tire. The hint "ink la tliiil wlilih I dune quint if and tliormi'tily. irlthout liuslle. iiu.iumioj . uopuii', m 'ou jo Iii.mh i.i.t uuiii JJi.iqv tut l.uadop IJirtl.U HJ, -,lHI pi; J"; utu XudJi Sjnijuuunir U Jl3 V HJ luo- Grange News Morrow County Pomona Morrow and Umatilla Court ea' Pomonaa met in joint session it tan field on Thursday, Oct 17. About '300 guerta were served during the noon hour to a sump tioua caeteria dinner, besides the down town lunch rooms being filled. In the afternocn a rp'endid program under the supervision This meeliag proved to beone'ofthe Morrow County Pomora Lecturer, was enjoyed. TMelni gon Clubhand added matfrially to tne program with its "reppy" music. Voc?l soloa and quartette rumbtri ccmpleted the musical ft aturehwl.ile several humorous readi 1 ailded zest.' In 1. 1 ; ; est. Bro. Palmiter menliyiiiu oome of th; achiev- or tne most n em ig and in etructive Pomona me,i8ithst t'ie writer has nttended. A large crowd assembled for i.usinens session in the mornir g. t which time reports of the subordinate giangesof both com ties wereresd, nearly all shoeing rrowth. Two aubordinates report information. W. J. Farrins 1 tne, Ori-gon. Ucl Lk.n "Im man ilul In n:l'l. Uly rnllnfli j wlf lilaavlf," aalil L'ticli KIm'II, "la mot Him goo I comiMitijr, Ih-i-uik lit aln ao wry bard to plcaat'." Wualilniilno Star. Epicaroaa Skark In llw cniwiluua Inicrlor of al foot innri entlng leopard thark, canulu at II In nil. Ha, a tntldermlat found a IHirmplne Hh. two Icatlierjark flah, alt ralihll fift. alt ililcke- Irci and a api Inkling of fi'iiilo-ra. two pl-oini bamM on tht leg numhera, all an chovlca. a cowflali, lliard tilth, a aabrt fl-h. a nad Hah and a variety ol unldentirtpd atierlnicn. The Perfect Jltcmory After all there is only one perfect memory, the Kodak's. Years afterward, it shows you a face or a scene with all the expression, the detail, the light and shadow, just as you saw them in the finder. ' Keep your Kodak handy, and always have it loaded with yellow-box Kodak Film ready for the every-day incidents that will be so comforting in pictures, in years to come. If you haven't a KoM,you tanptone hert for as little as $5. Brownies are but $2 up. Bullard's Pharmacy "Tl IEKODAKSTORE" 1 AMMUNITION YOU CA! 8IIOOT WITH CONFIDtSCt J- V You can't afford to experiment with ammunition on a duck hunt. lou vant shells that you hnnw are riiht because (lurks are a uiigbty hard test of a shell's ability to deliver results. You want a shell that vill de liver a killing pattern at a Ionp range. That is just exactly what Peters lligh Velocity Shells will do. Ciime in and get your supply of these shells. There are many other items here in which you will be interested. V J W M hJL, AMTvTTNTTTON BRISTOW & JOHNSON building new grange homes to ments in w' ich thh Grrnge has tart in the early winter monthB ! hid a vi a part, law making post Miny heloful suggestions weie al 8ervice etc- He l8 Pke ot offered ny Worthy State Master1 'uture "J,cf hf ... G ange is interested, including G -orge A- j Lliutenant Goer nor for Oregon, ByvoUof the tr'er, Mo ni deve'ament of naural resour. Ciunty District Pumona name ces, iiicome tax. farm relief bill was changed to Morrow County &d the efftct of the proposed Pomona. Continued on Pg. 4. t "They Satisfy" Our Made to Measure Suits & Coats ALL WORK GUARANTEED John SKuZeski, The Tail HEPPNER - ORE. or OUR AIM IIS TO GIVE YOU FULL UALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. LETUSPROVIT TO YOU. HEPPNER PLANING MILL and LUMBER YARD j Atwater I Rent ::l ! !: 'T"T Cheap Grub m am-tL m jsm sklti sl a a 'ei I .... l R. ROOISON 1928 n 1 TONTIAC COUPE with license, spare tire and heater. to in Carrots, IVsnlp and Squashes, f tender ard sweet at the Windsor ranch. 1 mile down the highway 1 below the elevator. Better drive down and get a burr s oi truck 5 and eat fried cai. tt; Uv.iULats $ nips and eat pumkin pie all win tcr ard m.tke the world look SCREENr ' GRID I RADIO j AND NOW- I An Atwater-Kent Occasional Table : Model,-the table with the golden voice. Model 55C, $189.50 Model 60C $206.50 3 brighter to you -all I tell you all i P they am mighty cheap grub. j ; Why buy only a radio when you may have a table too? Drive in when ) ou come and I , t BERT MASON to right partyi will talk pollyticks with you while 1 A fit you out. IONE - OREGON MACHINE SHOP i EASY TERMS?