The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 04, 1929, Image 1

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IONE, OREGON FRIDAY, . Oct 4," 1929.
Fotmer lone Resident Mr- k'i- erry. Mr. i
butter in getting the ground ready
Dies at L&tourelle Falls"1 f" Hiding.
- .... - - ) B. A. Shaver, father of Char
Lnt week, Mr. mid Mm. Curl ley Shaver, has left lone on the
'Feldman rec lived word of the return trip to his home in Fori
death at Mr. Jotteph Harve), ol ' S :ott, Kansas. Mr. Shaver spent
Latourella Falla. Mr. Harvey three mouth visiting here and
t other points In the North went,
Thfl temperature has betn be-
lorn fret-zing for the pant few
died at nil home, Wedneada,
September 25, at the age of 71
years. Fui.ei a! servicee were held
at (iresham, and Inuurment wast
made ai Coruett. lie leaves to
mourn hi lorn', hie wife and one
son, Karl liurvej. Mr. and Mrs.
Felduiao frjm him attended I he
funeial service.
Mr. liarvey who had been ui
woilt in Canada, returned to La
tourellu Fal s, !a'.c CUunlay night
SiptriiiUr, 21. His wife and
friomls t'iil lint know that he wa
cunm.ii and he was so ill that ri
tick him an hour and a half to
walk thi mill friru Hie elaue de
p it .o his home. As Mra. liarvey
was helping hi in to bed ho car
ricJon a short converaaiion with
her and tlieee were the last worua
he spoke. Hie son, Earl, was out
fighting lorest tires and could
not he lot.ateu until after his (all.
era death. Mr. andM'B. liarvey
are well known litre, having iiv
in lone and on a farm near by.
Mis Harvey and son have the
sympathy o( (tirir many Iriei.Oi
li ttieir oereaveiiieiil.
Personal Mention
Charley Shaver will leave in a
short timi to help hia brother, A.
T. Shaver, wilb his well Mliint
luurHtno. Mr. Shaver expeel to
be away all winter.
' The school boaid at Morgan
tie found it iiec-sraiy to hire a
second teachrr loritatchool. Un ,
Younitma)t 01 Nunli On.
liMd bent l.lied lor Hie Sift, C.h,
7th aid 8.h giadia iiti.i Mna
Muiigold, w l.o I u liad chaige ol
Hie school since the opei.iiig, tl.e'
first of September, win leach the;
fust, aeeond, third and fourth ;
Hazel Ledbetler has bought1
tie summer fal.ow ou lb. I aiiiels,
place which was advcrtied fori
Tin Gnorgta Hunker Aiaoclatlon la
oooiornllin with the Btatu Colletta of
Agriculture has ipmiiored a aorloi of
fnrmara' Imtltutei In tarluui parti of
(lit Btata of an nllroly new charao
li-r. Tht principle (nature la a lrn
and romprelianilr exhibit trana.
ported In four Urae truck! and it up
it with atop. When n't up It fllla a
para 40 by 60 dot and conilat of
pant-In, clmrti, and modeli on pracll.
rally irery phaie of agriculture, In
rlmllnf agronomy, horticulture, rrt
cultural enrliifcrlnr. poultry, animal
huabnndry, in I In and fi-riillser, horn
eromimlri and mnrkc-tlnt;. A lari;
rloctrlflod (arm model, ihowlna; the
mm of eluctrlilljr on Hie farm. lnoil-1
farm bulljlnri and the Ideal layout
ind hinriaritplnjc nt the farmateid, la
me of the moil elabonte and attrac
ts eihlblta.
Iinal hanken In each locality
rlaltcd aire the money to cor e
penae (or the transportation and to
i-vllitlon of the exhibit In their torrW
tnry and aaalated In the preliminary
idvrtUlna; and publicity. The Col
lcc of Acrlrtiltura laaambled the ei
hlblt and condurted the tour through
ill various eiteailon ipoclallati.
Fie-Eyd laiecti
, All Iiimmii, wlili few rtceptlima
tin v five eji-n. I xii of t lii-xe urr I In
riiiiiiniiiid ee. hlch are altuulrii
one on cucti elite of tin head. Tin-tlin-e
n-mnliilna rjri-a are of Hie or.l1
nary kind mid are (mind on ton 01
i I he lii-nil. Then are oiimlly cliixt.Te.l
i i-lnwly licotber In Hi (nrm of a rrl
I miiile. I'lio eoniiouiid eyea are fm
. lux mul vUlun; tho thn-c ilinple yr
' ln-liiii more Unlit aiiisltlve, ere hIiIi
to OiitlniilKli lii mccii Hv'lit and iliirk
nin. line n ery linportnnt, cm
i lull) for I In- nlghl fl) lng Inw-t ta.
Saei Wear and Tear
A etiilr tri-nd iimh-r the n-o
nil of the piano la a tlfetiivi-r to I hi
ma or fli r hne wii'tnl rhllilrvi
In the Imn" i '"ii .r
Th many friends here will be
pleaHed to lem n that W. E. Aha t
it fO much improved that 1)6 but
been removed from the Heppner
hoapital to the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs, Fred Buchanan on Wil
low Greek,
Roy Stender, who has been
farming the L. I. Davidson ranch
nan rented what Is known as the
old Nate Cecil Place below Cecl',
Hazel and (Catherine Feldman
hav gone to take up their wortt
ot college. Miaa ILzel goes to Or
egijii Stale, where she is taking
a course in pharmacy and Mies
Kitheryn goei to tht University
of Origin, where she is a student
in interior decoration.
Iluiih Holthonseof Sunnyvalt,
Cn'ifoanla, was a gueat a fev
lays ago in the Carl Feldmsn
home. He was on his woy to visit
an uncle who lives at Ozett
Lake, Wash , and wai traelm;r
hv auto,
On Wednesday of last Week h
rec ption was given l lie teacheic
ofourschool. A ehorc tri'grau,
wai given and refreshments were
served. The County school sup
erintendent, Mrs. Lucy Rodger
wa in attendance.
The removal of your child'
adenoids should lie a b'otdle
and painl vh operation dorie bv a
plijaician who know how.
-Dr. J. l'erry Conde
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray vieite
in the Harry Dinges home in
t! . J t n . tt . t . w xt txtn tti 4 C : W4
Lexiunton, Sunday. Mr. Ray's
slater, Mra. Nellie Dingesof Port
land, wan alao a guest then-.
During the day, Mr. and Mra.
Harry Dinires, Mr. and Mra. Ray
and Mra. Nelly Dingesdroveovr
the old emieran't trail from Wella
Spring to Cecil. Mrs. Nellie Din
gpg eapeciallv enjoyed the trip
becBiisp, over the old trail, her
fathea had hauled freight by ox
team. Before returning home the
rjarty visited at the Lawrence
Cochran home at Cecil.
Miss Luci'e Rriatow had 8
week-end guests Brme, and Nel
lin Miller and Melvin Simonp,
all of WallP Walla.
Mr. and Mr?. Ed Engelman
were business visitors in The
Dalles, Saturday.
Roland Wade, of Walla Walla,
is a guet in the home of his sis
It, Mra. K. J. Bristow,
Mr. Bnd Mr. Ted Troge have
been "pending a week in the val
ley, attending the State Fair and
visiting relatives.
The following pport?men have
taken advantage of the privilege
to go deer hunting: Bert Mason,
M. E. Cotte', Elmer Griffith
Henry Smouse, Fred Mankin.
Blain Blackwell, Oliver Haeue
wood, Walter Corley and Jack
Whitosidea. Griffith. Blackwell
Huewood returned without
dier, but Ma'onand Cotter drove
in Monday wit ha four point buck
which was killed by Whileaides
A party of friends gathered
Continued onPg. 4 .
Morgan News
Mna. J. F.Harlioty
Mr. Balsiger of lone was call
ing on Mr. II E. Harbison last
MrrandMrs. Franklin Ely and
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynds of
Cecil left for the tall timber on a
doer hunt last Friday.
Misa Madgold and Miss Alice
Nash were calling on the Misses
Pettyjohn, Friday.
M. Wid Palmateer was business
visitor in Morgan, Friday.
Homtr Nash and Jim Logan
left Saturday for the mountains
to get a deer.
Mr. and Mra. Martin Bauern
feind drove to Heppfter to the
Rodeo Saturday evening.
Mrs. Cool called in Morgan,
Sunday, cn the way to Mrs. Med
Continued on pogt 4.
Weather, Report
Total precipitation
" - "since Sept. 1 ..
" " for the corres
ponding period last year0.61
No. of clear days 20.
No. of cloudy day i 6
No. partly cloudy . 4.
Pevailing wind NE.
It. K. Hnrblaon
Cooptratiie Obierttr V. S. W. B.
Morgan, Oregon. Oct. 1. 19207
3 1 1; bison-Mays
Robert Harbison, aon of Mr.
and Mrr. !'. K. Harbison, of Mor
gan, ana Miss Estelle Majs,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' John
Baker, of Hood River, were mar
ried, Sunday, September 15, at
Hood River. The young people
went at once to Eugene "where
Mr. Harbison will continue bis
course in architecture and Mr?.
Continued on Pg.4.
V, flJoWHTTRMJtilTr. I I kR - .ri i.Wwii j 4
'KeepYmi Druggist's
Doors Open-
FOUR'FIFTHS of all the drug store in the country
would dooe their doors if they were restricted to
filling prescriptions and selling sickroom supplies. There
would be only one drug-store to about 1 1,000 people,
and many communities would be without one.
It is still true that the principal duty of a pharmi'
cist is to fill prescriptions with ingredients which he
knows to be of the best quality, and to be prepared to
supply the varied medicinal agents called for by physi'
dans. The technical knowledge required to do this
he has acquired both in college and in long years of
When a physician's services arc needed they are
often needed promptly. So with the prescriptions he
orders. The nearer the drug-store the better. Tor this
reason you should give generous support to your neigh'
borhood druggist. Remember that he must sell many
other articles than medicines in order to keep his store
open and his prescription department wellcquippeJ
to serve you when sickness comes. .
There ia plenty of action brn a pltenaant fluiheit And
he'i much harder to bag than he looki to be became he
ia to liuble to flu.U at long range.
You need a aliell that will reach out and get him. That's
why you ahould ue IVtcri U Velocity an amaiingly
long range, liurd hitting alirll loaded and tettcd ly
meUioda exclusively controlled by Petera.
You can ihoot High Velocity with perfect confidence
that it will do it part to bag your phcaiaut if you do
There are many other article in our (tore which will
contribute to the tucccaa and pleasure of your hunt we
are here to serve you.
"They Satisfy"
Our Made to Measure
Suits & Coats
John SKuZeskl, The Tailor
Everything You Need for Building
At Prices that Will Make You Glad
Promt Deliveries
Quality (& Service Al '
1 v?a;.T"'T-'T'4't''
For Preicrlptlont Phyalclnni pre
Ktlbe and Drugalati diipenw the pura
proJuiTU of Merck' luburacorlca. ,
For Your Medicine Cabinet Select
Mcrclt'i pure produCti at your Doctor
and Druguiat do.
Bullard's Pharmacy
U turtle stock of
Over a thousand! q
O frings in stock atn
Photographi Wira
In 1024 I ha Amt'rlriin Tclephnne nnd
Teleuniph rompiinj enve tltf Oral puh
Mr ili'tumixtrnllnn f annillnu photo. ;
arnplia hj wire between Cleveland and
New York.
Vegetables Galrrc '
You can get iW anjt Ingyou
peed In the vegetable line and get
it tresh from the earth or the vines
! at my i-lace, I mile down the high
way below the elevator. And I v,iU
not be undersold or half souled,
f but will be whole souled. Drive in
under the shade trees. ,
Now ready for school
girls a display of Hum
ming Bird Hosiery, famed
for style and acrvice!
Colors selected ty a Paris
tyle observer delicate
tints, most popular shades.
Extra l-ng-'i. Invisible
run-stop 1 :. Hidden re
infurcemei.i at toe and
heel. Trim tailored heels.
Finest Japanese silk, close
knit to fit snug. Sheer,
smooth. Sun proof, suds
nroof colors. The new
lustre lasts.
Jull Jashwmd
For every sport and dress
occasion, at a low price
for fine hosiery. Come
today and fill your every
hosiery need from now
until June,
Standard School
Supplies in Stock
Tilt i
including j
and t
Highschool Texts
All Books are
1 mzstT!smit7K7