Qmt HE V LBS! TUMI HERE'S more value than you can buy in any other make of radio $ctt Only Majestic'! precision-workmanship and giant production makes possible such amazing quality at such an unheard-of price. No other instrument In any rrice field com mands the services of such eminent engineers. Noothcr guarantees your . satisfaction with 1000 exacting inspections of every Majestic produced. No wonder Majestic adorns a million homes with 5000 new owners added every day! They know what they're sav ing in real money. They know what they're get ling in superlative, rc liable performance all year round. You can't buy a better radio than Majestic at any fried See theMaJesticdcalcr today. dUOSBT.CItUNOW COMPANY CIUCAOO.U.S. A. Mighty Monarch of the Air Model 91 rirrJisrs, tuh pliM four tund of rad frequency. Absolutely mo bum or aaril lalioa at any av Wng tk. Automats anwtlvily control iv uniform rant and pnwarall ovr thadtaU Imarowd MajaatM SuparDyMmw SfMsahar. Ilmvy. tturUy Majaatta powar unit Villi pmitiv Vftltaaa hallaat InaurfC lon Ufa and tafrty. Early Kngltah tfa ten cartttiat of Anrntran Walnut. In irumant panti ovarlaid with grnuin snpartad AiMtraliati Lata wood, fta nirbaoa plata '"It irvO Mlrar. V3h TUNE IN M.ImiU Thutt. of th. Air Cotunlxi .n4 Amarkaa Hmadratwi Iiiimh .very ttumi.v aifht, V to 10 bm Dayllfhl Savlni Tim. Haa Ham of Uw ! ami Hcma. RADIO Tolerance U something you tlilnk of after you have expressed your preju dice oH&ie&Uc pniA I OUR COMIC SECTION Under the Air Lanes ,! J r&rOv ORANGE LOREP 6tt,W Vr. imp W low l J TO ttAO THIS S p THE FEATHERHEADS What Can Felix Say? 'HaKTT s.-obs-aikmwo VMi.aCnuon ISffl J J f1. FINNEY OF THE FORCE The Defeated Candidate I S . V V 1 4 A I lt? feaL I xkixU . fV f WS,2 fWt1 VI ' aWs ysia nn i a DsS' V WSJ" IBS r3 rt I vtv picks o w p- fi i Mm ii r nnT Tim't rTI I l 'J I tv 1 TPS BUhop All Right, but . I Oh, You Cannibal King! Th latt Avery Uopwood, tht brll llnnt plnrwrlKlit, believed In tht younger nenemtlon. lie (aid one day at a luncheon In till New York apart ment: Tlia yoonger feneration la Inno cent It talka rough, hut It Is Inno cent at heart It reminds me of the two little girt. The flrat little girl was on her war to school when the met the old blahop. " Haven't too got klat for me. my child 7 he said. "Bo she punned op her little month and stood on tiptoe and the old bish op kissed her. "When she got to school she bragged to her schoolmates: " 1 Just kissed a blahop.' "'Oh, pshaw, that ain't nothln',' said a second little girl. Why, at the masquerade ball at the Ocean hotel I kissed a black cannibal king.'" Seamen's Phrase That Might Puxxle Landsmen "Tea. I like the Bowdoln. She sleeps eleven," said Commander Mac lllllan to a reporter who greeted him when the ship docked. "She sleeps eleven r the reporter questioned. "Yes," the commander answered "'She sleeps Is a term used by sail or men and obviously means the limit of the ship's accommodations. I was walking through a cemetery In Provincetown, Mass, not very long ago when t saw two old sea captains admiring the tombstone of a prom inent ez-resldent "That's quite a tombstone,' I re marked to one of them. - "'It Is.' be snswered, 'a wonderful tombstone. She sleeps six." The price of liberty Is eternal vig ilance, bat the cost of repairs la extra. WhenRod Sours Lots of folks who think they have "Indigestion" have only an acid condi tion which could be corrected In Ave or ten minutes. An effective antl-acld like Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. r-bllllps does tway with all that sourness and gas right after meats. It prevents the dlstren so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleas ant preparation to take! And bow good It Is for the system! Unlike burning dose of soda which ts bat temporary relief at bert Phillips Milk of Mnsnesls neutralize many times Its volume In add. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet bas brought on the least dis comfort try PHILLIPS Milk . of Magnesia Dispute Ovar Haad Orgaa The centenary of the hand organ occurs this venr, but there Is some illnpuie in Italy ss to whether notice should be inken of the event In Florence the munlcnl newspaier, Le Stnttlle, hus mine out strongly In fa vor of a fit Una celebration, but In Rome I -a Trlbnna Is agnlnst It. The former believes that the hunly gurdy repreoents the lowly, end popularizes the Italian opera, ta Tribune wishes to banish forever the "orpinetto" and the outstretched palm of the attendnnt monkey. Many find Runs Pall Blue good tonic i for chickens. Large package at Gro cers. Adv. Rich From "Hot Dogs" The making and selling of "hot dogs" Is fust becoming one of Amer ica's big Industries. This year. It Is estimated, 0,0(XU)00 pounds of these toothsome snusnges will be fed to the American public In sandwiches. One stand at Coney Island last year aver aged 115,000 every week-end through the season. Then the proprietor, known as "Hot Dog Joe," took bis fnmlly to Italy, where they lived In affluence through the winter. Keep school shoes looking new y4 ' ?: jJti IT'S folly to suffer Ionic from neu ritii, neuralgia, or headaches when relief is swift and sure, with Bayer Aspirin. For a8 jreari the medical profession has recommended it It does not affect the heart Take it for colds, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago. Gargle it for a sore throat or tonsilitis. Proven directions for its many uses, in every package. All drug stores have genuine Bayer Aspirin which is readily identified by the name on the box and the. Bayer cross on every tablet ASPIRIN AS FIRST AID Use Harford's Balsam of Myrrh Ml SaiLn an rtlMrina' to NtoS nm lat UM Nrat SMI II aat MIlM 1 i ". 1 I I B Ah 8 a WELL OR MONEY BACK r Pa aWartwataa1 mr f i inurrtM AsitkA-Ntews EwcfllvtlN las Um Dr. J. IX aoa-Mrakal MM f bl Kat Um4 k M orlad.thrl RfmwkaMa Mccau aU wU UMrRrctil aad Caloa utoantl. S.ad TODAY lar FKEK 100. IW knot 0ns aVtaUt aai bandrcdl o 1 Ut nana M. RETALE( COLOI r X.X I. t Asking advice Is subtle flattery. UriAMPIO.VS exciu- ire aillimaiiite insulator ia -practically impcrrioua to carbon and oily dcpoalta. Special analysts electrodes tc ' aist pitting and burning to the utmost. That ia whj, Champion excel in service. SPAIIK PLUGS TOLEDO, OIIIO W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 37-192 1 Give . Better Service jklT. r T Witch kuA diappor st the touch of the daubar. Clan, Knooth color cocne back to tided iboev Mere thin fomarvclouiihuies locentk Colon for buck, brown, ton and whits shoes a neutral poliih for ochert, BARTON'S . DVAfiSyjNtt SliOB POLISH FOR. OUICIC. HARMLESS COMFORT ChiMrniQyforlt IBiajMllWWWWWWIVlJUIfrtUS