iPMt? VOLUME XVIII IONE, OUIXON, FRIDAY, Sept. 27, 1929. NUMBER 17 A BIP THROUGH THE OREGON WONDERLAND lone Parly Sees Crater Lake, Oregon Caves, Big Trees and Old Ocean Friday, (hi- 13h, brought no ha I ItK'k lo (he I'u.j 1 lJjlnltfe:r parly that Marled very curly lliiit morning on a nwt delight fill ti I) tri i through tt ntrul Oregon, the raaHt rtui'in and the Willam ette valley. The parly consisted of Mr. and M r. Puul H n I k I n f r, their ion. Alfred, and cuunin, I t v I r I Kietmuim. Their fir.t Mop wm at Moio wl ore they ro i'e;: Wendell Hal sitferout of hi eirly morning 'bI"i ) In MiMd'.v his field if IHHSCP. I'll' i;i i.t t m cu'l on the Wills family at (Ira Val ey tiut, when they reached thete they foun! Mr. and Mr. Wilt Mill in the "land of N-d" and no drove on leaving them to pleaKanl dreatnr, Grammar The ciillilnii nl mi Knl il f n flit I ere tpillieieil iirnmiil tlie illnliii; rmiti' liilillt titling Hull "nl;lil work" llie Jrullluinl nf the liliiiot group wilt hnjr Hlih lilt giiiiiiniiil If mum iilnml Hiii ih k'll-. Mill ll Jenr nlil Jima lieurd dim Inlklns iiimI ile u "I Imfl live i t-iii im-k. Iihi, Tommy liul I Mil i lit-it, in the rutin -Hun Im.x"-Iii illnr. hll Hi m Personal Mention' Utle. knowing thai they hp'l tni"8, i'd ii ahort vlait wuli fi.riner lore friends. They cios-ed th- lilghj Mr Rn,, ninm Wi;rMt) (lf bridge, over Crooked Uiver 'iSilcfttt. WaMi., who viait-d here .topped, an does every h t r'.eMv IbU wi ek, returned this: toto-c lebb'.es into Ihe water. !we(,k frm iMf tlip ,0 U)e lhv. fur, far below. At eleven o't-lo- k aoil heJlc(lH(, ((lll 8r(. ,, UiiM thnp-rty wa at Uen.f. A vbHof :ifK Wer4H ni0,hrt Ml8 ,n was paid to the wonderful lun,j,y M(.f,furrfty rj tlul- way to cave, but lio one cured to x I the eoa,t they mopped in Putl- MorganNews Mrs. J. F.IIahdwty whnhavo beer. viitii:g relative?., her1, departed Sundnv morning fnf their home In 'oi;lh B-nrt, ; Wrfching'.on. They were accm j ... ... " V,"T'." " I Mus Aice Nanh is recovering p-mieil es farm Port,and bv M'Mf,,,m a vere attack of tonsilitis. H-.Per (larsm, who has t.mi Mri,. Hdrr Cool gave a tarty -pending a few .lavs with ''"' t her place, Saturday, foe some imrrntfi, Mr. and Mre, FmtV L, the GranKerg, Everyone erj v Enn'n;an. 'e I themselves. " ' " Rev. Paul DeF. Morlimcre r.fi ijowar l Hardest called on plore far into them, Ihe way It d ;,, fr on overnight vhit with OifldMonc, will preachmjr "Prv,, Mr, and Mrs. Medlock, lastThun untoward the Houth, much of ill m r. aid Mm. Jihti Lundy and ce in th" Chrmtian church in'y. thVouKh a dtiulate timhered ciinim ifjey relurne.', ll.ey upeiit-'ore lone on October tt"h ir.Htead ofj jarvey Medlock and Alvin Mil try. di,y at tlie etatt fair at. S-tetn. October W h us anroiinred in. j,,,. are away p;cking apples tt During the first day out, thej Oi S-itnrdav a d-i mnrf pViedi'8 lndeedndei t. Mr.'y.lkjma Halaineia had a hearty luunh tt!whi.rehy Ui)rgl.r Vri h b(,'ca,IlM Moriirnorc is a former lone pus i Ntei Nash MibH MariRold and tliuexpeiBo of Mr. uictmann. u owtlure 0f .(, 2l00nciiaof whe;ti,('r .oward Hardenty drove to Pen It geemathat Mr. Kinmann naa j sn(l, t i rt ve north of lone.owi.ei double and at one of the cam-j.jy jcilin Mclean, of PurlUid. thU double -abh an unwelcome and he,,n farrri(.fj u, liueht. ! p ist two years by Miclul'ook They vinited Klemath Uenervii'l) otberg. Omimufd i'H pay 4. j Mr, ai dMrp. K'iy Blake en ! cl ,j rcn 1.fti Saturdi'j', (or Li Flntftr surccry will bcal your,flM,ld,,f wht.re Mr, jjHieiOi' toim.N Intend of rcmov.n t hem , , N , g , consult a physician who btbevtt y i ...,.,u nil tin. n:ilnr:il uri'.mv i J1 III lunail ."" " r J. Perry Conder. (iliuilmi iiivn ill v e!,M lii inntielli wavi'a ol lili'li liitiiii'iii Willi wme leliKlln e Ii""' mi:-'"' unll iluun to iiiii"klin ion 'I'M miciinim unit). (iiimiMH rum life iii-m n'lie Inillnil limn N rin. li.iuiiiei rnyi Nine Ihhii ni'l fin neiihi'! mti ilia mM nil iiiiii i'I. l'i :i'i nil em. run Cnl t nl wnriit fir IT fi''rt- .1 r i v 1 1 M rs. VA Moore ret imed hem Ma t week after a pleanant vmi ! wi Ii her bom in-law and daugl t Mr. and Mm. W.vx Ilicotk i j Pot Hand. j The fall geedinir of whtn. t.,; j w 11 under way in this virlnih b;n and Icii.ity were we! it presented attheU -und Updt; lat week. i i Charlcv A'lenzer viil heii 1 otk on a larj,e bam wl ith O't" I in lulrdm in hnvieir built i.n hi t ;' ranch. Mr. and MrB. Georue Ntwtor. 4. ' I ! VMien V.ii:rr tunn'.Kfl ra ,i; ...,, iCpiit nfternnon to at. Roy Call weie in Port'ano recer;t( tr(1(j e UounJ-Up. They rtturn ly. thev v'r ited Gui Lb hi, who.j Saturday afternoon. r a patient in an open air Fa, C B. ulah Pettyjohn waa clerking arium in tl.a' ci'y. They fourdilt ,na Bauernfeind store during Mr. Lii bl much improv d. ith,.e absence of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. C"il Aha'tof Toppenii-h. B-iuernfeind whi'ethey went to Wh., wes here 'Ihurady of tleppr.er, Saturday afternccn. Imt weik Rnd awi'ted in the Mm. Aivin Kly was attending n lifiot;?, tivic( a which his Aifejto biihinias in Morgan Sa'urday. v as conducting in I'entecofcta COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Meeting Held at Arlington Saturday Arranges the Football Schedule The County Highschoo! As o ciation met at Arlii gton, Satur day morning, September 14th, and decided on the football sched ula for lb ; season and discussed soveraMnnortant question! relat ing to iil'-t!.. Ono i f iums that is usually brought up at any highschool contest ) bt of securing suita ble meii referee and a head linesman and it was agreed at meeting to pick from the list ap proved by the aseociation. a neu tral refcrte and head linesman for each conf ert dcc game, so that there could be no hard feelings as the result of any of the con Continued on Pg.4. h ill. From here he went to Cuke to h.fiH mi t-tintj. Mis. Aha!' cloned her services, Wednesde; evenir g of thin week. Mr. ai.d Mre. Harold Ahalt t lent a couple of day last wei k vifiitii g Mr. Al all'n rioter, Mr. Haverco.-it it Uhea Sidirir. V...i r r-n nrtS nrnritirlu cnfltnniii lu mi; ii". fiw.-.,7 4V.-, r- - fir either l-iisim sa or study uai J you have a K' mirelon type writer On sale at Uu lard's bar micy. . I VA Busche and son rra-'o i bu'ineKstriptoPo-tlano last w eek. "They Satisfy" Our Made to Measure Suits & Coats ALL WORK GUARANTEED tanla. Start that trecious Kodak Record AFTCP. YCrRyoun, tcrs have ftrown tip you'll t vslua every rerr.InJcr of their childhood. Think whnt tot!:1)-' snapshots will mean to yen then. Don't vrelt until too late. Start that pre cious Kodak reccr J now. Modern KoJ-'-L-. have lenses so fast that you don't need to depend on. hrliht suiilif.ht. You can tako ftood pictures Indoors, outdoors, on cloudy day.i i r brilliant ones. Come In today and sec our Ihic. Bullard's Pharmacy "THG KODAK STOIiC" " " micy. . II I 4 rwrii h .i . i I II i i 'c'-wtnnff"n.T..T.TiT. till 1 I . .,1 - - - - 7. i Jl x 1 1 uuj -xf Vr x II- ' tJ (AMMUNITION YOU. CAN SUOOT-WlTtl CAMLMSLK jj Still vvcr; ' m-ZF t : I T I J II m iv tf j 't J ,11 r'- 114. I I .... Viv r- ii ; i m i .- T John SKuzeski, The Tailor I HEPPNER - ORE. ? BEFORE YOU BUY Building Materials Get Our Prices. f rlflive?r nnvwKprp nnvttmpt J ii eppner Planing Mill and: lAimner i ara f t Seventeenth Annual i I Now rrsjy fT schwl giiU a dii.-Iay of fJum ming B.i J Hosiery, famed for style and service! UMATILLA PROJECT FAIR I1ERMISTON Divisions for Dairy Poultry Swine Sheep Rabbits Honey Home Economics Agricultural and Commercial Displays. OCTOBER 4 and 5 lou dou t ordinarily ge t n:; too many chances at deer in the ci'tnvo ft a eo;uon. This means that whatever chances you do get unsst count. You need a Kii cr-jiccwrMo. cartridge with , the ability to deliver the "knock out" blow at bug range. That's Peters! Come in our 6tore and wo v ill show you lLo Lest amuiuuiliou on earth io: your deer hunt, BRISTOW Si JOiiiNoGN ' 1 'li,.' VVW4i4i Sr1"' . 'V '4t (Premium List on request ) i' . R. ROF3ISON i ... i:; iVVE CARRY a! I tt ul large stock of ' PISTON f! O I ti I KINGS t lOvcr a thousand 0 irins in stock atl ALL TIMES j Pilolozraphi by Wire til l!l'J4 lle Anierlriiii 'I I'li-jilmno nnd i Tetecrtipli einiiiiiiij pup Hie tlrsl imh I lie iliMiioiKtmllnii nf ki'iiiIIiiii ilii'ln urniilm hj wire IioIwoimi I'leveliiiul unit New Ymk. Colors selected hy a Taris style observer delicate tints, most popular sludcs. Extra ' :y: InvisiUc run-stop 1 .M. ILJJen rc infurcemei.j at toe and heel. Trim tailored heels. 1 Finest Japanese silk, close knit to fit snug. Sliecr, smooth. Sun pnxif, uJs proof colors. The new lustre lasts. IT. II ' I t. . - f, vegeiaive? v,;;iorc ' You csngct im,..Lan. t ing you need in the vegetable line sm gd' It fresh from the earth or the vines ,v ai my u,iv.t, j miie uown tne iitn ! w,iy below Ihe elevator. And I v.ill not be undersold or half sculed, t but wdi be whole sotitcd. Drive in under the shade trees. ury For every sport and dress occasion, at a Iou price for fine hosiery. Come today and (ill your every hosiery need from now untd June A FULL LINE of Standard School Supplies in Stock Including Grammar and Highschool Texts All Boolis are BERT MASON IONE - OREGON MACHINE SHOP fW5at5C24C V V . VV UlUhUI .